• 13 hours ago
Resurrection of the Wronged Heir CN Snackshort Chinese drama
00:00:00雨过天晴 Rainy days.
00:00:21唐宇啊唐宇 I've pushed you off the pool.
00:00:25你还没死啊 You're still alive.
00:00:27你的论文是我的 Your paper is mine.
00:00:29你亲生的妈 Your birth mother
00:00:31还有三个师姐都是我的 and three of my senior sisters are all mine.
00:00:33至于你妈 As for your mother
00:00:36我一定会压你 I will definitely
00:00:38吃你不存 eat you alive.
00:00:40你 You
00:01:11我重生到了三天前 I was reborn three days ago.
00:01:21赫师弟 找我什么事啊 Junior He, what can I do for you?
00:01:23小师兄 我不知道 I didn't know
00:01:25抄袭的事会给你造成这么大的伤害 that plagiarism would cause you so much pain.
00:01:27我向你道歉 I apologize.
00:01:28对不起 I'm sorry.
00:01:38赫师弟 Junior He
00:01:50雨薇 雨薇 雨薇 Liu Wei, Liu Wei
00:01:55这是怎么一回事 What's going on?
00:01:57妈 哥哥赫师弟他落水 Mom, Junior He fell into the water.
00:01:59赫老师 都是我不好 Teacher He, it's all my fault.
00:02:01小师兄因为抄袭我的论文被骂 Junior He was scolded for plagiarizing my paper.
00:02:03所以先生怨恨把我推下水里 So he pushed me into the water out of hatred.
00:02:07我不怪他 I don't blame him.
00:02:09妈 师姐 不是这样的 Mom, Senior He, it's not like that.
00:02:11唐宇 快点对明薇道歉 Tang Yu, apologize to Ming Wei.
00:02:13你那篇论文我看过了 I've read your paper.
00:02:15根本就不是你能写出来的续品 It's not a script you can write.
00:02:17明薇都被你推下水了 You pushed Ming Wei into the water.
00:02:19唐宇 你现在怎么变成这个样子了 Tang Yu, how did you become like this?
00:02:21你对得起老师和我们对你的培养吗 Do you feel sorry for the teachers and us?
00:02:23抄袭论文还死不承认 You didn't admit to plagiarizing my paper.
00:02:25唐宇 你还要脸吗 Tang Yu, how dare you?
00:02:27上加罚 Go to work.
00:02:33妈 Mom.
00:02:41恨不得从没有生过你这样的儿子 I wish I had never had a son like you.
00:02:45唐老师 您别再打了 Teacher Tang, please stop.
00:02:47我已经原谅小师兄了 I've already forgiven Junior He.
00:02:48唐老师 您别再打了 Teacher Tang, please stop.
00:02:59唐宇 你拿什么跟我斗 Tang Yu, who do you think you are?
00:03:11我没推 I didn't push her.
00:03:13你干嘛冤枉我啊 Why did you wrong me?
00:03:15死性不改 过去救她 You should die. Don't save her.
00:03:17让她在水里好好反省反省 Let her reflect on herself in the water.
00:03:22明慧 走 Ming Wei, let's go.
00:03:28这位是被贺明慧冤枉抄袭论文 She was wrongly accused of plagiarizing my paper.
00:03:30被她推下水 She pushed me into the water.
00:03:32被她挤掉果奖项目 She squeezed the prize award from me.
00:03:36甚至被她开车撞死毁掉我的一生 She even crashed into my car and ruined my life.
00:03:40可我现在重生了 But I'm back to life now.
00:03:42我全部要重新改写 I have to rewrite everything.
00:03:47唐宇 你认错吗 Tang Yu, did you make a mistake?
00:03:54总之一 前世我把你当成最亲近的人 Anyway, I used to treat you as the closest person in my life.
00:03:58可偏偏是你把我扔在荒郊野外 But it was you who threw me into the wilderness.
00:04:00甚至我被贺明慧活活撞死 Even I was killed by He Ming Wei.
00:04:06如果你找我就是为了污蔑明慧师弟抄袭你论文的话 If you came to me to slander Ming Wei for plagiarizing your paper,
00:04:10现在就给我滚下去 Get out of here now.
00:04:12大师姐 我真的没有抄袭贺明慧的论文 Senior, I really didn't plagiarize Ming Wei's paper.
00:04:14你还在狡辩 Are you still making excuses?
00:04:17滚下去 Get out of here.
00:04:47你这一次实在是太过分了 You've gone too far this time.
00:04:49明慧被你抄袭了论文还没有找你算账 Ming Wei's paper was plagiarized by you.
00:04:53你居然丧心病狂地把她推到水里去 How could you push her into the water?
00:04:56我本是所有师姐们的团宠 I'm the favorite of all the seniors.
00:04:58但自从贺明慧的出现 But ever since He Ming Wei appeared,
00:05:00只因为她拿了一张假证明说她有抑郁症 just because she took a fake certificate and said she had depression,
00:05:03所有人都偏见她 everyone has been deceiving her.
00:05:04你知不知道 明慧体弱 You know what? Ming Wei is weak.
00:05:06从被救起开始就抑郁病发 She's been suffering from depression since she was rescued.
00:05:09唐教授已经决定了 让明慧来代替你参加这次的科研项目 Professor Tang has decided to let Ming Wei take your place in this research project.
00:05:13你们宁可相信他所有自导自演的戏剧 You'd rather believe all his tricks
00:05:17也不愿意调查真相 than investigate the truth.
00:05:20多亏了明慧心善帮你求情 Thanks to Ming Wei's kindness,
00:05:22唐教授说了只要你肯对明慧道歉 Professor Tang said that as long as you can apologize to Ming Wei,
00:05:25我们都可以原谅你 we can forgive you.
00:05:26论文是我熬了半年做出来的 I spent half a year writing the paper.
00:05:28是贺明慧抄袭我 Ming Wei plagiarized it.
00:05:30可不管我如何解释 But no matter how I explain it,
00:05:32都没有一个人站在我这边 no one is on my side.
00:05:34唐子虞 你到底有没有在听我说话 Tang Ziyun, are you listening to me?
00:05:38再听 我认错 我知道错了 Listen again. I admit I was wrong. I know I was wrong.
00:05:41居然真的是你抄袭了师弟的论文 You plagiarized Ming Wei's paper.
00:05:43你太让我失望了 You let me down.
00:05:48算了 我带你去医院 Forget it. I'll take you to the hospital.
00:05:50不用 No need.
00:05:56家里监控那么多 There are so many security cameras at home.
00:06:00你压根儿不关心真相 You don't care about the truth at all.
00:06:02何必在我面前假惺惺呢 Why do you have to pretend to be a star in front of me?
00:06:19又见面了 We meet again.
00:06:22怎么 自己做了亏心事不说 What? You did something wrong,
00:06:24现在连人都不会叫了 now you don't even know how to call people.
00:06:29小师兄 你脸怎么那么红啊 Senior, why is your face so red?
00:06:31是不是发烧了 Are you having a fever?
00:06:32都怪我 It's all my fault.
00:06:33那天应该非拉着你谈心 That day, I should have pulled you to talk.
00:06:35害得你在水里待了那么久 It made you stay in the water for so long.
00:06:37都是我不好 It's all my fault.
00:06:39贺明威啊贺明威 He Mingwei.
00:06:41你这颠倒黑白的话术可真娴熟 You are really good at reversing black and white.
00:06:43主动把罪过都揽在了自己身上 You took the initiative to blame yourself.
00:06:45反倒让所有人深信不疑 You made everyone doubt you.
00:06:54你怎么回事啊 What's wrong with you?
00:06:57生病干嘛不说出来啊 Why didn't you tell me you were sick?
00:06:59可恶 就算让唐宇成为抄袭别人论文的蠢货 Damn it. Even if I let Tang Yu become a fool who plagiarizes other people's papers,
00:07:03大师姐依然不慎地抛下他 Senior still left him behind.
00:07:05唐宇 你给我等着 Tang Yu, you just wait and see.
00:07:09小师弟 不用担心 My junior, don't worry.
00:07:11我的身体好得很 I'm in good health.
00:07:12为了表达歉意呢 In order to apologize,
00:07:16这个玉牌送给你 I'll give you this jade plate.
00:07:18唐宇 那可是二师妹亲手送给你的礼物 Tang Yu, that's a gift from my junior.
00:07:21从十八岁到现在你日夜都戴着它 You've been wearing it since you were 18.
00:07:24有一次去游乐园不慎丢失 Once you went to the amusement park by accident,
00:07:26你找了整夜也要把它找回来 you looked for it all night long.
