En este episodio de Ganar o Servir los hombres se enfrentan en una nueva competencia individual masculina.
00:00:05Say a cabo que no estoy que no vuelvo que se acabó se lo dije en su momento
00:00:10Si me entero de algo parecido te pidas de aquí
00:00:13No grites
00:00:19Para ella esto
00:00:22Show me your side of a buson muy diferente
00:00:26It is to be back
00:00:29Yeah, but it's not over yet. You can tell us
00:00:34Stupid oh, yeah, but I don't think I'm gonna fuck with you. Hey, la conozco fuck you. Okay. No, no
00:01:06Don't know
00:01:08Demos el decimo segundo enfrentamiento individual entre mujeres en ganar o servir de vuelta al pasado
00:01:21Vamos como le va
00:01:24Señora si señores
00:01:26Se transforman la ganadora de esta competencia
00:01:29se transforma en la inmune y además podrá cambiar de roles en esta oportunidad con cualquiera de las sirvientes
00:01:38vamos a ver de qué manera ustedes la están rompiendo en redes sociales
00:01:42Y por supuesto vamos a ir comentando entre todos estamos listos
00:01:48Se ve una persona fantasmal caminar en el reality canción con la canción viendo
00:01:59Me la rapto
00:02:34Amigos míos
00:02:35Llegado hasta acá una vez más con una misión muy clara muy específica que tiene que ver con lo que viviremos dentro de los
00:02:41próximos minutos un nuevo
00:02:43Círculo de fuego en esta oportunidad se enfrentan representando el equipo soberanos
00:02:48Ray y representando el equipo resistencia luis uno dos tres vamonos
00:02:56Sin isia este círculo de fuego
00:03:03Luís mati bucho observa a raimundo a saber cómo está su adversario en qué condiciones está
00:03:13Y lo que me dice
00:03:27La inmunidad va a ser para facu
00:03:31Se que una competidora excepcional y que la va a salvar el público al tiro no menor y ala
00:03:41Tú sigues riendo
00:03:43asqueroso de mierda porque está salando si no me estoy riendo ya que te calles que te calles y que te riendo y que te riendo
00:03:49y que me riendo que te creas que no me lo dicen o que
00:04:06Ustedes van a tener que hacer un musical las mujeres como equipo van a bailar cancan
00:04:16Y el equipo de los hombres se van a convertir en gangster y van a ser un musical al más puro estilo de magic man
00:04:30No para otro lado
00:04:44Después del uno siguiendo después
00:04:50Primero estaba hablando conmigo
00:04:53Hablamos súper bien y que se yo y de un día para otro una discusión que no
00:04:59solucionamos al tiro y es como allá
00:05:03Me veo otra persona
00:05:12Que me parece con que yo siempre lo encontraba muy guapa
00:05:37Te besaste con un galabro
00:06:00Tres dos uno
00:06:04Los encontramos nuevamente en el campo de juego donde viviremos la décima segunda competencia individual varones
00:06:17Hola bienvenidos a un nuevo capítulo de ganar a servir de vuelta al pasado ojo
00:06:22Gala y Pancho se buscan peligrosamente y hoy seremos testigos de uno de esos acercamientos
00:06:28Regremos también a carcajadas con un delirante radio teatro y vibraremos con un duelo de titanes en una nueva competencia individual masculina
00:06:35todo esto y mucho mucho más a continuación
00:06:43No se me cansaron los brazos la espalda no se me alcanzó yo dije este aguanta
00:06:48Y si pangar lo corrigió le dijo mira lo como lo está haciendo el luis
00:06:55Mañana canal mañana es tuya
00:07:00Yo no podía creer que ya no
00:07:03siempre supe que
00:07:08Maravilloso que inyección de energía
00:07:10De esta hueá
00:07:14En estas competencia es pura cabeza también de cómo hacer la prueba
00:07:18vos podés el mejor en un montón de lo que le vengo diciendo al radio desde el inicio él es buenísimo de verdad
00:07:23chico yo él tiene un físico bien
00:07:25el pule la cabeza
00:07:31El perdió sabes cuándo desde el momento que le dijeron que él iba acá estaba así para
00:07:37Estaba como esta vez en la final así en ratado
00:07:40por eso te dije dale ya sabía y por eso te dije está conmigo mira porque sabe que a perder
00:07:53Del pensamiento de derrota
00:07:58Está sacándolo de la casa una derrota frente cuántas victorias
00:08:03listo nunca se gana siempre y nunca se parece claro es que lo raro sería que ganará siempre
00:08:09está ya no se gana siempre ni siquiera siempre un poco no te recriminé eso ganaste la otra de una muy difícil
00:08:15ahora también
00:08:17La hueá al tiro si no hacía nada de fuerza el julio
00:08:25Se pasó pregúntame
00:08:29Y que llore y que vaya a llorar a la llorería
00:08:32mira está ahí la puerta de la llorería
00:08:37La tomo ya
00:08:40Está como pareja la más buena como te dije
00:08:47Quiero nada me quiero
00:08:59De tus problemas porque no intentas arreglar los
00:09:05Ahora pero no te
00:09:07hacía es algo que te importa
00:09:10darle tiempo y todo se puede arreglar eso está haciendo está complicado la cosa
00:09:18Los vemos apenas a mí también
00:09:22Pero te vi allá
00:09:24Y tenía los ojos
00:09:26primero lloró mucho como una tonta
00:09:30Luego viene la fase de venganza con ningún tipo porque qué asco yo no soy tan easy como él
00:09:40Tú crees que la forma en la que está poniendo el límite sano insulta
00:09:46Eso es
00:09:49Sabes que es así entonces
00:09:55Es siempre dicen pierde las formas y pierdes la razón puede ser sí pero de dónde viene el problema
00:10:02todo esto se desencadenó
00:10:05porque se sintió a la vida
00:10:12Ya quiero dormir
00:10:15Porque mañana
00:10:20No lanzar
00:10:24Y te juro
00:10:41Tienes un calcetín
00:10:46Cuenta están todos durmiendo
00:10:52Ya queda perfecto queda plano muchas gracias
