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► Renovating The New Summer Garden
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00:00Good morning, good morning. How are we? Happy Monday. Hope you're having a good one. I feel
00:15like the start of this vlog couldn't be more of the opposite of the last vlog which started
00:20in the pitch black, stood here in the kitchen. The sky is currently the most blue and sunny
00:24sky I think we've had in months and it just makes you feel good. Like literally I've just
00:30woken up and I feel different. I feel so good. You might also notice if you listen carefully,
00:38just silence. My parents popped over this morning and picked up Ottie and they've got
00:42her today and tonight actually and a little bit of tomorrow. So it's just particularly
00:46chill. I'm even going to make myself a nice little pour over coffee in a second rather
00:51than just like the typical morning breakfast rush that we have. I know that he is here
00:55but she's currently upstairs having a nap. I'm just going to make him a little coffee
00:58and then I'm going to head out into the garden.
01:211, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The other two are in the dining room. It's currently one
01:41degree outside but after carrying all of that I'm feeling like it's about 30 degrees. Honestly
01:47couldn't be hotter right now if I tried. I mean it doesn't help that I'm literally wearing this.
01:51Anyways you're probably wondering what am I even doing? Why am I sat outside in a load of boxes
01:56that I've just carried out into the garden? What is going on here? Where am I? So this very spot
02:02here used to be my mini ramp. The skate ramp that I had built in the garden that I'm sure you would
02:08have seen in so many videos of me and my mate skating it. In fact I spoke in a vlog about how
02:12I didn't really use it anymore. I just got a bit too scared. I think since becoming a dad I just
02:17value feeling good and not hurting myself and not being injured more than I ever have in my life
02:23before. Like when I was a teenager I didn't care about anything. I'd just try anything and do
02:27anything and I'd literally skate ramps all day every day with my mates and just be reckless.
02:31And that is not the life that I live anymore. So I found a local charity that teaches young
02:35children how to skate. It is like the most amazing place. It literally couldn't have
02:39gone to a better home. I'm so pleased. But what that did mean is that I was left with this massive
02:43muddy weed patch that like literally grew. Like the weeds, I'm not even joking. Some of them were
02:50like waist height. And over the last year or so I've been umming and ahhing as to what to do with
02:54the space and whether to like re-turf it and get all new grass. At one point I was even like do I
02:58get a paddle court here? That would be so sick. And then I looked at the size of the floor plan
03:03that you need for a paddle court and the price to build it and I was like yeah maybe not. Maybe I'll
03:06just go to the local paddle place instead. Probably be a little bit cheaper and easier.
03:10So anyways I've just not known what to do with this area of the garden and it's just been getting
03:14worse and worse and worse with weeds and just like not the best looking place and I've just left it.
03:19That is up until about three or so weeks ago and I was chatting to a friend about my vegetable patch
03:23that is literally here and the flower patch that I have next to it that you would have seen
03:27throughout the vlogs. Creating them was quite like a spur of the moment thing that I didn't really
03:32know if like I was going to be good at growing vegetables. I didn't know if many were going to
03:35grow if I knew how to do it and I had the skill set to actually do it. The same with the flowers.
03:40We've planted so many bulbs in there like hundreds of bulbs of cutting flowers that
03:44hopefully we would be able to cut and like have in the kitchen and give to family and friends.
03:47Anyways long story short they just turned into like the most beautiful beds. Like the vegetables
03:52were just like popping off and we could just literally come into the garden with Ottie,
03:55pick carrots from the garden, pick red onions, pick basil, pick lettuce. There was so much going
04:00on in there and then also come outside and be able to cut fresh flowers which was just lovely.
04:04We ended up loving it and like using the space far more than what I even thought we would.
04:08So long story short all of this space here behind me I was like let's take the two beds here and
04:15just ramp it up to the absolute next level. So that is what I'm going to do over the next
04:21I want to say couple of weeks. I've already spent like a week or so. I'll put in some clips now
04:24of what this originally looked like and every I don't know couple of nights over the last few
04:29weeks I've come outside and I've just been hacking away at all of these weeds.
04:42There we go. Throw them in the pile.
04:46Oh, did you hit that one? Strong enough? You got it? Good job.
04:57You've got your own special garden gloves. Where are your fingers?
05:12That is?