00:07:27你现在怎么可以送人啊 How can you give it away now?
00:07:29唐宇 这是我亲手做的礼物 Tang Yu, this is a gift I made myself.
00:07:31你哪个胆子敢转账给别人 How dare you give it away to others?
00:07:33咋的 What's wrong?
00:07:34杨寒师妹的占有欲非常强 Junior Yang Han is very possessive.
00:07:36她的东西宁愿扔到垃圾桶都不会给别人 She'd rather throw it in the trash than give it to others.
00:07:39现在小宇竟然要把她亲手做的东西送出去 Now that Tang Yu is going to give it away,
00:07:42正无异于当众把她的脸皮扔到地上才 she has no choice but to throw her face on the ground in public.
00:07:46小师兄 小师兄 小师兄 Junior Han, I remember
00:07:48二师姐说过 送给我的东西就是我的了 Second Senior Sister said that what she gave me was mine.
00:07:51况且二师姐最喜欢小师弟了 Besides, Second Senior Sister likes Junior the most.
00:07:53所以我把这个玉牌送给小师弟 So I gave this jade to Junior.
00:07:55二师姐应该不介意吧 Second Senior Sister wouldn't mind, would she?
00:08:01二师姐应该不介意吧 Second Senior Sister wouldn't mind, would she?
00:08:03二师姐 在贺鸣威来之前 Second Senior Sister, before He Mingwei came,
00:08:05你是待我最好的那一个 you were the one who treated me the best.
00:08:07虽然你总骂我笨蛋 Although you always called me a fool,
00:08:09但每次出国都会给我带脸 every time you went abroad, you would treat me well.
00:08:11可贺鸣威来了之后 But after He Mingwei came,
00:08:13一切都变了 everything changed.
00:08:22你说小师弟现在开车撞你 You mean Junior is now driving to hit you?
00:08:25唐宇 你是不是把我当傻子 Tang Yu, do you think I'm a fool?
00:08:27这种话也敢撒 How dare you say that?
00:08:29再说 你要是真死在小师弟手上 If you really die in Junior's hands,
00:08:31也算是为社会做贡献吧 you'd be contributing to the society.
00:08:33像你这种杂碎 活着也没什么用 It's useless to live if you die like this.
00:08:37不如断它干净一些 Why don't you cut it clean?
00:08:39你送我的东西我都不要了 I don't want anything you give me.
00:08:41当然 不介意 Of course I don't mind.
00:08:46就当我当年好心喂了狗 Just take it as I fed the dog with kindness.
00:08:49那就好 That's good.
00:08:52小师弟 既然二师姐都不介意 Since you don't mind,
00:08:54那你就收下吧 you can take it.
00:08:55你若是不收下 If you don't take it,
00:08:56那就是不接受我的道歉了 that means you don't accept my apology.
00:09:01延安师姐 Senior Yan Han!
00:09:03该死 这是延安师姐第一次扔下 I should be dead. This is the first time Senior Yan Han
00:09:05把自己扔下把自己走了 left me behind.
00:09:06唐宇 半个月后的校园交流会 Tang Yu, I will hold a meeting
00:09:08半个月后的校园交流会 at the campus in half a month.
00:09:09我一定会让你身败名裂 I will make you lose everything.
00:09:14怎么了 What's wrong?
00:09:19明威 明威 Ming Wei! Ming Wei!
00:09:23明威 Ming Wei!
00:09:24师姐 你去照顾小师兄吧 Senior, please take care of Junior.
00:09:26我一个人可以的 I can do it alone.
00:09:28小宇 明威的抑郁症发作了 Xiao Yu, Ming Wei's depression is acting up.
00:09:30我得先陪着他 我得先陪着他 I have to stay with him.
00:09:31你自己在医院行吗 Can you stay in the hospital?
00:09:32放心 我的身体好得很 Don't worry. I am in good health.
00:09:34还是小师弟的病比较重要 It's more important that Junior is healthy.
00:09:37走 Let's go.
00:09:44是我太过缺爱 是我太过缺爱 I am too self-absorbed
00:09:46无底线地讨好所有人 and I am too self-absorbed
00:09:48所以才会落个不可好死的下场 so that I will end up in a bad situation.
00:09:50重来一世 这些人我一个都不要了 I will start over. I don't want any of these people.
00:09:54我只为我自己而活 I live only for myself.
00:09:56还有 明威 别来惹我 And, Ming Wei, don't mess with me.
00:10:02唐宇 Tang Yu
00:10:06老同桌 Old deskmate
00:10:11唐宇 我没想到真的是你 Tang Yu, I didn't know it was you.
00:10:14老同桌 好久不见 Old deskmate, long time no see.
00:10:17你这是感冒了 Did you catch a cold?
00:10:20你怎么一个人在这儿啊 Why are you here alone?
00:10:22唐教授呢 还有你师姐们呢 Where is Professor Tang and your seniors?
00:10:24不提他们了 I won't mention them.
00:10:25现在整个学校都说我是抄袭狗 Now the whole school says I am a plagiarist.
00:10:27都远离我 They all stay away from me.
00:10:29我相信你 我相信你不会抄袭的 I believe you. I believe you won't plagiarize.
00:10:31谢谢你 Thank you.
00:10:33之前总想拿科研成果去讨好他们 Before, I always wanted to use my research results to please them.
00:10:36可是现在我辛辛苦苦忙碌的项目名额 But now all my hard-earned projects
00:10:40都被贺明威给分了去 are divided by He Ming Wei.
00:10:42不如我另选学校的专业 重新开始 Why don't I choose another major and start over?
00:10:46你要换专业 你要换专业 You want to change your major?
00:10:47可是你最大的梦想不就是成为医生救死扶伤吗 But isn't your biggest dream to become a doctor and save lives?
00:10:51你难道要放弃呀 Are you going to give up?
00:10:52不 我只是重新报考其他学校的神经外科专业 No, I'm just going to start over with the neurosurgery major
00:10:56还有几个月 我可以拼的 in a few months. I can do it.
00:10:59加油 我相信你一定可以的 Good luck. I believe you can do it.
00:11:02接下来的日子会付出一百倍的努力 I will devote my life to it.
00:11:22欢迎各位同学参与本次的学生交流会 Welcome to the student exchange.
00:11:30大家可以先自由讨论一会儿 You can have a free discussion.
00:11:32贺明威师弟年纪轻轻就加入了国家级科研团队 He Ming Wei joined the national research team at a very young age.
00:11:36拍一篇线那篇论文获得了国奖荣誉 He won the national award for his thesis.
00:11:39人家天赋异禀 He is gifted.
00:11:40身边还有唐教授和宋志毅学姐的贴身辅导 He also has the personal guidance of Professor Tang and Song Zhiyi.
00:11:43也对 That's right.
00:11:44不过那个小偷不也有人辅导 However, that thief was also taught.
00:11:46结果烂泥扶不上墙只知道抄袭害人 As a result, he couldn't get up the wall because of the mud.
00:11:48学校怎么还没把他开除 Why didn't the school expel him?
00:11:50这一切的荣誉本该是我的 The honor of all this should have been mine.
00:11:58小师兄来了 Little brother is here.
00:12:02怎么不跟我一起来 Why don't you come with me?
00:12:05你管他干什么 Why do you care about him?
00:12:06自己做了亏心事心虚不敢过去了呗 You feel guilty for doing something wrong.
00:12:09我知道 I know.
00:12:10小师兄还在生气 Little brother is still angry.
00:12:12你不愿理我没什么 It's okay if you don't want to talk to me.
00:12:14但是我听说 But I heard
00:12:16你最近跟二院的竞争对手走得很近 that you are getting close to the competitors in the second yard.
00:12:18时不时还给他们递文件 Do you still send them documents from time to time?
00:12:22我跟谁走得近 What does it have to do with me?
00:12:24跟你有什么关系 What does it have to do with you?
00:12:26我只是好心提醒一下小师兄 I'm just trying to remind you.
00:12:28可得小心点 Be careful.
00:12:29万一受人蒙骗交出什么资料那就不好了 It's not good if you get cheated and give out some information.
00:12:34我不是那个意思 I didn't mean that.
00:12:36小师兄肯定不会把文件送出去的 Little brother won't send out the documents.
00:12:39我只是担心小师兄受人欺负 I'm just worried that little brother will be bullied.
00:12:45唐宇这吃里扒外的畜生 Tang Yu, you are such a beast.
00:12:47把团队资料送给竞争对手 You gave the team's information to the competitors.
00:12:49怪不得呢 No wonder.
00:12:50我们江城医科大学医院也参报了这个项目 Jiangcheng Medical University Hospital also participated in this project.
