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Quran Suniye Aur Sunaiye - Surah e Bani Israel (Ayat - 106)

Host: Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi

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In this program Mufti Suhail Raza Amjadi teaches how the Quran is recited correctly along with word-to-word translation with their complete meanings. Viewers can participate via live calls.

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00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:18All praise is due to Allah, alone, and peace and blessings be upon those who have no prophet after him,
00:25and upon those who follow him and follow his example in a good manner after him.
00:30O Allah, send blessings upon our Master and Master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
00:39Respected viewers and listeners,
00:44Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
00:48With the program, Listen and Recite, your host, Muhammad Suhail Raza Amjadi is present at your service.
00:59You know that we start the program with the talk of the Quran and Hadith.
01:05Respected viewers, in our society, there is a group of people who do not worry about their children.
01:16Sometimes, Allah has blessed them with a lot of wealth.
01:21God forbid, when their eyes are closed, there is nothing left behind.
01:28Sometimes, we meet such people who do not worry about their work.
01:36They do not worry about earning halal or rizq.
01:39They do not even know how to feed their children.
01:42Similarly, there are some people who leave their homes and go on the path of Allah.
01:48They do not know about their families.
01:51They do not know how their children are being raised.
01:55They do not worry about their children.
01:58What does Huzoor say?
02:02Listen to this carefully.
02:05In Bukhari, Hadith no. 2742, Sahih Muslim no. 4209, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasai, Ibn Majah,
02:16The Messenger of Allah said,
02:20If you leave your heirs behind, then it is better that you leave them in need.
02:30So that they spread their hands in front of the people.
02:34Respected viewers, this is such a big thing.
02:37Which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said for our progeny.
02:42So people who are strict about halal food,
02:45They also follow the obligatory duties.
02:48But those who work hard for halal food,
02:52They work hard, they struggle a lot.
02:55So, viewers, this is good news for them.
02:58That the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
03:01If you want to feed your children well,
03:06Or if you want to feed your family well,
03:10Then remember, according to the words of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:14The food that a person gives to his family is also charity.
03:18And how beautifully he said,
03:21If you work hard for halal food,
03:24Then leave something for your heirs.
03:28If you leave your heirs behind,
03:32Then it is better that you leave them in need.
03:36So that they spread their hands in front of the people.
03:39So, viewers, we have to try for ourselves and for our children.
03:43May Allah keep this hand like this,
03:46Keep giving, never keep like this.
03:49May Allah not leave anyone in need except for himself.
03:53Let's move on to today's lesson.
03:55Our lesson today is Surah Bani Israel,
03:59Ayat number 106.
04:01Ayat number 106.
04:03Complete Ayat-e-Karima is included in today's lesson.
04:06We will read it according to the format.
04:09It is present in front of the screen.
04:11Keep the pen with you.
04:12Take out today's lesson.
04:13Keep a notebook with you.
04:15If there is anything important, note it down.
04:18Let's move on to the first segment of today's program.
04:22This is the first segment of our program.
04:25Let's start today's lesson by reciting Tawuz Tasmiya.
04:31I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
04:36In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:41And We have separated it as a Qur'an,
04:45That you may recite it to the people,
04:48On the Day of Resurrection.
04:50And We have sent it down as a revelation.
04:55We will read it as a revelation.
04:57And We have sent it down as a revelation.
05:00In the end, Alamat-e-Waqf is written in 106.
05:03Ayat number 106 is being completed here.
05:06How many words are there?
05:08One word is Qur'an, the second is Farqna, the third is Huj, the fourth is Lita, the fifth is Qur'an.
05:14On the sixth is An-Nasi, the seventh is Mukhsin, the eighth is Nazzalna, the ninth is Tanzeela, the tenth is Taswa.
05:24In total, there are 10 words here.
05:26Each word is separate.
05:28Let's read it together.
05:29Pay close attention.
05:39Qaf, Raa, Pesh, Qur.
05:41Raa Sakin is preceded by Qaf.
05:43So, Raa Sakin will be read here as Pur.
05:46And in Qur'an, there is an interpretation of Noom Paddo Zabar.
05:50After the interpretation, there is a Faa in Farqna.
05:53So, here we will read the interpretation with Ikhfah.
05:55Ikhfah means to take the voice in the nose and hum.
06:04We will read it together.
06:06In Farqna, there is a Zabar on Raa.
06:08We will read it by raising Raa.
06:12It is correct to read in both ways.
06:14And Qaf is Sakin, but here it will be Qalqala.
06:17That is, the voice should be felt in the performance.
06:29There is a Zabar on Raa.
06:30We will read it by raising Raa.
06:31If we mix it with Hu,
06:36We will read it as Ala.
06:37When we read it individually, there will be a Zabar on Laam.