00:11:05Necesitamos grabar todo el mundo
00:11:17Como que enganche muy rápido con el
00:11:20Fue todo muy
00:11:22Hubieron muchos momentos en el que me sentí súper incómoda no quiero que me vuelva a pasar lo mismo aquí dentro
00:11:28De acelerar así como y después de no sé
00:11:32Como de ver sentirme incómoda me entiendes a lo que voy
00:11:40Es que no sé
00:11:46Quiero como que se pueda de ninguna manera generar alguna situación que me pueda generar incomodidad
00:12:00Cuatro tiros y cuatro tiros
00:12:07No no no con la izquierda olvídate
00:12:12No esto
00:12:15Ya se venía creativo todo hacer con la izquierda
00:13:14Odio estas
00:13:18Otra vez al baño
00:13:22Cuando te vas al baño
00:13:28Si voy a buscar acá
00:13:38Yo también yo pienso
00:13:41Porque sabe que creo y ojo
00:13:45No no sé
00:13:47Que le gusta le gusta que está caliente está caliente
00:13:50Amor no sé si hay
00:13:52Más calentura que amor y es gusto me entenden no es amor
00:13:58Por eso yo
00:14:01No yo estaba re enamorado de voy también me las mandé o sea yo no puedo eso no
00:14:17Por eso yo no sé también el facu como chuchi va a llevar la relación con vos y con ello
00:14:21Pero que es si era todo falso
00:14:23Yo te lo he dicho yo creo que era todo falso
00:14:25Y que estúpido he sido de verdad
00:14:27Es que es imposible que una persona sea tan perfecta
00:14:30Es evidente que me ha utilizado
00:14:36Y ahora quiero que se vaya de verdad encima diciendo esto me parece ya el colmo de los colmos
00:14:46No dijo nada más dijo que el puto no no le parece los modales yo creo que sí
00:14:50Yo creo que si los modales yo cojo y le digo una tipa para que se acuerde mientras toco un
00:14:57Vale y no y entonces que me la cargo encima y todo entonces tú me dices que esos son los modales
00:15:02Eso sí son los modales no los míos
00:15:05hijo de
00:15:08Y te lo voy a mostrar lo que son los modales ahora de ahora en adelante así que va a odiar chavales
00:15:18Que dijiste
00:15:20Eso si son los modales que yo voy a aceptar
00:15:22No tu los míos
00:15:24Yo los tuyos
00:15:26Porque tu eres un hombre de los pies a la cabeza
00:15:28Eso es lo que me dijo ella
00:15:32Que también los modales de ella
00:15:34El faggo tampoco le gustan de como reaccionó
00:15:36Si pero porque le dices
00:15:38Los modales
00:15:40No me voy a aguantar los modales tuyos
00:15:42De toquetear a una hija de puta como esa
00:15:44No me hables
00:15:46Que me puso un cuchillo en la cara
00:15:48Vale dos no uno dos
00:15:50Echa cosas como para que no vuelvan
00:15:52Yo intentando hacerlos volver
00:15:54Y tu peleando una vez
00:15:56Si vuelven o no
00:15:58Están locas
00:16:00Hagan lo que quieran
00:16:02Y luego dices
00:16:04No porque no podría volver
00:16:06Te estas convenciendo a ti mismo
00:16:08Me parece raro
00:16:10Me parece raro
00:16:12Me parece raro
00:16:14Que siempre te vas repitiendo lo mismo
00:16:16Tu quieres ver lo que son los modales
00:16:18Tu quieres ver lo que son los modales
00:16:20Los vas a ver ahora
00:16:22Pero prepárate
00:16:24Porque ahora si que me vas a coger asco
00:16:26El mismo asco que te he cogido yo a ti
00:16:28Por lo que me hiciste
00:16:30Pero te vas a cagarte
00:16:32Lo juro por Dios
00:16:46Buen dia
00:16:48Comente una cosa
00:16:50Y la agarra para el otro lado
00:16:52Y como reaccionas
00:16:56¿Porque no preguntas bien?
00:16:58¿Me la ha dicho él?
00:17:02Que vos ya no te va a aguantar
00:17:04Esas cosas
00:17:06Yo tampoco me las voy a aguantar
00:17:08Ay querido
00:17:10Esto es poco
00:17:12Te pienso levantar
00:17:14Para que veas los malos modales
00:17:16No me importa una mierda
00:17:18No me importa una mierda
00:17:20Y te insulto si me das la gana
00:17:22Porque has sido un falto conmigo
00:17:24Y me has estado utilizando todo este tiempo
00:17:26A mi no me utilizas
00:17:28Y te vas a reir de otra
00:17:30De tu tia, de quien te de la gana
00:17:32De tu vecina o de quien cojones quieras
00:17:34Pero de mi no
00:17:36¿Te ha quedado claro?
00:17:38¿No te gustan mis modales?
00:17:40De malas no me conoces
00:17:42Y como bien acabas de decir
00:17:44No te gustan
00:17:46Ahora vas a ver la versión
00:17:48Pero fijate
00:17:50De malos modales
00:17:52O los gritos
00:17:54O los insultos
00:17:56Vas a flipar
00:17:58Me voy a llenar la boca de insultos
00:18:00Todo el puto día si me das la puta gana
00:18:02No quiero hablar
00:18:04Me das asco
00:18:06Tú me dijiste lo que hiciste
00:18:08O me dijiste que habías hecho una tia
00:18:12No dijiste nada
00:18:14No dijiste
00:18:16No dijiste que habías hecho para recordar
00:18:18Para que te acuerdes
00:18:20Para que te acuerdes
00:18:22Ay que chiste
00:18:24Espera que me descopono
00:18:26A ver si yo estoy con tu ex
00:18:28Y yo no puedo hacer lo que me hicieras
00:18:30Es mi puto ex
00:18:32Al que me cansaba
00:18:36Y me pongo en cuatro
00:18:38¿Entiendes? Para que te acuerdes
00:18:40Es una forma de hablar
00:18:42Mientras tú estás detrás de ella
00:18:44¿Vale? Abrazando
00:18:46Abrazando y dices para que te acuerdes
00:18:48Mientras estáis tocando
00:18:50Una figura de
00:18:52¿Y qué te crees que es eso?
00:18:56Esa figura lingüística
00:18:58No es mi cuñata la culpa
00:19:00Ni me fijas la palabra
00:19:02En todo lo que queda de reality
00:19:04Por mí te puedes ir a tomar por culo
00:19:06Pero vente de verdad
00:19:08Vente de aquí de una puta
00:19:10Pero vente
00:19:12Vente de verdad
00:19:14Vente de verdad
00:19:16Me importas
00:19:27¿Quieres lavar el pelo?