05:18Come on then. You, show your garden gloves. You want me to show mine?
05:23Oh, yours are nicer than mine.
05:33And try and get it to a place where I can put down this membrane here that I've bought
05:37onto the floor and then be able to have the veg beds and everything on top of it.
05:40That is the goal. That is the dream to make this space not only a beautiful like veg patch for the
05:45family to be able to come out and pick vegetables and stuff but just to be able to have a really
05:49lovely space to be able to enjoy with the girls this summer that we can come out,
05:53sit at a little table, have a little morning coffee, pick some flowers, pick some vegetables.
05:57In my head this is like really idyllic and like lovely and relaxing and the sun is out.
06:01I've designed it all up on this like, I actually don't know what it was, it was just like a free
06:06kind of thing that I found on Google. It's opening like design, garden design,
06:09planning website kind of thing and I've just like mocked up a real simple look.
06:13So I'll put it on the screen now of what hopefully it's going to look like.
06:16So that is the goal. That's what I'm going to make happen.
06:18I'm excited to be able to like document and film some little bits and put it into the blog so you
06:21can gradually see this space behind me turn into a lovely space to be able to enjoy with the family.
06:28Just before I start sorting out the ground a little bit more and I start putting the membrane down,
06:33I want to show you two things that are inside. Don't mind me and my new welly tool
06:38to be able to take off my boots. Zoe's mum and her husband bought me these for Christmas.
06:44A second ago I said that there was a couple more boxes inside
06:48and that is because I've been testing out building just one of the veg beds before I
06:53purchased all of them just to see what the finish is like, to see what the colour is like,
06:57to see what the depth of it is like. I've also bought a couple of extra little bits
07:00just to hopefully improve it even further. This is technically a window sealant that is for cars
07:06because I thought the rim of the veg bed like this was just a little bit thin and I was like
07:11the girls are going to be leaning on it and I don't want that to be like uncomfortable on her.
07:15So I was thinking of different ways to be able to like basically smoothen out the rim of the beds
07:20and thought up the idea of putting like a window sealant for your car along the edge and I think
07:26it looks really good. Like I'm actually so happy with the finish of it. Obviously it's going to
07:30look a little bit strange because I'm like ah there's my conservatory. One minute just in the
07:34dining room. Oh here's a vegetable bed. Trust me this is going to look better once it's outside.
07:38Oh actually I even did a sketch, a drawing. I completely forgot I did this. Over here this
07:44is when I first initially had the idea. These are different lengths of different beds that I thought
07:49I could get and I basically measured them all out to scale and I was like placing them around to be
07:54like okay how many beds do I want? Whereabouts do I want them? Whereabouts do I want like people to
07:58walk in? Do you walk in from here? Do you walk in from here? Do we get some like round beds as well?
08:02So I even mocked up this little bit to scale. Basically I genuinely want this to look
08:08actually sick. Like I really really want this to be like a really nice space for not only
08:12growing vegetables but like I said for just the family to actually enjoy. It's time to make myself
08:16a drink and specifically make myself an AG1 who are actually the sponsor of today's video. You
08:23can tell I love them. I don't even have one jar. I literally have two jars sat on the side. I'm sure
08:28that over the last, I don't even know. Let me see how long I've actually been taking AG1. Let me see
08:33when my first order was. I've been taking this since before working with them and I've been
08:37working with them for a bunch of time on videos. Here we go. Thank you for your order. I don't know
08:41if the camera's going to focus. The 31st of December 2021. First time I'm able to place an order. I'm
08:47sure you would have also seen me drinking it up these little bottles here. AG1 is a convenient
08:52blend of over 70 vitamins, minerals and other ingredients including gut-friendly bacteria,
08:58antioxidants, high quality mushrooms and more and it is honestly the easiest thing to make.
09:03Literally fill this up with like 250, 300 ml of cold water and then you literally get one scoop
09:09into your bottle. Pop this back in your cupboard and then just give it a little shake-a-rooney.
09:15Honestly, it couldn't be easier. I feel like I drink this more often just out and about
09:20than I do actually at home whilst driving a car or on the way to taking the girls out somewhere.
