00:00hey guys welcome back to my channel it is your girl senai sierra and i am back here with another
00:07video today is february 13th right now it is 11 46 at night as you can tell um honestly i just got
00:16up and got out because i want some waffles i don't know i just i just want some waffles you
00:20know plus everything else is closed so you know why not y'all know i'm back in the gym so it's
00:24like girl you gotta eat you gotta eat you gotta eat i'll be damned if i go to sleep hungry you
00:29know what i'm saying i just feel like of course i need to vlog valentine's day because i mean i
00:35vlog everything else right but right now we just on the way to freaking waffles and i just wanted
00:41to start this vlog off because i miss y'all and i know y'all miss me and today y'all i'm po box
00:49down i'm talking about case beanie jacket i don't know where i got the hat from because i didn't get
00:56it from this p.o box open i got it from an old one but i'm gonna try to find it and put it out
01:01there somewhere i don't know i think i want to sit down i'm gonna sit down
01:17i want to do the chicken plate so just the chicken and the egg and the hash brown
01:21oh the chicken and eggs okay yes i want my chicken and then my eggs scrambled with cheese
01:29and my hash browns
01:32and then um can i have a biscuit and then i'll do um orange juice please
01:42oh my gosh thank you thank you so much
01:48thank you so much oh no i'm fine thank you
01:53it looks good it is good so far i ain't tasted nothing but the egg
01:58what's my waffle house order i'll be getting different stuff sometimes sometimes i get the
02:02chicken milk or i'll get this or on a drunk night i love me a hash brown bowl the hash brown with the
02:09chicken cut up and some cheese yeah i gotta eat y'all i sound like i'm whining when i talk
02:34i'm gonna eat this last piece
02:39i'm gonna eat all my food
03:25i look like yesterday because i put i put this hat back on because my hair
03:31is a mess so it's like i need it um and i just got on this hoodie again
03:37but back at the nose salon i'm about to get my toes done because
03:43i'm wearing them out today oh happy valentine's day to you
03:48it's 4 57 i hope you all get the love y'all deserve
03:54oh this thing is making my 40 inch though but yeah i'm gonna get my toes done because i'm wearing
04:01so i have reservations at houston's and april fun still have to shower and get dressed and i still
04:08have to curl my hair we're gonna get cute later though okay we are y'all not only goes to one
04:15person for my toes i just want color change no pedicure yeah no pedicure
04:21hopefully she don't fuck my toes up
04:25y'all see they actually broke i get acrylics on my big toe y'all know i only go to one person for my
04:32toes so hopefully she do me good because i'm not even by the nail salon that i usually go to
05:15thank you i love them
05:18oh sorry
05:25i don't know why this part went meal but here are my valentine's day goodies i got me some pretty
05:30pretty pretty flowers i love them flowers so bad because they just gave little teddy bear if you
05:34know me you know i love me some chocolate covered strawberries so i got not one but two edible
05:39arrangements oh my god uh i got me some a little lemon i gotta show y'all and then i also got me a
05:44car with a little special note in it with some money and yeah i'm finna eat my chocolate covered
06:06the fact that my camera is on one percent but this is me this is how i'm done getting ready i
06:10tried to curl my hair but made it to my reservation in time 8 45 and i'm bringing my flowers in because
06:31yeah that's what we doing that's exactly what we're doing my camera is on 16 so we're gonna
06:38see how that go also told brian to come take my pictures we're gonna see how that go also because
06:44i took pictures but some people just cannot take pictures they don't know how to take pictures or
06:49maybe sometimes it's just me you know i don't know we're gonna see about that but we're valet in the
06:54car right now um we're next in line and yeah this is perfect everything worked out i thought i was
07:02gonna be a little late my curls are kind of falling i didn't spray anything on them because
07:08i didn't know what to spray on them got to be sprayed but how would that have turned out i don't
07:13know but i'm excited for houston's because i haven't been here in a minute i love their steak
07:19their spinach juice and i need me a drink yeah but that's what's going on
07:28okay let me get prepared
07:38clips for my p.o box case for my p.o box we just p.o box down okay sir
07:45hi i'm doing good how you doing thank you
08:00i'm waiting for our table right now
08:08finished it
08:38okay you want to just take them on my phone yes okay y'all i made it back in i can't believe
08:42his camera died that's so lame i didn't even plan this we just planned it like two minutes ago so