00:19:29Si me lo quiero lavar
00:19:31No sé ni donde
00:19:33Yo no busco el carajo
00:19:35Lo que trae la vida era el carro por último
00:19:57La falo
00:19:59No la despierto ahora
00:20:01¿Dónde estás?
00:20:07Vamos a la mesa
00:20:23Pero si no hay estelada
00:20:25Yo soy el capitán
00:20:27Yo doy las órdenes
00:20:29¿A ti te tocan los baños?
00:20:31Es mi capitán
00:20:33¿Pero tú estás en el grupo donde hay un capitán?
00:20:35Yo voy a lavar la loza
00:20:37Yo los doy y es la única cosa que no hago
00:20:41¿Ya te has dicho quién va a hacer las camas?
00:20:43Se manda sola
00:20:45Se la cambia ni haga sola
00:20:47Vamos a lavar nosotros
00:20:49Tú parece que no se te puede decir nada
00:20:51Te mandai sola
00:20:53Pero si estoy diciendo que voy a hacer las camas
00:20:55No importa haz lo que quieras
00:20:57Haz lo que quieras
00:20:59Do whatever you want
00:21:01Yo voy a hacer las camas
00:21:03Y lavar la loza
00:21:07Tú te dijimos que hicieras algo
00:21:09Yo no voy a hacer los baños
00:21:11Haz lo que quieras
00:21:13Haz lo que quieras
00:21:15Ah si es para hacer lo que quiero
00:21:17No voy a hacer nada entonces
00:21:19Bueno también te puedes sentar a dormir
00:21:21Estoy en buena onda diciendo que voy a hacer las camas
00:21:23Y lavar la loza
00:21:25Y no quieres que haga nada bueno
00:21:27No haga nada
00:21:35Buen día
00:21:39Buen día Don Luis
00:21:41No se vaya a apurar que se puede caer
00:21:47Yo le dije a la misión cuando llegó
00:21:49Que era que cuidara a Doña Fallon
00:21:51Y eso se olvidó tres días después
00:21:53Ahora es su misión
00:21:55Ella me alejo
00:22:02Ella me perdió
00:22:04Él me mintió
00:22:06Él me dijo que me amaba
00:22:08Y no era verdad
00:22:10Él me mintió
00:22:12No me amaba nunca me amó
00:22:14Me encanta que me canten
00:22:16Él me dijo que afuera
00:22:18No tenía nada con gala
00:22:20Él me mintió
00:22:22Él le mintió
00:22:25Hasta que resuelvan ese tema
00:22:27Muchas gracias, lo siento
00:22:30¿Qué pasó?
00:22:31Llegaste diciendo no, que no
00:22:33Nos habíamos visto un par de veces
00:22:35Tenemos amigos en común
00:22:37Y al final era mucho más en común
00:22:39¿A gala la conozco?
00:22:41¿Y qué te parece?
00:22:43¿Qué me parece?
00:22:45Que yo siempre la encontraba muy guapa ella
00:22:47Muy lillanita
00:22:49Con una energía muy linda
00:22:51¿Por qué?
00:22:55¿Te besaste con un gala ahora?
00:22:59¿Dime la verdad?
00:23:03El otro día me dio ahí un piquito
00:23:05Pero porque estaba jodiendo
00:23:07La botota creo que era
00:23:09Pero uno no le anda dando un piquito
00:23:11Así como por la vida de la gente
00:23:13¿Por algo?
00:23:15Tendría que preguntarle a ella
00:23:17No, no es necesario
00:23:19¿Y cómo fue todo?
00:23:21Nada, estaba durmiendo
00:23:23Y me vino a putear a la vuelta de la cama
00:23:27¿Qué pasa?
00:23:29Empezó a putear
00:23:31Dijo que no le gustaba
00:23:33Que me insultaron
00:23:35Nada más
00:23:37Empezó a seguir gritando
00:23:39Y gritando
00:23:43Ustedes van a ser los herederos
00:23:45De la receta de mi abuelita
00:23:47Tostadas francesas
00:23:49Primero estabais hablando conmigo
00:23:51Pero ya hablamos eso
00:23:53Súper bien
00:23:55Y qué sé yo
00:23:57Y de un día para otro
00:23:59Una discusión que no solucionamos
00:24:01Al tiro
00:24:03Ah, me dio otra persona
00:24:05Voy para allá
00:24:07Yo siempre le doy con gala
00:24:09Oye, a ti te agarraste la manito
00:24:11Cuando me decías tengo frío
00:24:13Te agarré la manito
00:24:17No, yo no lo veo tan así
00:24:19Te arruiné un poquitito
00:24:21Ya, viste
00:24:23Yo voy creando más lazos
00:24:25No me voy a pasar tiempo
00:24:27Tú te perdiste el lazo
00:24:29Tú arruinaste todo
00:24:31Yo no
00:24:33Las cosas no se arruinan
00:24:35Es como una relación
00:24:37Las cosas se arruinan por las dos personas
00:24:39Son tostadas francesas, ¿no?
00:24:43Me gustan las tostadas francesas
00:24:46Cajón del Maipo
00:24:50Pangar Andrade
00:24:52Si tuviese que elegir una flor
00:24:54¿Qué flor elegiría?
00:24:56Una rosa
00:24:58Cada pétalo me definiría, onda
00:25:00Aplausos para el candidato del Cajón del Maipo
00:25:04El concursante que vamos a presentar a continuación
00:25:06Tiene pocos años
00:25:08Pero una experiencia que ya la quisiera cualquiera
00:25:10Don Raimundo
00:25:12Si usted tuviese que darme un beso
00:25:15¿Dónde me lo daría?
00:25:17¿Y por qué?
00:25:19En el cuello, Amanda
00:25:21¿Por qué me daría un beso en el cuello?
