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Former President Donald Trump has once again stirred controversy by referring to COVID-19 as the "Chinese Virus" and claiming the situation inside China is far worse than officially reported. He warned about potential global repercussions if the truth remains hidden. Is this political rhetoric, or does Trump know something the world doesn't? Watch the full report for exclusive insights and expert analysis. Trump

#Trump #ChineseVirus #COVID19 #BreakingNews #GlobalHealth #PandemicTruth #TrumpSpeech #ChinaCrisis #WorldNews #ViralNews
00:00had the greatest man when he said you're probably the only man because I know Doug he's got a big
00:04ego and we have x we have electricity now for the whole country they need that just for that
00:11one industry we need whatever it is a hundred percent of the energy we need that amount just
00:17to be in the number one position when you hear China is rated number four and five every year
00:23I had a deal with President Xi just prior to uh leaving office look uh I want you to just hold it
00:34and I want to put you there he said sir I have somebody much better than me on energy who Chris
00:38Wright he said who the hell is Chris Wright he said he is Chris here I don't even know is Chris
00:44here hello Chris where am I giving him some buildups I did the same thing last night but
00:48he's the top guy in the whole they say the on the planet for energy in all forms of energy
00:57even clean beautiful coal that we're going to be using like Germany does now they're opening up a
01:02plant a week and uh they're opening up in China more than somebody told me two plants a week you
01:08know but we're supposed to use the wind which doesn't work doesn't work from a practical
01:13standpoint but I just want to welcome you because you had the greatest man here when he said you're
01:17probably the only man because I know Doug he's got a big ego and uh you're the only man I've
01:23actually we have x we have electricity now for the whole country they need that just for that
01:29one industry so they're coming in with uh and we're we're going to be leading we're now leading
01:34on that we've really opened it up and I hope it's good but we opened it up and uh we're leading
01:42China by a lot but China is giving them tremendous electricity because they do whatever they want to
01:47do but we're working with Li and I've told these people they spend they're going to spend hundreds
01:52of billions trillions of dollars actually so I need double the energy that we have right now
01:57and even more than that from what I'm understanding which is hard to believe in other words take every
02:02car everything every building we need whatever it is a hundred percent of the energy we need
02:08that amount just to be uh in the number one position we need really more than that to
02:14to really dominate which I think will be dominating but I told them and they can't
02:18believe it we're not allowed to put it in unless we terminate 10 old regulations so it's one in 10
02:25we did one in seven in my last administration and the problem is some of them were put back
02:31foolishly put back there was no reason for them so if you truly want a turbocharged economy you
02:37have to do that and you have to get rid of the regulations I think one of the reasons we are I
02:42mean before COVID and we did a great job with COVID and getting it was a hell of a thing for
02:47all of us everybody here but some countries were some countries will actually never recover for
02:52what they went through but we ended up giving back when we turned over the reins we uh the
02:59stock market was higher than just previous to COVID coming in which was an amazing achievement
03:05but uh we were just prior to that we were I would never forget I was sitting down with two consultants
03:12uh the two great pollsters they said sir this economy is so good we're the greatest economy
03:18in the history of the world we were doubling up China we were I was also charging China hundreds
03:24of billions of dollars in tariffs which nobody no president charged them anything but they were
03:29killing us and but we were beating everybody everybody said that in 2018 China was going to
03:36overtake us as the biggest economy in the world and by the time I got finished we were so much
03:42bigger than China we still are now but another four years like we had just uh just passed you
03:49will have China being much bigger than you there's no reason if we have a smart president there's no
03:54way that they should ever be able to catch us but this pollster said to me sir uh if Abraham Lincoln
04:01and George Washington came back from the dead and they ran as president and vice president
04:06they'd never be able to beat you I said thank you very much the next day I go into my office and
04:12a group of scientists are sitting the sir would like to tell you there's something very bad
04:15happening in China there's dead bodies all over the place and that's the first time I heard the
04:20word pandemic in a long time and that's where it started and you know where they were all around
04:27the Wuhan lab that's why I was from day one I was saying they had little slits like this you saw
04:34them from the air from the from the uh from space and there were just little slits but there were
04:42body bags there were black body bags all over so many and that's why that's where it came from
04:48just some stats so at last it's usually with 38 39 or 40 out of 40 they take the 40
04:55I guess biggest most important whatever it might be but 40 countries
04:59and we were 38 38 39 and congratulations but two months ago three months ago we hit number 40 so
05:07we were last in terms of education in the world and we were first in another category though we
05:14were first in cost per pupil so we spend much more and by the way second wasn't even close
05:21so you have Norway Sweden Denmark Finland China so there goes the big the big country theory right
05:30there for 1.4 they're rated number five that's a little bit scary isn't it but they're all rated
05:37well spend much less per pupil than we do we spend the most per pupil and we're rated less think of
05:43that this can anything be worse than that Sarah huh you know I grew up in New York which was union
05:49union territory but we want to be able to have great education if we don't have education in
05:55this country this country is going to go down when you hear China is rated number four and five every
06:00year and you know they're a serious serious competitor so I want to thank you all and and
06:07I do want to say again I call me at any time I will take your call if you're a democrat I will
06:14put you ahead of the republican if I have a democrat a republican call sam I will put the
06:19democrat first okay I promise him probably sort of promise right it's the de minimis rule in tariffs
06:27we've got um the amount that is self-declared now is eight hundred dollars if you package you say
06:34your package coming from wherever is under eight hundred dollars it's not inspected there's no
06:39tariff on it problem is a lot of things coming in that are over that that's right and we're not
06:45doing that anymore and also there's fentanyl coming in yeah I think to all of these states
06:50that's a real problem and I think that everyone is sharing that thank you Henry so um I had a deal
06:58with President Xi just prior to uh leaving office but before the election that President Xi was
07:07going to give the maximum penalty to anybody sending fentanyl into the United States his
07:12maximum penalty is death if you notice that every country that has the death penalty has no drug
07:20problem they execute drug dealers and when you think about it it's uh it's very humane because
07:29every drug dealer on average they say kills at least 500 people not to mention the damage they
07:34do so many others but they kill large numbers of people uh China Singapore actually there are
07:44quite a few many in Asia where they have the death penalty there's no drug problem whatsoever
07:48they come to our country because we have a much softer policy we give them a slap on the wrist
07:54and say kill a lot of people so uh we are going to I mean I'm I don't know if our country is ready
08:01for it I I am ready for it the death penalty of your deal drugs you know you have to set out
08:06guidelines like fairly large numbers etc don't miss out log on to oneindia.com for more updates
