• last month
Life doesn’t always go as planned—especially for this 4-year-old with high hopes!

Sophie shared this video of her son, who was all set to welcome a baby brother, but instead, he got a sweet baby sister.

While his heart may have wished for a little brother to roughhouse with, he was still adorably gentle with his sister.

As he tried to process the sibling plot twist, his eyes kept wandering to his new presents.

Torn between sibling duty and playtime, he made the best choice possible—acknowledging the baby, then fully inspecting his new treasures.
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00:00Is that mommy and daddy's hand?
00:04Lisa, what's popped out then?
00:06My name
00:08Do you know what though?
00:10Do you know what their name is?
00:14It's a little girl
00:16Wait for daddy
00:20No, it's a girl
00:24It'll be a boy
00:26No, but it's a little girl
00:28It's your little sister
00:30Do you love her?
00:34She's brought you some presents
00:40Is it a gun?
00:42What did you say?
00:44What did you say to Myla?
00:46Thank you
00:48Do you want to give her a kiss?
00:50Thank you for watching!
00:52Please subscribe!
