¡Los años 80 cambiaron todo! Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy haremos un recuento de los principales acontecimientos y tendencias de la década de 1980 que resonaron en la historia.
00:00I've talked to you on a number of occasions about the economic problems and opportunities our nation faces.
00:05Hey, hola y bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español.
00:08Yo soy G, y hoy haremos un recuento de los principales acontecimientos y tendencias de la década de 1980 que resonaron en la historia.
00:16But as expected as the death may have been, it nevertheless had a stunning impact around the world.
00:22Número 10. Descubrimiento de la huella genética.
00:25I was aware at that time that Dr. Alec Jeffreys had been working at Leicester University in respect of DNA tests.
00:35En 1984, el genetista británico Sir Alec Jeffreys hizo un descubrimiento que marcó toda una época.
00:42Se dio cuenta que podía identificar patrones únicos en una cadena de ADN y crear una huella de ADN para los individuos.
00:50Este método revolucionó las fuerzas del orden y la medicina en todo el mundo.
00:54Los investigadores ahora podían identificar con mayor precisión a los sospechosos y exonerar a los encarcelados injustamente.
01:02Hoy en día utilizan las bases de datos de sitios como 23andMe para encontrar coincidencias familiares de sospechosos de delitos.
01:11For years, Patrick Mark Perkins eluded police until pioneering forensic work finally tracked him down.
01:18En medicina, las huellas genéticas dieron lugar a enormes avances en la ciencia.
01:23Ahora conocemos mejor las enfermedades hereditarias.
01:26Los médicos están empezando a personalizar los tratamientos en función de la composición de cada individuo,
01:32y las enfermedades pueden tratarse a nivel genético.
01:42Número 9. Desastres ambientales provocados por el hombre.
01:54La globalización y la desregulación generalizada provocaron un aumento tanto del volumen como del alcance de las catástrofes medioambientales provocadas por el hombre.
02:06En 1984, por ejemplo, Union Carbide India Limited fue responsable del peor desastre industrial en la historia de la humanidad.
02:15En su fábrica de pesticidas de Bhopal, India, se produjo una fuga del gas tóxico isocianato de metilo.
02:22Cientos de miles de personas estuvieron expuestas, lo que provocó problemas respiratorios, neurológicos y reproductivos generalizados, y miles de muertes.
02:37Dos años más tarde, la catástrofe nuclear de Chernobyl provocó problemas sanitarios similares.
02:42Cantidades masivas de materiales radiactivos fueron liberadas en Ucrania, devastando el medioambiente local.
02:50En 1989, el vertido del petróleo de Exxon Valdez frente a las costas de Alaska tiró millones de litros de crudo al océano, diezmando la vida marina y los ecosistemas.
03:11Número 8. Reganomics y el aumento de la desigualdad de la riqueza.
03:20El presidente Ronald Reagan cambió el panorama de la política estadounidense con su victoria en 1980.
03:30Puso en marcha su plan económico denominado Reganomics, instituyendo un régimen de recortes fiscales, de regulación y reducción del gasto público.
03:40Estas políticas estimularon un aumento de la riqueza, especialmente entre las empresas y los ya ricos,
03:47lo que condujo a un auge del mercado de valores y al crecimiento económico.
03:52Sin embargo, también contribuyeron a aumentar la desigualdad de ingresos.
04:02Los beneficios del crecimiento se concentraron en la cima, mientras que los salarios de los trabajadores de ingresos medios y bajos se estancaron.
04:10Al otro lado del Atlántico, la primera ministra británica Margaret Thatcher aplicó políticas similares.
04:16Privatizó industrias, recortó impuestos, con los que también prosperaron los ricos y aumentó la desigualdad.
04:22Juntas, las filosofías económicas de Reagan y Thatcher reconfiguraron el capitalismo mundial.
04:28Sus políticas neoliberales influyeron en la economía mundial durante décadas.
04:34She introduced free market policies that helped the country throw off its post-war malaise
04:39and shook up the banking world with a flurry of deregulation.
