• 4 days ago
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé à quoi ressemble la parentalité dans différents mondes ? 🤰 Des astuces créatives aux gadgets luxueux, découvrez comment les futures mamans pauvres, riches et ultra-riches gèrent la vie à l'hôpital ! Cette vidéo hilarante est pleine de moments drôles, d'idées ingénieuses et d'astuces parentales à ne pas manquer. Regardez, riez et inspirez-vous pour votre propre aventure parentale. N'oubliez pas de liker, partager et vous abonner pour plus de contenu amusant !

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00:00This wait is killing me!
00:02I totally agree.
00:04Hello! How are you?
00:06Oh my god, no kidding, Berk!
00:08Oops! I need air!
00:10It's horrible!
00:12Oh no, what do I have?
00:14My leg, my leg! Help, please, help me!
00:16What are you doing? Quick!
00:18Hey, what are you doing?
00:20It's okay, we can go.
00:22Ouch, and me?
00:24And me then? I don't think I have any other option.
00:26Ouch. Ouch.
00:28Phew, it's okay, I'm here. And nobody...
00:30We're almost there. Now turn around, quick!
00:32And put it down, slowly.
00:34It's the leg, right?
00:36Is it going to be okay, doctor?
00:38Let me do a radio first.
00:40It's not pretty, I'm afraid of it.
00:42Your leg is broken, my dear.
00:44Oh my god, it's terrible!
00:46Don't worry, my dear. I'll fix it, we don't have much time.
00:48You see? Here is our VIP plaster.
00:50It will help your leg to heal without any discomfort.
00:52I hope so.
00:54It will be okay, trust me.
00:56It's over.
00:58Thank you, doctor. You're my savior.
01:00Wow, thank you.
01:02And you over there, are you deaf?
01:04What? Ah, you again? Okay.
01:06What's wrong?
01:08It's my leg.
01:10I see. This one? Here?
01:30What? Who did that?
01:32Oops, sorry doctor.
01:34I tried to throw it here.
01:36Oh, it's a girl!
01:38Hello, princess.
01:40I'm looking forward to seeing you.
01:42Great, I want to try this, too.
01:44I'm sure there is an app that will help me.
01:46Hello, hello.
01:48So, are you ready to discover the sex of the baby?
01:50Let's go!
01:52So, are you ready to discover the sex of the baby?
01:55Yes, let's go!
02:01It's a boy! It's a boy!
02:03Yeah, yeah, happy for you!
02:04It's so exciting!
02:06Come here, my dear, let me take you in my arms.
02:09So, what's up, my angel?
02:11Mom, I'm hungry! Can we have something to eat?
02:14Of course, my little one, let me order some snacks.
02:17Your order, ma'am.
02:18Thank you, it looks delicious!
02:20Wow, there's so much food!
02:22Hmm, yes, I'll start with this.
02:24At the table!
02:25No, Mom, no! I don't want that!
02:27No, Mom, no! I don't want that!
02:28Oh, a crab? Seriously? Thank you!
02:31Wow, great! Eat it quickly, it's delicious!
02:34Not so fast!
02:35Of course, my dear!
02:36You didn't order that!
02:37But, uh ...
02:38That's not true!
02:39Ah, here it is! Take an apple! Enjoy your meal!
02:41What? An apple? But, Mom!
02:43Sorry, sweetheart, that's all we have for now.
02:45So, we're going to have a ...
02:47What? You don't want any either?
02:49No, Mom!
02:50Hey, look over there!
02:51Did you see that?
02:52Where? Are you kidding me?
02:54But I want some, it's delicious!
02:56Okay, fine.
02:59I'll give you this lobster if you give me this apple.
03:01Really? Okay, catch!
03:03Thank you, here's the lobster!
03:05Wow, today is my lucky day!
03:07Hmm, finally! I hope you'll like it this time!
03:10Yes, it's really good, Mom!
03:11Yes, it's really good, Mom!
03:13Thank God! I love it too!
03:15You look so ...
03:18Let me go! Let me go! Help!
03:20Good night, my dear! Sweet dreams!
03:22Sweet dreams, huh?
03:24One day, a new night begins.
03:28Come on!
03:29I feel like we're not going to sleep much.
03:32Oh, it's unbearable!
03:34Doctor, help!
03:36Hey, you're not alone here, make less noise!