00:25:23Para que tenga sensaciones
00:25:29Puede ser cualquier tipo de sensación
00:25:35Siga participando
00:25:37El campeón es Cajón del Maipo
00:25:40Es que sabe, sabe
00:25:42Hay que ser en la aclaración
00:25:44Hay muchos tipos de sensaciones
00:25:46Están pensando cosas que no son adecuadas para este mundo
00:25:49Yo pensé que para la edad suya
00:25:51Dije yo, como es tan niño
00:25:53Puede ser de gratitud
00:25:55En el cuello
00:25:59A ver, espéreme, yo quiero decir lo que me pasa
00:26:01A ver, ya
00:26:03Tiene razón, no pasó
00:26:05Pero pasó
00:26:07O sea, que quiere que le diga que
00:26:09Ni cosquillas, ni cosquillas
00:26:11Siga participando
00:26:13A ver, acá
00:26:15La Amanda se le eriza la piel
00:26:21Me está tocando
00:26:23Es que no, hace tanto y me toca
00:26:25Hágalo varios veces
00:26:27A ver, sí, posifica la cuestión con la barba
00:26:29Estoy afeitado
00:26:31Le gustó Amanda los besitos, viste
00:26:33Me gusta Amanda acá
00:26:35Acá también me gusta
00:26:39Que esté muy bien Amanda, gracias
00:26:43Ven a comer
00:26:45No puedes sufrir por un hombre
00:26:47Mira, come una tostadita francesa
00:26:53No te quiero ver llorando
00:26:55Me duele las manos
00:26:57Hasta la fase maldita
00:26:59No te quiero ver llorando
00:27:01A Facundo le va a dar duro
00:27:03Mira, mira, Juanja
00:27:09Ay, hola amor
00:27:11Un reto de grupo
00:27:13Es rabiosa
00:27:17Nos vemos el pelo de ahí, ya
00:27:25Estaban muy buenas las tostadas francesas, Anita
00:27:33La mierda, todo, todo es la mierda
00:27:45Se le molesto, y tiene razón
00:27:47Pero no lo dice a propósito
00:27:49Tiene un problema que tiene
00:27:51Lo mismo que le dije, que son las reacciones
00:27:53Lo vuelve a hacer con él
00:27:55¿Qué quiere que le haga?
00:27:57Son muchas cosas que le estoy dando la cabeza
00:27:59A mí ya me agobié
00:28:01Sí, te agobiaste, pero bueno, es parte de eso
00:28:03O sea, Juan, te peleaste con tu flaca
00:28:05Están en full guerra, lo que tú quieras
00:28:07Pero bueno, se acaba el mundo
00:28:09Dale tiempo
00:28:13El otro está re enojado conmigo
00:28:15Al final seguís reaccionando de la misma forma
00:28:17No me importa
00:28:19Yo tengo que ser feliz
00:28:21Una cosa es ser feliz, otra cosa es cómo reaccionar
00:28:23Pues esto es lo que soy
00:28:25Lo siento
00:28:29Yo creo que tú también las cagas
00:28:31Porque le has dicho palabras
00:28:33Y le has dicho cosas que te has ilusionado mucho
00:28:35No, pero lo que le dije, sí lo sentía
00:28:37Ojo, no es que no
00:28:39No es que no lo sentía, lo que hablamos
00:28:41Pero yo sé que sí es difícil
00:28:43Tenés que pensar bien qué es lo que quieres, hermano
00:28:45Para saber qué es lo que vas a hacer
00:28:47No, si llegamos al lado
00:28:49Si te vienes para acá y todo
00:28:51Yo estaré feliz
00:28:53Lucha por eso
00:28:55Se pasa todo
00:28:57¿Es tan difícil encontrar a una persona así?
00:28:59O sea, personalidad y leal
00:29:01Pero te negas de volver
00:29:03Por eso no te molestaría
00:29:05¿Cómo no me va a molestar si evidentemente siento algo?
00:29:07Le estoy diciendo que también lo amo
00:29:09O sea, porque estoy loca
00:29:11¿Vos podías ir en un mes, Oriana?
00:29:13Bueno, cada uno con sus tiempos
00:29:15Yo no se lo iba a decir, me lo dijo él
00:29:19¿Está arreglada?
00:29:21Me tocó decirla
00:29:23Está vacío
00:29:25Y te quise un sapo
00:29:27No, no, le dijo lo de los modales
00:29:29Yo nunca dije modales, dije esos tontos
00:29:31Le dije que no me gusta
00:29:33Le dije que me insulte
00:29:35Y no, porque siempre me ha apoyado con ella
00:29:37Eso sí
00:29:39Y le digo, sí, pero no me dice como a la mía
00:29:41No le tiene que dar chido
00:29:43Yo pienso como de huevo
00:29:45Por eso lo he ignorado
00:29:47No creo que lo haya hecho mal, Leche
00:29:49Se me tristó la hueá
00:29:51Ojo a que le conté la hueá
00:29:53Te doy un consejo, no te hagas el triste, disfruta
00:29:55No, ya está
00:29:57Porque si te ven triste, escúchame
00:29:59Si tú te ves triste, eso quiere decir
00:30:03Porque ella está haciendo que tú te hagas triste
00:30:05Sí, no, yo lo sé
00:30:07Ella se va a acercar sola, hueón
00:30:09Y no le conté hueá a ese hueón
00:30:17Y este no será la excepción
00:30:19En un delirante radioteatro a la antigua usanza
00:30:21Serán revelados secretos y misterios
00:30:23Que muchos de ellos nos ocultan
00:30:25Vamos a verlo
00:30:43Esto debiese ser una tormenta
00:30:47Sí, un radioteatro
00:30:51Hoy vamos a hacer un radioteatro
00:30:53¿Qué les parece?
00:30:57Empecé con los efectos especiales
00:30:59Hay un mundo aquí
00:31:01Y quiero hoy día saludarlos
00:31:03Y entregarles un gran aplauso, muchachos
00:31:05¿Cómo están? ¿Bien?