00:12:52唐桑教授还想靠这个项目评职生呢 Professor Tang Sang also wants to get a job in this project.
00:12:55谁知道竟然被亲儿子给出卖了 Who knows that he was betrayed by his own son.
00:12:57还真挺有本事啊 You are really capable.
00:12:58我问你这几天你真和江城医科大二院的人有来往 I'm asking you, have you been in contact with Jiangcheng Medical University Hospital in the past few days?
00:13:03是 那是因为我 Yes, that's because I...
00:13:05唐宇 Tang Yu
00:13:08你还不快点跟教授道歉 Hurry up and apologize to the professor.
00:13:09我又没做 道什么歉 I didn't do anything wrong.
00:13:13你知道这个项目耗费了多少人的心血吗 Do you know how much effort this project took?
00:13:17谁给你的胆子敢吃里扒外背叛我们 Who gave you the courage to betray us?
00:13:20背叛你们 Betray you?
00:13:21成绩不行 抄明微论文 把明微推下去 You didn't get good grades. You copied Mingwei's thesis and pushed Mingwei down.
00:13:24我已经网开一遍 只是把你从项目名单里清出去 I've already opened a page and cleared you out of the project list.
00:13:28没想到你居然怀恨在心 偷偷把项目机密交给竞争对手 I didn't expect you to hate it so much that you secretly gave the project's secrets to your competitors.
00:13:33张口闭口就是抄他论文 You just copied his thesis.
00:13:35你有什么证据 What proof do you have?
00:13:36还要什么证据 What proof do you want?
00:13:37如果项目核心机密流出 所有人的努力都将功亏一篑 If the project's core secrets are leaked, everyone's efforts will be in vain.
00:13:41唐宇 你真是又蠢又毒 Tang Yu, you're so stupid and vicious.
00:13:43我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又蠢又毒 我又�
00:14:27该死唐宇 怎么跟以前不一样啊
00:14:30之前每次冤枉他 他都是委屈辩解
00:14:34他越这样 唐双他们就越烦他
00:14:39怎么 不敢啊
00:14:40Little brother, why are you so angry with me?
00:14:42Why did you put your studies on the line?
00:14:44You're going to graduate soon.
00:14:45What if you drop out of school now?
00:14:46What should I do?
00:14:47Don't dare to call the police.
00:14:48Little brother,
00:14:49Just take it as I'm talking nonsense today.
00:14:51I... I apologize to you.
00:14:54You don't have to apologize.
00:14:55If you're a real man,
00:14:56go to the police station with me.
00:15:08How dare you question Ming Wei?
00:15:11Isn't it shameful?
00:15:13If I had a choice,
00:15:14I wish I hadn't hurt you in the first place.
00:15:20You're bleeding.
00:15:25I was too naive.
00:15:26I knew you didn't love me at all.
00:15:29I was disappointed that you could testify for me.
00:15:32Yu, Yu, are you okay?
00:15:33Does it hurt?
00:15:34You covered it up.
00:15:35Why did you apologize to the professor?
00:15:36Apologize to the professor now.
00:15:37I'll take you to the hospital.
00:15:38You don't have to pretend to care.
00:15:39From the beginning to the end,
00:15:40it's all Ming Wei's nonsense.
00:15:42Why did I drop out of school?
00:15:44It's because I want to apply for their graduate students.
00:15:46Since you don't want me,
00:15:48I'll change my major and retake the exam.
00:15:50You won't disagree, will you?
00:15:51Professor Tang.
00:15:52Yu, what nonsense are you talking about?
00:15:54If you don't stay with us,
00:15:55where can you go?
00:15:56Professor Tang, let me ask you one thing.
00:15:58I don't want to be your graduate student, okay?
00:16:01Why not?
00:16:02You're so stupid.
00:16:04If your senior didn't beg me,
00:16:06I wouldn't have accepted a student like you.
00:16:08That's good.
00:16:10You slandered Ming Wei just now.
00:16:12I haven't asked you to pay for it yet.
00:16:13Apologize to Ming Wei.
00:16:15Apologize to you?
00:16:16Why should I apologize to you?
00:16:17If you don't apologize, call the police and arrest me.
00:16:19Tang Yu, say it again.
00:16:22Call the police.
00:16:24You're a traitor.
00:16:26Before Ming Wei's parents died,
00:16:28they asked me to take good care of Ming Wei.
00:16:29This is Ming Wei's home.
00:16:31If you think there are too many people in this house,
00:16:32get out of here.
00:16:35I'll get out of here.
00:16:38Yu, apologize to Ming Wei.
00:16:41I won't.
00:16:42You don't have to.
00:16:43I'm an outsider.
00:16:44I was blinded by my senior.
00:16:46I'm here
00:16:47to affect your mother and son's relationship.
00:16:48Go, Yu.
00:16:49Go now.
00:16:51Ming Wei.
00:16:53How could you have such a shameless son?
00:16:56You plagiarized other people's papers.
00:16:57You even beat me up.
00:16:58Get out of here.
00:16:59Don't ever come back.
00:17:27Yu used the police as an excuse
00:17:28to prove that he was telling the truth.
00:17:30If Yu didn't take off his mask,
00:17:33he would be blamed and slandered by everyone.
00:17:35It's just because of Ming Wei's words.
00:17:38There are so many security cameras in the house.
00:17:39You don't care about the truth at all.
00:17:41Why do you pretend to be sober in front of me?
00:17:44Ming Wei also plagiarized other people's papers before.
00:17:47But there is no evidence.
00:17:48The truth will be revealed when the security camera is found.
00:17:51Senior, are you okay?
00:17:53I'm fine.
00:17:54Senior is suspecting me.
00:17:56The only possibility that the truth will be revealed
00:17:58is the family's security camera.
00:17:59I'll delete all the security cameras tonight.
00:18:01Senior must be mad at Tang Yue.
00:18:04Can I stay in your house tonight?
00:18:06The rebellious son just left.
00:18:08There is an empty room.
00:18:09I'll ask someone to clean it up later.
00:18:10She really suspects me.
00:18:18I'll be suspected if I only delete this part.
00:18:22I have to delete all the security cameras.
00:18:25I'll be suspected if I only delete this part.
00:18:28If we find the security camera,
00:18:30the truth will be revealed.
00:18:31If Ming Wei is really plagiarizing,
00:18:33I'll tell the truth to everyone.
00:18:54Ming Wei?
00:18:55What are you doing?
00:18:56Senior, didn't you lose a bracelet before?
00:18:59I just wanted to help you find it.
00:19:01Your birthday is in two days.
00:19:02I'll give you a surprise.
00:19:03Thank you, Ming Wei.
00:19:04I've already found the bracelet.
00:19:06How can I suspect Ming Wei?
00:19:08He's always thinking for us.
00:19:10Senior, since you've found it,
00:19:12let's go.
00:19:25Tang Yu!
00:19:26What's wrong with you?
00:19:30Take Tang Yu to the hospital!
00:19:31I'm fine.
00:19:32Thank you for saving me.
00:19:33Let's go.
00:19:36What's wrong with your family?
00:19:38The patient has pneumonia.
00:19:39She can't move.
00:19:40Do you know that?
00:19:41Also, she had a high fever last time,
00:19:43but her body didn't recover.
00:19:44She can't nourish herself.
00:19:45How do you take care of her?
00:19:48Do you want her to get better?
00:19:49How could this happen?
00:19:50High fever and pneumonia can't nourish her.
00:19:53You're Professor Tang Shuang's son.
00:19:55This is ridiculous.
00:19:57Yu, what's going on?
00:19:59Professor Tang hurt her.
00:20:01You're her son.
00:20:03How could Professor Tang be so cruel?
00:20:06Take her to the hospital.
00:20:08I don't need to go to the hospital.
00:20:09I want to go home.
00:20:10Wen Wen,
00:20:11this has nothing to do with you.
00:20:13Don't worry about me.
00:20:14I'll go home by myself.
00:20:15What are you talking about?
00:20:16I'm not that kind of person.
00:20:18I'll find a way to pay you back.
00:20:19I don't want to spend the night here.
00:20:21At least,
00:20:22you can stay in the hospital tonight.
00:20:23No need.
00:20:24I can't sleep well if I stay here.
00:20:26Please do me a favor.
00:20:32Tang Yu,
00:20:33how can you live here?
00:20:34Professor Tang is a first-class professor.
00:20:35He is the president of the Research Institute.
00:20:37Every month,
00:20:38he gives Tang Yu some pocket money.
00:20:40You don't have to live in such a place.
00:20:48You're Professor Tang's only son.
00:20:50You're not his enemy.