03:38Doctor, Doctor, where are you?
03:40What? I thought you were already asleep!
03:42But I can't do it, please help me sleep!
03:45Okay, this teddy bear will help you.
03:48Oh, really? Thank you, Doctor!
03:50And now, please go to sleep.
03:52Oh, it's so cute, I'd like to have one too.
03:56Phew, it doesn't help me at all!
03:58It's useless!
04:01Oh, my dear teddy bear, it's so nice to finally hold you in my arms, my sweet!
04:05Isn't there another way?
04:07Of course!
04:08Here, take this, look!
04:10It's going to be pure happiness!
04:11You're going to love it, I promise!
04:13I'm just going to tie you to my hands and feet.
04:16It's wonderful!
04:17Now, try to relax, please!
04:19Have sweet dreams!
04:21It's really incredible, thank you, Doctor!
04:23Oh no!
04:24Huh? I've gained so much weight?
04:26Oh, that's not true!
04:27In that case, it's too dangerous for us!
04:29Sweetie, could you give me back my teddy bear, please?
04:32Oh, okay, take it.
04:34Thank you!
04:35Now, let's finally try to sleep!
04:38My teddy bear!
04:39Oh, I have an idea!
04:40Yes, this is going to become my fluffy pillow!
04:43I just have to inflate it like a balloon.
04:47I'll finally be able to sleep a little too!
04:49Hmm, perfect!
04:52Hello, sweetie!
04:53Let me look at you!
04:55Yes, of course!
04:56Let's see!
04:57It's safe, isn't it?
04:58Of course, don't worry!
05:00Let's see what we have here!
05:02Here, it's weird, I see the face!
05:04Yo, hi, how are you?
05:05Yo, hi, how are you?
05:06Oh, it's a boy, did you see?
05:08It's so incredible!
05:09The prediction was correct!
05:11Thank you very much!
05:12Nurse, could you take a look here too, please?
05:15Huh? You?
05:16Oh, okay, let me find something for you.
05:19Thank you!
05:20Well, what could I do?
05:22Here, this looks good.
05:23I just need another cup.
05:25I'm sure my grandma used this, but who cares?
05:29It's a girl!
05:30Oh, what's that?
05:31Hey, hello!
05:32I think I heard something.
05:34Mom, I'm here!
05:36Oh, my little one, so it's a girl?
05:38Huh? Oh, yes, yes, it's a girl.
05:40Thank you, you can leave her here.
05:43Hi, it's mom on the phone.
05:45Huh? Already?
05:49Doctor, please, doctor!
05:50What's wrong?
05:51Oh, you'll be fine without me!
05:52Doctor, please!
05:54Shh, shh, everything will be fine.
05:55Breathe, breathe.
05:56Choose your blanket.
05:57Berk, too disgusting!
05:59Okay, okay, and this one?
06:00No, too vulgar!
06:02And this one? It's pretty, isn't it?
06:04Come on, hurry up, it hurts like hell!
06:07Okay, okay.
06:08Don't forget to breathe.
06:09And push, my dear, push!
06:11I'm breathing, oh my God!
06:13Oh, it's beautiful!
06:14It's a boy!
06:16Here he is.
06:17Oh, my precious!
06:18Thank you, doctor, you're really an angel!
06:21Oh, you're so generous.
06:22Thank you, my dear.
06:25Doctor, I'm here, help me!
06:26Oh, it's not going to start!
06:28Calm down.
06:29And breathe, breathe.
06:30Just let me find you a blanket.
06:32Yes, here it is.
06:33This one will be perfect.
06:34Let's see.
06:37I've got it!
06:39Here it is.
06:40Hello, my pretty.
06:42It's a girl.
06:44Oh, thank you, my princess.
06:47My little one, I'm so happy.
06:49My sweet boy.
06:51Congratulations, it's a boy.
06:53Thank you, my dear.
06:54Yes, it's a little boy.
06:55Great, ready to go?
06:57I'm so happy.
06:59Well done, everything is clean.
07:01Oh, I forgot to put this here.
07:03I hope no one will...
07:07Oh, my God, the babies!
07:08Are you okay, honey?
07:10Oh, are you okay?
07:11I think I broke my leg again.
07:13What happened?
07:14Oh no, not again!
07:17Mom, mom, I'm very hungry.
07:19Tell me, can I eat a little?