00:31:07Qué bueno, qué bueno
00:31:09Lo personal me parece muy entretenido
00:31:11Invitarlos a que pasemos un rato
00:31:13Vamos a estar realizando dos historias
00:31:15Y seremos un equipo de foley
00:31:17Y además un equipo de actores a la vez
00:31:21Vamos a tener que interpretar personajes
00:31:23Y además recrear efectos de sonido
00:31:25Vamos a tener que recrear momentos de emoción
00:31:27Y vamos a ver cómo nos sale
00:31:29Y para esto vamos a hacer lo siguiente
00:31:31Los señores serán, actuarán como equipo
00:31:33Pero en esta oportunidad, actuando y haciendo el foley
00:31:35Van a representar a los sirvientes
00:31:37¿Sí? Y viceversa
00:31:39Este relato lleva por nombre
00:31:41Muy bien, la otra historia
00:31:43Lleva por nombre
00:31:45La casona de las pasiones
00:31:47Muy bien, les dejo los guiones
00:31:49Les voy a dar 15 minutos para que puedan organizarse
00:31:51Empezar a pensar
00:31:53No solo en el texto
00:31:55Sino en los efectos que vamos a ocupar
00:31:57Yo voy a volver para que hagamos una pasada
00:31:59Antes del estreno de la obra
00:32:01Con cada uno de los grupos, ¿les parece?
00:32:03Vamos, manos a la obra, ¿no?
00:32:05Jugaremos esta mañana
00:32:11¿Escuchaste, Falma?
00:32:13En el tropiezo podés decir
00:32:17Hola, hola, Falma
00:32:19¿Risas de fondo todos?
00:32:21Siento un ruido extraño
00:32:23Similar a una risa
00:32:27Es la botota
00:32:29Que seguro está sonámbulo de nuevo
00:32:31¿Seguro que es la botota que está sonámbulo de nuevo?
00:32:33Seguro que es la botota
00:32:35Arrastre un poco las palabras
00:32:37Vamos para allá
00:32:39¿Cómo? ¿De vuelta?
00:32:41Vamos para allá
00:32:43Vamos para allá
00:32:45Más suelto
00:32:51Yo lo siento, de verdad
00:32:53Pero no puedo verle la cara
00:32:55Es que no puedo verlo
00:32:57O se va él o me voy yo
00:32:59Porque voy a estar amargada todos los putos días
00:33:01Pero nena
00:33:05Muy bien
00:33:07Muy bien
00:33:09Te encanta, eso te encanta
00:33:13Ah, se ríe
00:33:15Es que mira, es que me cago en la madre
00:33:17Vamos, vamos
00:33:19Es un hijo de la gran
00:33:21Estúpido de mierda
00:33:23Supongo que
00:33:25Sí, debe ser que le hace muchas gracias
00:33:27Tú síguete riendo, hijo de
00:33:29Tú síguete riendo, asqueroso
00:33:31¿Con qué estás hablando si no me estoy riendo?
00:33:33¡Que te calles! ¡Que te calles!
00:33:35Síguete riendo, ¿qué te crees? ¿Que no me lo dicen o qué?
00:33:37¿Qué? ¡Estúpido!
00:33:39Debes estar fuera de este puto reality, hijo
00:33:41¡Fuera! ¡Cállate la boca, jala, pero tú!
00:33:43¡Hijo, no eres nadie sin mí! ¡Cállate la boca!
00:33:45¡No eres nadie en este reality!
00:33:47¿Quién te crees que soy? ¿Quién te crees que soy?
00:33:49¡Me pongo esta boca aquí porque me toca!
00:33:51¡Interesado! ¡Interesado!
00:33:53¡Ridículo! ¡Estás mal! ¡Estás mal! ¡Estás mal!
00:33:55¡Estás equivocada! ¡Estás bien equivocada! ¡No, estás bien tú!
00:33:57¡Que eres un cerdo de puta! ¡Estás bien equivocada!
00:33:59¡Estás bien equivocada!
00:34:01Vale, sigamos, porque si no, no...
00:34:03Ya, vale, vale.
00:34:05Tiene el error.
00:34:07Ya. ¿Quién está siendo llena, Luis?
00:34:11A ver, coño. Esperá ahí un poco, ¿vale?
00:34:13¿Estás de acuerdo?
00:34:15¿Que Pangale es el primer a tener miedo a cosas paranormales?
00:34:17¡Histórico, tío!
00:34:19¡No, es que estás equivocado! ¡No entiendo más nada!
00:34:21¡Dale su tiempo! ¡Dale su tiempo!
00:34:23¡No, no entiendo! ¡No existe! ¡No hay posibilidad!
00:34:25¡Jamás en mi puta vida! ¡Jamás!
00:34:27¡Jamás! ¡Te odio! ¡Me das asco!
00:34:29Lo que pasa es que ayer...
00:34:31Te vio...
00:34:33Ayer te vio en la cocina...
00:34:35Hablando con el Austin y riéndose.
00:34:37Está hablando otra cosa, weón.
00:34:39No, ¿y qué? ¿Cómo se...?
00:34:41Me estaba contando Austin una cosa mía.
00:34:43Bueno, pero riéndose. Entonces ella siente que...
00:34:45Está riéndose.
00:34:47No, ¿qué de ella, weón?
00:34:49Y ella te defendió ahí, entonces...
00:34:51No, me estaba riendo. Me estaba riendo con otra cosa.
00:34:53Austin, no tiene que reírse.
00:34:55Ella se va, se va.
00:34:57Anda a ensayar con tu equipo, weón.
00:34:59¡Qué mala hostia! ¡Qué mala hostia!
00:35:01¡Qué mala hostia!
00:35:03¡Qué mala hostia! ¡Tranquilá!
00:35:05Siento como si nos estuvieran observando.
00:35:07Dijo que me estaba riendo.
00:35:09Dijo que me estaba riendo.
00:35:11Empezó a gritar, a insultar.
00:35:13Ya no sé.
00:35:15Comenzaron a notar cosas extrañas.
00:35:17Chicos, les toca.
00:35:25Les toca.
00:35:27¿Qué querés, weón?
00:35:29Si no hice nada.
00:35:31Tú escúchame.
00:35:33Tú voy a hablar y si sabés que...
00:35:35No quieres hablar.
00:35:37Si vos querés que te hable,
00:35:39tenés que entrar y decirle, perdóname.
00:35:41No tenés que...
00:35:43No, no. Perdón, perdón.
00:35:45Que la cagué.
00:35:47No sé qué estaba pensando.
00:35:49La cagué. Yo te amo a ti, weón.
00:35:51Y perdón, perdón.
00:35:53Porque si va a ir un chiste, cagaste.
00:35:55Pero, tía.
00:35:57Si la estás pasando, tenés que entrar así.
00:35:59No te enojís conmigo.
00:36:01¿Con qué?
00:36:03Yo tengo que representar a Facu.