00:20:51Does he have to treat you like this?
00:20:56I'm sorry.
00:20:57I didn't mean that.
00:20:58I just care about you.
00:20:59It's okay.
00:21:00I'll talk to Professor Tang.
00:21:01No need.
00:21:02Wen Wen,
00:21:03Professor Tang kicked me out.
00:21:04Although this room is a little old,
00:21:06I live in a place of peace.
00:21:08That mansion doesn't belong to me.
00:21:12today is the day
00:21:13you're admitted to the University of Medicine
00:21:14where Professor Tang lives.
00:21:15You give such a poor cake
00:21:17as a gift?
00:21:18Today is...
00:21:19It doesn't matter.
00:21:20As long as it's a gift from a junior,
00:21:21I like it.
00:21:22Ming Wei,
00:21:23this is the luxury sports car I gave you.
00:21:24Thank you, Senior.
00:21:25Ming Wei,
00:21:26this is the top laboratory right
00:21:28I gave you.
00:21:29From now on,
00:21:30you can use the laboratory at any time.
00:21:32Ming Wei,
00:21:33this is the national key project I gave you.
00:21:35Participation quota.
00:21:36Thank you, Professor Tang.
00:21:37Ming Wei,
00:21:38there is 500,000 yuan in this card.
00:21:40Take it as your university's living expenses.
00:21:42Then I'll take it.
00:21:44Today is the day
00:21:45you're admitted to the University of Medicine.
00:21:46But don't forget,
00:21:48today is also the day
00:21:49I'm admitted to the University of Medicine.
00:21:51Fang Yu.
00:21:52Although I don't have much money now,
00:21:53and my classmates at school
00:21:54say I'm a plagiarist,
00:21:55no one cares about me.
00:21:56But I can rent such a house.
00:21:58I'm already very satisfied.
00:21:59I'm already 18 years old.
00:22:00Professor Tang,
00:22:01you don't have to worry about me.
00:22:02Then you won't go back to the Tang family in the future?
00:22:06I won't go back.
00:22:07Wen Wen,
00:22:08thank you.
00:22:10I'll find a way
00:22:11to pay you back the money.
00:22:12Don't worry about the money.
00:22:15This is the money I saved.
00:22:16Take it first.
00:22:19Tang Yu.
00:22:22Everything will be fine.
00:22:33this is the wooden doll
00:22:34I made for you.
00:22:35Happy 24th birthday to you.
00:22:37Thank you, senior.
00:22:38The project was also successfully announced.
00:22:40Double happiness.
00:22:42Zhi Yi,
00:22:43happy birthday.
00:22:44I'm on a business trip abroad.
00:22:45I didn't go back to celebrate your birthday.
00:22:47I'm sorry.
00:22:48Where's Xiao Yu?
00:22:49Isn't she coming back?
00:22:53Isn't she coming back?
00:22:55Senior celebrates her birthday every year.
00:22:57Isn't Tang Yu the most active one?
00:22:59He doesn't know the venue.
00:23:00He cooks for his wife
00:23:01and makes longevity noodles.
00:23:02Why doesn't he care about me today?
00:23:04Tang Yu is really haunting me.
00:23:06Maybe she's busy.
00:23:08Didn't she say she wanted to change her major?
00:23:10She's the only one who can feed herself.
00:23:12How can she change her major?
00:23:13She just wants to
00:23:14save her face.
00:23:15She's so stubborn and stubborn.
00:23:16She didn't come today
00:23:17because she wanted to
00:23:19attract our attention.
00:23:22why do you keep talking about Tang Yu?
00:23:24Did she offend you?
00:23:25No, she didn't.
00:23:26I hate people like her
00:23:27who makes mistakes
00:23:28and let others
00:23:29make fun of her.
00:23:30She's not like a man at all.
00:23:32I'll call my junior.
00:23:33We're all in the same class.
00:23:34It's not a reunion
00:23:35if she doesn't come.
00:23:38The subscriber you dialed
00:23:39is busy at the moment.
00:23:40What's going on?
00:23:41Why is she on the phone all the time?
00:23:44did Senior
00:23:45blacklist you?
00:23:46How dare Tang Yu
00:23:47treat Senior like this?
00:23:49I told you he's a rascal
00:23:50and a cruel man.
00:23:51He must have done it on purpose.
00:23:57He blacklisted me, too.
00:23:58Let me try.
00:24:02I was blacklisted, too.
00:24:05When did Xiaoyu
00:24:06quit the project group?
00:24:08She's really good now.
00:24:10She plagiarized the project herself
00:24:12and even blacklisted us.
00:24:14Now Senior's birthday is coming.
00:24:16Does she even
00:24:17care about us?
00:24:21doesn't see us as family.
00:24:22No way.
00:24:23Let's go to her
00:24:24and ask her
00:24:25what's going on.
00:24:26Let's go.
00:24:28Tang Yu.
00:24:29Tang Yu.
00:24:32Tang Yu has already moved out.
00:24:34What's going on?
00:24:35Why didn't you mention
00:24:37Tang Yu's moving out?
00:24:42Why didn't you mention
00:24:44Tang Yu's moving out?
00:24:46Senior misunderstood me.
00:24:49I've been busy
00:24:50with the research project,
00:24:51so I didn't go home
00:24:52or see her.
00:24:55He has time
00:24:56to blacklist me
00:24:58but he doesn't even know
00:24:59Xiaoyu has moved out.
00:25:01He Mingwei
00:25:02may not be
00:25:03as kind
00:25:04as he pretends to be.
00:25:05Does Tang Yu
00:25:06have other reasons
00:25:07to bully Mingwei?
00:25:09What does he know?
00:25:12Why do you ask Mingwei?
00:25:13When Tang Yu is angry,
00:25:14Mingwei doesn't dare to say anything.
00:25:16I don't believe it today.
00:25:17He can disappear.
00:25:19Do you know
00:25:20where Tang Yu is now?
00:25:21I don't know either.
00:25:22I'll ask someone.
00:25:27This is the address of Tang Yu.
00:25:29Young master is
00:25:30really nice.
00:25:31I just helped him
00:25:32carry the box.
00:25:33He also
00:25:34sent me a gift.
00:25:35Although I have little knowledge,
00:25:36I don't know
00:25:37what happened between you.
00:25:38But young master
00:25:39is not
00:25:40a bully.
00:25:41He has the best temper.
00:25:42Then let's go find him now.
00:25:44Do you want to go?
00:25:45I don't know where he is.
00:25:51Did Tang Yu
00:25:52live in Lannidui?
00:25:54What kind of place is this?
00:25:56How can there be
00:25:57such a place
00:25:58in the first world?
00:25:59Yan Han was right.
00:26:01His house is not short of money.
00:26:02Did Tang Yu live here?
00:26:03I think
00:26:04he obviously did it on purpose.
00:26:06But maybe we
00:26:07really misunderstood him.
00:26:09Don't forget.
00:26:10Xiao Yu has always been arrogant.
00:26:12When he was at home,
00:26:13he always
00:26:14ate seafood and abalone.
00:26:15Now he lives here.
00:26:17He obviously
00:26:18sold them to us.
00:26:19He is really scheming.
00:26:23Who told you to get these seafood?
00:26:25This is what you asked me to buy for young master.
00:26:31Tang Yu.
00:26:32You are so rude
00:26:34and rude to servants.
00:26:37Tang Yu
00:26:38is a
00:26:40He lives here.
00:26:41What does he want to do?
00:26:42I'll talk to him.
00:26:50What is this?
00:26:56What is this?
00:26:58This is a photo
00:27:00he took when he was 20.
00:27:04Today is my 20th birthday.
00:27:06These are the dishes I made.
00:27:08Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me.
00:27:09Mr. Tang.
00:27:12I want to go to the cemetery
00:27:13to see my parents.
00:27:14Don't be sad.
00:27:15We'll go with you.
00:27:17Can't you
00:27:18go with me after my birthday?
00:27:19Xiao Yu.
00:27:20You are a grown-up.
00:27:21Can't you be sensible?
00:27:22Do you have to
00:27:23celebrate your birthday at this time?
00:27:24Don't you just want to
00:27:25find some sense of existence?
00:27:26Tang Yu.
00:27:27Don't think I don't understand
00:27:28your heart.
00:27:29We don't have time to play with you.
00:27:31Let's go.
00:27:36Let's go.
00:27:49As a compensation,
00:27:50I can meet one of your requirements.
00:27:54I want to take a family photo.
00:28:01Not the one with Ming Wei.
00:28:04Mr. Tang.
00:28:05Today is Xiao Yu's birthday.
00:28:10Stand here.
00:28:12Come here.