08:47i can't even blame him but i got a margarita
08:53he said they couldn't do flavor so i have to get a plain one
08:58that's a margarita
09:04you do not need a chaser
09:36i'm so blessed so thank you for everything that has come and brought me thank you so much god i
09:42really love you today without you i wouldn't even be right here eating right now i'm not playing with
09:47the lord no that's just how me and god talks like he know how i am god made me this way
09:53so he accept me for how i come don't ever get it twisted thank you god okay are we done eating i
10:00gotta finish this now but my food is like stuck right here
10:17oh it is tuesday february 18th right now it is 12 29
10:27i don't know but i'm just gonna jump back into this video because i did
10:31uh i was gonna make this like a gym video but i'm gonna just put leg day valentine's day and
10:38then we got another like upper day tomorrow oh i wanted to tell y'all i finally freaking
10:44ordered my smoothie my protein smoothie that i need to start making for i sound so
10:51congested i'm so sorry my lash tag put me on to this and i literally got it for fast shipping i
10:57ordered this smoothie that i need to start drinking y'all know i don't have a smoothie that i um
11:03just go to you know what i'm saying so it's like i need that i want that i gotta have that okay
11:10i'm gonna get into that and we gotta buy the other extra stuff that i need like the bananas
11:14peanut butter we're gonna have to go to the store for all of that stuff and yeah i'm excited because
11:18i was supposed to be in order this and i'm just not ordering it we've been a lock-in with the gym
11:23for real for real like i gotta get on my body because i honestly feel like i'm losing weight
11:27i actually have not ate anything all day today but some pasta good morning guys i don't know
11:34what's been going on my skin lately oh my face my skin is just going through this thing and i
11:39don't know what it's going to be but it's really throwing me off but you know we just want to know
11:42that today is tuesday february 18th it's 7 42 right now i got up at like seven o'clock i have
11:49to take my mom to work because i gotta go to the gym y'all know y'all know my little smoothie
11:54protein powder it says it is delivered i gotta go outside and check i just was not hearing a
11:59ponytail because y'all my tape ends are showing really bad i think it's because i need maintenance
12:02but maybe does that mean that it's something i don't know you can't really see them in a ponytail
12:08shout out to darian babydolls period i still have to eat me something because i haven't put nothing
12:14on my skin i don't know what i want to eat i've been eating oatmeal for the last few mornings
12:19and it's not they haven't been doing the right thing like i just have not been feeling it i
12:23don't know what it is i haven't been making it right either so that's probably what it is
12:31i really don't know what to eat we even have
12:34bagels maybe i should eat cereal apple jars we don't eat cereal i just parked i made it to the
12:42gym it's 8 30 it is bright and early y'all when i tell y'all i'm so freaking tired my sleep schedule
12:49is so messed up and i hate that because at one point i had my sleep schedule down pack i'm
12:53talking about down pack i wake up early in the morning i'm good but last night baby i ain't
12:58close to four in the morning like my eyes are tired my package did come and i want to open it
13:04because i want to show y'all i need this like i honestly just been feeling like i've been moving
13:08away like and it's not good look at this i got the chocolate peanut butter flavor this is 25
13:18grams of protein itself but there was no training yesterday so here i am tuesday y'all my eyes are
13:23so tired did i say today was upper body i really hate that i hate that for me so bad i hate upper body
13:45i'm so early my training's gonna love that like
13:47i hate when something can't come out of that damn bottle
14:02well i just know i look dumb
14:04so it's like i need that
14:44yes i love that okay
14:50i love this life
14:55i got a picture
15:12i didn't even bring my water in
15:16i gotta stretch first up thanks harvey
15:43i know i ain't been here in a while but it ain't my fault
15:47oh hey but we back full effect somebody going trying to get them games baby
16:13um that right there was me trying to do a pull-up
16:23that was him trying to tell me that i needed the little band that was right there
16:29i don't know what that was but baby you look dumb
16:41there's no way he just said six rounds
16:52never know i'm gonna let the main man go to pick out a pole
17:27yeah i'm fine okay 2 15
18:05i'm ready to go home
18:15the gym is out the way it wasn't too bad but i just hate upper body and my last upper body
18:21day it killed my arms the next day like i could not move my arms it was a horrible feeling