07:21Do you need help, maybe?
07:24It's too much.
07:25Enough, enough of this.
07:27Enough of all this mess.
07:29I'm sick of it.
07:32But mom...
07:33I need a vacation.
07:34And you, you need a nanny.
07:37Wow, I'm interested.
07:39One, two, three, it stings.
07:41Who's there?
07:43Hello, my dear.
07:44I'm your new nanny.
07:46Very good here, my boy.
07:48Wow, this one is nice.
07:50I like this place.
07:51My bracelet was the most beautiful.
07:53Let me take a look at it.
07:55Of course, my pumpkin, here it is.
07:58Wow, so this thing is violent, huh?
08:01Watch out!
08:03I warned you.
08:05Archie, what did you do?
08:07Are you okay, my heart?
08:09I'm the one who's hurt.
08:11Oh, my dear, let me see.
08:14Come here, my friend.
08:16Can you help me?
08:17Of course.
08:18Here you go.
08:19You see, it's not that bad.
08:20Everything is fine now.
08:22What's all this?
08:23Can I take them off too?
08:24Good idea, crab.
08:25Go now.
08:26Come on, let's go.
08:27One by one.
08:28Until they all disappear.
08:29It's safe.
08:30Hey, I liked them.
08:32It's not fair.
08:33Oh, don't worry, my dear.
08:35Finally, I found her.
08:37She was there all this time.
08:38Oh, my God.
08:40Come on, come see Dad.
08:42But let me go.
08:43Let me go.
08:50Hi, everyone.
08:51Jax, is that you?
08:53It's cute.
08:58And who do we have here?
09:01Oh, hello, little angel.
09:03It's time to brush your teeth.
09:05Like Mom taught you.
09:07Oh, the teeth.
09:08Oh, please, I beg you.
09:11You can't brush your teeth?
09:13Of course not.
09:16Are you kidding me?
09:17I can't do it.
09:19So, it's still no?
09:21Okay, I'll personally help you.
09:24Oh, my God.
09:27Here I am.
09:28Come here.
09:30No, don't touch me.
09:31Stay away from me.
09:35Where did she go?
09:37I've got you.
09:39I'll brush the teeth you wanted.
09:43There you go.
09:44And now, let's use this little wonder.
09:48Hold on.
09:50Good girl.
09:52Come here.
09:53Yes, that's it.
09:54It's almost done.
09:56Come on.
09:57How do you feel?
09:58My teeth are so clean now.
10:02She's gone again?
10:05She's crazy.
10:06Oh, my God, my feet.
10:08You know what?
10:09I'm going to eat a few more.
10:14No, no.
10:16Where's the patient?
10:19Oh, what's that?
10:21It's so dirty.
10:22But where is...
10:24Oh, the hairs.
10:30Anyway, it's even better.
10:31I can do everything without making a sound.
10:37It's not me who has dirty feet here.
10:40Cleaning done.
10:41Now we're all going to cut them.
10:44There you go.
10:46Come here, my beauties.
10:50And it's also good for digestion.
10:53No, stay away from me.
10:55Go, go.
10:57Take all your mushrooms with you.
11:06It's so disgusting.
11:13So, did you need a nanny here?
11:15A nanny?
11:16No, I didn't.
11:17Oh, let's get out of here.
11:18It's hot, isn't it?
11:20No, but the glove first.
11:23You see, now it's safe.
11:25No, I don't need your protection.
11:27I want to play.
11:30Here it is.
11:31Yes, it's going to be so much fun.
11:34I'm coming.
11:36No, I'd better leave it here.
11:39The answer is always no.
11:41But I'm not coming back.
11:42Very well, then I'll take this thing.
11:44No, but give it to me, please.
11:47Give it to me now.
11:48No, no, no.
11:49You'll never catch me.
11:51I'm holding you.
11:52Give it to me now.
11:54No, but it's mine.
11:55Someone help me.
11:58Well, here I am.
12:00Come here, my beauties.
12:01No, no, no, please, no.
12:03I have to get out of here.
12:05Hey, stop.
12:07Looks like they found each other.
12:10Hi, my cutie.
12:11Do you want something delicious?
12:12Of course.
12:13Of course I do.
12:14Look what I found.
12:16Yes, here.
12:18Now, close it.
12:19Do you like it?
12:22But I need to go to the bathroom now.
12:24Of course, cutie.
