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00:00wait it's gonna be hard listen Crawford's turning 37 he's not getting younger you don't get better
00:07with the aging box he's 33 he's 34 33 33 but i'm not sure he might be wrong i think 34 okay
00:17better bf is 39 he's gonna be 40 very soon you don't get better
00:23i think so too b-ball is a very talented fighter awkward very effective
00:27yes if canelo rematches him what does he need to do to beat him 34
00:34when was his birthday when was his birthday
00:39june okay so he just turned 34 july two months ago
00:45he's still the man he is nobody's gonna you're gonna put money on Crawford if they fight no
00:51we're gonna put money on conor mcgregor if they fight no i wouldn't put any money because that's
00:55but i think it's it's a competitive fight but i have Crawford ahead because of his speed his style
01:05he could give canelo slow he threw max three punches at a time in his last fight you know
01:10he wasn't throwing more than three one two shots maybe three here and there he slowed down a lot
01:16he gets hit a little more he also fought a guy 193 pounds that makes a difference too
01:21but different styles make fights Crawford puts up good f*****g the first six rounds are gonna
01:26be f*****g badass because he's gangster he don't give a f**k he fights but i think eventually
01:31canelo's too big and too strong i think but but uh but i know Crawford will f*****g put up
01:36good f*****g six at least six rounds badass round he that he could probably win do you think the
01:42fight ever happens i think it probably will hopefully you think so okay yeah i would like to
01:48see Crawford get that fight but i think canelo would have to get paid handsomely to take that
01:54fight what it's i don't think it's a fight where he has where he should be worried about oh s**t
02:00you know like like i'm gonna be this but where he might think f**k what if i lose i don't want to
02:04lose no he's not gonna lose to Crawford exactly i don't think he'll lose to Crawford but he's not
02:08interested in that fight but he's not i don't know why you know he should take your f*****g money
02:13but he's not i don't know why you know he should take your f*****g money you know we're not gonna
02:18see the one we want anyway so f**k it let's see Crawford so by the way Robert you have a lot of
02:23the top 140s in the world in your gym we do have a lot would they ever fight each other like two
02:27year fighters no no i don't think we'll do that if that ever happened like it's money i can't
02:32f*****g life-changing money yeah then then i'll probably allow it and step aside you weren't
02:37coach any of the guys you left champion Felipe work each other no no i don't know how that would
02:42work i don't think so honestly i really don't believe that i don't think that that would even
02:46be well let's say Rayo picks up a second belt because he has one belt see if he beats like
02:51okay say say we have Rayo already as a champion and somebody at 140 i'm not going to say any name
02:56but somebody at 140 because we have a lot says f**k it i want to i want to fight Rayo and and
03:02goes with another trainer then f**k it i'm a trainer to f**k him up got it to beat him but
03:07they're both here but that won't happen like Jose would never fight anybody
03:14but it's a good thing there's a lot of belts in boxing so there's a lot of things going on
03:18if if one of the champions ever leaves and i have a fighter that's not it's happened before
03:22it happened with Abner and Cuellar yeah and they thought Cuellar was going to destroy Abner and
03:27Abner ended up dropping him like 10 to 1 underdog then at the end it was like 6 to 1
03:32it was still a f**king no chance at all
03:46hey your brother made everybody rich nobody thought he could beat Maloney 6 to 1 underdog
03:52but we all knew i never bet i bet on that one i never bet on nothing why not but we should have
04:00on that one a hundred thousand imagine why didn't you because i don't bet
04:09yeah i don't bet i don't bet especially on my fighters i i just have a feeling like that
04:14if i bet like that's bad luck for me like i don't want to bet on my fighters yeah you guys have
04:18always said that but remember what i tell you guys it's like the guys that fight the roosters
04:23you fight them but you're betting on them if not you don't fight them you know right that's that's
04:27how it is boxing is not like that boxing they already have their purse but but yeah if we were
04:32if it was like that then we were like we're betting on our on our fighter how would you feel
04:36if it was a draw not lost draw and you lost a hundred thousand
04:40then i'm f**ked because the politics the politics in boxing but f**k it in life
04:45little daily weeks there's been i'm not you know there's been other investments where
04:49where where i've lost money uh and and pretty good money that i've lost you know i've invested
04:55another stop where it doesn't go well and i've lost money who gives a f**k if i don't
05:01if i don't take chances then i'm never gonna you're right you don't make anything you know
05:05there's been a lot of others you know i've you know i bet on f**king bam you know since he was
05:10a f**king 15 year old this kid's gonna be special this is you know we've done and everything's gone
05:16well you know uh but then there's also other fighters where we put a lot into it and then
05:21they don't do never do it there's there's investments where robert you know we could
05:25do this and they f**king it's so f**king everything's so beautiful and so good that
05:31it looks like f**k y'all let's do it and then two months later we lost f**king fifty thousand
05:36dollars it's happening that's why wow might as well bet that money at least you have a chance
05:40to travel it it's happened man but that's life it's just the way it is if you don't if you don't
05:46if you're afraid to do stuff like that then then don't do it that's why they always tell me that
05:51when i tell you hey i think the manager is taking too much you said no they invested in him they
05:55believe him they should get their cut is this is what's fair is fair yeah what's fair is fair you
06:00know uh
06:07oh um gallo just came out saying on facebook that um to robert they interviewed robert he was
06:17talking about how their situations they were trying to ask him what he think about the separation
06:22between caballero and gallo but robert's just explaining situation that's happened before but
06:27he said trainers and fighters yeah like abel and um and triple g you know they pretty much started
06:34together but at the end of the career they separated because of the triple g not wanting
06:39to pay what what they had agreed on right since the beginning so he ended up doing going his own
06:44route so robert said in the interview he's like i don't know what's their case but you know that
06:51possibly could have happened and gallo it looks it seems like he got upset and he commented
06:57something on on the video and shared it on his facebook you know saying that i should know that
07:02you know that why like trying to say why why are you commenting when when you don't know anything
07:07but honestly i even told i right there there's no there's a person that's that's actually talking to
07:14rayo about managing him because i know who that is we all know who that is i'm not gonna say his
07:18name and and i told him look now that the news came out that he's that he's uh that he's that
07:26he's not fighting back that he's moving up in weight i told him tell him i swear to god i told
07:31him tell him to join my team i wouldn't mind you know helping him out so i like gallo so he he
07:38thinks he thinks i try to say that oh he let like trying to say that that i said something bad about
07:44him because he he doesn't want to pay his trainer no i i clearly said i don't know that case i don't
07:50know that situation there with gallo and caballero but it's happened before where where other where
07:56fighters start making a lot of money and they don't want to pay the trainers their 10 i don't
08:02know what the situation with gallo was like i said i'm not saying that's the case because
08:07gallo clearly says that's not the case and i and also and and if it's the way he says
08:11then it's bad too for them to to take advantage of him what did he say
08:16what did he say 30 percent
08:23what did he say
08:33people took a lot of percentage
08:42this is
08:46but i get it so then we're talking about and i said now that he's not fighting back
08:50and fight him over here look at how much good he would get i i said it i said is he coming
08:57no i haven't talked to him but he's a little upset for for this thing that i said he'll get
09:02over it he didn't want to pay his trainer no he's upset that bam kicked his ass and
09:06he lost that's what he's upset robert don't
09:11i like gallo he's a good fucking man no you don't hold grudges and makes you one of the best
09:16yeah but obviously there was some issue because he left his team so but no i think he said that
09:23they were taking too much they were taking too much but that's also not fair that's also not
09:27fair especially now he's making his biggest payday it's his right as a fighter
