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Mantente informado con los acontecimientos más relevantes del día. Sigue nuestra cobertura en tiempo real y conoce todos los detalles en nuestra emisión vespertina.


00:00From now on, make yourself comfortable and let go of the remote control, because the BESPERTINA show of informative newscasts is about to start.
00:08President Abinader heads the first meeting of the Presidential Commission on Transparency and Anti-Corruption.
00:18The Electoral Central Board begins the final shredding of surplus electoral materials.
00:26There are still complaints about long traffic jams on kilometer 9. The area has become a chaos.
00:36The Ministry of Housing reiterates that Las Parras jail will be ready this year.
00:44President DNCD exhorts to turn in fugitives for drug trafficking.
00:54Farmers and agricultural producers in Montecristi ask for urgent help from the government for drought.
01:04And some scattered and weak rains in the afternoon.
01:24Greetings again. Thank you for tuning in. Let's start right away.
01:30The authorities continue to track down two people who fled after allegedly participating in the transfer of the 9.8 tons of cocaine
01:40that were seized last December in the Multimodal-Caucedo port.
01:45This was stated by the president of the DNCD, José Manuel Cabrera Ulloa,
01:48who stated that these men, involved in the Pantera case, are armed and dangerous.
01:56We are working day by day together with the Public Prosecutor's Office
02:02to try to locate him, arrest him, and put him at the disposal of justice.
02:07We urge them to turn themselves in the way they understand
02:14because we are behind them and we know that they have the capacity to face the authorities.
02:24So we urge them to turn themselves in in a peaceful manner because we are going to locate him.
02:29When a funeral offering was placed at the Altar of the Fatherland
02:33on the occasion of the 181th anniversary of independence,
02:35the Vice-Admiral said that over the past year
02:38the entity has seized more than 3 tons of narcotics and 1.7 million grams.
02:46The National Institute for the Custody and Control of Seized Goods
02:52is preparing to carry out, in the middle of this year,
02:56the first auction of dozens of seized goods
02:59in the different operations carried out by the Public Prosecutor's Office.
03:03The information was provided by the Director of the Institute, Manuel Oviedo,
03:09who said that the goods to be auctioned are the seized goods from 2020 until now.
03:16Well, we are talking about more than 100 properties.
03:20We are talking about dozens of motor vehicles.
03:23These properties are made up of apartments, solar panels, farms, and houses.
03:28The law stipulates that we have to provide conservation.
03:32The necessary protocols have been created
03:35to be able to carry out these maintenances,
03:38so that the goods do not lose their value.
03:40But, as you know, it is a process of adaptation
03:42because we have had a year and six months
03:44of what is the transfer of goods to the institution.
03:47In the evaluations, at the moment we receive the transfers,
03:50we are making the corrections and repairs of the goods.
03:52The official said when depositing a floral offering
03:57at the Altar of the Fatherland,
03:59where he indicated that for 2025 they plan to raise $20 million
04:04that will be deposited in the national treasury
04:07so that the government can then dispose of its use.
04:11The Minister of Housing and Building, Carlos Bonilla,
04:15reiterated this Tuesday that the first stage of the Center for Correction and Rehabilitation,
04:21Las Parras, will be ready for mid-year.
04:25According to the official, the re-adaptation of the work,
04:28which has an investment of about $2 billion,
04:32will help improve the country's penitentiary system.
04:36The first phase, which we are talking about,
04:38of 2,500 inmates,
04:41which is basically half of what there is right now
04:44in the Victoria prison,
04:46will be ready for mid-year, approximately.
04:48And the full prison would be ready this year.
04:53After depositing a floral offering at the Altar of the Fatherland,
04:58the official valued as positive that President Abinader
05:02has created the National System of Transparency and Anti-Corruption
05:06with the aim of coordinating and integrating
05:09the governmental strategies to reduce the risk
05:13of public servants defrauding the State.