12:25Just a second.
12:27Oh, sorry.
12:29Oh, my dress.
12:30It's torn.
12:32Oh no, it's not possible.
12:35I feel pain around here.
12:39What happened?
12:41This stupid bird.
12:42I hate it.
12:43Oh, dear.
12:45Come here.
12:46I hate it.
12:47I hate it.
12:49Lower your voice, please.
12:51First, the washing.
12:52Then the torture.
12:53No, no.
12:54Or both.
12:55It's so much fun.
12:57It's red.
12:59It's blood.
13:00Oh, relax.
13:01It's just strawberry syrup.
13:02You see?
13:03Do you want some more?
13:06Oh, okay.
13:09It's so delicious.
13:10I'm glad you like it.
13:12Now you're mine.
13:14Oops, sorry, dear.
13:15I have to go.
13:18So, where is the child?
13:20Oh, good evening, cutie.
13:21What are you doing?
13:23Good evening.
13:24What is it?
13:26Wait, what?
13:27Let me check.
13:28Oh, it's not blood.
13:30Of course not.
13:31But I like it anyway.
13:33Anyway, it's time to sleep.
13:35Come on.
13:36Wow, that was super fast.
13:40No, bad bed, cutie.
13:42But I always sleep here.
13:46No, this one, please.
13:47Oh, okay.
13:48That's even funnier.
13:49Like this?
13:52And now, let's close it.
13:54Oh, no!
13:55I'm afraid of the dark.
13:57Quick, where was it?
13:59Take this!
14:01You don't like it, do you?
14:03Take this disgusting thing away from me.
14:07But no, it's cute.
14:10There you go.
14:11And this one?
14:12Take this!
14:16Goodbye, cutie.
14:17Great, I can finally go out.
14:22So, where is this little brat?
14:25Oh, there you are.
14:27Okay, try not to annoy me.
14:30Wow, it's so cool!
14:32Oh my god, this place is so boring.
14:35Wow, there are so many tattoos!
14:37And rings!
14:38Get out of here!
14:39I like hair!
14:40Stop it!
14:41But what is it?
14:43Stop it!
14:44Very good, very good.
14:46That's enough.
14:47Don't tell me I didn't warn you.
14:49Wow, it's so fun!
14:55Your turn now.
14:58Go on, good girl.
15:05Okay, goodbye, cutie.
15:06Have fun.
15:09You can't leave me like this!
15:11Oh, but who is that?
15:12Oh my god!
15:13Mom, you're back!
15:15My poor child.
15:16Here, let me take this off.
15:18My darling, I missed you so much!
15:21There you go.
15:23Memorize these rules well.
15:25Got it?
15:26No long hair?
15:28She's going to cut my nails?
15:30My makeup?
15:32Look at them panic.
15:34Oh, the students.
15:35Say goodbye to those long strands.
15:39My hair!
15:40I'm hideous!
15:42It's horrible.
15:44It's your turn, young lady.
15:47Give me those grays.
15:49I'll do you a favor.
15:51Do you know how much it costs?
15:53It's terrible!
15:55Oh no!
15:56No jewels.
15:58And this face?
15:59It looks like a clown.
16:01This Monday is really productive.
16:03I hate girls.
16:05All children, no exceptions.
16:09Do I hear little laughs?
16:11She grilled us.
16:14I said.
16:15It was me, In.
16:17Here you go.
16:20Oh yes!
16:21The sugar is on the way.
16:23And I...
16:25These are candies.
16:28Oh no!
16:29We're screwed!
16:31Sorry about that.
16:33It's not worth it.
16:35Oh no, my pen!
16:37Please, no!
16:39I don't want to die!
16:41Oh no!
16:43You're trying to make me walk, aren't you?
16:46Shut up!
16:47Oh no!
16:49Do you hear me?
16:50My ears!
16:51Stop that!
16:54Come on.
16:56You leave me no choice.
16:58It should keep you calm, right?
17:01I'm such a good teacher.
17:03Yes, you're still here.
17:06You see that?
17:08Children, hey!
17:10It's hilarious!
17:12It's better than ever!
17:14I lost control.
17:17What did I do wrong?
17:19Do it again, do it again!
17:26I want to say a little calm, please.
17:29She's funny.
17:33She's laughing again?
17:35That's enough.
17:37I can also play this game.
17:39Over here, kids.
