• last month
00:00First of all introduce yourself and what was it like to be here tonight for Omar Chavez
00:07Micelle Rodriguez
00:14how did you like the fight
00:21you liked it who's your favorite fighter in history
00:26okay speaking of Canelo Canelo Crawford who wins and why
00:30Why Canelo? Why does she like Canelo in general?
00:54what'd you say he's a champion of all Mexico he is he's a great champion now
00:59if you could fight anybody who would you fight
01:15tell everybody what's your instagram is they want to follow you
01:29perfect okay thank you so much nice meeting you good job
01:38oh like Canelo any message for Canelo about his upcoming fight what would you tell him
01:43about fighting Crawford
01:48all right there you have it stay tuned right here to fight
01:51Micelle Rodriguez just beat Omar Chavez. Thank you Hugo, it's good to see you guys. Good morning.
02:14Hey Hugo tell her see what I started
02:36I know
02:51I'm Elie Sekbeck, Elie Sekbeck reporting for esnewsreporting.com I'm Elie Sekbeck reporting
03:06esnewsreporting.com I'm Elie Sekbeck reporting