00:28:13Be careful.
00:28:14Three, two, one.
00:28:17And this.
00:28:18This is the scarf
00:28:19she made for me.
00:28:22This is the doll
00:28:23I caught with her.
00:28:24She really
00:28:25threw away
00:28:26everything related to us.
00:28:27Tang Yu.
00:28:28Come out.
00:28:29Don't think that
00:28:30I'll let you go
00:28:31if you hide here and sell goods.
00:28:32Who allowed you
00:28:33to throw these things away?
00:28:34Have you asked for our permission?
00:28:37Get out!
00:28:41Have you asked for our permission?
00:28:43Get out!
00:28:44Why are you shouting in the morning?
00:28:45Get out!
00:28:48Open the door!
00:28:56It's just a pile of garbage.
00:28:57You don't need to
00:28:58come here
00:28:59in such a hurry.
00:29:01How can you say that?
00:29:02In the past,
00:29:03when I was in Tang's family,
00:29:04you insulted me.
00:29:05You hated me.
00:29:07You even pretended
00:29:08that you didn't know me.
00:29:12Now I've moved to the suburb.
00:29:14Why are you still chasing me?
00:29:15What do you want to do?
00:29:16We just came to see you.
00:29:18And today is my birthday.
00:29:19Isn't it good
00:29:20for everyone to get together?
00:29:22You are a team.
00:29:24It's okay to get together.
00:29:25But what about me?
00:29:26Don't blame me
00:29:28if you lose something.
00:29:29I've investigated it.
00:29:30It's true that
00:29:31you and Jin Mi
00:29:32have nothing to do with each other.
00:29:33We misunderstood you.
00:29:34Why did you
00:29:35blacklist us?
00:29:37today is my birthday.
00:29:39How dare you not come?
00:29:40Because I don't want
00:29:41to have anything to do with you.
00:29:43And I don't want to go back to Tang's family.
00:29:47Make it clear.
00:29:48You cheated yourself.
00:29:50You lied to Ming Wei
00:29:51every time.
00:29:53Let's talk about this first.
00:29:55What right do you have
00:29:56to say you don't want to get involved with us?
00:30:00Don't think that
00:30:01you can escape
00:30:02from what you did
00:30:03just because you're selling silk.
00:30:04I'm telling you.
00:30:05If you still want to know
00:30:06about the three of us,
00:30:07you have to apologize to us.
00:30:08I plagiarized?
00:30:10I lied?
00:30:11Do you have any evidence?
00:30:14Every time,
00:30:15He Ming Wei said it out loud.
00:30:17And you guys
00:30:18asked me to apologize.
00:30:19Did you hear that?
00:30:21As for selling silk,
00:30:22why should I sell silk?
00:30:23Where did my money go?
00:30:25You know it better than I do.
00:30:26You have the nerve to blame me here.
00:30:28Why don't you give me back
00:30:29the money you borrowed from me?
00:30:34Why don't you give me back
00:30:35the money you borrowed from me?
00:30:38you're He Ming Wei's senior.
00:30:39Not mine.
00:30:41From now on,
00:30:42I don't have a senior.
00:30:44I don't have a mother.
00:30:45You can go wherever you want.
00:30:48It has nothing to do with me.
00:30:50Get out!
00:30:51What do you mean?
00:30:53Tell me what you want to say!
00:30:55What are you doing?
00:30:56All right.
00:30:57Stop knocking.
00:30:58He won't talk to us.
00:30:59Ming Wei said he plagiarized.
00:31:02Tong Xue said he bullied others.
00:31:04We can take it for granted
00:31:07and treat him as a criminal
00:31:08nailed to a cross.
00:31:10But if everything
00:31:11is a misunderstanding
00:31:12like stealing the gold coins,
00:31:14what about everything
00:31:15we did to him?
00:31:16How could Ming Wei's senior
00:31:17lie to us?
00:31:19Tang Yu is that kind of person.
00:31:20Let me ask you.
00:31:21What Xiao Yu said just now
00:31:23to make you pay back the money,
00:31:24what does it mean?
00:31:25I wanted to try the stock before.
00:31:27My mom didn't agree.
00:31:29Tang Yu lent me some money.
00:31:32How much did you lose?
00:31:33Why didn't you go to the stock market?
00:31:34How much did he lend you?
00:31:36Who knows?
00:31:38I haven't counted it all these years.
00:31:40It's about
00:31:41more than 400,000.
00:31:43That's not too much.
00:31:45Since he can lend it to me,
00:31:46it means he has money.
00:31:48This is not much.
00:31:50Do you know
00:31:51this is all Xiao Yu's property?
00:31:53He gave you all his money.
00:31:55How could you say that?
00:31:57No wonder.
00:31:58No wonder Xiao Yu
00:31:59lives in such a shabby place now.
00:32:02You don't have to be so worried.
00:32:04Even if he gave me
00:32:06all his pocket money,
00:32:07he still has a sum of money
00:32:08in your pocket.
00:32:09It's the deposit money
00:32:10he kept for so many years.
00:32:11At least 300,000.
00:32:14Why are you so serious?
00:32:16It's gone.
00:32:17The money is long gone.
00:32:26I thought
00:32:27the orphan in the orphanage
00:32:28was pitiful.
00:32:29So I donated all my deposit money.
00:32:31But Xiao Yu didn't do anything.
00:32:33I think Xiao Yu is cold-hearted.
00:32:35So I donated all his money.
00:32:37Does Tang Yu
00:32:39have no money at all?
00:32:43I always thought
00:32:44he was selling money.
00:32:46I didn't know
00:32:47he really had no money.
00:32:48I didn't know
00:32:49he really had no money.
00:32:50I really didn't know.
00:32:52Professor Tang's only son
00:32:54was driven out of the orphanage.
00:32:56In the end,
00:32:57he had no choice but to cry.
00:33:02No wonder
00:33:03Xiao Yu didn't come to my birthday party.
00:33:05No wonder he didn't want to see us.
00:33:07It turns out that in a place
00:33:08we can't see,
00:33:09he suffered so much.
00:33:19Where is Tang Yu?
00:33:20He won't come back.
00:33:23I'm tired.
00:33:25I'll go back and rest.
00:33:27Me too.
00:33:33When the mountain was slippery,
00:33:35Tang Yu tried his best
00:33:36to save the big world.
00:33:38Now it's just a misunderstanding
00:33:39that he stole the project secrets.
00:33:41This kind of little thing
00:33:42is not a big deal.
00:33:44I don't care.
00:33:45I don't care.
00:33:46This kind of little thing
00:33:47is not a big deal.
00:33:51Senior Yan Wen,
00:33:52what's wrong with you?
00:33:53Senior Yan Wen,
00:33:55did you save me?
00:33:58Are you hurt?
00:33:59I'm fine.
00:34:03Where is Tang Yu?
00:34:07went to save Senior.
00:34:10Don't you have a deep relationship
00:34:11with Senior?
00:34:12You abandoned me
00:34:13to save Senior.
00:34:14How can you
00:34:15ignore Senior now?
00:34:16If Junior didn't
00:34:17save me
00:34:18back then,
00:34:20I would have died.
00:34:22Senior Yan Wen,
00:34:23hot water for you.
00:34:25What's wrong?
00:34:26I'm fine.
00:34:27I heard that
00:34:28Junior is going to take
00:34:29Neurosurgery University
00:34:30of Medical University.
00:34:32He is so stupid.
00:34:33He can't even
00:34:34pass his own
00:34:35professional exam.
00:34:36What does he want to take?
00:34:37Does he really think
00:34:38he can take anything?
00:34:45But I don't.
00:34:56Two racks of
00:34:58Laboratory Lab results.
00:34:59Senior Yan Wen
00:35:00must be number one.
00:35:01Tang Yu,
00:35:02I will take
00:35:03everything from you.
00:35:04I will step outside
00:35:06of you forever.
00:35:11Bad boy.
00:35:14Xiao Yu.
00:35:16What are you doing here?
00:35:20I'm sorry, Xiao Yu.
00:35:21I didn't know you've been through so much.
00:35:23What does it have to do with you?
00:35:24We've already apologized to you.
00:35:26I'll find a way to pay you back for the money I owe you.
00:35:28You don't have to talk to me like that.
00:35:32Xiao Yu, I have 100,000 yuan here.
00:35:34You don't have to go to the next part-time job.
00:35:36You'd better save some time and take a break.
00:35:38I don't need it. Give it back to me.
00:35:40You study so hard.
00:35:41Sometimes it's really worth it.
00:35:43Why don't you provide yourself with a comfortable learning environment?
00:35:46You didn't say that before.