17:41Is that what I think it is?
17:43It's so beautiful!
17:45It's the coolest class.
17:47So cute.
17:48Go back to page 39.
17:50Okay, everyone.
17:52Today is a very important lesson.
17:54Wait, are those chewing gums?
17:58Oh no, no, no!
18:00Spit that out, please!
18:01Spit that out, please!
18:03Come on!
18:04No way!
18:05Oh yeah?
18:07I have an idea.
18:09I know how to take them once and for all.
18:13Let's turn this into a game.
18:15A basketball game.
18:17Who wants to score the winning shot?
18:19I can't!
18:21I'll take care of it!
18:23Come on!
18:24Hey, I made it!
18:25Me too!
18:27And one at a time, okay?
18:29Watch your hair.
18:30At least I have chewing gums.
18:32Yes, again!
18:33That's great!
18:35Hey, we have an infinite reserve here.
18:39Let's go!
18:41Yes, I won!
18:43I'm glad you're having fun.
18:45Now, let's get back to work.
18:49Oh, yes!
18:51Yes, it's the day of the test.
18:55I hate this class.
18:58I want perfection, always.
19:00Hey, look at this!
19:02You don't know where to put your chewing gum?
19:05Good idea.
19:06I have some for a few months.
19:09Girl, me too.
19:11Would you like to add some?
19:13Thank you, girl!
19:15It's so good!
19:16Nothing like a fresh chewing gum.
19:20So good!
19:22Chewing gum?
19:23What do you think you're doing?
19:26No chewing gum in class!
19:27No chewing gum in class!
19:29It's not good!
19:31It's okay, ma'am.
19:32We'll get rid of some, okay?
19:36It was short, but we had a lot of fun.
19:39Let's see...
19:42Would you mind if I take this?
19:45It's really starting to take shape, you see?
19:48A true work of art.
19:50Sealed with a kiss.
19:52We were just creating.
19:54It's for you.
19:55It's very pretty,
19:57but it's still chewing gum.
20:00That's what I thought.
20:02It's like looking at yourself in a mirror.
20:05A true beauty.
20:06Really remarkable.
20:08But these kids!
20:14Does anyone know the answer to this equation?
20:19Not me!
20:20Do you know?
20:21It's like reading another language.
20:22Well, who's going to try?
20:24Not me, not me!
20:26Why not you?
20:28Me? What a bore!
20:30Have fun!
20:32Are you ready to try?
20:34Okay, go ahead.
20:36Good luck!
20:37I really need it!
20:39And what's the point of maths?
20:41You know what?
20:42I'll show you a little trick.
20:44Forget the equation.
20:46Thank God!
20:48I'll take this.
20:50Let's start with the balls.
20:53I still don't know.
20:57That's five.
20:59Of course!
21:00Hit my five!
21:01I love it!
21:03I'm counting five fingers.
21:05It's easy!
21:07It's not really what I had in mind.
21:09Did I get an excellent grade?
21:11Let me think about it.
21:14Good job.
21:15I'm smart!
21:16Wait for me!
21:17I'm smart!
21:18Wait for me to tell my mother.
21:20I want to try!
21:24Okay, come on.
21:28Oh no!
21:29Change of plans, kids.
21:31No more nonsense.
21:33Let's solve a real equation.
21:37Who's going to solve this big problem?
21:42I'm scared!
21:43Have fun!
21:45Your grade depends on it.
21:48All my grade?
21:50That's right.
21:51And it starts now!
21:56Look at you.
21:58Let me think.
21:59How much time do I have left?
22:02Someone help me!
22:04I'm so scared!
22:06Well, that didn't go very well.
22:09You fail.
22:12No one uses their brain anymore,
22:14which means more candy for me.
22:21There are so many copies to correct this morning.
22:23Kids, what are they doing?
22:27Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
22:30I have a little gift for you, teacher.
22:33It's great, isn't it?
22:35I can't wait to see his face.
22:38Another F.
22:40Really catastrophic.
22:42Here we are.
22:43Who's next?
22:44Who's laughing?
22:48Who's calling?
22:52Oh, just a moment.
22:53Where is she going?
22:55Sorry about that, kids.
22:57As you were.
23:00What is it?
23:01A spider?
23:04Stupid interruption.
23:06What the...
23:08Hello, my friend.
23:09I'm your new mom.