05:16And after the scandal that unleashed the rumor
05:20about several Dominican communicators and journalists
05:23who allegedly took money from the US agency USAID,
05:28information that was later denied by the same person
05:32who spread the false news and is now asking for forgiveness.
05:36Regarding the subject, the jurist Amadeo Peralta
05:39assured that defamation on social networks
05:42has become a relapse and must end.
05:45He understands that laws and institutions
05:48must be strengthened as public shows and radio stations.
05:53The Public Show and Radio Station Commission
05:56is not doing its job either.
05:59And there are social networks,
06:02there are platforms that have become
06:05a relapse in this country.
06:08They have offended even good customs.
06:12They end up here with anyone,
06:15but in the end it is the law
06:18that has allowed many of these things to happen
06:21because there has been no desire
06:24to have clear, exemplary sanctions
06:28so that this does not continue to happen.
06:31The lawyer Amadeo Peralta indicated
06:34that despite the apology for the false information spread,
06:38this does not exonerate the responsible
06:41and could face a prison sentence
06:44and have to pay millions of pesos
06:47for the damage and harm it caused.
06:50The Futurum Educandi Foundation
06:53indicated its operations
06:56to dedicate itself to the training of people
06:59with disabilities for job inclusion
07:02in the hotel area.
07:05Guys from the academy,
07:08only students are going to work in the restaurant.
07:11The idea is that it is
07:14a crystal of talents
07:17that are being formed
07:20and also that it serves
07:23as a passage, as a transition
07:26from the world of study to the world of work.
07:30The education program extends for 12 months
07:33divided into three stages.
07:36This training process has
07:38been carried out in the area of
07:41Azonadores and Aderes and also
07:44in large hotel chains.
07:47Well, let's go to the break,
07:50keep the tune, don't change it.
08:07We are back with our show,
08:10we continue with more.
08:13At the conclusion of the first meeting
08:16of the Presidential Commission on Transparency
08:19and Anti-Corruption, President Abinader
08:22said that the first details
08:25were defined in the meeting
08:28that extended for about two hours
08:31to apply the measures that
08:34stop government corruption.
08:37We discuss here the whole process
08:40to establish this national anti-corruption system
08:43that we also have the help of international
08:46organizations such as the OCDE,
08:49who are taking their experiences,
08:52and in three weeks,
08:55depending on the progress we will have,
08:58in a second meeting we will have
09:01this national anti-corruption system
09:04within which we will also have
09:07visits to all the provinces.
09:10The commission chaired by the General Directorate
09:13of Governmental Ethics and Integrity
09:16and which is assigned to the Presidency
09:19will coordinate the different
09:22levels of transparency and access
09:25to public information.
09:28Within the functions of the commission
09:31are to contribute to the optimization
09:34of the public procurement and hiring processes
09:37through control mechanisms and supervision
09:40that reduce the risks of corruption.
09:43This was the first of a series of meetings
09:46that will periodically be developed
09:49to fulfill the commitment assumed.
09:52And the Electoral Central Board
09:55started this Wednesday
09:58the final process of crushing used
10:01and surplus materials from past elections.
10:04It will be in charge of the company
10:07Meco Roger Dominicana, located in San Francisco de Macorís,
10:10which won.
10:13It should be noted that about 18 material vans
10:16will be destroyed in about 30 days.
10:19This has been assured by the personnel
10:22of the Electoral Central Board.
10:25Here we have posters, vans,
10:28and some waste of tickets,
10:31the scratched notebooks
10:34where notes are taken in schools.
10:37Waste, it's garbage.
10:40As you can see, the container is already
10:43more than medium to transport.
10:46On Friday we will take the container
10:49to Mobile Environmental Solutions,
10:52which will be used and surplus of the past elections
10:55is about 5 million pesos.
10:58The work will be carried out
11:01with the surveillance of inspectors
11:04and military and civil security of the Electoral Central Board,
11:07but without the presence of party representatives
11:10who shone for their absence,
11:13even though they were invited.
