• last month
Lockmeadow Showdown!
Keef Chaos vs. Theodore Powers vs. Peregrine Kelly vs. Will West vs. Tristan Stone vs. Raymond O'Reilly vs. Levi vs. Kora Moon vs. Nathan Blade vs. Bully Briggs vs. Austin Archies vs. Joe vs. Al Nazeem vs. Ty vs. Vickie Twothumbs vs. Ted Sabin vs. Andros Jay vs. Edin Rise vs. Adrian Zafon vs. Boo Lemont vs. Tyler Walker vs. John Day vs. Christian Croft vs. Matt [Redacted] vs. DK Williams vs. Cletus Cannonball vs. Gambit vs. Tommy Youngs vs. Delphine vs. Prince Dean


00:30Greetings grapple fans, Rob Ringside here, welcome to Kemp Pro Wrestling, we are once
00:37again on location at the Lock Meadow Entertainment Center right here in Maidstone.
00:42This ring in which I am standing will play host in this episode to a 30 competitor over
00:48the top rope rumble.
00:50I cannot wait to show you the grappling action that is about to follow, I'm amazed we can
00:57get it into the length of the broadcast in all honesty.
01:00There is so much quality on display, it is beholden on me to not bang on too heavily
01:06isn't it?
01:07Because ultimately you want to get to the wrestling and we want to show it to you, so
01:10let's do that right now.
01:12I think he's going to send it to the heavens.
01:14What comes up must come down.
01:16Ah, you've gone very morbid on this, let's bring the tone up a little bit.
01:20I've had a rough day.
01:21About to be joined by number three, I wonder who it could be.
01:27It's a very Madison Countdown, it is very threatening, it's a nice sunny day retreating
01:32like this.
01:33All around the galaxy people have known the name Herogin Kelly, it's my circus the greatest
01:57show in the galaxy has entertained crowds all around the world chanting P.K.P.K.
02:05But now Herogin Kelly comes to UKPW in Maidstone, let's get ready to rumble.
02:12Oh what a clothesline, takes his mind off things I guess.
02:19Some big kicks here from Herogin Kelly, working this crowd here in Maidstone.
02:27In the corner, Keith Carroll is looking to get involved.
02:34Herogin Kelly with a hard man chain on there.
02:36It's a very hard chain.
02:37I guess they sell that in his galaxy, maybe it's Argos in the galaxy.
02:48Minutes pass quickly in UKPW.
02:50Two minutes pass quickly.
02:51The rotations around the side might be different for the other galaxies.
02:57Here comes number four.
02:58Oh my God.
02:59No way.
03:00It's Will West.
03:01It's Will West.
03:02I can't believe it.
03:03I can't believe it.
03:04I can't believe it.
03:05I can't believe it.
03:06I can't believe it.
03:07I can't believe it.
03:08I can't believe it.
03:09I can't believe it.
03:10I can't believe it.
03:11I can't believe it.
03:12I can't believe it.
03:13I can't believe it.
03:14I can't believe it.
03:15I can't believe it.
03:16I can't believe it.
03:17I can't believe it.
03:18I can't believe UKPW managed to secure a Will West appearance.
03:22I didn't know we had the funds.
03:24Will West is back from the Wild Wild West.
03:27It is Will...
03:28Dow Jones sold one of his houses, one of his many houses, to get Will West on the show.
03:34Well, the results are in the ring right now.
03:36I'm sure Dow Jones has many, many other houses.
03:39All green, painting, little tarpaulin on them.
03:44Will West taking it to the corners. Everyone's in the corners. Smart strategy.
03:48Yes, indeed. Peregrine Kelly working up to Theodore Powers.
03:51Will West, look at that. Keith Cairns gouging the eyes of Will West there.
03:54With no disqualifications in a rumble match.
03:56God, it's that noise again. Number 5 is imminent.
04:00Who's imminent? Who's it going to be?
04:03Who knows? It could be anyone.
04:05Hang on, wait a minute.
04:17Wait a second. What's going on here?
04:20Get the ref out of the ring.
04:22Wait a minute.
04:25Tristan's sees an opportunity.
04:33Oh my God. Tristan's a house of fire.
04:36The crowd here absolutely hating Tristan Stone.
04:39Or loving. I don't know what they're doing.
04:41The crowd's incensed either way.
04:43They're volatile.
04:44But wait a second.
04:45Tristan hasn't really accomplished anything.
04:46None of the eliminations were successful.
04:48Tristan Stone, what are you thinking?
04:51You'd hope the ref would know the rules.
04:52I question if they can even count to three sometimes.
04:55Referee Tristan Stone.
04:56Tristan is going to do a diving Phoenix Splash.
05:01No, don't do it. Don't do it.
05:03Oh my God.
05:04Don't do it. Oh no.
05:05Tristan would have been my pick.
05:06Double front stop.
05:08Double front stop and no one was there.
05:10Tristan Stone has been eliminated.
05:12I thought he was going to go all the way.
05:14Our first elimination is in the books.
05:16Tristan's trying to get back in.
05:17Would have been my pick but I didn't have time to choose it.
05:19Tristan Stone.
05:20Tristan's trying to get back in.