09:25It just couldn't be easier. I have tried my fair share of different drinks over the years. This
09:33does not taste like pond water. I genuinely think, and I'm not even joking, it's one of those things
09:39where I wish you could try it through the camera. It genuinely tastes good. Just that one scoop has
09:44enough nutrients in it to support your mental performance, energy, heart health and immune
09:49system. Just one last thing, they've gone through 53 different versions of this product to get it
09:55to where it is today. They are constantly about improvement, constantly about switching things up
10:00and making it the best it can possibly be. Now for the good bit. I'm going to put my link here on
10:04the screen and you can subscribe now and get a free bottle of vitamin D as well as five free
10:08AG1 travel packs with your first subscription. I'll put a link here on the screen. Go and enjoy.
10:13Go check it out. It's time to get the old wellies back on.
11:00You're fringe. You look like a Whoville. That is what I needed. A Who. A Who from Whoville.
11:11You're wearing white jeans in the garden. Gorgeous. Are you okay? I just need my massive new pen knife
11:20that I bought recently. Why are you wearing white jeans to garden? Just why not? Okay.
11:26Have fun. Let me balance you down there for a second. It's time to put the membrane down.
11:37Obviously I have not done this before. I have as much vegetable patch experience as the one
11:43vegetable patch that I did a couple of years ago that went really well and also the cutting flowers
11:48but that is it. I feel like this is a whole other level. This is the kind of thing where I'm going
11:53to read the comments and I'm going to have so many people that have got a bunch of experience
11:56being like you've done this wrong. You've done that wrong. You should have done this. You should
11:59have done this instead. You shouldn't have bought that. Look, you're just going to have to bear with
12:02me. I'm learning as I go. I'm trying my best. I've done a lot of research in the evenings but I feel
12:08like this is the kind of thing where obviously a lot of research doesn't even touch the edges.
12:11You just need to get hands on. You need to learn and after doing this for one year, then two years
12:15and three years, I'll gradually learn more and more and more. My mum grows a bunch in her garden.
12:19Zoe's mum grows so much in her garden. I feel like in the vlog she would have seen Zoe's mum's
12:23veg patch. I've got a lot of people around me who can like help and support and chip in but this is
12:28also something that I really want to just like take on and learn myself and get hands on and
12:32do things wrong and therefore learn what I should have done instead but I do also want to encourage
12:37anyone to comment any tips or tricks or anything because that's always handy. For example,
12:41bought myself a new pen knife the other day. Got well excited on the, what's it called? What's
12:47this brand called? Victorian Ox, that's the one. Bought myself this new pen knife expecting it to
12:52be about that big and like an actual useful tool to be able to use in the garden. It arrived,
12:58it's this big. Still using it, still useful but just a little bit smaller.
13:06A little bit smaller than what I thought.
13:42Zoe and Novi have just got home from the park so I'm going to leave it here for today
13:47it's funny you know like looking at it now it just looks like I've made no progress
13:52I've been out here for hours but like with anything it's all the initial work
13:56all the small steps that gradually build up and up and up and then it won't be long until all of
14:02the mushroom compost arrives that's next week as well as all the chipping for like the pathways
14:06in between the beds once I've built the beds it's going to like rapidly all come together
14:11it's going to be good it's going to be good
14:18right it's currently the next day and it's time to get back on this membrane
14:35I thought I'd measured that I had the perfect amount of membrane
14:39to be able to cover the entire space turns out I don't I've run out so I've got like one and a
14:44half strips missing so I need to order some more to come in the next couple of days but this one
14:49I'd just woken up from a nap anyway so I need to come inside so it's perfect timing this is Novi's
14:54favourite book she's obsessed are you copying and being silly we're just copying all the little
15:01faces in here let's find your favourite one where is he oh not there are you ready
15:22the amount of hours that we've spent copying these little expressions in this book and
15:26particularly they're like oh what about if we find your favourite I don't know
15:37what about sheep there we go I don't think you'll ever find a one-year-old that enjoys reading
15:45as much as Novi you leave her for like two minutes and all she does is just go over to her books
15:51and just like look at the pictures make the noises and just like pretend to read them she
15:55even finds Ottie's here we go Ottie's favourite books like a Nick Chirac and will just sit there
16:00flicking through every page as if she's literally reading it should we go and see