04:47In 1987, following an incident with the Israeli Defense Forces that left four Palestinian refugees dead,
04:53Palestinian militia led a violent uprising known as the First Intifada.
05:04After the OLP established a bastion in the besieged nation, Israel invaded it in 1982.
05:13This invasion profoundly destabilized Lebanon and provoked the rise of Hezbollah as a real military power.
05:20A year later, it bombed an American naval guard and French paratroopers.
05:34This again aggravated regional tensions and prepared the ground for decades of future conflicts.
05:42Meanwhile, the First Intifada in Palestinian territories began in 1987, after 20 years of occupation.
05:50The consequences of these events are still felt today with the intensification of the massacre in Gaza.
06:04Number 6. The HIV-AIDS Epidemic.
06:18In the early 1980s, rumors of a disease that began to wreak havoc in the gay community began to spread.
06:24Soon, these rumors were irrefutable when the United States and the world
06:29were forced to face the devastating HIV-AIDS epidemic.
06:33Fear and stigma surrounded the disease, prevalent in marginalized communities,
06:38and governments made an effort to respond.
06:41The facts may also help this man, Daryl Yates Rist. He's a journalist, he's gay,
06:47and he's thankful the world's finally taking notice of a disease that has killed so many.
06:52It affected the sub-Saharan Africa especially harshly, where millions of people died because of the virus.
06:58Social and economic agitation continued well into the 1990s,
07:03when AIDS became one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.
07:08Human rights activists begged the world to stop the tide of this plague.
07:13After two decades of growing deaths, in 2003, PEPFAR was created.
07:18Since then, this initiative has provided treatment that saves lives,
07:22reducing AIDS spread and ensuring that millions of people can control HIV.
07:29We've recently reported extensively on PEPFAR, its impact, and the threat of funding cuts,
07:34and what that threat looks like.
07:40On this day 30 years ago, shots rang out in Washington,
07:43and President Ronald Reagan was wounded by gunfire.
07:46The 1980s was marked by a wave of murder and attempts at political murder around the world.
07:53Some were motivated by ideological conflicts and power struggles, but not all.
07:58In 1981, President Reagan survived an attempted murder by a mentally ill man seeking fame.
08:11That same year, Pope John Paul II was about to die at the hands of a Turkish gunman
08:16linked to political conspiracies.
08:18British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher barely escaped an attack by the IRA in 1984.
08:26No political party was safe.
08:28Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
08:33were murdered by right-wing revanchists.
08:36Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was murdered by her own bodyguards.
08:42Not even figures of pop culture like John Lennon were left unharmed,
08:46since his murder in 1980 shocked the world.
08:57Number 4. Globalization and free trade.
09:11The combination of technological advances, deregulation and neoliberal economic policies
09:16of the 1980s created a fertile ground for the rise of free trade and globalization.
09:23Defended by leaders like Reagan and Thatcher, these policies reduced trade barriers
09:28and promoted the opening of markets.
09:30They promoted the flow of goods, services and capital through international borders.
09:43Multinational companies played a leading role in creating world supply chains.
09:48These changes reduced the cost of goods,
09:51moved the jobs of the manufacturing industry to cheaper places in developing countries
09:56and forged lasting bonds between nations.
09:59Although globalization promoted economic growth and innovation,
10:03it also led to outsourcing.
10:05The displacement of jobs became a norm in industrialized nations.
10:10Although prices fell, inequality and environmental exploitation
10:15spread like wildfire all over the planet.
10:29Number 3. The death of Leonid Brezhnev.
10:33High atop the Kremlin tonight, a Soviet flag at half-staff.
10:36A symbol of mourning for Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, President of the Soviet Union.
10:41This event of 1982 marked the end of the reign of the old guard of the Soviet Union.
10:47The successors of Brezhnev, Andropov and Charneco briefly maintained the status quo.
10:53Soon they were displaced by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, marking the beginning of a new era.
11:00We decided that we must help to decrease the threat of nuclear war.
