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Aapa Shameem" is a heartwarming story of love, sacrifice, and familial bonds. It delves into the lives of daughters who, bound by tradition and expectations, put their dreams on hold to support their families and in-laws.

Cast :
Faiza Hasan,
Fahad Sheikh,
Zoha Tauqeer,
Munawar Saeed,
Maham Aamir,
Saleem Sheikh,
Sajjad Pal,
Sabahat Bukhari,
Rashid Farooqui,
Ahmed Randhawa,
Zehra Kashif,
Rahat Ghani & others.

"Aapa Shameem" Daily At 7 :00 PM Only On ARY Digital

Writer: Asma Sayani
Directed by: Zeeshan Ali Zaidi

#aapashameem #fahadsheikh #zohatauqeer #mahamaamir #saleemsheikh #munawarsaeed #faizahasan

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00:00Sadiq, my son, until you don't come home, I get goosebumps.
00:13A dumper just hit my motorcycle.
00:16You should drive from side to side.
00:19Take this.
00:20Try to understand.
00:22Be happy, my son.
00:26Do you need anything?
00:27No, no. Thank you.
00:29Aunty, I'll go and check on Salim.
00:32Yes, yes.
00:35Did you see?
00:36How the girl has taken care of the house.
00:38With happiness and style.
00:40I don't do any work by moving around now.
00:44Yes, mom.
00:45I am also very satisfied because of her.
00:47At least you are not alone.
00:49If she wasn't there, it would have been impossible for me to stay there.
00:53Yes, son.
00:55Someone's worries become the reason for someone's ease.
01:00What do you mean?
01:01What worries?
01:02Kulsoom's mother had called.
01:05Parvez, her brother, is fixing her marriage with a rickshaw driver.
01:09He has four young children.
01:11His first wife has passed away.
01:13Has Parvez gone mad?
01:15How can he be so cruel to his sister?
01:18She is not his real sister.
01:20And Parvez's wife, she can't even bear his existence.
01:24That's why Kulsoom had sent her to our house.
01:27She is objecting that why the young girl is staying with us.
01:30Tell me.
01:31And she is saying that she is being humiliated in the family.
01:35Now poor Kulsoom is worried.
01:37She can't stop her son.
01:38And she can't see her daughter getting ruined.
01:41What can the poor do?
01:43Mom, if you say, should I talk to Parvez?
01:45No, no, no.
01:46Son, don't do this at all.
01:47He will fall for you.
01:49It is like that.
01:51Yes, but...
01:53You can save Shehnaaz from getting ruined.
01:58How is that?
01:59Look, she is already staying with us.
02:01If she gets your name, Parvez and his wife will shut their mouths.
02:06And she won't even get married to the father of four young children.
02:12What are you thinking, Sadiq?
02:14Make a decision.
02:16Make preparations for the marriage.
02:30You have a daughter.
02:35Oh, my daughter!
02:43Doctor, how is Kashyap?
02:45He is fine.
02:46He is fine.
02:47He is fine.
02:48He is fine.
02:49He is fine.
02:50He is fine.
02:51He is fine.
02:52He is fine.
02:53He is fine.
02:54He is fine.
02:55He is fine.
02:56How is Kashyap?
02:57She is absolutely fine.
02:58We will shift her to the room and you can meet her.
03:01Thank you so much.
03:04Congratulations, Abdul Bari.
03:07Congratulations to both of you.
03:09I will call father right now.
03:11He has been waiting for a long time.
03:13Congratulations, Abdul Bari.
03:15You have become a father.
03:16Now your responsibility has doubled.
03:21Sister, you are not happy being an aunt?
03:25I am happy.
03:27But if I had a son, it would have been more fun.
03:31But it's okay.
03:32God willing, I will have a son next time.
03:34Don't worry too much.
03:36When will father talk to you?
03:39Greetings, uncle.
03:41Congratulations to you too.
03:43Yes, I have spoken to the doctor.
03:44He is saying that...
03:47Your daughter also seems to be at your feet now.
03:50Now there will only be daughters in this house.
03:54Congratulations, aunt.
03:56Congratulations, Saira.
04:44What is the matter, Abdul Bari?
04:46Why are you quiet?
04:48Nothing, I am just tired.
04:49Yes, I can understand your tiredness, but this tiredness has been written in your fate for the rest of your life.
05:04If your son would have been born today, you would be walking proudly with your shoulders wide open.
05:12When a daughter becomes a father, the father's shoulders bow down for the rest of his life.