00:36:05Se llama Facundo, no Facu.
00:36:07Facu es como de cariño.
00:36:15Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
00:36:17This is Radio Ganar o Servir.
00:36:19Back to the past.
00:36:21We are live with you
00:36:23to present you
00:36:25the first radio play of the night.
00:36:27Today, with an international cast,
00:36:29we will recreate a story
00:36:31that is titled
00:36:33La Casona del Misterio.
00:36:35Look, look.
00:36:37It's coming.
00:36:39It's coming.
00:36:41It's coming.
00:36:43Look, look.
00:36:45On a dark stormy night.
00:36:49They're taking a breath.
00:36:51In the hall of the old house
00:36:53of Ganar o Servir.
00:36:55Without imagining
00:36:57that the worst
00:36:59was about to happen.
00:37:03the light
00:37:05went out
00:37:07in the whole house.
00:37:09And we heard
00:37:11something terrifying.
00:37:17What was that, man?
00:37:19Did you hear that, man?
00:37:21Who's imitating Luis?
00:37:23Let's explore the house
00:37:25to see why the light went out.
00:37:27Look, I have a candle here.
00:37:29I feel
00:37:31as if something
00:37:33is watching us.
00:37:35Dani, it's Dani's sign.
00:37:37While the friends
00:37:39ventured to see
00:37:41what was going on
00:37:43in the house,
00:37:45they found
00:37:47a closet in the middle
00:37:49of the living room
00:37:51with the door closed.
00:37:53Hey, wasn't that here last night?
00:37:55Oh, man, I don't like it, okay?
00:37:57Let's get out of here.
00:37:59Please, I beg you.
00:38:01Let's see what's in that closet.
00:38:03And if there's a boar, I'll kill it.
00:38:05The doors opened.
00:38:07A cloud of dust
00:38:09came out of the closet and
00:38:11a spectral figure
00:38:13appeared before them.
00:38:21Who dares to ruin my rest?
00:38:23Oh, no!
00:38:25A real ghost?
00:38:27What do you want from us?
00:38:29I want you to leave!
00:38:33Zabelo, what are you doing there?
00:38:35Forget Zabelo, man!
00:38:37I just wanted to have some fun.
00:38:39I didn't want to leave after the elimination.
00:38:41So I was living
00:38:43hidden in the theater.
00:38:45Oh, what a scare, man! But I admit it was fun
00:38:47to see Pangal's face turn white like a piece of paper.
00:38:49Come on, it was historic!
00:38:55Terrible imitation.
00:38:59What you told me was like a night of terror.
00:39:01It became a fun adventure
00:39:03among friends.
00:39:09It started
00:39:11to blink.
00:39:17Zabelo disappeared!
00:39:23That's how the participants of Soberanos
00:39:25could never
00:39:27sleep again.
00:39:29Very good!
00:39:31More or less.
00:39:33This has been La Casona del Misterio.
00:39:35Now you'll see what's good.
00:39:37Broadcasted on Radio Ganar.
00:39:39Observe. We'll be back with more.
00:39:41Let's go!
00:39:47Good and bad.
00:39:55Let's go! The commercials are over.
00:39:57We're still with you.
00:39:59Broadcasted on Radio Ganar.
00:40:01Observe. We'll be back with more.
00:40:03Our actors
00:40:05will play a play
00:40:07known as
00:40:09La Casona
00:40:11de las Pasiones.
00:40:17They all rest in the hammocks
00:40:19after an extenuating competition.
00:40:25who feels a strange noise
00:40:29to laughter.
00:40:35enters the kitchen to make himself a coffee.
00:40:37He approaches Facu.
00:40:41What are you doing? That's not a kiss noise!
00:40:55Oh my God!
00:40:57They begin to wake up.
00:40:59Did you hear that?
00:41:01What's going on?
00:41:03I would never go to the hammocks.
00:41:05Look, look.
00:41:07It could be Daniel and Luis.
00:41:09They're probably out there kissing.
00:41:11I don't know.
00:41:13But the noises
00:41:15are getting more intense.
00:41:17What are you doing?
00:41:19Who's with Dani?
00:41:21Suck my balls or I'll kill you!
00:41:23I'll kill you! Tell me!
00:41:25Tell me, you idiot!
00:41:27Daniel appears in the kitchen
00:41:29with a cup of coffee in his hand.
00:41:31What's going on?
00:41:33Who do you want to kill now?
00:41:35You can't rest in peace
00:41:37in this madhouse!
00:41:41Nobody knows what's going on.
00:41:43Suddenly Pancho appears
00:41:45and sees a silhouette moving
00:41:47around the room.
00:41:51Look at the stairs!
00:41:53Someone is walking
00:41:55without sense!
00:41:59Fran Mayra
00:42:01was going down the stairs
00:42:03like an exorcist
00:42:05making strange noises.
00:42:11Yes, yes!
00:42:13Come here!
00:42:15Oh no!
00:42:19She's gone mad!
00:42:21Stop, girl!
00:42:23Come here!
00:42:25She's possessed!
00:42:27Leave me alone!
00:42:29Something's wrong with her!
00:42:31Something's wrong with her!
00:42:33Something's wrong with her!
00:42:35She's possessed!
00:42:39in his attempt to help,
00:42:41throws Fran the coffee
00:42:43that Phallon had in his hand.
00:42:47between suffocating
00:42:49and agitation,
00:42:51finally wakes up.
00:42:55Oh, boy!
00:42:57Austin came on horseback!
00:42:59And he was very passionate!
00:43:01Very hot!
00:43:03How did he get here?
00:43:07And so,
00:43:09once again,
00:43:11nothing new surprises us
00:43:13in this confinement.
00:43:15In the absence of a single walk,
00:43:17now we have two!
00:43:23Very good!
00:43:25This is how you get to the end!
00:43:27The house of passions!
00:43:33Very good!
00:43:39Very good!
00:43:41Very good!
00:43:45Was it bad?
00:43:47No, very good!
00:43:59I'm so excited!
00:44:01Do I have to wash it?
00:44:03Take it!
00:44:05I love it!
00:44:09And now,
00:44:17Who told you?
00:44:19Let her do it herself!
00:44:21Let her do it!
00:44:23She's offering herself!
00:44:25Oriana, of course!
00:44:27She's so far away that she doesn't do anything!
