• last month
00:00Clint Eastwood is back in the gauntlet.
00:04You're flying to Las Vegas, coming back with a prisoner for us,
00:09whom you will remand to custody accounting.
00:12I work for Metro Squad. Why me?
00:15Your division commander says you're a man who gets the job done.
00:18My name is Shockley, and we've got a plane to catch. Let's go.
00:21Shockley's got to be stopped. Stopped hard.
00:24Open fire!
00:31If there are any casualties other than Shockley and the girl,
00:34someone's going to be answerable. You.
00:37I make the decisions.
00:40Who are you protecting?
00:41Me! I'm protecting me, okay? So lay off!
00:44When are you going to realize I'm not the enemy?
00:46This bike stays with me. You drink and take a hike.
00:49Hey, man. You're a man.
00:51You're a man.
00:53You're a man.
00:55You're a man.
00:57You're a man.
00:59You're a man.
01:01You're a man.
01:03You're a man.
01:05You're a man.
01:07This bike stays with me. You drink and take a hike.
01:09Hey, man. This is our choppers, Charlie.
01:11This is my gun, Clyde.
01:13He thought he knew everything about survival
01:16until he met a girl who knew more.
01:19What if he gets through?
01:21He can't get through.
01:23What's wrong with you, man? This is a bus.
01:25I don't give a damn if it's a Queen Elizabeth.
01:27Get your hand away from that lever.
01:29He's getting this far, isn't he?
01:31How many units have you deployed?
01:33Four dozen? Five dozen?
01:35The marksmen you're using are the finest on the force.
01:39He knew he was a good cop.
01:41And this was his chance to prove it.
01:45Hey, I'm going in.
01:49At least someone will know I tried.
01:51Who, Blake Locke?
01:53No, me.
01:59All set?
02:03We drive right into the city.
02:05Now, we have his route.
02:07We clear the streets along his route, deploy our men,
02:09and create an impassable barrier.
02:11A gauntlet, if you will.
02:13He won't have a chance.
02:17This is the biggest day the city has ever seen.
02:21And the odds are a hundred to one they won't make it.
02:25But they're willing to take that chance.
02:27Clint Eastwood, in The Gauntlet.
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