05:18No, sister-in-law, it's not like that.
05:21My daughter is the coolness of my eyes and the peace of my heart.
05:25She is not a burden for me.
05:29Abdul Bari is absolutely right, sister Shamim.
05:32Daughters are the mercy of God.
05:35Let it be, Naseem.
05:36All this is a bookish thing.
05:38A daughter-in-law should always have a son.
05:41So that a person can walk proudly and celebrate.
05:44After that, even if there are girls, who celebrates the second or third child?
05:50Sister, it doesn't matter if it's the first son or daughter.
05:54That child should be healthy and pious.
05:57I am happy with this.
05:59And please don't say anything like this to Kashf.
06:02She will feel bad.
06:16you pack Kashf and Aira's luggage.
06:18I will clear the bill and come.
06:21Yes, okay.
06:22Abdul Bari,
06:23I wanted to take Kashf with me for a few days.
06:27Now she needs to rest for a few days.
06:30When she recovers,
06:32how will she take care of the child alone?
06:35Kashf is not alone, aunty.
06:37I am with her.
06:38Son, but you will go to the office, right?
06:40I have taken a few days off from the office.
06:42But how will you do everything?
06:45Don't worry, I will manage.
06:48Kashf and Aira are my responsibility.
06:50And I know how to fulfill my responsibilities.
06:53And anyway, I am a new father.
06:56I haven't even seen her yet.
06:58I won't be able to stay away from her.
07:03Yes, sir.
07:04Yes, how far have you reached?
07:09Yes, Gulekha, what are you thinking?
07:13Let's go.
09:28Shamim, what are you doing?
09:30Look, she is getting so tired.
09:32Hey, let it be.
09:33Children are always tired.
09:35But it is very important for children to massage the oil.
09:38This makes their body strong.
09:40She is a girl.
09:42When she grows up, she will have to take care of the house.
09:46If she becomes like you, she will take care of the house.
09:49Sister is right, Kashif.
09:51It is important for children.
09:53Don't worry.
09:55Here you go.
09:56The oil massage is done.
09:58Now bathe her and put her to sleep.
10:01See how deep sleep she sleeps.
10:03Come on, come on.
10:05Come on.
10:07Come on.
10:08Come on.
10:11She took care of the child.
10:14She was giving the oil before the child.
11:43Take a few days off from the factory.
11:46You are not feeling well. How will you go?
11:48I can't take a day off.
11:50There is a lot of work.
11:52I have to go to meet my mother.
11:54How can you think about your mother after two days?
11:58Because she is my mother.
12:00I can't be oblivious to her.
12:03I am staying here because of Saman.
12:04It doesn't mean that my relationship with her is over.
12:06I didn't mean that.
12:09I wanted to say that she is not feeling well.
12:12What is the need to go there?
12:14You can take care of her on the phone.
12:16Besides, your mother is not alone.
12:18She is with that girl.
12:20She is fine with her.
12:22Then why are you worried?
12:24By the way,
12:26this girl's family is strange.
12:28They have left a young girl at someone's house.
12:31Do they take any good news or not?
12:36Her brother keeps calling me.
12:38I think he has given up his life.
12:41She is not his real sister.
12:43Oh God!
12:45There are very shameless people in this world.
12:48Thank God, my brother is not like that.
12:50He is very considerate.
12:52And after father's death,
12:54he has become very sensible.
12:56Otherwise, sister Shamim
12:58keeps saying a lot of things to Kashf and her daughter.
13:01How dare she answer back?
13:03I think she has refused Kashf as well.
13:04And she doesn't even talk in front of sister.
13:06Such are the family people.
13:08They are not like your family
13:10who keep any girl at home
13:12and don't even ask about her.
13:26Aira, my child.
13:28My child.
13:30What happened?
13:32My child.
13:34Aisha, one second.
13:36Yes, Aisha.
13:40Abdulbari, get up.
13:44The water was in the bottle,
13:46please give her a feeder.
13:54Yes, Aisha.
13:56I'll give it right now, Aisha.
14:04Abdul Bari, now you have taken up this responsibility as well.
14:13You have already started doing your wife's chores.
14:16Now you have started doing your daughter's chores as well.
14:19Your wife was born to rest at home.
14:23Tell her to at least do her daughter's chores herself.
14:27Aira is my daughter as well.
14:30What's the big deal if I do her small chores.
14:34Anyway, Kashaf takes care of her. I am at the office.
14:38She stays up all night for her.
14:40She needs rest as well.