16:08I think it's gone this is Novi's other favourite thing to do
16:13I didn't even have to tell her to do it knock knock knock she just goes over to any door any
16:19window and it's just like
16:28are you ready
16:46should we see how wild my fringe goes when I take this out
16:49both the clips in the vlog you've been in so far oh you don't want to go down
16:54both the clips you've been in the vlog so far is you with rollers in it's my new thing have you
17:00got to roll it now you've got your new fringe I don't have to whoa whoa okay whoa okay obviously
17:10it's gonna drop a bit do you know how many comments I got in my last vlog of how much
17:14people loved your hair really I reckon one in every three comments on the vlog was saying that
17:19thanks guys this yeah this needs to drop a little bit
17:25I think it's one of those cuts where it's like it's not massively different
17:29but it's different and like it's not scary to do
17:35but it does change like a lot do you know what I mean kind of like when I got the side shaven a
17:41little bit a bit more she wants to go to you and a bit more mullety it's like not really that
17:45different but equally really different yeah it's funny because all I have really is just a bit a
17:51short bit of a shorter fringe yeah but it does change it does change the shape of your face a
17:55lot I feel like I also do think it's the braces yeah I'm sorry what oh my gosh it's novi oh my
18:07gosh it's snowing oh my gosh the spring and summer vlogs are well and truly coming back
18:19look at you both outside
18:23if you get your little boots on and you can go for a little walk around
18:29oh look at them matching to Ottie's
18:30I know oh you're happy now aren't you
18:34you do probably need a coat and a hat let's see how long this lasts
18:39you're not just looking around
18:44are you waving at us whilst Nala's just barking at us
18:51see we need the little like sand and water table
18:54feel like we kept it in here I don't know I feel like it might have got a bit
18:59oh I forgot about the whole wooden kitchens in here isn't it uh-huh nicely let me see
19:04what we've got I don't think we've still got it I think oh it's blurry all I'm saying is
19:11I cannot wait to get the pizza oven back out imagine in a few months we're gonna have
19:16evenings like this pizza oven barbecue going eating dinner outside having little lunches
19:24do you remember we do like picnics on the lawn for lunch
19:27it's just also we've got a big thing happening to the garden
19:32oh we do in two weeks it's not a couple of months it's a couple of weeks
19:37in a couple of weeks and also the veg garden as well
19:39this is going to be unreal
19:48we're currently heading out on a little walk I feel like the vlog over the last two days
19:54has just consisted of me being outside at all times and it's because the weather is actually
19:59nice for once so we're just making the most of it although just before we go have a little look
20:03at the vegetable bed oh nice I put one together yeah but I made it full size
20:11so that's like one full-size bed and there's going to be three of those in the row you know
20:16at the back bit are you coming then you come and have a little look as well
20:21so it's obviously like the most shallow depth it's only 30 centimeters the other
20:25the others are 45 or 60 that's quite nice because then like Novi and Ottie can help
20:29yeah and you like the little black trim yeah lovely that's good isn't it so nice
20:36how many more do you need to make a lot that's also only got half the bolts in it I actually
20:40need to three of those whoa we're gonna we're gonna be growing a lot open our own veg shop I
20:49think homesteading or whatever it's called when you live off the land I'm gonna plant my sweet
20:56again oh yeah that's gonna go there
21:11no your sweet bee thing what you can see where it was last time it was so good I think it's
21:17because I've got half a hot cross bun still in my mouth from eating it go and have a look at the
21:22veg bed then really quick it's gonna be dark by the time we get back from this walk it's big isn't
21:29it yeah wait wait wait Zoe's just throwing the biggest spanner in the works Zoe wants me to put
21:35the entrance the gate here the closest to like where we're gonna be walking in from walking in
21:41and out I've designed it to be on the end up there and then there's coffee table all here
21:47little beds here and then the big beds here just walk to the coffee table you're not come on you're
21:52not gonna be coming in maybe okay I'm walking all the way up here just to go in that's like
21:57you're gonna be hopping over that fence down here a hundred percent oh I don't know I'm gonna have
22:03to we haven't got time the sun's gonna set you know I'm right I'm always right
22:10I think Nobie's loving it you know this is her first outing in her little bike that pop and
22:15Sean bought her for Christmas just thought that it'd be a little bit nicer to do the question of
22:30the vlog just now whilst out on a little walk so I just picked out a question which was actually a
22:34really good one and I want to know your opinion on it as well Zoe okay what was the biggest thing