00:44:29Now they're fighting to wash it!
00:44:31Tell Oriana to go, then!
00:44:33Where is she?
00:44:35She's not here!
00:44:37She's not here!
00:44:39She's not here!
00:44:49She's getting more and more angry!
00:44:51She hates you more and more!
00:44:53She's a friend of Faco's.
00:44:57She calls him all the time,
00:44:59she tells him things, I don't know.
00:45:01She doesn't want us to leave.
00:45:03What do we care?
00:45:05You have to be alone.
00:45:07No, you have to be alone.
00:45:09I'll do it. I'll help you.
00:45:11Get changed.
00:45:17He didn't even have the decency
00:45:19to apologize.
00:45:21That's the worst part.
00:45:23What if he apologizes?
00:45:25I should have started with that.
00:45:27But I understand him.
00:45:29Not because someone told him to.
00:45:31That's the thing that affects me.
00:45:33That's what worries me.
00:45:35What if he apologizes?
00:45:37No, it's too late.
00:45:39I mean, it's too late.
00:45:41He'll have to do it again.
00:45:43Even if I tell him to go to hell.
00:45:45Even if I tell him to apologize.
00:45:47I'll have to tell him 20,000 times.
00:45:49I mean, a million times.
00:45:51I think you should rethink it.
00:45:53If he apologizes,
00:45:55you should accept it.
00:45:57No, it's not an apology.
00:45:59It's an apology.
00:46:01He should be humiliated,
00:46:03just like he humiliated me.
00:46:11If he apologizes,
00:46:13it's too late.
00:46:15If he would have done it,
00:46:17it would have been better.
00:46:19I can't speak.
00:46:21If I get closer, he'll hit me.
00:46:23He should be humiliated like he humiliated me.
00:46:25He should kneel down and apologize.
00:46:27No, I won't kneel down.
00:46:29I'll pray to God.
00:46:31Maybe in one more day,
00:46:33he'll relax a bit.
00:46:35I don't know.
00:46:37He'll say,
00:46:39I'll go now.
00:46:41At night, if she's calmer,
00:46:43it's possible.
00:46:45I guess what she wants
00:46:47is for you to apologize
00:46:49and tell her you were wrong,
00:46:51that it was a bad joke,
00:46:53that from your point of view
00:46:55it didn't seem that bad,
00:46:57because many times,
00:46:59we say things without thinking.
00:47:01But if I say it, would he be upset?
00:47:03He would be upset too.
00:47:05I won't make a scene.
00:47:07I understand he'd be upset.
00:47:09He'd be upset too.
00:47:11I think the kiss with Julia
00:47:13was even worse for her
00:47:15because she was someone
00:47:17you were dating before you started working.
00:47:19You never told her,
00:47:21I'm against my friends
00:47:23because I want to protect her,
00:47:25I want to talk to her,
00:47:27and if everything's fine,
00:47:29it's fine.
00:47:33See you later.
00:47:37Good luck.
00:47:56We're back on the field
00:47:58where we'll witness
00:48:00the 12th men's individual competition.
00:48:02Step by step,
00:48:04we're moving forward
00:48:06to the grand finale
00:48:08of this extreme competition
00:48:10that you already know
00:48:12as winning or serving back to the past.
00:48:14And today, we'll know
00:48:16who will be the new immune
00:48:18and who will be the new nominee.
00:48:20Also, among the sovereigns,
00:48:22the one who gets the best result
00:48:24will be able to exchange roles
00:48:26with some of the members
00:48:28of the resistance here.
00:48:30Good afternoon to all the participants.
00:48:32How are you gentlemen?
00:48:34First, I'd like to congratulate
00:48:36the winner of the Circulo de Fuego, Luis.
00:48:38Good afternoon, how are you?
00:48:40Thank you, Sergio. Good afternoon.
00:48:42We're so close to the final stages
00:48:44of this competition
00:48:46and every week, this gets tighter
00:48:48and, of course, to get a win
00:48:50at this point is good,
00:48:52because it strengthens and recharges the spirit.
00:48:54Is it time to meet
00:48:56Luis 100%?
00:48:58Yes, I've been saying it.
00:49:00I'm at 100%.
00:49:02It's a strategy of mine
00:49:04to try to get to the end as whole as possible.
00:49:06It's useless to start with everything
00:49:08and then deflate.
00:49:10In this case, the victory last night,
00:49:12it's obvious that the victory always works
00:49:14and gives a lot of encouragement.
00:49:16I know that my team also got very happy
00:49:18and that also gives me encouragement
00:49:20but Luis is at 100%
00:49:22and he was also at 100%.
00:49:24The thing is that he came from a defeat
00:49:26in the other reality competition,
00:49:28which is not easy.
00:49:30Clearly, what I had to recover the most
00:49:32was from my head and I think
00:49:34that today I'm fine to get to the end
00:49:36and give it all to any of the participants
00:49:38who are here, who are all good.
00:49:40And, really, Luis Mateucci is going to get far
00:49:42in this. It's not over yet.
00:49:44There's Luis Mateucci for a while.
00:49:46This story is still not finished.
00:49:48Good afternoon.
00:49:50A complex situation last night, right?
00:49:52Because you were celebrating your defeat
00:49:54and finally, in this versus,
00:49:56you fall in front of Luis.
00:49:58And, on the other hand, only Botota and you
00:50:00are the only ones who haven't managed
00:50:02to get a clear victory in an individual competition.
00:50:04How do you feel? Where are we going?
00:50:06Yes, I feel good.
00:50:08But, of course, I haven't achieved that first place.
00:50:10I don't know what's going on
00:50:12but what makes me happy is that
00:50:14I'm getting better every day
00:50:16because I see myself in that final
00:50:18and I'm also a duelist
00:50:20and I know that with anyone who beats me
00:50:22I'm going to be able to do it too.
00:50:24So, I stay calm.
00:50:26Very good. Thank you very much.
00:50:28Serray Pangal, you are one of those
00:50:30who is clearly convinced that you have
00:50:32the possibility of winning this competition
00:50:34and you have said it, right?
00:50:36Many times the head can play tricks on you.
00:50:38Is your head working well to get to the final?
00:50:40Yes, yes. The only thing I need is to align my body
00:50:42100% with the head that responds well.