14:42So there are no mountains of oppression on your wife in this house.
14:46Mothers all over the world work like this for their children.
14:50So if Kashaf did it, then no one did us a favour.
14:53Anyway, I don't know from which stone I am breaking my head.
14:59You won't listen to me.
15:01You will only listen to your wife.
15:02I am wasting my time for no reason.
15:05You do your wife and daughter's chores.
15:09I don't care.
15:32I don't care.
15:33I don't care.
16:00Mom, I am going to my room.
16:03Yes, Aira.
16:05Hello, brother Sadiq.
16:07Did you need anything?
16:09No, I didn't need anything.
16:11I was just looking at you.
16:13Why don't you give this to Naseem and Shamim?
16:16Brother Sadiq, everyone is so busy with their chores.
16:20They don't even go to anyone.
16:24Let me put this down.
16:34Why do you keep watching videos on your phone all the time?
16:38The poor girl is alone in the kitchen.
16:41The girl is troubling her.
16:44Is it better to go and help her instead of wasting time on the phone?
16:49Sister Shamim has made a lot of plans.
16:52She will do her responsibility and I will do my part.
16:57First of all, sister Shamim shouldn't be putting so many responsibilities on her.
17:00She should think that her daughter is still young.
17:03And if she doesn't realize it, you should realize it too.
17:06Everyone has left the poor girl alone.
17:09Enough, enough. Kashif is not that poor.
17:12She understands her good and bad better than us.
17:14And why should I interfere in someone else's matter and take the blame for myself?
17:18And anyway, sister Shamim is always ready for a chance.
17:21If I give her a chance by helping Kashif, she will come after me.
17:26No, please forgive me.
17:27I don't want to interfere in someone else's matter and take the blame for myself.
17:31Kashif knows and sister Shamim knows.
17:33It's not my problem.
17:34Kashif knows and sister Shamim knows.
17:36It's not my problem.
18:32Yes, Dilwari. What happened?
18:34Where did you go leaving Aira alone?
18:37How many times have I told you not to leave her alone?
18:39Yes, I was washing utensils in the kitchen.
18:42Look, utensils are not important.
18:44Aira is your responsibility.
18:46It's your responsibility to take care of her.
18:48So, Abdul Bari, I can't keep her in the kitchen all the time, right?
18:51Yes, so instead of me, explain this to your sister Shamim.
18:54My life will also become easier.
18:56She told me to do all this.
18:58And I can only do one thing.
19:00Either I can take care of the child or do the household chores.
19:03Now you please take care of the child.
19:05I will go and wash the utensils.
19:21Did you give food to Saman and Sadiq today?
19:25Both father and daughter are sitting inside the room and eating.
19:28You sit. I will see.
19:46Give this to me. You eat.
19:48No, I will eat later. You eat.
19:50But Abdul…
19:52I told you. You eat.
20:01You please arrange for a maid.
20:05Because Kashf can't handle all the household chores with Aira.
20:09Everything was getting managed till I was off.
20:12But now Aira is getting ignored because of this.
20:15Okay, I will look for one.
20:17But I won't get it immediately.
20:19It will take some time.
20:21Now if I get someone trustworthy like Nasreen,
20:24then let's see. We can't keep a stranger at home.
20:28Yes, so let's call Nasreen back.
20:31You must have her number.
20:35No, I don't know where Nasreen has gone.
20:38I don't see her anywhere.
20:40I don't even find her in the locality.
20:42I think she has gone to Punjab.
20:44I will have to keep someone else.
20:50Kashf, make tea for me.
20:53Hello sister.
20:57What are you doing here?
20:59I called her here.
21:03Yesterday you told me
21:05that we need a trustworthy and trustworthy woman like Nasreen.
21:10So I thought
21:12why not call Nasreen.
21:17Where did you find her?
21:19Do you remember?
21:20You fired her.
21:23I told mom
21:25to keep her at a friend's house.
21:28That's where I called her.
21:30Thank you so much, Nasreen.
21:32You answered my one call.
21:34How could I not, Kashf?
21:36You did me a huge favor.
21:39And I am not ungrateful.
21:45Do one thing.
21:47Heat water for Aira's feeder.
21:50And do ask sister Shameem
21:53if she needs anything.
22:02Sister Shameem,
22:04should I get tea for you?
22:06Keep your tea to yourself.
22:13Who is this?
22:15Who is uncle's love?
22:18Who is he?
22:22What are you looking at?
22:25What's your plan to join the university?
22:28You don't have to worry about household chores.