18:26and the fact that we just did damn near like the same workouts from that day it's just crazy
18:32but anyway now that that's over with i want to get on here and address some things um
18:39i don't want to address it never seen myself even getting on my channel talking about this
18:43but if you know you know if you don't know then you just don't know but if you know you know
18:47never in my 22 years of fucking living have i ever expected to come to social media
18:56on my youtube channel where i built ground up and talk about this i'm not the type of person
19:02never been the type of person to come on social media to bash my friends i don't care what we
19:07go through especially when i have my friend number i'm not doing that we we are growing as
19:12hell y'all don't know how many times i've reached out to nina i tried to make things right i i tried
19:19i tried and i just can't let that go over y'all head because i honestly try and there's messages
19:25nina can tell y'all i try she's stubborn and when something does not go her way it's just that
19:31you're grown and it just can't be like that it can't you can't always get what you want we're
19:36not kids people live their lives you cannot control nobody else's life i'm sorry but you
19:41can't you cannot tell people what to do with their lives i'm a grown-ass woman i know i know what to
19:48do i know what not to do i know how to play my cards i'm not i'm not a little girl and no one
19:54can just sit here and try to tell me how to live my life and that's not fair because at the end of
19:59the day i'm not telling nobody what to do with their life i'm not that's all besides the point
20:04i never wanted to get on social media and i've never seen it getting to this point where we had
20:08to come on youtube and do a whole video about each other like she said it's been going on for two
20:13years out of everything that's happened i'm not the only one who did wrong but i can own up to
20:19my wrong and i i can apologize i can text you i can call you and i can say nina i was wrong about
20:24that okay nina i feel you i understand but when it comes to me nobody cares nobody cares tonight
20:29you should have did this and that was that you're wrong for that y'all think i'm not fucked up about
20:33the situation but the difference between me and her i have to get on here and i have to keep going
20:38she she got people who can you know look after her i don't have that i have to get keep going with my
20:44job yes i was fucked up about the situation just like she was i was depressed i cried myself to
20:49i couldn't eat yes i felt all of that but y'all didn't see that part because i kept going i don't
20:56need to be crying right now but it's like the shit is it still had me fucked up soon as the
21:01situation happened i text nina phone i apologized to her multiple times y'all have to understand
21:08that i did not just say fuck arthur why the fuck would i do that i've been best friends for 10
21:12plus years why would i do that she said no sonaya is stuck how it is what do y'all want me to do
21:17what am i supposed to do sit around and and go into a depression i have to keep going that's why
21:23i always told y'all no matter what you go through you have to keep going like this shit does not
21:29stop for nobody and i'm not gonna let nobody stop me me and nina got together multiple of times
21:36multiple of times she played it cool and now you're on social media just saying i'll fuck you
21:42had you not eaten for days what the fuck the part is we have each other number we never had to get
21:48on social media and do this once the friendship hit social media it's just done for it and
21:52everybody knows that that's damn near girl code we have messages with this i said nina
21:58people are going to talk you have to ignore them between me and you we are good we know what's
22:05going on it was the fans it was the supporters who got it to this point it was the supporters
22:09who drove her into depression because every time she got on social media she's she's saying
22:14negative comments and people are just going off base what they're saying they don't know what
22:19happened y'all don't know what happened because i never even came on social media anytime nina
22:23was brought up to me and i literally have a clip of this i said me and nina were we bumped heads
22:29but we talked about it we're good okay and i just left it at that for y'all to think that i'm just i
22:34just said fuck my 10-year friendship are y'all crazy till my recent birthday that just passed
22:40i try with nina more so it's been two years i've tried winning a multiple times soon as the
22:46situation as soon as the situation happened i tried i apologized but when stuff doesn't go
22:52a person way they don't like that they they don't like it now it's it's to a point where