11:16And the meeting of the National Council of the Magistrate
11:19that was scheduled for this Wednesday
11:22for the appointment of the new Attorney General
11:25according to the legal consultant
11:28of the executive power and spokesman
11:31of the Antoliano Peralta organization.
11:34The meeting in which it was planned
11:37that President Abinader will present the names
11:40and files of the candidates for Attorney General
11:43of the Republic and the Adjuncts was rescheduled
11:46for next Friday, February 21,
11:49while for the date to announce
11:52the names of the candidates
11:55was moved for next week,
11:58although without specifying the day.
12:01The National Congress accelerates the preparations
12:04for the fifth recount of President Luis Abinader
12:07before the National Assembly,
12:10scheduled for February 27, 2025
12:13in commemoration of the 181th anniversary
12:16of the independence of the Dominican Republic.
12:19The official deputy Ignacio Aracena
12:22announces that after restarting the legislative work
12:25the Congress will focus on the discussion
12:28of the electoral laws with special attention
12:31on the subject of independent candidacies
12:34as a result of a recent sentence
12:37of the Constitutional Court.
12:40Well, we, as always, the legislative body
12:43is committed to restarting the work
12:46of the next legislation and we are all ready.
12:49The official call was made
12:52and all the honorable deputies
12:55are eager to return
12:58the pending work that we have in the different commissions
13:01and also on the national issues
13:04that will positively impact the Dominican Republic.
13:07Our commitment is to continue
13:10having a growth of a better Dominican Republic.
13:13This will be the first recount
13:16of his second constitutional mandate
13:19and the works include paintings of the Parliamentary Building,
13:22improvements in the hemicycle
13:25of the Chamber of Deputies
13:28and beautification of green areas.
13:31On February 27, President Abinader
13:34will arrive at Congress accompanied by his committee
13:37to present his recount before the country.
13:40Then he will attend a tea ceremony
13:43in the Primate Cathedral of America
13:46and will place a floral offering on the Patriarchal Altar
13:49in honor of the proceeds of the independence.
13:52Let's go! Stay tuned!
14:14Long traffic jams continue
14:17on Highway 9 of Duarte Highway.
14:20The traffic officers complain
14:23about the slow pace of the expansion work
14:26and assure that the area is a complete chaos.
14:29Ana Mayon moved there and expanded us.
14:32This Thursday, you could see
14:35the large cluster of vehicles, minibuses
14:38and buses arriving from the northern area
14:41and public cars that, as usual,
14:44approach a large number of passengers.
14:47They place themselves at a corner of the road
14:50but were destroyed
14:53due to the expansion work
14:56and the eviction of hundreds of informal merchants.
14:59The drivers say that the area has become
15:02a chaos due to the long traffic jams
15:05that occur every two to three hours during the day.
15:08They force you from Managuayabo
15:11to go through La Nuñez and go through Highway 9.
15:14Until they don't establish that
15:17and prepare the express lane
15:20from down there, it doesn't matter.
15:23The government lied to them.
15:26They built a hill there
15:29and now people are screaming
15:32and the drivers and passengers.
15:35The water took a long time to get here,
15:38more than two hours.
15:41Since this work began,
15:44we have had a day without traffic jams.
15:47We celebrate it the day we have a day
15:50that makes us spend more fuel.
15:53We spend a lot of fuel
15:56and there are more passengers
15:59because of the flow of fuel.
16:02May God have mercy
16:05because we can't take it anymore.
16:08If we take a detour,
16:11it costs us 500 pesos a detour
16:14because these traffic jams
16:17suck up all the fuel.
16:20Some of the project organizers
16:23from the DGZ are helping
16:26to deviate the traffic
16:29on Highway 9.
16:32Anna Mañon, Tel Antillas.
16:35The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo
16:38broadcasted a video
16:41that is circulated on social media
16:44about supposed acts by 4 young men
16:47who were allegedly surprised
16:49Según se puntualiza en el documento,
16:51la UAS siempre ha protegido la integridad y el derecho
16:55individual de los estudiantes.