22:30I think you should join the university.
22:33Abdul Bari,
22:35Aira is too young.
22:37How will I leave her?
22:39Will you complete your M.E.B.S. after Aira grows up?
22:42And you don't have to go to another city.
22:44It's just a matter of a few hours.
22:46Everything will be managed.
22:47Spend the rest of your time with Aira.
22:50A new year is about to begin.
22:52I think you should join the university.
22:55Are you out of your mind, Abdul Bari?
22:58You thought she was being ignored for household chores.
23:02And now you are sending her to the university.
23:04Who will take care of her?
23:06Will you hire a servant or will you quit your job
23:09and sit down to take care of her?
23:11I don't have the guts to take care of such a young girl.
23:14And Naseem?
23:15He can't take care of his own daughter.
23:17How will he take care of her?
23:19I am telling you to tell him that he has studied a lot.
23:22Now he can sit at home.
23:24He doesn't have to go to the university.
23:26This is what a woman should do.
23:28There is a bigger purpose of my life.
23:30I want to become a doctor.
23:32This is the biggest dream of my life.
23:35And this is the reality.
23:38You can't ignore this reality behind your dreams.
23:42You don't worry about this.
23:45I will think about this myself.
23:47What should I do?
23:51Okay Abdul Bari.
23:53Send her to the university.
23:55Make her a doctor.
23:58If you don't change your decision one day,
24:02then change my name.
24:16Do you have a mind, Abdul Bari?
24:19For the household chores, you thought that
24:23the child is getting ignored.
24:25But now you are sending her to the university.
24:29Who will take care of her?
24:32Are you going to keep her an employee
24:34or will you quit your job and sit down to take care of the child?
24:36I don't have the guts to take care of such a young girl.
24:40And Naseem?
24:42He can't take care of his own daughter.
24:43And Naseem? Do you know how Naseem is?
24:45She can't even take care of her own daughter, how is she going to take care of him?
24:54Uncle, I promise you, I'll get Kashf's studies completed later.
25:03Have you kept the feeders?
25:05And the wipes?
25:07Where are they?
25:08They're in my drawer.
25:15Sorry, sorry.
25:19I've put them all in.
25:32Anything else?
25:33No, let's go. We're getting late.
25:35We have to drop her to her parents as well.
25:38Come, let's go.
25:44Asalam-o-Alaikum Baji.
25:47Asalam-o-Alaikum Shameem Baji.
26:24I've kept everything in this bag.
26:26But if you need anything else, please call me.
26:30Kashf starts crying without you.
26:32Please take care of her.
26:34Why are you getting so worried?
26:36He's not the first child.
26:38I've had two daughters.
26:40I'm more experienced than you guys.
26:43She's my life.
26:45I'll handle her better than you.
26:48Kashf, you just focus on your studies.
26:50We'll take care of her.
26:52Thank you so much.
26:58We're getting late.
27:05Mom, I told you.
27:06Abdul Bari will definitely complete Kashf's studies.
27:09Did you see?
27:11I think Kashf couldn't have found a better husband than him.
27:15Come, let's take her upstairs.
27:19Thank you so much, Abdul Bari.
27:26Without your support,
27:31I wouldn't have been able to come back here.
27:33You don't have to thank me.
27:37Kashf, I know how important your degree is to you.
27:43But you left your studies because I asked you to.
27:52I was indebted to you.
27:54I had to repay you.
27:58Now go.
27:59You'll be late.
28:01You look beautiful today.
28:03You know, I changed my mind.
28:06Yes, yes.
28:11Okay, goodbye.
28:23Yes, sir. I emailed it to you.
28:26Sir, please check again.
28:28Yes, I'm coming to the office today.
28:30Okay, sir.
28:36I forgot my phone.
31:06I've broken my heart.
31:08I don't know how I'm thinking.
31:13I didn't have the courage to face Kashf even after I came back from the U.S.
31:18After what I did to her, I couldn't even look at myself.
31:23What would I have faced?
31:27That's why I thought I'd take a year off.
31:30Once you graduate, I'll join you.
31:32I'll join you.
31:34But neither will we face each other,
31:37nor will we be in trouble.
31:42Who knew that fate would bring us together once again.
31:48I don't know what's written in our fate.
31:52Her fate is linked to someone else, Murtaza.
31:56She's married.
31:58Now she has a daughter.
32:00That's why she took a semester break.
32:03And Murtaza, she's already facing a lot of problems in life.
32:07So at least don't create a new problem for her.