22:58it's on social media and it's the fact that nina you have my number nina you know you can come and
23:05talk to me i can't even believe she just did that like that i can't i can't i can't believe it like
23:11just as much as y'all are finding out about this i'm finding out about it like you couldn't eat
23:17for weeks nina i did that to you multiple times i've tried to apologize i tried to make things
23:23right and you chose to let it oh fuck oh just fuck it like it's stuck how it is i didn't even let a
23:29lot of time go by without apologizing i apologized as soon as it happened i can't force something
23:36you know all the time passing it's like yes stuff has built up so now at this point i'm not the only
23:43person in the wrong but i can admit yes i did wrong i can take accountability of everything
23:48that i did i can do that since i kept going with my videos since i kept posting since i
23:54since i ignored the comments i guess y'all y'all think i didn't feel no way about it i did
23:59ending up being around each other multiple times face to face we've been at the same events we
24:03done been out to eat together we done did one-on-one dinner dates together we've done that
24:09literally every time something said to me on social media in my live or comments anywhere
24:15i choose to ignore it y'all don't know what's going on y'all are on the outside looking in
24:20and y'all going off he say she say me and nina never got on social media and told what really
24:26happened but y'all gonna believe everything y'all here and i'm gonna let y'all believe that because
24:29y'all can believe whatever y'all want to i'm not clearing nothing i don't have to do that
24:33and it's like i have to come on here and say something because i can't just at this point
24:37i can't ignore it i can't i can't ignore it people are gonna be there under my comments in my dms
24:43everywhere saying i didn't even run when i've tried winning some people might have people to
24:47look out for him no i get on here i make my money that's why i keep going because i don't have a
24:51choice i have to hide all that and it's multiple videos y'all see me emotional y'all never know
24:57why i'm emotional about because i don't come on here and tell my business that's not for y'all to
25:01know i'm very fucking emotional yeah i am at least i can say i try i know i try i know for a fact i
25:07try people around me know i've tried with nina and i can tell you that i think when people can't
25:11get their way it's just it's the end of the world for them and i'm sorry but i'm a grown woman and
25:17nobody can tell me how to live my life y'all can't even tell me how to live my life i'm happy with
25:22life i'm good i'm okay i move past everything i have to accept it for what it is i don't even
25:27like to put this side of me on youtube i don't even like to record myself crying but anytime i
25:34talk about it i just get sensitive i'm not finna come on social media and talk about nobody who
25:39i'm not finna bash them none of that because i could have been bashed somebody i could have did
25:42it but with that being said i'm done talking about it i just want y'all to know i tried with nina
25:48don't make it seem like i didn't try y'all have seen me and nina in the same same place me and
25:53nina have been out to eat together one on one like three four times we've been out she done picked me
25:59up from my house she we did that and i opened up to her about some shit we did that now everything
26:05that y'all heard in the video i'm just now hearing about i didn't know oh she couldn't eat for days
26:10i didn't know she she lost weight i didn't know she was depressed i didn't i didn't know that
26:14it's up to you if you wanna you wanna live with us not being friends or not i i tried to fix
26:20everything everything that we've been through i kept it to myself i never talked about the
26:23post on instagram i never talked about none of that i people see that so that's what they're
26:28gonna take and run with it i never said nina takes me like okay is it cool i didn't post
26:33you on social media because i feel like i was like okay i understand we have messages about
26:37this that's the whole thing we we haven't we've talked about so many fucking things that's the
26:42thing that's that's it it's confusing me it's throwing me off i've always let it know nina
26:49ignore the comments we meet me and you know we know that what we got going on we're good we're
26:56cool but there's comments on social media that's why the thing is bigger than what it is i know
27:02this is the type of lifestyle i live and i know what comes with it i know it's going to be people
27:06with something always to say native say it's up to you if you want to acknowledge or ignore i'm
27:10ignoring every time because y'all don't know the real y'all don't know the real and nothing