00:35:53I've been up all night.
00:35:55The experiment is finally over.
00:35:56You can go to bed first.
00:35:58Wait for Senior to surprise him.
00:36:04I saw Xiao Yu slip out again yesterday.
00:36:06Does he not like to do experiments?
00:36:08I'm so disappointed.
00:36:09And my classmate saw him walking to my class recently.
00:36:12You have to talk to him.
00:36:13Play games all night again?
00:36:27Tang Yu, you have a bad talent.
00:36:29If you don't work hard and indulge in eating and enjoying,
00:36:32don't do this project.
00:36:33Don't embarrass me.
00:36:35You should know the reason why stupid birds fly first.
00:36:37You are different from Ming Wei.
00:36:38If you don't work hard,
00:36:40you can't even compare with him.
00:36:43I'm sorry, Xiao Yu.
00:36:44It was the seniors who didn't care about you enough.
00:36:46I'll change it in the future.
00:36:48We can't stay out of touch all our lives.
00:36:50I can stay out of touch with you.
00:36:52I can do it.
00:36:53Xiao Yu.
00:36:58The graduates' grades are about to be released.
00:36:59You will definitely be admitted to the graduate school of Medical University.
00:37:01Senior Ming Wei.
00:37:02You look down on this plagiarist.
00:37:04He has a mediocre talent.
00:37:06He has the reputation of Professor Tang.
00:37:08He even dreams of being admitted to the graduate school of Professor Zhao Donglai.
00:37:10I don't care.
00:37:14The graduates of Medical University
00:37:15are the top universities that are difficult to be admitted to.
00:37:17Their annual exposure ratio is one in a thousand.
00:37:19According to Xiao Yu's talent,
00:37:20it's really hard to be admitted.
00:37:21Why does Ming Wei
00:37:22embarrass Xiao Yu every time?
00:37:25He knows that Xiao Yu's academic level is low.
00:37:27The graduates' grades are about to be released.
00:37:28You will definitely be admitted to the graduate school of Medical University.
00:37:29Senior Ming Wei.
00:37:30Senior Ming Wei.
00:37:31Senior Ming Wei.
00:37:33The first place of the graduates' grades is
00:37:34Tang Yu.
00:37:41The first place of the graduates' grades
00:37:43of the graduate school of Neurosurgery is
00:37:44Tang Yu.
00:37:49How could it be possible?
00:37:50Why is Tang Yu the first place?
00:37:52It must be a mistake.
00:37:53Senior Ming Wei should be the first place.
00:37:55Why are you still the first place?
00:37:57I took away your thesis.
00:37:59I took away all your energy.
00:38:00I took away your laboratory.
00:38:02I took away your project.
00:38:03How can you still be the first place?
00:38:05Tang Yu.
00:38:06I won't let you be admitted to the graduate school of Neurosurgery
00:38:08and become a student taught by Zhao Tonglai.
00:38:10Oh my god.
00:38:11Tang Yu actually got the first place
00:38:13of the graduates' grades of Neurosurgery.
00:38:14It's not strange.
00:38:15After all, when Tang Yu was tested,
00:38:17everyone saw
00:38:18his efforts.
00:38:19Effort and talent are two different things.
00:38:21Tang Yu can get this result
00:38:22in three months.
00:38:23He is definitely the top talent.
00:38:25Who said he was stupid and stupid?
00:38:26I used to think that Xiao Yu's talent was bad.
00:38:28That's because he skipped two grades in high school.
00:38:30He wanted to meet us earlier.
00:38:33He skipped two grades in high school
00:38:34and got into our school.
00:38:35Now he has been tested for a year.
00:38:36He got the first place in the graduate school of Neurosurgery.
00:38:38What kind of talent is Tang Yu?
00:38:39But if
00:38:40Tang Yu really has this talent,
00:38:42why did he copy
00:38:43He Xudi's thesis?
00:38:51You don't need to look at the results.
00:38:52I have approved
00:38:53the guarantee for you.
00:38:54Mr. Tang.
00:38:59You got the first place
00:39:00in the graduate school of Neurosurgery.
00:39:02Mr. Tang.
00:39:03I just saw the school forum.
00:39:05Everyone said that
00:39:06Xiao Yu's result
00:39:07was copied.
00:39:10Please help him clarify.
00:39:20Professor Tang.
00:39:25You bastard.
00:39:26It's not enough to do
00:39:27such a hideous thing as copying.
00:39:28Now you dare to
00:39:29play tricks
00:39:30on such a big thing as the test.
00:39:32I was wondering
00:39:33why you were so honest recently
00:39:34and didn't go home.
00:39:35It turns out that you are guilty.
00:39:41You don't believe your son
00:39:43and believe these
00:39:44false rumors.
00:39:45Shut up.
00:39:46You still know you are my son.
00:39:48You did such a shameful thing
00:39:49every day and embarrassed me.
00:39:50You are just like your father.
00:39:52You are born to be my guest star.
00:39:54He dumped you.
00:39:55What does it have to do with me?
00:39:59How could I give birth to
00:40:01such a bad son like you?
00:40:16Professor Tang.
00:40:17I have saved enough money
00:40:19you have raised me all these years.
00:40:21I will give it back to you.
00:40:22From now on,
00:40:24I have nothing to do with you.
00:40:28Tang Yu.
00:40:29Do you understand?
00:40:30You were caught cheating in the exam.
00:40:31Even the gods can't save you.
00:40:33You are useless.
00:40:34I will call the Examination Office
00:40:36to cancel your exam.
00:40:42Hello. Is this the Examination Office?
00:40:43Can you cancel Tang Yu's exam?
00:40:45I am his mother.
00:40:47He cheated.
00:40:57Tang Yu
00:41:03I can't cancel my exam.
00:41:05I am an adult.
00:41:07I don't need others to decide for me.
00:41:09I can assure you
00:41:11my result is correct.
00:41:13I can accept any investigation.
00:41:31I have tried my best to forgive you.
00:41:33Why can't you let me go?
00:41:35Tang Yu.
00:41:36Tang Yu.
00:41:39Becoming a neurosurgeon
00:41:44is my only pursuit in my life.
00:41:50Now I am about to die.
00:41:53Why do you want me to die?
00:41:55I am not satisfied.
00:41:56I have tried my best to help you.
00:41:58If your result is wrong,
00:42:00then I can keep your result
00:42:02and spare your life.
00:42:04I am willing to do anything for you.
00:42:10What if my result is correct?
00:42:14Tang Yu
00:42:15is so stubborn.
00:42:17Even Professor Tang Shuang
00:42:18reported him for cheating.
00:42:20Let's see what he will say.
00:42:22The Examination Office
00:42:23has CCTV and electronic screen.
00:42:25How can he cheat?
00:42:27And he got the first place in the exam.
00:42:29How can he cheat?
00:42:31It doesn't matter.
00:42:32If Tang Yu didn't do anything wrong,
00:42:34how can Professor Tang Shuang
00:42:35cancel his result for him?
00:42:38He got the first place in the exam.
00:42:40No mother
00:42:41will ruin her son's future.
00:42:43You are so stubborn this time.
00:42:46Professor said
00:42:47Tang Yu's result is wrong.
00:42:49Please calm down.
00:42:51He is so stubborn.
00:42:53How can he cheat?
00:42:56It doesn't matter if no one believes him.
00:42:57We are his family.
00:42:58Can't we believe him once?
00:43:00Answer me.
00:43:01What if my result is correct?
00:43:04Then I will tell you.
00:43:06Even if my result is correct,
00:43:08Yike University
00:43:09will kick me out
00:43:10because of your phone call.
00:43:13Professor Tang Shuang did this for you.
00:43:15It's my fault.
00:43:17It's all my fault.
00:43:18I shouldn't have
00:43:19said what happened in the forum.
00:43:21He Mingwei.
00:43:22It's you again.
00:43:24It's just an accident.
00:43:26Next time.
00:43:27Next time,
00:43:28if you get the first place,
00:43:29everything will be clear.
00:43:33Tomorrow is Tang Yu's exam.
00:43:34I'll get his exam location.
00:43:36You go to the school gate
00:43:37and get his certificate.
00:43:38Senior Mingwei.
00:43:39Tang Yu's result is plagiarism.
00:43:41If he takes the exam,
00:43:42his face will be exposed.
00:43:49I'm doing this for his own good.
00:43:50After all,
00:43:51he is my junior.
00:43:52If he takes the exam,
00:43:54the plagiarism will be proven.
00:43:56I promise to do my best
00:43:57to protect him.
00:43:58Senior Mingwei.
00:43:59You are too kind.
00:44:01If I say...