05:21Number 5 and number 1.
05:22I think Tristan had to go because they've got a new Japan booking later today.
05:26That's true. That's true.
05:28It's a long flight as well.
05:30They've got to be there early as well.
05:32That's new Japan as opposed to traditional Japan.
05:35I bet new Japan can't brodge.
05:37He is the future of British wrestling.
05:42Oh, it's the future.
05:43This is Raymond O'Reilly.
05:48United Kingdom Pro Wrestling.
05:50My name is Raymond O'Reilly and I'm the future of British professional wrestling.
05:55Now I'm coming here to UKPW to make my debut in this rumble.
05:59And I'm going to win this rumble.
06:00I'm going to win this rumble because I'm the best there is out there today.
06:03That men in that ring do not know what they're going to expect from the future of British professional wrestling.
06:08And that is perfection.
06:09I'll see you lot in the ring.
06:12Not singling out anyone.
06:14There we go.
06:15Oh my God.
06:16Look at that.
06:17Impressive cutter from Raymond O'Reilly.
06:19On Keith Chaos there.
06:21What a way to make an impression.
06:23Hates when people make noise.
06:27What a kick to the gut.
06:28He's got to the towers.
06:29He's rocked by that one.
06:32That's rejoined by number seven.
06:44Who's it going to be?
06:49Entrance number seven.
06:52Oh, fixed the glasses.
06:54Weighing 12 stone 4 pounds.
06:58He is a member of the AC Project.
07:01This is Levi.
07:05Levi about to enter this rumble.
07:08The ring crew no more.
07:12How many layers is Levi putting on?
07:14It's a very hot day Levi.
07:16Hits a cut from his own.
07:17Look at that.
07:18Levi might get heat stroke.
07:19He's got at least two t-shirts.
07:21Going after Chaos.
07:22Everyone goes on to Keith Chaos.
07:26Keith Chaos.
07:27On the apron.
07:29Guts Levi.
07:31Back in the ring.
07:33What a DDT.
07:35DDT rocks Levi.
07:36Oh my God.
07:37But Will West is there.
07:38Will West looking to get an elimination on Keith Chaos.
07:41Look at the chaos that's happening in the ring right now.
07:44There's just more people coming.
07:46More people coming.
07:47I can't keep track.
08:01What do we got?
08:02What do we got?
08:03Entrance number eight.
08:05From Adrian, South Wales.
08:08She is known as the Princess of the Ring.
08:11Cora Moon.
08:15We have wrestling royalty in the ring.
08:16Cora Moon.
08:17The Princess of the Ring.
08:19What a kick to the leg.
08:20Just gunning for West.
08:21Going after the future.
08:23The Princess of the Ring.
08:24Prince Dean.
08:25The future's not coming.
08:26Prince Dean.
08:27Tell us about the Princess of the Ring.
08:30She's not a family member.
08:32She's not a family member.
08:34She's not Cody's mom.
08:35Nobody really knows.
08:37It's the ring.
08:38She is a princess of.
08:40Not anything outside of it.
08:42Have we checked her documents?
08:44All I know is this shows wrestling does have more than one royal family.
08:49Yeah, it's right there in the ring.
08:50There you go.
08:51What a come-to.
08:53Oh, they're teaming up.
08:54Going after the future.
08:55They're trying to end wrestling.
08:58If Raymond perishes, then wrestling's finished.
09:00Wrestling's stopped.
09:01We need Raymond to win.
09:02It's our jobs on the line.
09:03There's actually been so much wrestling.
09:05We might as well just stop.
09:06I don't know.
09:07I got a big match coming up.
09:08I hadn't thought about that.
09:09I hadn't thought about that until you guys had pointed that out.
09:10Yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:11Wrestling is on the line, ladies and gentlemen.
09:13There's actually quite a lot riding on Raymond O'Reilly's presence in this rumble.
09:16Yeah, why is he so early?
09:39It's Nathan Blades.
09:41Now, last week, me and my boys, we went after the top wolf.
09:46And now, we're down here in Canterbury.
09:49Wait, no, that was last week.
09:51Sorry, my bad.
09:52Both dump of a town.
09:53But the principle is, me and my boys, we're here tonight.
09:56We'll make an example out of, well, 26 other wrestlers.
10:01So grab your tickets.
10:03Put in your deposits.
10:04Make your bets.
10:05It's over.
10:06Nathan Blades taking the time to go into the ring.
10:08But here it comes.
10:09We do have eight competitors in the ring right now.
10:12Nathan Blades looks confused.
10:14He's got the powers.
10:15Oh, my God.
10:16Look at that.
10:19Rocked by that one.
10:23We're about to be joined by number 10.
10:28We're a tenth of the way there.
10:36Oh, God.
10:37You know who it is.
10:40Big Bully Briggs.
10:46Big Bully Briggs making his way into this contest.
10:48Bringing us up to nine, excuse me, combats in the ring.
10:53That's right.
10:54Nine in the ring after that shocking elimination of Tristan Stone.
10:56By Tristan Stone.
10:58That was what made it so shocking, I suppose.
11:00The Bully is going to break his heart.
11:04TKO to the future.
