• el mes pasado


00:00Now here you'll see a gentleman opening the front door for a shoplifter and as
00:04you can see she looks extra happy I mean who doesn't love free delicious
00:07beverages so she's gonna make her way down that middle aisle with her
00:10completely empty thief bag yep there's no form of payment in that bad boy so
00:13she's gonna make her way over here towards the beer coolers and she's gonna
00:16look for the counter gotta make sure that cashier is busy before you reach in
00:18there and pull out a delicious strawberrita and obviously she needs a
00:22good variety so she's gonna reach back in there and she's gonna pull out a lime
00:25marita and yep cashier still looks busy looks like a good time to shwoop then
00:29she's gonna make her way over here into the vodka aisle hit us with another shwoop
00:32before pretending to look at the vodka ooh Orloff and Kamchatka that's the good
00:37stuff too bad I'm only here for the delicious broskies so she's gonna make
00:39her way back towards the beer cooler may as well grab another one so she's gonna
00:43look up at the counter yep cashier still looks busy so she's gonna open up that
00:47door she's gonna reach in there and she's gonna pull out a Bud Light Platinum
00:50yep cashier still busy let's do it a little shwoop so she's gonna throw that
00:55bag over her shoulder now that it's got some weight to it she's gonna touch a
00:58bottle of wine always got to touch something make it look like you're
01:00actually interested in maybe purchasing something so she's gonna make her way
01:03over here and she's going to pull up her pants yep pull them up now you got to
01:07make it look like you've been looking for the bathroom the whole time so she's
01:10gonna come over here and ask the clerk a question
01:15oh right back there that back wall so she makes her way towards the bathroom
01:18and one of our regulars just cracked a joke so she's laughing hahaha she's
01:22gonna pass up on using the women's room and she's gonna enter the men's room to
01:25take advantage of our free toilet paper and paper towels and obviously it's
01:28always a good idea to interact with the clerk before you exit the building so
01:31she's gonna come out and she's gonna ask him a dumb question
01:35what hold on man you put a beer in your bag yes you did you put a beer in your
01:45bag oh no what's he gonna do she just left without paying for three
01:52alcoholic beverages she's going to her car she's gonna look at him and go oh
01:57crap better leave so he's gonna get behind her car and she's gonna almost
02:03run him over and oh she's really gonna leave what what's she doing
02:07oh she go she go she go she go she go she go she go she go