00:44:02Will you help me or not?
00:44:03I'll help.
00:44:05Go ahead.
00:44:06See you tomorrow.
00:44:08The certificate and the ID card
00:44:09must be merged.
00:44:10If you can't get it back,
00:44:11I can't let you in.
00:44:12Then I can't take the exam.
00:44:14Tang Yu is the first place.
00:44:15What kind of luck is this?
00:44:16First, he reported plagiarism.
00:44:18Second, he lost his certificate.
00:44:19It's too hard for Tang Yu.
00:44:21Is it hard?
00:44:22Of course it's hard.
00:44:23After all, in the past,
00:44:24this certificate was stolen.
00:44:26It's all thanks to one person.
00:44:32Xiaoyu didn't bring her certificate.
00:44:35I'm Tang Yu's senior, Yan Han.
00:44:36Can you let her in first?
00:44:38I'll send someone
00:44:39to print the certificate again.
00:44:41It's Yan Han.
00:44:42She has a wide range of connections.
00:44:43There must be no problem
00:44:44to print a temporary certificate.
00:44:45It's just a waste of time.
00:44:46No need.
00:44:47I have my own way.
00:44:49Tang Yu.
00:44:50What time is it?
00:44:51Why are you still talking to me?
00:44:54Someone didn't let me take the exam.
00:44:55He deliberately stole my certificate.
00:44:57I'm going to call the police.
00:45:06According to his previous character,
00:45:07he should be panicked.
00:45:09He was anxious
00:45:10to go back and print a temporary certificate.
00:45:12Or at the door of the exam room,
00:45:13he should have cried.
00:45:15How did it change?
00:45:16Who called the police?
00:45:23It's me.
00:45:24Do you have any evidence?
00:45:26You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.
00:45:31My toy
00:45:32is actually a camera.
00:45:34All the evidence a few minutes ago
00:45:36was recorded.
00:45:40He stole my certificate.
00:45:43He deliberately stole my certificate.
00:45:45This classmate.
00:45:46Why can't you get along with me?
00:45:48I didn't offend you.
00:45:49He Yun.
00:45:50You should not have time
00:45:52to lose my certificate.
00:45:56He Mingwei deliberately mentioned Fu Shi.
00:45:58He will definitely steal my certificate
00:46:00like the last time.
00:46:03With this electronic eye,
00:46:04he will definitely show his true colors.
00:46:06I didn't.
00:46:07You're slandering me.
00:46:08If I didn't slander you,
00:46:10I would know if I looked through his school bag.
00:46:13No one can leave
00:46:14until the matter is clearly investigated.
00:46:15Please cooperate with the investigation.
00:46:16Take it out.
00:46:21Do you know what you are doing?
00:46:22Delaying other people's exam.
00:46:23Stealing other people's certificates.
00:46:25It's punishable.
00:46:27Even sentenced.
00:46:28This classmate.
00:46:29Are you a student of this exam?
00:46:30Show me your ID card.
00:46:35Are you crazy?
00:46:36Tang Yuzhou offended you.
00:46:37You want to hurt him like this.
00:46:42Have a good talk.
00:46:44This classmate.
00:46:45I will report to your school later.
00:46:47By then,
00:46:48the whole school will know what you did.
00:46:49You just wait to drop out of school.
00:46:53He Mingwei, help me.
00:46:54Didn't you say that Tang Yu plagiarized?
00:46:55Is it okay to take the certificate?
00:46:57What's going on now?
00:47:05If he really did it,
00:47:07no one can escape.
00:47:08The charges are the same.
00:47:11Hurry up and go to the exam.
00:47:13Don't delay.
00:47:15Take it away.
00:47:20This kid.
00:47:21Finally not so stupid.
00:47:22This is.
00:47:23Playing around in a dream.
00:47:26I think we should check it out.
00:47:28I hate being cheated the most.
00:47:30What do you say?
00:47:31In fact.
00:47:32I just confirmed that I saw Mingwei's voice.
00:47:34If he really did this,
00:47:36I will definitely seek justice for Xiaoyu.
00:47:40How many things has Mingwei hidden from me?
00:47:43Let's talk to Professor Tang.
00:47:45By the way, second sister.
00:47:47You are weird enough.
00:47:49You were the one who suddenly ignored Tang Yu.
00:47:51Now you are the one who is in a hurry to help him spread justice.
00:47:54Don't be jealous.
00:47:55I didn't ignore him on purpose.
00:48:00It's because of that incident.
00:48:01Tang Yu abandoned me to save his senior sister.
00:48:05I think he abandoned me first.
00:48:08Tang Yu saved you at that time.
00:48:10After saving you, he saved his senior sister.
00:48:15What did you say?
00:48:16You were in a coma at that time.
00:48:17Buried deeper.
00:48:19Tang Yu pulled you out first.
00:48:21His hands were bleeding.
00:48:23Later, Mingwei came.
00:48:24He left you to Mingwei.
00:48:25After that, he went to save his senior sister.
00:48:34Second sister.
00:48:35Second sister.
00:48:41I will save my senior sister.
00:48:44I will save my senior sister.
00:48:46Me too.
00:48:48Is this the truth?
00:48:50Xiaoyu didn't abandon me at all.
00:48:53I didn't even ask a question.
00:48:55I sentenced him to death.
00:49:02Do I still have a chance to save you?
00:49:05Mingwei lied to me.
00:49:08He Mingwei.
00:49:09He lied to me so badly.
00:49:11Let's go.
00:49:12Let's go to Professor Tang to tell the truth.
00:49:19What's going on?
00:49:20Before Xiaoyu left home.
00:49:21All the security cameras were deleted.
00:49:23It's He Mingwei.
00:49:24He deleted the security cameras.
00:49:26Senior sister.
00:49:27Since we found it.
00:49:28Let's go.
00:49:36That day.
00:49:37I saw him sneaking around in the surveillance room.
00:49:39I happened to run into him.
00:49:41He must have deleted the security cameras.
00:49:42What should we do?
00:49:43Without the security cameras.
00:49:44There is no way to reveal the truth.
00:49:46I have other security cameras.
00:49:49He Mingwei just came to the Tang family at that time.
00:49:51Always bullied by Tang Yu.
00:49:52But He Mingwei refused to say.
00:49:54In order to catch Tang Yu.
00:49:56I secretly installed a few.
00:50:01Right there.
00:50:06Senior brother.
00:50:07Drink a glass of milk.
00:50:13Stand there.
00:50:27Senior brother.
00:50:28Senior brother.
00:50:29Why did you push me?
00:50:30My head.
00:50:31My head.
00:50:32My head.
00:50:33My head.
00:50:35He Mingwei.
00:50:36He cheated all of us.
00:50:39And others.
00:51:03He Mingwei.
00:51:10Tang Yu.
00:51:11This time.
00:51:12What are you fighting with me?
00:51:14Tang Yu.
00:51:16In this life.
00:51:18You have to be stepped on by me.
00:51:22He Mingwei.
00:51:23So bold.
00:51:24Even we dare to cheat.
00:51:26Who cheated you?
00:51:30You don't know yet.
00:51:31He Mingwei is a bastard.
00:51:33He cheated all of us.
00:51:38You don't know yet.
00:51:39He Mingwei is a bastard.
00:51:41He cheated all of us.
00:51:42How could it be possible?
00:51:44Let me say.
00:51:47He Mingwei.
00:52:01He Mingwei.
00:52:07This time.
00:52:08What are you fighting with me?
00:52:10Tang Yu.
00:52:11In this life.
00:52:13You have to be stepped on by me.
00:52:19It's Mingwei who copied Tang Yu's thesis.
00:52:22And she pushed him into the water.
00:52:25Even before.
00:52:26I thought she bullied Mingwei.
00:52:28It's all Mingwei's self-indulgence.
00:52:34How could it be like this?
00:52:36Let's help you to have a rest.
00:52:43How could it be possible?
00:52:45Tang Yu has always been a bad girl.
00:52:46A child who can't hold the wall.
00:52:49Young master.
00:52:50He is never a bad person who can't hold the wall.
00:52:53In the past.
00:52:54Young master He wronged him.
00:52:57Since young master He came to the Tang family.
00:52:59He gave all the good things to young master He.
00:53:03Later, he even publicly said.
00:53:06Everything is in the hands of young master He.
00:53:09He deliberately made some seafood.
00:53:12Let young master He.
00:53:15It's all my fault.
00:53:17I used to scold young master Yu for being rude and unreasonable.
00:53:21Young master Yu was plagiarized by Yuan Wang.
00:53:25Professor Tang.
00:53:26Professor Tang.
00:53:27Picked up the wine cup in public.