32:16Who's she married to?
32:20The one who dropped her off this morning.
32:22Her cousin, Abdul Bari.
32:26Murtaza, you know how conservative her uncle's family is.
32:31After marriage, Kashaf had to face a lot of things.
32:36Just because of you, Murtaza.
32:40You've ruined her life.
32:43I don't know what she has faced to complete her studies.
32:49I don't want her to face any more problems in life.
32:54I request you, Murtaza, please stay away from her.
33:44Okay, Abdul Bari.
33:47Send her to the University.
33:50Make her a doctor.
33:53If you don't regret your decisions, one day, then you can change my name.
34:00What nonsense am I thinking?
34:20Pashup, what are you doing here? Didn't you go to the ward?
34:25Yes, I am going.
34:26Kashif, you are worried because of Murtaza.
34:31I was surprised to see him all of a sudden.
34:35After coming back from America, he didn't keep any contact with anyone.
34:40And then today, he came to complete his studies.
34:45Kashif, don't worry. I have made him understand.
34:51I have also told him about your marriage.
34:53I hope he doesn't worry you.
34:56He is not that important in my life that I should worry about him.
35:01The person who has nothing to do with your life,
35:04he doesn't worry you. In fact, he doesn't even exist for me.
35:11A person is worried because of his own people.
35:15Their attitude matters to you.
35:17Their attitude matters to you.
35:22I am not used to worrying about strangers.
35:37Saira has got a good job.
35:40Look, she is handling it like Kashif.
35:43Aunt is also like a mother.
35:45She has not taken her child off her lap even for a minute since morning.
35:50Kashif is thinking that we are doing a favor on him by taking care of his daughter.
35:55He has no idea that he has done a favor on us that he has left Aira with us.
36:00Because of him, there is happiness in the house.
36:04I have seen Saira so happy after a long time.
36:09By the way, she has taken a lot of pain.
36:12I pray to God that may God always keep her happy.
36:41We need your support to make more such films.
36:45Help us make more films. Become a Patron.
37:12Your daughter did not cry at all.
37:15She does not miss her parents at all.
37:18She was playing with me for a long time.
37:20She just got tired and slept with her mother.
37:22Thank you so much, sister.
37:24It has become very easy for me because of you.
37:27If you were not there, I might not be able to continue my studies.
37:32No, Kashif. Nothing like that happens.
37:34The things that are meant to happen, their paths become their own.
37:38If I was not there, someone else would have been there.
37:41But you would have definitely gone to the university.
37:44I am so happy for you.
37:46Tell me, how do you feel after going to the university after so long?
37:50I don't know, sister. I have a very strange feeling.
37:53I can't believe that I have come back.
37:56Abdul Bari has fulfilled his promise.
37:58He is a man of his words.
38:00I wouldn't have been able to do this without his support.
38:03You are absolutely right.
38:05You should appreciate him.
38:07Okay, sister. I am leaving. I have to go to the ward.
38:09Yes, you go. Take care of yourself.
38:14Okay. Bye.
38:17Sister, you should meet Naseeban aunt.
38:20She is not well. I called her the other day and got to know.
38:26Greetings, sister.
38:30Hasn't Kashif come with you?
38:32Has he come alone?
38:34Hasn't Kashif come yet?
38:37I thought she would come with you.
38:39She won't come back so soon.
38:42She has got freedom after so long.
38:45She must be roaming around somewhere.
38:47Mother, she must have gone to pick up Aira from uncle.
38:50That's why she is late.
38:53Now you can make any excuse and satisfy your heart.
38:57The truth is that your wife has left your hands.
39:02And this time you have given her a chance.
39:05Despite knowing her past and what she has done in the past,
39:10you have given her an open sky to fly.
39:13God forbid, if this time no one touches her,
39:17then you will be responsible for her. Only you.
39:20Sister, you…
39:25What was the need for you to take unnecessary trouble, sister Shamim?
39:29If someone would have answered you back, what would have been your respect?
39:32There is no one in this house who can answer me back.
39:35A man who can't control his wife,
39:38can only beg in front of others and nothing else.
40:05Why are you crying?
40:07I am not crying.
40:09I am not crying.
40:11I am not crying.
40:13I am not crying.
40:15I am not crying.
40:17I am not crying.
40:19I am not crying.
40:21I am not crying.
40:23I am not crying.
40:25I am not crying.
40:27I am not crying.
40:29I am not crying.
40:31I am not crying.
40:33I am not crying.
40:35I am not crying.