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Germany’s parliamentary elections draw European attention, as the country’s economy and stability play a key role on the continent. #Germany


00:00Trent, Germany is Europe's biggest economy.
00:03Now, Europe appears to be in this really sticky spot
00:06at the moment when it comes to America's comments on Ukraine
00:10and also defence spending.
00:12How important is this election result
00:15for stability across Europe as a whole?
00:19Well, look, I think you can get a sense from it
00:21just based on how other European countries
00:24are looking at this election.
00:25There's a lot of media coverage of it
00:27in places like France and Belgium and Italy,
00:30because what happens in Germany
00:32really has a huge impact on the rest of the EU.
00:34As you said, it's the EU's biggest economy.
00:37It's the world's third largest economy
00:39after China and the United States.
00:40And so what happens on Sunday will have a ripple on effect,
00:44not just across Europe and around the world.
00:45And you are right.
00:46I mean, Europe right now is having some very deep
00:49conversations around its sort of role in the world.
00:52We've seen President Trump sort of roll back
00:54onto the world stage full of criticism of the EU
00:57over issues like trade imbalances
01:00and their support for Ukraine.
01:01And so right now, in many ways,
01:03I think the EU is looking for leadership
01:05to try and navigate these sort of turbulent,
01:08uncertain waters ahead that are here.
01:11And Germany really has to play a crucial role in that,
01:14which is why after this election takes place on Sunday,
01:17the Chancellor will have a lot of work to do.
