• el mes pasado
00:00is your umbrella looking like this let me fix that first break the other one and put one two
00:07cherry fences like that a diorite wall on top of that and then a cherry plank just on top
00:13now a cherry trapdoor in the middle three cherry oh three cherry slabs around the trapdoor like
00:22that and then another trapdoor here and then one under now extend the the ones that are under
00:32three blocks on each side two three and then two blocks in the middle and two blocks here in the
00:39middle as well now extend them by two by two here as well this is gonna be a heart-shaped umbrella
00:48for the valentine's day place three over here and then one more over here now add one two three four
00:57five six one two three four oh no no we're just gonna break this one and then place some pink
01:06carpet on top of the edges like that and there is your new umbrella thank you