11:07You know who it is.
11:08Big Bully Briggs.
11:10Big Bully Briggs is bullying the future of wrestling.
11:14He's taking the shirt off.
11:15He wants the people to see.
11:17Theodore Powers, meanwhile, trying to steal his hat.
11:19It's all happening in the ring.
11:20We're doing our best.
11:21We're doing our best with Will West.
11:23Taking him down to the Will Will West.
11:25Ricky Will Will West.
11:27Give it to me.
11:31These entrances are coming thick and fast.
11:34Now that ring's filling up.
11:35We're going to end up with ten in the ring.
11:37Nathan's going to save Levi.
11:42Nathan just punching a young woman in the back of the head there.
11:45That's what he does.
12:05Here's the prize of the day.
12:08This is Austin Archie.
12:12It's the Archie.
12:13Can we say that?
12:14I'm not sure.
12:15Oh, we did.
12:16I don't think we thought that through.
12:17I don't know.
12:19We'll find out.
12:20I hope no one reports that.
12:21Look how padded Austin is.
12:23He said that that's for everyone else's safety.
12:26Not for his.
12:27He hits so hard.
12:29He needs to be that padded.
12:32Why is he protecting the other people that I want to win?
12:35The baddest I've ever made.
12:37But this is pro wrestling.
12:39He wants to win.
12:40He just wants to be nice.
12:41Yeah, but he wants to protect everybody.
12:42He doesn't protect.
12:43He's a nice guy.
12:44He's a nice guy.
12:45He's a nice guy.
12:46He's a nice guy.
12:47He's a nice guy.
12:48He's trying his best.
12:49He's a nice guy.
12:50He's sort of like Clark Andrews.
12:51It is a struggle to keep track.
12:52Nice guy, but a bit slow.
12:53Keep track of the chaos in the ring.
12:55There's Peregrine Kelly.
12:56There he is.
12:57There he is.
12:58Peregrine Kelly.
12:59He's going to fly like a peregrine.
13:00What's a peregrine?
13:01Peregrine Falcon.
13:02There's a bird.
13:03I didn't know that.
13:04Who do we got next?
13:05He's right.
13:06It is.
13:07We got someone else coming up.
13:08It can't really get better than this.
13:09Number 12 brings us to 11 in the ring.
13:12What do we got?
13:13Entry number 12.
13:15Oh my god.
13:17Oh my god.
13:18No way.
13:19Oh my god.
13:21He is the hometown hero.
13:23He's the one from your presentation.
13:28I thought he was dead.
13:30It's been 18 months.
13:3318 months since we've seen TLC jump.
13:36Get him out of here.
13:38He's going after the future.
13:40This is what I was afraid of.
13:42The future and the local competitor going one on one.
13:48Into the turnbuckle.
13:49Come on, Raymond.
13:52Local competitor Joe has lost some hair since he was last here in the UKPW ring about 18
13:58months ago.
13:59Who's counting?
14:00Billy Briggs measuring Peregrine Kelly.
14:02Cannonball in the corner.
14:04We're trying our best to bring in the action, folks, but there are 11 competitors in the
14:08ring currently.
14:09Someone's out.
14:10We have an elimination.
14:11Too much action.
14:12Can we slow it down, please?
14:13I'm going to take a seat again like Rob.
14:17Coramoon is our second elimination.
14:19What a shame.
14:22Get Joe out of there.
14:23Come on.
14:24Yeah, Big Bully Briggs.
14:25You know who it is.
14:27Entry number 14 from Kurdistan, Iraq.
14:34Weighing in at 1272 pounds, he is the Kurdish stripper Al Nazim.
14:57Stupid people.
15:00He whips Theodore Powers off the ropes.
15:03Huge line behind Buster.
15:06Impressive from Al Nazim.
15:08That's why he's the Kurdish crippler.
15:11Looking to eliminate Theodore Powers.
15:13What a score on the feed.
15:15Raymond's drinking Keep Kells' blood from the chalice.
15:18Not Keep Kells'.
15:19He's the future.
15:20The blood in the chalice.
15:21Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:22We can't do that.
15:23We can't drink blood on the show.
15:25Definitely not.
15:26Definitely not.
15:28Oh, my God.
15:29The padded man.
15:30Imagine the notes we'd get.
15:31I think the pads are keeping him up.
15:32He's getting stuck.
15:33He's looking to find his way back into this match.
15:35Nathan Blade looks to eliminate him.
15:38All throwing some strikes.
15:40Got Nathan Blade up against the ropes.
15:47Entry number 14 from East London.
15:51Weighing 1267 pounds,
15:54he is a member of Project Essie.
15:57He is the infamous influencer,
16:01Last week, in the main event against Ruff,
16:04we made a statement.
16:06But tonight, we make more than a statement.
16:09Tonight, Ty enters the rumble.
16:12So, Maystone, I hope you're ready to rumble.
16:15Because I'm coming.
16:19Big arm drag.
16:21Oh, what a takedown.
16:23Look how warm he looks, though.
16:25Yeah, yeah.
16:26I think they're going to overheat.
16:27They look so warm.
16:28I mean, they've got a dress code.