00:53:28Poured out blood.
00:53:29Drive out of the house.
00:53:38It's all my fault.
00:53:41I was wrong.
00:53:44Professor Tang.
00:53:45I know you are a high-ranking official.
00:53:48Your career is also successful.
00:53:50But young master Yu.
00:53:52He is not what you think.
00:53:55He is a good boy.
00:53:58But in order to get your attention.
00:54:00He abandoned his power at any time.
00:54:08We used to.
00:54:11He is really not a thing.
00:54:24He Mingwei.
00:54:25The truth is out.
00:54:26Where do you want to hide?
00:54:28Professor Tang.
00:54:29Professor Tang.
00:54:31I didn't do that.
00:54:32Don't you believe me?
00:54:34I am Mingwei.
00:54:35Zhiyi, they have found the surveillance.
00:54:38You plagiarized Tang Yu's thesis.
00:54:44It's not me.
00:54:45How could I do such a thing?
00:54:47How long are you going to lie?
00:54:49The evidence is in front of you.
00:54:51You are still quibbling.
00:54:54You plagiarized Tang Yu's thesis.
00:54:56You pushed him into the water.
00:55:03You are the worst.
00:55:05We didn't have to be like this with Tang Yu.
00:55:08You lied to all of us.
00:55:10He Mingwei.
00:55:11He Mingwei.
00:55:12How dare you?
00:55:17It's a big deal.
00:55:19He Mingwei.
00:55:21You really think all of us are fools, right?
00:55:24You think no one knows
00:55:26what you have done, right?
00:55:39Professor Tang.
00:55:40It's not me.
00:55:41It's really not me.
00:55:42Professor Tang.
00:55:48I admit
00:55:50I'm sorry for Tang Yu.
00:55:51But I can't help it.
00:55:53I had a hard time in the orphanage.
00:55:55They bullied me.
00:55:57They said I had no power.
00:55:59They don't see me as a human being.
00:56:01Those relatives
00:56:03are not good people.
00:56:05They bullied him.
00:56:07You bullied Tang Yu.
00:56:10What's the difference between you and them?
00:56:12I'm afraid.
00:56:14I just want to keep my position.
00:56:16I want to live a better life.
00:56:18Is that wrong?
00:56:19If Tang Yu endures it,
00:56:21you will bully him harder and harder.
00:56:27Professor Tang.
00:56:28Don't forget.
00:56:30You promised my parents.
00:56:31You have to take care of me.
00:56:33You should treat me well.
00:56:41How can I treat you well?
00:56:47Because I treat you so well.
00:56:52So you are spoiled.
00:56:54You are so arrogant.
00:57:00So you almost killed
00:57:02my own son.
00:57:05He is my only son.
00:57:10Now he doesn't even want to see me.
00:57:24Tang Yu.
00:57:26I'm sorry.
00:57:33Tomorrow is the day
00:57:35of Yu's postgraduate results.
00:57:37Let's go to see him together.
00:57:45Ladies and gentlemen.
00:57:47Welcome to
00:57:49the award ceremony
00:57:51of postgraduate results
00:57:53of the University of Medicine.
00:57:57There are more than
00:57:595,000 students
00:58:01who have been admitted
00:58:03to the University of Medicine.
00:58:05Only three of them
00:58:07have been admitted
00:58:09to the University of Medicine.
00:58:11Let's give a round of applause
00:58:13to congratulate them.
00:58:17The third place goes to Song Xiaoxiao.
00:58:23The second place goes to Tang Song.
00:58:25The last place goes to
00:58:27the first place
00:58:29of the postgraduate results
00:58:31and the first place
00:58:33of the postgraduate results.
00:58:35At the same time,
00:58:37her paper also won
00:58:39the international gold medal.
00:58:41Let's give a round of applause
00:58:43to Tang Yu.
00:58:47The first place.
00:58:49Tang Yu is a medical genius.
00:58:51She almost lost her future
00:58:53but she is really capable.
00:58:55Not only is she capable,
00:58:57but her mother and sisters
00:58:59are also blind.
00:59:01They don't believe Tang Yu,
00:59:03let alone others.
00:59:07didn't He Mingwei
00:59:09win the award?
00:59:11This student,
00:59:13when the school got
00:59:15the list of winners,
00:59:17they specially checked
00:59:19He Mingwei's results
00:59:27You should have a bright future.
00:59:29Let's welcome Tang Yu
00:59:31to receive
00:59:33her honor.
00:59:45Let's welcome Tang Yu
00:59:47to give a speech.
00:59:49I thank myself
00:59:51for persevering all the way.
00:59:53Tang Yu,
00:59:55what are your plans?
00:59:57Professor Zhao Donglai
00:59:59gave me a chance to study abroad.
01:00:01I will leave this place
01:00:03that I hate.
01:00:07are you really going abroad?
01:00:09Don't you want your mother anymore?
01:00:13Are you really going abroad?
01:00:15Don't you want your mother anymore?
01:00:19I'll give you all my money back, okay?
01:00:21Are you really so cruel to leave us?
01:00:23We misunderstood you
01:00:27I admit,
01:00:29Tang Yu,
01:00:31I'll make it up to you later.
01:00:33I'll give you a good car and a good house.
01:00:35Come back, okay?
01:00:39I beg you this time,
01:00:41can you not go abroad?
01:00:43At least let us see you.
01:00:45How dare you come here?
01:00:47How dare you say that Xiaoyu doesn't want you?
01:00:49It's you who don't want Xiaoyu.
01:00:51It's you
01:00:53who slandered her for plagiarizing the thesis
01:00:55and beat her to a pulp.
01:01:01It's you who kicked her out of the house
01:01:03in the cold and snowy weather.
01:01:05It's you who cheated her of her money
01:01:07and forced her to live in a slum.
01:01:09Did Tang Yu live in a slum?
01:01:11What kind of place is this?
01:01:13It's you, right?
01:01:15It's you who slandered her
01:01:17for plagiarizing the thesis
01:01:19and beat her to a pulp.
01:01:23Hello, is this the Examination Office?
01:01:25Can you cancel Tang Yu's test results?
01:01:27I'm her mother. She cheated.
01:01:31Now she won the international gold medal.
01:01:33How dare you come here?
01:01:37I used to care so much about your eyes
01:01:39and desperately wanted to keep you by my side.
01:01:41But in the end,
01:01:43you broke your promise.
01:01:45I'm sorry.
01:01:47I'm sorry.
01:01:49I'm sorry.
01:01:51I've thought it through.
01:01:53I got a new script in my life
01:01:55and found my true self.
01:01:57I have a professor who loves me.
01:01:59I also have a classmate who cares about me.
01:02:01I have a bright future.
01:02:03I don't want to hate you,
01:02:05but I won't forgive you.
01:02:07I just hope to never see you again.
01:02:10Don't do this.
01:02:12Yu, I'm sorry.
01:02:14I won't ask for your forgiveness.
01:02:16But can you please
01:02:18stay with us?
01:02:22we've investigated everything.
01:02:24It's He Mingwei.
01:02:26She plagiarized your thesis.
01:02:28She deleted your data.
01:02:30She also slandered you for plagiarizing.
01:02:32It's all our fault.
01:02:34We shouldn't have believed her
01:02:36and hurt you.
01:02:40I'm sorry.
01:02:42You risked your life
01:02:44to save me.
01:02:46I was deceived by He Mingwei.
01:02:48I thought you abandoned me.
01:02:50I'm sorry.
01:02:54I'm sorry.
01:02:56I shouldn't have taken all your money.
01:02:58In the end,
01:03:00you had to live in a shanty.
01:03:02I'm sorry.
01:03:06I've figured it out.
01:03:08He Mingwei pushed you down.
01:03:10Fan Yao said you pushed her.
01:03:12I didn't ask the truth.
01:03:14I hit you.
01:03:22I'm sorry.
01:03:24To me,
01:03:26the truth doesn't matter.
01:03:28I don't want your love anymore.
01:03:30I just want to
01:03:32go back to my own life.
01:03:34As for He Mingwei...
01:03:36Tang Yu!
01:03:38I can't get it.
01:03:40You can't get it, either!
01:03:42Tang Yu!
01:03:48You don't have to do this.
01:03:50We've broken up.
01:03:54Let me go!
01:03:56Let me go!
01:03:58I have depression.
01:04:00You can't arrest me.
01:04:02Let me go!
01:04:06I'm sorry.
01:04:08I didn't protect you well.
01:04:10Let me
01:04:12protect you one last time.
01:04:16I agree to let you go abroad.
01:04:18There's a bigger stage
01:04:20to show
01:04:22your talent.
