Destiny spontaneously surprises Amberlynn with a book and flowers while she is filming. There is a special guest appearance from the Colonel. Amberlynn makes it to the top spot on the board at work, like way number one. Amberlynn rescues a kitten from the rain when a neighbor leaves a litter of kittens outside for the night. After work one night, Destiny and Amberlynn meet their coworker Sharla at IHOP for a midnight snack. Rarity Grey gets comfortable in her new home. After a romantic moment, Amberlynn has Destiny open all of her Christmas gifts that were wrapped that week. Twinkie takes a shower and Destiny shows us her new Pokemon jacket Amberlynn gifted her. Amberlynn records a Snapchat Q&A and her response to the 2016 US Presidential election results. Amberlynn has a bad day and let's us know she isn't up to vlogging. The next day we are off to the Cheesecake Factory with Sharla and her sister Jarissa, but there is a change of plans when they arrive. Amberlynn addresses her video she made about the election results and the amount of gifts she gave Destiny.