16:29Apart from Nathan Blade, who doesn't dress the same.
16:31But that is because he's an American football player.
16:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:34Yeah, I think that outfit's regulation.
16:36It seems to be, though.
16:38Peregrine Kelly with a stiff kick.
16:40Ty with one of his own.
16:41He's an alien.
16:42Nathan Blade gives him a two-on-one advantage.
16:45Here they go.
16:49Peregrine Kelly fighting back here.
16:53I think Peregrine is like an alien under the mask.
16:56It's like disgusting.
16:57I think so.
16:58It would explain the high flying.
17:00Who knows?
17:01It looks like...
17:02Oh, Ty!
17:04Oh, still with it.
17:05Just skinning the cat.
17:07Look at that.
17:09It's Vicky!
17:10It's Vicky!
17:11Vicky's up!
17:15She gained a surname.
17:18I am Maystone's own Vicky Two Thumbs.
17:22And I am here at Lock Meadow to win the Lock Meadow Royal Rumble.
17:28And you know what?
17:29Last time at the Dockyard, I won the Battle Royal.
17:33So I'm going to do it again.
17:35Because I've got that tenacious energy.
17:36I've got that fighting spirit.
17:38I've got that self-belief.
17:40And that will help me win this match.
17:47Oh, big bully Briggs is going to bully Vicky Two Thumbs here.
17:51But Vicky Two Thumbs finds him.
17:52Oh, look at that.
17:53The kick there by big bully Briggs.
17:59Competitor giving it to Ty.
18:01They're children beating up Keith Chaos.
18:05I believe they will claim antagonism.
18:09An elimination.
18:10Another elimination for Al Nazeem.
18:13Oh, Will West.
18:14He's going down.
18:15Will West is still in there.
18:16Will West is going down.
18:18Oh, my goodness.
18:24I agree.
18:36You've got to be careful when facing the emo rash boys that you don't catch their rash.
18:40It's true.
18:41That's why I avoid them.
18:42Have you seen the state of Angelus J?
18:43Meanwhile, Theodore Powers has managed to incapacitate Nathan Blade
18:46with nothing more than a t-shirt.
18:48Ted Saban going after big bully Briggs here.
18:51Nathan Blade out by the second rope.
18:53No elimination.
18:56Ted Saban taking no prisoners.
18:59He's going after whoever he can get his hands on.
19:07We've got more people coming.
19:09How did you know it would be a person?
19:11That's a good point.
19:12I did see a dog earlier.
19:14That's no way to speak about TLC Joe.
19:17That's a good point.
19:18That's a good point.
19:40And just like that, the emo trash boys have their numbers bolstered by the
19:44playsetter himself as Andros J makes his way to the ring.
19:48He's setting the pace.
19:49He wants it real slow.
19:50Yeah, he wants to...
19:51Oh, big bully Briggs!
19:54Big Brilliant Briggs has been eliminated by Austin Archies who is very
19:57pleased with himself and who can blame him.
19:59You know who it was.
20:00It was big bully Briggs.
20:02As Theodore Powers takes his eye off Austin Archies.
20:05Those pads are an advantage.
20:06Might suffer for it.
20:08You think they're loaded?
20:09Have we checked them?
20:11There's got to be stones.
20:13Andros J.
20:14Oh, look at that by Andros J.
20:17Andros J is just upset that My Chemical Romance haven't released an album
20:21in about 14 years.
20:23Has it really been 14 years, Princeton?
20:26I think so.
20:28Ask Andros J.
20:29There's a bunch of shirtless children on the outside.
20:30I don't like this.
20:43Ian Wright!
20:45Ian Wright?
20:47It's Ian Wright.
20:48Not Ian Wright.
20:49Ian Wright!
20:50Looks a bit different.
20:51Well, fuck Andros!
20:52It's not footballing legend Ian Wright.
20:53I said Ian Wright, Princeton!
20:54Eden Rides, local Maidstone hero.
20:56Not as local.
20:57Not as local, yeah.
20:58Come on, come on.
20:59No, true.
21:00That's disrespectful.
21:01I don't know how local.
21:02I don't know how deep we plot this.
21:04Eden Rides is going to rise to the occasion here.
21:08Look at this.
21:09It's going after everyone and anyone.
21:11Oh, oh!
21:12Oh, yeah!
21:14He's powering through.
21:15Oh, look at that.
21:16Some strength from Eden Rides.
21:18Trying to eliminate on the outside there.
21:20As we count down to number 19.
21:31Enter number 19, from Stirling, St. Kent, weighing 44 pounds,
21:39he is the perfectionist, Adrian Safran!
21:45Greetings, dearest audience.
21:47I am Adrian Safran, and I'm entering this rumble
21:52to destroy all these unworthy so-called heroes
21:56who think they're going to win and please the crowd.
21:59I am the Disruptor, and I will claim victory.
22:07Andros James working over Vicky Two Thumbs in the corner.
22:10We've got Ted Saban working over Nathan Blade.
22:13Every corner, a bit of action.
22:15Eden Rides working on the future of British wrestling.
22:18Eden, please, I need this job.
22:32Theodore Parris hanging his hat on the top rope.