16:57La aclaración de la Casa de Altos Estudios surge a raíz de
17:02que en redes sociales se critica la forma en que quien grabó el
17:06video reprende y expulsa con gran autoridad a los
17:11estudiantes involucrados en la supuesta escena.
17:14Es válido recordar o decir que en ningún momento de la
17:18fílmica se observa a los cuatro jóvenes en situación
17:22comprometedora, como afirma quien grabó.
17:28Vámonos ahora a Montecristi, donde agricultores y ganaderos
17:30de la comunidad de Carbonera llevan un año solicitando la
17:35ayuda de las autoridades del IAD y de políticos trasveros
17:39afectados por una fuerte sequía.
17:41Nuestro compañero Goydi Reyes nos amplía los detalles.
17:46Por falta de una bomba de agua para poder regar sus tierras,
17:51productores agrícolas y ganaderos de la comunidad de
17:54Carbonera claman por la ayuda de las autoridades.
17:59Ahí no hay nada, una tierra que estaba produciendo bastante,
18:03lechosa perdida, siembra de hielo para los animales sequesitas
18:07que si le tiran un fósforo se queman todo,
18:10por una bomba que para el estado de nada.
18:14Que las autoridades tengan compasión de nosotros, el senador,
18:17la gobernadora y las autoridades de esta comunidad que también
18:20se involucren porque el sufrimiento del pueblo es el sufrimiento de ellos.
18:23Hacemos llamados a todas las autoridades competentes de este
18:28sector que ven a auxilio.
18:30Los agricultores dieron a conocer que llevan más de un año
18:34solicitando la ayuda del Instituto Agrario Dominicano,
18:38pero que hasta el momento no han tenido respuestas.
18:42Tenemos una sequía que nos está azotando y la agricultura
18:48ahora mismo está en el suelo porque no tenemos el líquido
18:51que se necesita para la siembra.
18:54Aquí hay 240 agricultores en este asentamiento
19:04y todos estamos perdiendo por eso.
19:07Tanto la ganadería, la agricultura,
19:10en todos los espacios que tengamos que haber.
19:13Y se están perdiendo más de 2.000 tareas de siembra,
19:16el ganado está totalmente perjudicado, la vaca tan flaca.
19:21Y realmente le hacemos un llamado al presidente de la república,
19:24al senador, a los dos diputados, a los funcionarios,
19:27que no vengan solamente el día de los votos,
19:29que vengan en auxilio, que ahora que lo necesitamos.
19:31Goydis Reyes, Informativos Teleantillas.
19:36Pausa, mantenga la sintonía, no le cambies.
19:51De vuelta con el estado del tiempo,
19:53y es que según el Indomed, sobre gran parte del país,
19:56observaremos un cielo mayormente ensoleado,
19:59esto debido a la incidencia de un sistema anticiclónico,
20:03el cual mantiene limitadas las nubes generadoras
20:07de precipitaciones de cúmulos significativos.
20:10No obstante, producto de la humedad transportada
20:13por el viento predominante del este,
20:15prevemos las ocurrencias de ocasionales episodios
20:19de lluvias aisladas de corta duración
20:22sobre algunos poblados de las provincias.
20:24Ahí van las provincias donde tendremos estas lluvias,
20:28son el Ceibo, Alto Mayor, Zamana y Pedernales.
20:31Mientras, luego del mediodía, ahora en la tarde,
20:34los pronósticos indican que estas precipitaciones
20:37podrían extenderse hacia otras localidades,
20:41como Monte Plata, el Gran Santo Domingo,
20:43San Cristóbal, Peravia, Azua, La Vega,
20:46San Juan, Barahona y Pedernales,
20:48previéndose que dichas lluvias disminuyan gradualmente
20:52al inicio de la noche para posteriormente
20:54predominar un cielo estrellado sobre el territorio nacional.
21:01Bien, despedimos, mantenga la sintonía
21:03porque ya viene un cuarto deportivo.