06:41And when we read it together, there will be a Zabar on Laam.
06:44We will mix it with Nun of An-Nasi.
06:46In between, Alif-Ani-Hamza will be removed.
06:49And Nun is the letter of Shamsiyah.
06:51The letter of Shamsiyah is the letter on which there is Alif-Laam.
06:54But Laam should not be read.
06:56Al-An-Nasi is wrong.
07:06In Mukthim, there are two Zer's below Sa.
07:09And we will mix it with Waw.
07:11We will give the sound of Waw with Ghulna.
07:13Here, the rule of Malun will be applied.
07:16Mukthim and Nazalna are wrong.
07:23Nazalna has Nun-Khada-Zabar-Na.
07:25So, it is correct to read Nun-Khada-Zabar-Na and Nun-Alif-Zabar-Na in both ways.
07:37In Tanzeelan, Nun is present.
07:39And Zaa is the letter of Ikhfah.
07:42So, we will read Nun-Sakin with Ikhfah.
07:46We will stop here.
07:47So, we will read Tanzeela.
07:49Viewers, let's go ahead.
07:50We will do research and translation based on the grammar of the words.
07:54First of all, we will write the lesson of the day.
07:57Then, the words in it.
07:58What are the Asma, Afal letters?
08:00We will mark them.
08:02We will do research and translation.
08:04In Urdu, we will mark the words which are used in Quran and Urdu.
08:12In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
09:59Viewers, this is the lesson of the day.
10:02First of all, we will see the Asma.
10:06The first Asma is Quran.
10:10The second Asma is Huzameer.
10:13The second Asma is An-Nas.
10:19The fourth Asma is Mukthin.
10:22The fifth Asma is Tanzeela.
10:24The second Asma is Huu.
10:26So, viewers, there are five Asma.
10:29Now, we will see the Asma letters.
10:32The first Asma is Faraqnahu.
10:34The second Asma is Litaqraahu.
10:38The third Asma is Manazzalnaahu.
10:41There are three Asma.
10:43Now, we will see the Asma letters.
10:46The first Asma is Wau.
10:48The second Asma is Ala.
10:52There are two Asma letters.
10:59Now, we will write the Asma on the whiteboard.
11:03The first Asma is Quran.
11:16The second Asma is Huzameer.
11:19The third Asma is An-Nasi.
11:26The fourth Asma is Mukthin.
11:35The fifth Asma is Tanzeela.
11:48The sixth Asma is Tanzeela.
11:58Viewers, now we will move ahead.
12:02But before that, we will take a break.
12:04Do not go anywhere.
12:05We will meet again after the break.
12:08Welcome back, viewers and listeners.
12:10Let us move ahead with today's program.
12:12Here, we have written the Asma letters.
12:16Now, we will write the Asma letters.
12:18The first Asma is Faraqna.
12:30The second Asma is Litaqraahu.
12:43The third Asma is Nazalna.
12:54Viewers, there are three Asma letters.
12:56Now, we will see which letters are which.
13:00The first Asma is Wau.
13:08The second Asma is Ala.
13:15There are five Asma, three words, five and three, eight and two.
13:19Viewers, there are two Asma letters.
13:21So, there are ten words in total.
13:31Now, we will see the Asma letters.
13:33The first Asma is Quran.
13:36The linguistic meaning of Quran is that which is read a lot is called Quran.
13:44Quran is also called Quran because it is the most recited book in the world.
13:53Viewers, we also use Quran in Urdu.
13:57The second Asma is Huu.
14:22The third Asma is Anas.
14:24Anas means people.
14:26Many Ahma say that Anas is singular and Anasun is plural.
14:30So, Anas means people and Anasun means people.
14:33Many Ahma also say that Anas is plural.
14:37So, it can be used for both.
14:40The meaning of Mukthin is to stand still.
14:51The next Asma is Tanzeela.
14:55Tanzeela means to bring down slowly.
15:02Viewers, let's see the meaning of Faraqna.
15:06Faraqna means that we separated.
15:17Faraqna is the source of it.
15:19Generally, we use Faraq in Urdu as well.
15:29We say that there is a difference between this and that.
15:32What is the difference?
15:33So, this difference is used.
15:35The next Asma is Taqra'a.
15:37Taqra'a means to read.
15:39The meaning of Taqra'a is to read.
15:41The meaning of Taqra'a is to read.
15:43The meaning of Taqra'a is to read.
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18:01The meaning of Taqra'a is to read.
18:05The meaning of Taqra'a is to read.
18:15I wanted to create an ablogatire.
18:17Therefore I did not mention Mufti Sahab.
18:21Now I offer the Brahmin sexe which was
18:23I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
18:43And a Qur'an which We have divided, that you may recite it to the people,
19:13and We have sent it down as a revelation.