22:35Enter number 20, from Cambridge, Wales,
22:41Who Lamont?
22:42Dammit, I wanted to say it.
22:44I've been working on that material for a week.
22:47Who Lamont, or as I like to call him, Yay Lamont,
22:51because he is one of our top faces here in UKPW.
22:54Shut up, Mark Andrews.
22:56We are now two thirds of the way through this rumble
22:59in terms of combatants.
23:01A handful of eliminations, and this ring is filling up.
23:0420th of the way in.
23:05Two thirds.
23:0720 out of 30, two thirds.
23:08He says he's number 20.
23:09He is number 20, yeah.
23:10We're 30.
23:11Shut up, Rob.
23:19Local competitor going after the future.
23:21Local competitor is the future.
23:23I don't know, I don't know.
23:25The future is lighting up.
23:28Entry number 21, from Peckham, London,
23:32weighing 67 pounds,
23:35he is the leader of Project IC,
23:39the Prince of Peckham.
23:58The wrestlers you see on UKPW
24:01are trained professionals
24:03and should not be copied.
24:10UKPW is very dangerous.
24:13The show you're watching
24:15has been organised with great preparation
24:18and should not be attempted by anyone.
24:22Oh my goodness!
24:26Wrestling may look fun,
24:28but the hazards are real.
24:35No matter who you are,
24:37whatever you do,
24:38please do not try this at home,
24:41school or anywhere.
24:43Tyler Walker!
24:46Tyler Walker making his way to the ring,
24:48a face we know all too well.
24:51No, the future's out!
24:53Wrestling's cancelled!
24:54You were the future!
24:55You've destroyed wrestling!
24:57I'm out of a job!
25:01What a spear!
25:03Spare by Tyler Walker.
25:05Tyler Walker is a face we know well.
25:07He was within mere inches
25:09of becoming the UKPW champion
25:11out of nowhere against Alexander Roth
25:13at our last event.
25:14Did not come out with the belt
25:16on this occasion,
25:17but he can make a name for himself
25:18in a whole different way today
25:19by picking up the victory.
25:22Tyler Walker...
25:23Other eliminations, folks,
25:24but it is hard to keep track of the action.
25:26There are so many bodies in the ring.
25:28Project SE do have a lot of people.
25:31They're playing the numbers game,
25:32I think.
25:33Yes, indeed.
25:34They currently occupy about...
25:35Four members of Project SE.
25:36Could be as many as 25% of the ring
25:38is Project SE.
25:39I mean, everyone else could just
25:40team up against them, you know.
25:42Come on, guys.
25:44From Singapore,
25:46weighing 11 stone 1 pounds,
25:49he is Straight Sauce John Day!
25:57My name is Straight Sauce John Day.
25:59I'm the young pretty boy of
26:00Southeast Asian professional wrestling,
26:01youngest veteran in Singapore
26:02professional wrestling,
26:03and your mother's favorite
26:04professional wrestler.
26:05And I've made my way to UKPW today
26:07to enter the Rumble
26:08and show UKPW that I'm just that guy.
26:11And I'm going to win the Rumble
26:12because I'm really good
26:13and your mum loves me.
26:15I do believe he is your mum's
26:17favorite wrestler off ringside.
26:19I mean, he has a variety,
26:21varied and eclectic set of tastes,
26:23Clark Andrews, but yes,
26:24John Day is up there.
26:28Today is a John Day!
26:30Very impressive German suplex.
26:32We'll find out, we'll find out.
26:33He's going after all of SE 15.
26:35That's what I'm saying.
26:36Team up against him.
26:37Like a fisherman suplex.
26:38Oh, look at that there,
26:39by Straight Sauce John Day.
26:41Are they fish in Singapore?
26:42Are they SE 15?
26:43Yeah, I mean, it's an island.
26:46Whoa, what a stutter!
26:51Tyler Walker not enjoying that one.
26:53Letting him know about it.
26:56We're about to be joined by number 23.
27:05From 1066 country!
27:1011 sold, 11 pounds.
27:13The Brockman ring of Genesis.
27:17This is Christian Croft.
27:20Christian Croft.
27:21Boo Lamont has been eliminated.
27:25Sorry Delphine, I thought you were
27:26introducing the wrong person,
27:27but you're right, Boo Lamont
27:28has indeed been eliminated.
27:29Boo who Lamont?
27:33Somebody else got eliminated.
27:34Austin Archie's eliminated.
27:36Everyone's clearing out now.
27:38MMA must seek their new hero.
27:40Dana White's Craig.
27:44Notes and notes.
27:45More bars and money.
27:51Although somebody hit a TKO earlier,
27:53I'm sure he gets a couple of pennies.
27:54Yeah, you have to pay him a little bit.
27:56Wrestling royalties.
27:57Yeah, now for any times with the word TKO.
27:59We got paid for saying his name, you know.
28:01I just did that three times,
28:02so you're welcome Dana.
28:04Number 24,
28:05paying the world's end in Hampshire.
28:09Weighing 12 stone 13 pounds,
28:12this is Matt Redacted.
28:17What has he done?
28:18What has he done?
28:19Get him out of here!
