• last month
Un impactante robo ocurrió en una estación de servicio ubicada a solo 600 metros de la sede del gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Cuatro delincuentes armados intentaron robar dos autos, llevándose finalmente un Fiat Cronos mientras su conductor enviaba un mensaje desde el interior. El incidente, captado por cámaras de seguridad privadas, forma parte de una serie de delitos cometidos por esta banda en la zona sur de la ciudad. La cercanía con Villa Zabaleta y la sensación de impunidad resaltan las preocupaciones sobre la seguridad en el área.


00:00This is Patricio's Park, a service station.
00:03Yes, Luis, because not only do they steal cars, obviously, in the urban area.
00:06Look at the city of Buenos Aires.
00:07This happened at a service station 600 meters from the headquarters of the Porteño government.
00:12Directly, four strongly armed thieves go to steal while they were loading naphtha.
00:20They try to steal that gray car. They realize they can't.
00:23And then they are going to steal a white car that will appear below the image.
00:28And they are taking it at that moment.
00:31Of course, they come running. The white car is not from the criminals.
00:36They come walking. You look, there we are seeing the beginning of the video again.
00:40They come walking.
00:42The criminals go to the white car, two of them.
00:44Wow, what a good moment.
00:45Others go to the gray car.
00:46And they say, we make the famous 2x1, the offer of Thursday.
00:51But the gray car, finally, they can't steal it and they all get into the white car.
00:57That is below the image.
00:58That is below the image.
00:59Now you are going to see it coming out.
01:00There it goes.
01:01The striking thing about all this, this was at a service station that is on Famatina Street.
01:06Just 600 meters, I insist, from the office of the head of government of the city of Buenos Aires.
01:13The security, the insecurity, I would tell you, does not give you peace.
01:18That is an area, in principle, complicated.
01:22Because quickly, from there, making less than 15 blocks, they get into Villa Zabaleta.
01:27Of course.
01:28I'm not going to stigmatize people from Villa Zabaleta.
01:30No, of course.
01:31It is a hangout for the chorros.
01:32There is a hangout for the chorros.
01:34But 80%, I would tell you, I'm short.
01:37Yes, yes.
01:39And there are study centers for kids.
01:40There are a lot of things that are done there.
01:42But there are also hangouts for chorros that get in there.
01:45And as we always say, the police have a hard time getting into an emergency area.
01:50Gabriel Prosperi is working in the place Buendía 24.
01:53Gabriel, how are you?
01:56Good morning, Luis.
01:57I was just listening to Gustavo.
01:58And to follow the thread of the story, we talk about the Zabaleta neighborhood.
02:03There was the car.
02:04The white car that they stole right here, where I am standing.
02:08A Fiat Cronos, it was exactly.
02:11The car was here.
02:12His driver inside.
02:13Because he had finished loading naphtha.
02:16He had bought something here in the kiosk of the service station.
02:21And he was inside the car, sending a message by cell phone.
02:24That's when this gang of criminals surprised him.
02:26As Gustavo said, and you can see it in the video.
02:28They were first to the goal, which was loading naphtha.
02:31In that elevator that we have behind me.
02:34As the goal did not interest them, in principle, they came to the Cronos.
02:38They saw it easier.
02:39A man who did so, got out of the car, raised his hands, gave them everything.
02:43And they went in that Fiat Cronos.
02:45These cameras are the ones that recorded this illegal.
02:50It happened between 8 and 9 p.m. on Wednesday night.
02:55And it was not the first illegal that this gang committed.
03:00Because they came in a criminal raid.
03:02In the entire south area of ​​the city of Buenos Aires.
03:05Gabriel, we say it all the time.
03:07They come out of hunting.
03:10If you see the images that we are seeing between you and me on the screen.
03:14The guys are walking around and see what they are going to find.
03:17As Gustavo said, they think they are going to take the gray car.
03:20Finally, they can not take it.
03:21Then we go for another, which is the white car.
03:23What impacts me is the tranquility with which they come out.
03:29They know that nothing is going to happen to them.
03:31And look how it ends.
03:33And the cameras, again Gabriel, are set by the service station.
03:37By private citizens.
03:39That almost serve as colleagues of ours.
03:42To tell the consumed fact.
03:47I was just told here by the station employees.
03:50That it is the first time they have a command blow of this type.
03:55Four strongly armed criminals.
03:58Each one of them with a weapon.
04:00Stabbing her in one of her hands.
04:02But as I told you, it was not the first robbery.
04:05Because on that night on Wednesday, which for them was their night.
04:09They also attacked very close to here in Barracas.
04:11Thank you Gabriel.
04:12We'll be right back because there is more urgent information on A24.
