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00:00This coach doesn't even know how close he came to disaster.
00:03In 1986, Mike Tyson was 20 years old with 26 pro fights in just a year and a half.
00:08But Jose Ribalta, a 2 meter giant, thinks his size will be enough.
00:12He and his coach are convinced Tyson is overrated.
00:14They're about to realize how wrong they are.
00:16In the first round, Ribalta is already knocked down.
00:19But that's nothing.
00:20What he's about to endure.
00:21No one expected such a massacre.
00:23Every exchange.
00:24Tyson destroys him.
00:26Ribalta tries to survive.
00:27But nothing works.
00:28At this point, Ribalta realizes he was completely wrong about Mike and that he's not overrated
00:33like he thought with his coach.
00:35Respect to Jose Ribalta, the only one brave enough to take the fight with Mike.
00:39Every time he falls, he gets back up.
00:41After the fight, Ribalta admits no one hit him as hard as Tyson.
00:46And Mike, in an interview, says,
00:48I hit Jose with everything I had, and he took it like a champ.
00:51He kept coming back for more.
00:53Ribalta gave me a tough fight.
00:55He was incredible in the clinch.
00:59But he's not overrated.
01:00He's not overrated.
01:01He's not overrated.
01:02He's not overrated.
01:03He's not overrated.
01:04He's not overrated.
01:05He's not overrated.
01:05He's not overrated.
01:06He's not overrated.
01:07He's not overrated.
01:07He's not overrated.
01:08He's not overrated.
01:08He's not overrated.
01:09He's not overrated.
01:10He's not overrated.
01:10He's not overrated.
01:11He's not overrated.
01:11He's not overrated.
01:11He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.
01:12He's not overrated.