28:20Matt Redacted.
28:21I want to speak to someone about this.
28:23Has he not been DBS checked?
28:25Have any of them?
28:26Have you?
28:27Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
28:30They've had an elimination, Grapple Facts.
28:33John Day was the one that was eliminated, I believe.
28:36But Matt Redacted might have a background
28:38as a former judo competitor
28:40or a collegiate amateur wrestler.
28:42But apart from that,
28:43information is very hard to come by.
28:45Have you tried Googling him?
28:46Why do we have a criminal on the show?
28:48Pop-up headbutt from Nathan Blade.
28:50A criminal on the show?
28:51You mean Rob Ringstein?
28:52You cannot prove that, Princeton.
28:54For the benefit of...
28:55He looks at me funny.
28:57Rob looks at me funny.
29:02Have we met?
29:03Have we met?
29:05I think we have.
29:06What happened last week?
29:07Where's your son?
29:10Back in the caravan.
29:12He's sensitive.
29:19Donkey Kong.
29:20DK Williams making his debut.
29:23Both at UKPW and as a professional wrestler today.
29:28DK Williams.
29:59Maybe that's how he's representing them.
30:02A lot of sponsorship.
30:28Cletus Cannonball.
30:29He's young, but Cletus.
30:30Came out of the womb like a cannonball.
30:32The teenage sensation, Cletus Cannonball.
30:36Our apologies and our sympathies to Mrs. Cannonball
30:38if that turns out to be true.
30:40The comeback hit.
30:44Cletus Stunner!
30:47Trading shots with Ted Saban.
30:48Good luck.
30:49Cletus Stunner again!
30:51Rocking Ted Saban.
30:52That's to be joined by Entrant 27.
30:56Lucky number.
30:57Lucky number.
30:59Yeah, you don't hear that one very often.
31:00Good for you.
31:03They're going after DK.
31:04Here we go.
31:05Entrant 27 from London.
31:09Weighing in at 18 pounds, 13 pounds.
31:14He is the Slave Factor.
31:17He is the Slave Factor.
31:20This is Gambit.
31:24Slay is the name of the game.
31:26And as far as I'm concerned, nobody does it better than Gambit.
31:31So bring your toughest warriors, because at Lock Meadow,
31:35I am winning this rumble.
31:39Just unloading on Nathan Blade.
31:43Sashaying over to that corner.
31:45Just clearing house.
31:47Gambit slaying the competition right now.
31:49We got more people coming in.
31:51It don't stop.
31:52Oh my God!
31:54And Tyler Walker has been eliminated.
31:56SE 15 in shambles.
31:57Project SE now down to, looks like, one and two in the ring.
32:04Entrant 28 from Cambridge, England.
32:08Weighing in at 11.9 pounds.
32:12This is Tenacious Tommy Youngs.
32:17Tenacious Tommy Youngs.
32:18There's going to be a tenacious off.
32:20You can just feel it.
32:21You can just feel it in the air.
32:23There's going to be a tenacious off.
32:25That's how I've constrained to Gambit.
32:27Maybe not then.
32:28Yeah, I don't know.
32:29I don't know.
32:30Tommy Youngs may be tenacious, but is he always tenacious like Vicky Tootho?
32:35We're about to find out.
32:36A lot on the line in this match.
32:39Get out of here!
32:40Get out of here!
32:41Get out of here!
32:46Go back home!
32:47He's going to bring it home.
32:49He's loco.
32:50That's not a…
32:51Tommy Youngs has been eliminated.
32:53Tommy Youngs.
32:54Who have we got next?
32:56Who have we got next?
32:57I think we need some talent in this ring.
32:58Well, wait.
32:59Hang on.
33:00Hang on.
33:01I don't actually have any notes on who else is next.
33:04It's a surprise.
33:05We've got to see who drew.
33:06We've got to see who drew.
33:07Who drew?
33:08I drew!
33:11What's going on in here?
33:12What are you doing?
33:17That doesn't even make any sense.
33:20That doesn't even make any sense.
33:22He's holding back uppercomers.
33:24He's been at odds with your details, Dean.
33:26This is…
33:27This is a rumble.
33:28It's interrupted into chaos.
33:29For young, up-and-coming talent.
33:31And Delphine is there holding people back, holding people down.
33:35It makes no sense.
33:36It is disappointing to see, Dean.
33:38This is a showcase of up-and-coming talent.
33:40We're using this to amplify up-and-coming wrestlers.
33:43And Delphine has come in.
33:45Delphine's just holding people back and holding people down.
33:47Taking the space.
33:48You're meant to be a spectator.
33:50I can't believe what I've just seen.
33:52I'm incensed with just anger.
33:54Who's the final entrant?
33:57I mean, the person coming in at number 30 has to have an advantage just from being the freshest.
34:03It'll be a great position for anyone that comes in.
34:06I couldn't agree more, Dean.
34:07Joining us once again from the commentators section.
34:13What are you doing?
34:15This is not a demotion.
34:17Prince Dean.
34:19This is not a demotion.
34:22Rob Ringside, what's happening here?
34:24I'm beside myself, Park Andrews.
34:26I can't believe what I've just seen.