19:38Now we will read it with Tadbeer, as you hear or read in Fardh Namaz.
19:47And a Qur'an which We have divided, that you may recite it to the people,
19:59and We have sent it down as a revelation.
20:17Now we will read it with Tadbeer, as you hear or read in Fardh Namaz.
20:29And a Qur'an which We have divided, that you may recite it to the people,
20:49And a Qur'an which We have divided, that you may recite it to the people,
21:09And a Qur'an which We have divided, that you may recite it to the people,
21:25and We have sent it down as a revelation.
21:30And a Qur'an which We have divided, that you may recite it to the people,
21:40and We have sent it down as a revelation.
22:00Dear viewers, the recitation has been completed.
22:03We have also explained the translation of the Qur'an to you.
22:07And now we will explain the Tafseer to you.
22:11We had to explain the Tafseer from Ayat no. 99 to 93.
22:16We have explained many things.
22:18And in the end, in the study of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
22:22He said, Say, Glory be to my Lord, my Lord is pure.
22:26I am only a human being who has been sent as a messenger.
22:32Dear viewers, we have explained to you many things about being a human being and light.
22:39Now the question is, how is the light of the Holy Prophet?
22:45He eats, drinks, sleeps, rests, got married.
22:50So this is not the case of light.
22:52So dear viewers, remember that if we discuss this here,
22:57then you will have to understand this a little bit.
23:00For example, when someone has the power of something,
23:06then he is not always doing that work.
23:12For example, if there is an increase,
23:17then it does not mean that he is doing the same work all the time.
23:21Or if someone is smiling,
23:23then it does not mean that he is smiling all the time.
23:28When he does not smile,
23:30then it does not mean that he does not have the power to smile.
23:34Similarly, if there is an increase,
23:36then he is not doing the same work all the time.
23:38Sometimes he sleeps and eats.
23:40When he eats and drinks, then it will be said that this is not an increase.
23:43So this is true.
23:46Similarly, the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
23:49I am explaining this to you in simple words,
23:52that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
23:55is both light and human.
23:57When the human power prevailed,
24:01then he got married,
24:03he ate and drank,
24:05and he lived a life like a human.
24:08I said that a human is not like you.
24:12Similarly, when the human power prevailed,
24:16then he got married,
24:18he ate and drank,
24:20and he lived a life like a human.
24:22But it cannot be said that you are not light.
24:25Similarly, when the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
24:30ascended to the heavens,
24:33and if he had not been light,
24:39then he could never have ascended to the heavens.
24:43Secondly, the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
24:47used to fast for many days.
24:51The companions of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
24:54used to fast for many days.
24:56They used to fast with dates,
24:58drink water,
25:00and do the same in the evening.
25:02They did not eat anything.
25:04They did not eat anything else during the Iftaar.
25:07The companions of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
25:10also used to fast for the Iftaar.
25:12This weakness prevailed,
25:14and they did not come to the mosque.
25:16When the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, was asked,
25:19he was told that they are fasting for the Iftaar.
25:22The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
25:24Who can be like me?
25:27My Lord feeds me,
25:29and my Lord gives me drink.
25:31The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
25:34is a human and a light.
25:36Light is such that there is no light like you.
25:39Human is such that there is no human like you.
25:41What did the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, explain?
25:43He said that a diamond is like a stone,
25:47not like a stone.
25:49For example, a diamond is like a stone.
25:53You will not call a diamond a stone.
25:57It is a stone.
25:58But if you say that it is like a stone,
26:01then a diamond is something else.
26:03And an ordinary stone is something else.
26:05He said that a diamond is like a stone,
26:07but it is not like a stone.
26:09He said that Muhammad, peace be upon him,
26:12is a human, but he is not like a human.
26:15So, dear viewers,
26:17the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
26:19is a light and a human.
26:21And the way the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
26:23or the Hadith of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
26:25has generally described himself as a human,
26:27dear viewers,
26:28that is a means of comparison.
26:31And it also says that
26:33if the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
26:35was an angel,
26:37then a human would not be like him,
26:39because a human is like a human.
26:42Just imagine that you are sitting alone in a room
26:47and in case someone comes to your room
26:52and says that I am a jinn
26:54and I want to invite you to goodness,
26:57then I think you will never be ready to listen
26:59because you are a human and he is a jinn.
27:02So, a human is connected to a human
27:04and not to any other creature.
27:07That is why you should come as a human
27:11so that a human comes to you
27:13and learns your habits
27:15and tries to understand your words.
27:17Then, dear viewers,
27:19if we go further,
27:21then in verse number 94,
27:23it is said that
27:24Allah did not forbid mankind to believe when guidance came to them,
27:28except that they said,
27:29Allah has sent man as a messenger.