22:39we missed in January whilst you weren't filming I feel like that's a nice way to like oh I have
22:45an update yeah Nobie walking yeah that's a good one finally like the progress of her just fully
22:54now just like walking by herself I was gonna say not much January was very slow and just basically
23:06like I spoke about my previous vlog us just trying to like revitalize ourselves and also
23:13get some form of norm routine that isn't vlogmas back in our lives isn't Christmas isn't New Year's
23:19isn't the family all staying over at the house and trying to like tidy and stuff January for me is
23:25always one of those months it's just a bit like like you get so excited and run up to Christmas
23:30it's a big thing and like we were doing vlogmas it was like really exciting and there's just like
23:34so much going on and then the new year happens and after Christmas you're just a bit like oh
23:40I don't know it's all dark it's cold yeah it's just quite like it's like what's it called like
23:44a blue Monday isn't it blue is it blue Monday that's in January that is meant to be like the
23:49most difficult day of the year yeah that people find January must be statistically the most
23:55difficult month that people find I think surely I do feel bad for everybody that has January
24:01now maybe that's a good thing maybe that brings up the money that's what I need I need to have
24:05been born in January yeah and therefore you'd have something to look forward to something to enjoy
24:10something to celebrate in the month maybe we just need to have like I think we need to celebrate a
24:16day like the blue Monday kind of thing we need to make it into an actual thing that we fully
24:21celebrate and get excited for to bring something positive into the into the January month yeah I
24:27agree to answer your question not much genuinely don't think much novi walking is probably the only
24:32thing legit yeah novi walking yeah honestly can't think of one if you have any other questions that
24:40you want me to answer at the end of the next vlog or the one after or the one after that
24:44at the end of every video I always answer a question so drop one down below do you remember
24:49how long it would take me to walk up this hill when I was pregnant I used to just push you back
24:52I used to just go like this and just push you along do you want to switch do you want to take Nala
24:59who is it
25:09where did you go when we go to the pier you went to the pier
25:20I bet Nala missed you as well I can hear her barking away
25:24let me go and get her did you win anything on the pier
25:28uh we didn't play any toys
25:32we didn't do it did we why didn't we do it no because there were too many people
25:37oh was it really busy was it but we went on the little horsey but we didn't get on the horsey
25:44because dad would come in with me because we went on a little chair oh I know what you're saying
25:49yeah you went on the chair on the carousel yeah but a chair not a horsey yeah but they were like
25:56they're like a chicken horsey a chicken
26:06can I just say I had very poorly fingers
26:10very bad dad's about to go to the gym very poorly fingers people are going to be looking
26:16at you a bit funky that's so poor and all there whoa whoa everywhere have you got some on your
26:24legs oh no poorly legs it is a little bit later bath time done bedtime done and now we're about
26:37to go and get into bed I'm excited I feel like actually that's one difference I suppose this
26:42year I focused so heavily on going to bed early and going to sleep early more so than ever have
26:49in my life what are you getting a chocolate bar some biscuits yeah and honestly the difference
26:58in my mood and my energy waking up the next day is just a world's different I mean they do say
27:05sleep is so important yeah like it makes sense and I feel like especially with little ones
27:10more important than ever it's 7 30 on the dot I'm about to go get into bed that just shows
27:16where we're at in life at the moment I mean once obviously the sun starts like
27:20staying up a little bit longer like it's pitch black outside now then I'm sure we'll be like
27:23having dinner now and out and about in the garden and friends over and going and doing stuff fun and
27:28you know what I mean but right now I'm just like I'm just going to get all the sleep I possibly
27:32can in life makes me feel great the next day I'm going to end off the vlog here I'm actually going
27:37to watch an episode of White Lotus which just came out but yeah I hope you've enjoyed the vlog
27:41this video has been particularly heavy on obviously renovating or starting the renovations
27:46of the garden don't worry the future vlogs are not just going to be all gardening content I'm
27:50just going to like sprinkle in bits of like renovating the garden as I go throughout future
27:55videos and you'll gradually see the space become what I want it to be and what it is going to be
28:00but yeah I hope you've enjoyed the vlog if you have as always go down below it takes literally
28:05two seconds of your time to go down below give it a thumbs up also subscribe if you haven't
28:10already subscribed and I'll catch you soon with another new video appreciate you watching