34:28He's left his bubble machine here and everything.
34:30I know.
34:31It's full.
34:32Prince Dean, enter in the ring.
34:34This is not a demotion.
34:35I've had enough of this.
34:37I can't believe it.
34:38How come we didn't get an entrant into the Rumble, Rob?
34:40This notion that the commentation station is some sort of runner-up prize drives Rob Ringside insane.
34:45Delphine, Prince Dean, first time on commentary, straight into the Rumble.
34:54Why does everybody see this commentation station as a silver medal?
34:57I've had enough of this.
34:58I mean, I love the commentation station.
35:01I know you do.
35:02You appreciate it.
35:03Who loves the commentation station?
35:04I think it's Fentos that loves the commentation station.
35:06I think.
35:07Well, Abbott then.
35:08He's indifferent, apparently.
35:09Oh, he doesn't.
35:10Oh, okay.
35:11Is this where you tell us your entrant 31, Dale Jones?
35:13Well, I have been known to pay off for an extra spot.
35:15But more importantly, I realized just earlier that this is the largest battle royal of any kind in Kent.
35:21And that was a rolling Canadian Destroyer.
35:23That's right, rolling.
35:25Delphine is going at it.
35:26He's not content to do it once.
35:27He's going to hit it again.
35:28Oh, my goodness.
35:30Dean Destroyer.
35:31You know what?
35:32They behaved themselves at the commentation station.
35:34Delphine's out.
35:35Oh, Delphine's out.
35:36Well, that's what you get.
35:38That's what you get.
35:39I can't believe what we've just witnessed.
35:41And Cletus Cannibal eliminated as well.
35:43I feel less strongly about that one.
35:45I mean, why are there so many bubbles?
36:32Oh, Gambit is gone.
36:42That is definitely not a sleigh.
36:45Dean is cleaning house here.
36:47What an incredible day we've had here in Lochmeadow.
36:51Meanwhile, Matt Redacted has been removed from this competition.
36:55Has he been redacted from this competition?
36:57I suppose so.
36:58He's been edited to clean out.
37:00Delphine! Delphine don't give me any jib, I'm just here filling in for you.
37:09Delphine saying he's going to fix this, don't know what he's going to fix, what's he going to fix?
37:13Delphine's working his way around the ring. What's Delphine going to do?
37:16He can rise on the outside. Oh no, what's Delphine doing?
37:20Oh no, wait a minute. He's gone straight for Dean, oh no!
37:23Oh my goodness, no! Oh no, surely that can't be legal.
37:31Oh, Dean and now Delphine not content to trade shots at the commentation station,
37:35they're now doing it ringside. I know I shouldn't be doing this,
37:38but I'm going to have to get involved to break them up because they're not going to break up
37:40themselves. No, go, go, do what you need to do. Now Dan Jones is leaving the commentation.
37:45Wrong ringside, what's happening here? I'm trying to make sense of it all,
37:48Clark Andrews. Let's get back to what's happening in the ring. We are down to our final four.
37:53We have the Emo Trashboys, Ted Saban and Andros Jade. We have Theodore Powers and Vicky Two Thumbs
37:59and we're joined on commentary by Fentos, because why not at this point? Let's everybody have a go.
38:03Are you, are you entrant 32, Fentos? No, it looked like everyone was having fun,
38:07so I thought I'd join in as well. All right, good, good, good.
38:09So that's the right reason to join the commentation station.
38:21So it's spilling out across the entire complex here at Lock Meadow.
38:41I don't think I've ever seen before a rumble where everyone left in the rig are just taking
38:46a break. I think this is a first for professional wrestling. Absolutely, they're just taking a
38:50breather. Can you blame them? They, I mean, especially Theodore Powers. Theodore Bowers
38:54has been in this, he's number one. Absolutely, Theodore Powers has earned a break as much as
38:58anyone. Absolutely, and let's not forget Vicky Two Thumbs as well, he's been here since entrant 15.
39:02Yes, indeed, the freshest by the numbers is Andros Jade, coming at number 17, but even then
39:10they've all been in there a fair old while. Yeah, I think they're all at a level playing field,
39:14yes, indeed, with some chance to recuperate and recover.
39:19This is definitely a precursor to the tag team championship. Oh, no, actually, no,
39:24that happened last time, didn't it? Yeah, absolutely. Well, no, there's almost certainly
39:28some bad blood spilling over from that. You're quite right, Frances, because of course, in order
39:32to get the number one contendership, J. Alexander and Delphine won against the two-man day trip. So
39:38Princeton was on the losing end of the day.
40:00A series of low growls.
40:01The big OC Dave O'Connor restoring order here as we get to our final four. And here we go,
40:08no alliances, there can only be one winner. Now, the Emo Trash Boys will no doubt have
40:13the numbers advantage, but at the same time, there can only be one winner. Let's find out who that's
40:18going to be. All four people in the ring are incredibly pale, but with the half an hour
40:22they've spent lying in the ring waiting. Beautifully, beautifully bronzed, yes.
40:27Vicky Two Thumbs and Vidal Power taking it to the Emo Trash Boys.
40:35Whips off the ropes, but the Emo Trash Boys reverse, ducking clotheslines.