11:31The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 symbolized the collapse of the Soviet influence in Eastern Europe.
11:39In 1991, the Soviet Union itself dissolved.
11:50Number 2. Deng Xiaoping's policy of open doors and China's rise as a superpower.
12:00China's economy was just 5% of the United States' and its GDP per capita was the equivalent of Zambia's.
12:07Used at the end of the 70s and established in the 80s,
12:11politics marked a drastic change in China's economic strategy.
12:15It went from strict communist controls to market-oriented reforms.
12:19Deng transformed the nation into a world economic power thanks to foreign investment, trade and technology.
12:31Special economic zones attracted multinationals.
12:35As a result, the 1980s triggered a period of rapid industrialization and growth driven by exports.
12:43Hundreds of millions of people left poverty when China became the world's factory.
12:49The country's GDP continued to soar as it became a key player in trade and world finance.
12:56Deng's reforms laid the foundations for his emergence as a geopolitical superpower.
13:01Today, he is the main rival of the United States around the world.
13:16Before you get to know the first place, we leave you with some honorable mentions.
13:21A boom in the video game industry.
13:23From Pong to Pac-Man, NES to Game Boy, video games revolutionized entertainment.
13:31Donkey Kong is Brother Luigi and lots of crazy creatures.
13:34And it's twice the fun when two play at once, because you need all the help you can get.
13:38Mario, where are you?
13:41Mario Brothers, new from Atari.
13:44Hunger in Ethiopia.
13:45Almost 2 billion people saw the Live Aid concert to fight it.
13:50He said, you've got to come on and sing, you know.
13:52I said, I can't, Bob, I haven't got a band together tonight.
13:54He said, well, you just sit at the piano and do your own number.
13:57How's that for a girl, though, personally?
14:00So that was it, you know, I just had to come. Simple as that.
14:04Michael Jackson's rise.
14:06He went from being a young frontman to being the biggest pop star in the world.
14:10Tonight, Jackson looked great. So did his brothers.
14:13Fans say the glimpse was worth the wait, because they love the superstar.
14:17We love you! We love you, Michael!
14:20MTV's birth.
14:22The channel injected pop culture directly into Generation X venues around the world.
14:3124 hours a day on cable TV.
14:34I want my MTV, MTV, MTV!
14:37Yeah, too much is never enough.
14:39The war against drugs.
14:41The crack ravaged the streets of the United States and the government responded with a war.
14:46George H.W. Bush has been in office seven months when he addresses the nation live on TV.
14:54This is crack cocaine. It's as innocent looking as candy.
14:59Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
15:01Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
15:08You'll probably like them.
15:10Now, let's go to the end.
15:12Number 1. The rise of personal computing.
15:16It plays bridge, it plays checkers, it balances checkbooks, it can be used for a typewriter, it can be used for word processing applications,
15:23it can communicate with other personal computers over the telephone line.
15:26In the history of mankind, few technological revolutions had more impact than the rise of personal computers.
15:34The first ones, like Apple Macintosh and IBM PC, made technology accessible beyond large companies.
15:41Innovation spread like wildfire and productivity shot up.
15:45But the computer is very much in that position now.
15:48It will be the equivalent in terms of its impact on our society of what the internal combustion engine and the automobile were.
15:56As computers spread, so did open source software, starting in 1983 with the GNU project.
16:04The promotion of collaborative development and shared software resources continues to this day.
16:11In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, which transformed the way of accessing information and sharing it on a global scale.
16:21Together, these developments democratized technology and started the digital revolution.
16:26They laid the foundations for the current era of the Internet.
16:29Since then, the dissemination of personal computing has driven advances in all sectors,
16:34from agriculture and medicine to entertainment and commerce.
16:39The Google search engine has gotten so popular, it's given rise to something called Googling.
16:44That's where you type in the name of a friend to see how many times he or she shows up on the Internet.
16:49The 80s have a special place in your heart.
16:52And, you know, who knows, it may be the world's biggest backyard fence to talk over before long.
16:57Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other WatchMojo videos in Spanish.