27:15actually y'all don't know nothing because i never came on here and told my business and i'm not
27:19going to do that i'm not going to give y'all no shuttle watch or fucking go clip up on tiktok
27:24i'm not doing that because that's what y'all want and i'm not that person i'm not gonna live my life
27:28and living how i want to live and nobody can control me y'all cannot control me y'all cannot
27:32tell me what to do in my life i'm a grown-ass woman i'm 22 years old i just talked to y'all
27:37the whole way here because i literally just had to get that off my chest because i don't need
27:41nobody coming to me like i just done just done ran somebody over with a car and left him for
27:46that i don't need nobody doing that because i never did that i tried with people multiple times
27:49i can't force somebody to be my friend y'all i can't do that that being said i'm done talking
27:54about it i i gotta keep going i gotta keep going i can't i can't let nothing stop me i have to keep
27:59going i don't know nothing that goes on behind these cameras y'all don't y'all would never well
28:04for me y'all will never hear my side of nothing because i'm not going to come on here and bash
28:09nobody i'm not i was not expecting this to go this way but it's it's forever love for nina like i
28:16love nina i apologize but it it just got taken to social media and i just feel like once the
28:23friendship hits social media it's just
28:29yeah that's that i'm gonna go in the house and eat it is 10 0 7 right now i gotta get myself
28:33together actually actually no i'm gonna fucking eat i'm gonna go to the store and get the stuff
28:39hey y'all it's maybe like an hour or two later it's 12 44 i'm headed to the store
28:44um i had to ride because he wasn't gonna get my stuff for me the stuff that i need for my smoothie
28:50i got to get the rest of the stuff for my smoothie because we got to gain some weight i
28:58lost all my weight that i was in a gym and i gained and now everything is just gone away it's 12 45
29:13this ponytail is falling apart i need to fix this
29:17hey my face already is
29:22john shut up like
29:27come on here he come he said nothing to me i don't know we're just gonna
29:33we're just gonna excuse that okay we're gonna get this stuff for my smoothie
29:37my weight game i guess these look good yeah very much so
29:45she said i probably need to take this like two times a day because she said she done
29:50john it was making her game so you know i'm excited to see this right here is my favorite
29:57ever the normal like i'll fuck that shit eight dollars who's selling food stamps cinnamon ground
30:06yeah yeah i love this one
30:13yeah but other than that i think that's it that's it that's all okay my brother got full
30:24no i know what you're saying no listen listen this is what i'm trying to say you give it to me
30:46okay you're trying a little too motherfucking hard it ain't that deep i don't look that good
30:51my stuff is getting paid for so i don't gotta worry about pulling out no money yes together
31:00that's good
31:05hey guys so i'm so sorry but i have to end this vlog right here it's a lot going on i wanted to
31:11try to smoothie with y'all but at least y'all know the ingredients right y'all know the ingredients
31:15i told y'all in the next vlog i'm gonna try it for y'all like i'm sorry i couldn't do it right
31:19now it's just a lot going on y'all i'm tired like yesterday i got no sleep i went to sleep at like
31:25four in the morning then i woke up for the gym and i've been up all day right now editing over
31:29because it's time for me to upload this was kind of something quick but i feel like it was still
31:34good i never wanted to come on internet on my youtube channel and talk about me and nina's
31:40situation never wanted never never never never wanted to do it the only reason i'm doing it
31:46is because i know people have watched her video and now they want to come to me asking me questions
31:51like why aren't you saying anything like what's going on what happened with nina like so now i
31:56have to say something you know so yeah i'm gonna leave that situation here and i'm done speaking
32:01about it i'm back to ignoring comments dms everything negative i'm done i see every piece
32:09of comment i see everything people tag me on i see it all and i choose to ignore and that's what
32:12i'm going to continue to do don't ever take what y'all hear on social media and think it's making
32:18me feel any type of way like i am good i promise you i'm good i had my moment with every situation
32:27that y'all see on social media i had my moment with it and i passed it like i said it's 2025
32:32leave me out of it okay i'm good y'all see i'm in the gym i'm working on myself i'm good okay
32:38thank you guys so much for watching i love you guys so so so so much and i will see you guys
32:45my next video bye love y'all