40:40Big drop kick and a karate kick from Vicky Two Thumbs.
40:46The always tenacious Vicky Two Thumbs, they are working the crowd up.
40:52Working as a team, though once again, how long will that alliance hold?
40:58Alliances in a rumble are always uneasy. What do we call this team? Oh, I think let's go Vicky
41:04Power Thumbs. A meeting of the minds for the Emo Trash Boys, not the kind they'd like.
41:09Theodore Power is calling for an elimination.
41:14We try to process what's been going on, try and bring order back to proceedings.
41:19Meanwhile in the ring, Theodore Powers and Vicky Two Thumbs have to eliminate the Emo Trash Boys to go.
41:23Andros J, oh! Into the turnbuckle there. Launches Theodore Powers into that second turnbuckle.
41:30Andros J. Hits the post. Oh, it looks like they're going to try and eliminate Vicky Two Thumbs here.
41:36Meanwhile, the double team is on. Emo Trash Boys trying to take advantage of Theodore Powers being
41:41briefly incapacitated by trying to eliminate Vicky Two Thumbs in the interim.
41:46Thus leaving them to, what, call it a mutual, a mutual victory?
41:52I have still not seen Prince Dean unless he is drowned in the water.
41:56Yeah, we can only express our sympathies if that holds to be true. Meanwhile in the ring.
42:06Andros J looking to double team maneuver. Ted Saban, oh!
42:12Oh, look at that. Flapjack cutter combo. Andros J, Ted Saban wiping out Vicky Two Thumbs.
42:20It looks like it's going to be good night for Vicky Two Thumbs. Theodore Powers is showing
42:24slow signs of life. Andros J eliminated. Oh no, Vicky Two Thumbs manages to hold on.
42:31Theodore Powers coming to the rescue. Just hammering away with chops and forearms and another chop.
42:42Now once again looking to bring the Emo Trash Boys together. Oh no, just headbutting himself.
42:46It's that big head of Theodore Powers right there working on the Emo Trash Boys.
42:52But he's earned the right to have one. He's a tremendous wrestler.
42:56Oh wow! Vicky there by Theodore Powers. Just eating the boot of Theodore Powers.
43:01That time Andros J equal to the challenge but Theodore Powers with a reversal of his own.
43:05Turning Andros J into the corner. And the Emo Trash Boys both eat the European Uppercut.
43:16Theodore Powers making his way first to the second row, maybe going all the way to the top.
43:22Yes, he is. Theodore Powers is climbing to the top. Emo Trash Boys. Oh, Ted Saban, look at that.
43:29Ted Saban pushing Andros J aside to take the grunt. Oh, but it doesn't help because a cutter is
43:34forthcoming. Andros J breaking his arm last year as a result of a cross body. Maybe Ted Saban
43:40was a bit cautious there, didn't want to take the risk in that one. Very true.
43:44Rather very gallant move by Ted Saban. Clearly their bond runs deep. Meanwhile Theodore Powers
43:50looking to eliminate Andros J. Ted Saban's back to his feet and taking advantage of Theodore Powers'
43:56momentum. And just like that, then there were three. The Emo Trash Boys and Vicky Two Thumbs.
44:08Vicky Two Thumbs all alone against the Emo Trash Boys. What's she gonna do?
44:14She's ducked over. Andros J still on his feet. Oh, but Ted Saban nails Andros J.
44:20And there you have it, Grapple fans. Let me sit down for this one because I've earned it.
44:32Grapple fans, the winner of the Showdown Rumble after a chaotic display. Multiple people at the
44:39commutation station, brawls in the local area. But at the end of it all, Vicky Two Thumbs picks
44:46up the victory after eliminating both Emo Trash Boys against all odds. Because Mark Andros,
44:52she is always tenacious. Absolutely, Rob Ringside. What can I say? This has been one of the most
44:58chaotic battle royals I have ever seen. But you're quite right, Vicky Two Thumbs always tenacious
45:06is your winner. And meanwhile in the middle of the ring wearing Christine's crown it appears.
45:12Vicky Two Thumbs looking to get some agreed mutual respect from Theodore Powers.
45:24The crowd want Theodore to shake the hand. Oh, we got her down. Yes, that's lovely to see.
45:30As the crown changes hands even though it's not her crown to give. But we'll forgive that.
45:35The winner of this one, Vicky Two Thumbs.
45:42What a show. Thank you Grapple fans for tuning in.
45:46Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the Showdown Rumble, Vicky Two Thumbs.
45:56Well that about does it as you were right to point out Mark Andros for us here at the
46:00Lock Meadow Entertainment Center. Our thanks to you for watching.
46:04What a show we've had this afternoon here at Rob Ringside. Yes, indeed. Who could forget
46:10some of the incredible matches we've had. We've had four ways, we've had the Rumble,
46:15we've had singles action, had equal rights, equal fights. We've had rules that have taken us
46:21outside the ring space, outside perhaps even the town. We didn't see. Could have gone anywhere for
46:25a week though. But at the end of it all, your winner, local hero, hometown sensation,
46:31Vicky Two Thumbs wins in her hometown of Maitland.