27:31And by bringing people to faith,
27:33it only means that
27:35whenever guidance came to them,
27:38they said that Allah has sent man as a messenger.
27:42Now, dear viewers,
27:43if we look at its explanation,
27:45and then there is the next verse,
27:47which verse is it dear viewers?
27:49It is said that
27:50Allah did not forbid mankind to believe when guidance came to them,
27:53except that they said,
27:54Allah has sent man as a messenger.
27:56And by bringing people to faith,
27:58it only means that
27:59whenever guidance came to them,
28:01they said that Allah has sent man as a messenger.
28:04Now, dear viewers,
28:05if there were angels on earth,
28:07and they walked in peace,
28:09then we would have sent angels as messengers
28:11from the sky to them.
28:13And after this,
28:14in verse number 94,
28:15it is said,
28:16Surely, Allah is witness between you and me,
28:20for he knows his people,
28:22and he sees them well.
28:24In the earlier verses,
28:26Allah had said about the disbelievers,
28:32if an angel comes with the prophet,
28:35then he will accept you as his prophet.
28:37Allah has replied to this,
28:39So if an angel comes to you with a prophet, he will consider you a prophet.
28:43Allah gave the answer to this, that to consider angels as prophets is also based on showing a miracle.
28:50So the first and the last proof is a miracle.
28:53So when the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. presented a miracle of his prophethood,
28:59then why don't you consider him a prophet?
29:02Dear listeners, the indication to this answer is given in Ayat 94.
29:08In Ayat 94, it is stated that by bringing people to faith,
29:12it only meant that whenever they received guidance,
29:16they said that Allah has sent a human as a prophet.
29:19It was their belief, the belief of the non-Muslims,
29:22that whenever a prophet came, they said that how can a prophet be a human?
29:27A prophet cannot be a human.
29:29So it is stated that whenever the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. came,
29:34he came from humans, he came from humans.
29:37After this, dear listeners, the second answer is that
29:41if there were angels living on earth,
29:43then Allah would have sent angels to them as prophets,
29:47because everything is directed towards one's gender.
29:50It is stated that if there were angels living on earth,
29:53then their guidance would have come from angels.
29:55Angels would have come to them as prophets.
29:57Because if there is a human, then it was more appropriate to send a human as a prophet.
30:03Dear listeners, this is mentioned in verse 95.
30:07The third answer is that when Allah sent a miracle in support of his prophethood,
30:13then Allah's testimony was attained on my prophethood.
30:16And his testimony is sufficient on my prophethood.
30:19It is stated that no doubt he is the one who keeps the news of his people and sees them well.
30:23That is, he is the one who knows the outward and the inside of his people.
30:27And he is the one who knows the state of their hearts.
30:30And he is the one who knows that their suspicions are based on envy and envy.
30:35It was not difficult for him to understand the truth.
30:38Dear listeners, this is mentioned in verse 96.
30:42In fact,
30:47This is mentioned in this verse.
30:50Now, dear listeners, we will come to verse 97.
30:53But this is enough for today.
30:55And with this, our second segment of this program has been completed.
30:59Now, let's move on to the third and last segment.
31:02Quran is for everyone.
31:04This is your segment from all over the world.
31:06You can call us.
31:07The numbers are displayed on the screen.
31:09You belong to Pakistan.
31:10Be it Pakistan or any other region of the world.
31:13Pick up your phone.
31:14Dial the numbers.
31:15Join our program.
31:16Let's see who is with us on the line at this time.
31:19Peace be upon you.
31:21Peace be upon you too.
31:23Yes, tell me.
31:25In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
31:28Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
31:46JazakAllah Khair.
31:47Peace be upon you.
31:49Peace be upon you too.
31:50Where are you from?
31:52Tell me.
31:54Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
32:22JazakAllah Khair.
32:23Peace be upon you.
32:25Peace be upon you too.
32:27Where are you from?
32:28Fatima, Lahore.
32:29Tell me.
32:31Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
32:57JazakAllah Khair.
32:58Peace be upon you.
33:01Bilal, Lahore.
33:03Peace be upon you.
33:05Peace be upon you too.
33:06Where are you from?
33:08What is your name?
33:09Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
33:34Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
34:00What is your name?
34:03What is your name?
34:05What is your age?
34:09You have done a good effort.
34:10You should try more.
34:11InshaAllah you will study well.
34:13Peace be upon you.
34:15Peace be upon you too.
34:16Where are you from?
34:18Tell me.
34:20Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
34:33JazakAllah Khair.
34:35Peace be upon you.
34:37Peace be upon you too.
34:39Where are you from?
34:41Jizabad Pandit.
34:42Tell me.
34:43Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
35:13Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
35:18JazakAllah Khair.
35:19Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
35:34Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
36:00Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
36:16Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
36:31Recitation of Holy Qur'an.