00:50:44I don't know if I'm going to make it to the final
00:50:46but in a week's time, I'll be there.
00:50:48One of those who hasn't had very nice moments
00:50:50in the last few hours has been you, Facu.
00:50:52Good afternoon. How are you?
00:50:54Good afternoon. How are you?
00:50:56How do you feel, Facu?
00:50:58Unfortunately, I'm going through a bad situation
00:51:00but let's hope I can get better.
00:51:02The truth is that I'm not well.
00:51:04Well, it's obvious.
00:51:06I don't feel good.
00:51:08I don't feel like moving on.
00:51:10I don't feel active.
00:51:12I'm sad.
00:51:14I don't feel like moving on.
00:51:16Sometimes I cross that wall and jump over it
00:51:18and move on and do my thing.
00:51:20But that's what life is about.
00:51:22It's about facing the problems that come your way.
00:51:24Do you think your situation with Noreana
00:51:26is over?
00:51:28Do you feel that there's a chance
00:51:30to rebuild what you had?
00:51:32Look, I always say that when there's
00:51:34a deep feeling, I think anything is possible.
00:51:36We'll see what happens later on,
00:51:38these days, and if it's for the better
00:51:40and if it's not, well, I don't know.
00:51:42Have you felt the support of your teammates?
00:51:44Yes, yes, yes.
00:51:46Of course.
00:51:48Sometimes I don't feel well,
00:51:50but the man has been there for me.
00:51:52I thank Ray,
00:51:54Botota, Pachito,
00:51:56and even Luisito.
00:51:58Of course, we're worried
00:52:00about a teammate's emotional state.
00:52:02What would you tell him?
00:52:04I think a few apologies
00:52:06would be enough
00:52:08to make the other person feel better.
00:52:10I mean, we won't get the crown
00:52:12for apologizing.
00:52:14I understand that perfectly,
00:52:16but it's not easy to get to her
00:52:18when she's in that situation.
00:52:20On the one hand, I understand her,
00:52:22but on the other hand,
00:52:24I don't think it's for me.
00:52:26I wouldn't have bothered.
00:52:28But since it's the way she is,
00:52:30I understand her.
00:52:32I respect her, I know her,
00:52:34and I have to love her.
00:52:36I want it to happen again, Sergio.
00:52:38Oriana is a girl
00:52:40that I have
00:52:42an incredible love for,
00:52:44but from a different perspective.
00:52:46And she, of course,
00:52:48wants me to act the way she would.
00:52:50And sometimes that's difficult.
00:52:52Let's cheer her on, Facu,
00:52:54because we've seen you
00:52:56complicated, and we want to tell you
00:52:58that here, everything continues.
00:53:00And what is in the morning
00:53:02is not in the afternoon.
00:53:04Thank you very much, Facu.
00:53:06On the other hand, Pancho,
00:53:08you won the last individual competition.
00:53:10Today, do you want to win
00:53:12to maintain your sovereign condition,
00:53:14or do you also want to win
00:53:16to be closer to winning?
00:53:20What happened?
00:53:22What did we miss, Pachito?
00:53:24A love that was born, but like this.
00:53:26Now it's known that it had
00:53:28come together more times outside.
00:53:30Not just once.
00:53:34No, what happens is that
00:53:36one does not have to
00:53:38tell all the things here.
00:53:40I believe that
00:53:42contact is not to be lost
00:53:44if I lose and move to the other side.
00:53:46It's better to be there.
00:53:48It's better to be there.
00:53:50We are in the same house.
00:53:52Of course, it's better to be there,
00:53:54but if I compete,
00:53:56first I focus on my goals,
00:53:58and after that I will be able to enjoy what comes.
00:54:00Very well, gentlemen.
00:54:02Thank you very much for this conversation.
00:54:04And I wish you all
00:54:06the best of luck in the world.
00:54:08For now, gentlemen, a big round of applause.
00:54:10We will immediately observe
00:54:12the characteristics of this competition.
00:54:14This competition requires
00:54:16a lot of agility and concentration.
00:54:18The objective of the game is to
00:54:20move one by one four bags of sand
00:54:22through a circuit to finally
00:54:24succeed in invoking them
00:54:26in a circular circle.
00:54:28They will start with the participants
00:54:30taking one of the bags.
00:54:32Then they will have to cross
00:54:34and jump an obstacle of bars
00:54:36and later climb a wall
00:54:38that will take them to a platform
00:54:40from where they will have to throw
00:54:42each bag into the pendular circle.
00:54:44The first participant
00:54:46who manages to have
00:54:48the four bags in the circle
00:54:50will be immune,
00:54:52while the last to achieve it
00:54:54will be the new nominee.
00:54:57Very well, ladies and gentlemen.
00:54:59Through the screens of Channel 13,
00:55:01we will now live the 12th
00:55:03men's individual competition
00:55:05in winning or serving back to the past.
00:55:07There are Facu, Luis, Pancho,
00:55:09Ray, Pangal, Botota.
00:55:11Six of them
00:55:13seek the same goal.
00:55:15Today we will know who is the new immune
00:55:17and a new nominee.
00:55:19Ladies and gentlemen, let's go.
00:55:21Gentlemen, are you ready?
00:55:23Then get ready.
00:55:253, 2, 1, let's go!
00:55:29This 12th men's individual competition
00:55:33Like the ladies
00:55:35in the last competition,
00:55:37they have to deliver
00:55:39four bags of sand
00:55:41on the structure that moves
00:55:43and Pangal manages to put ...
00:55:45Ah, and he's back.
00:55:47Despite having left it up,
00:55:49he tries again
00:55:51on his bag.
00:55:53Ray, in this opportunity,
00:55:55has already put the first
00:55:57of these four bags.
00:56:03Ladies and gentlemen, there we are.
00:56:05We then see Pancho
00:56:07who also returns
00:56:09with his second bag in his hand.
00:56:11And there comes Ray
00:56:13and Pangal.
00:56:15Meanwhile, the rest of his teammates
00:56:17are still trying.
00:56:19Only in this minute Pancho
00:56:21and Pangal
00:56:23go for the second.
00:56:25Ladies and gentlemen, there it is.
00:56:27Ray already has two bags
00:56:29installed on the structure and goes for his third.
00:56:31They follow the same logic.
00:56:33Pancho, who also has two bags.
00:56:41This group is joined by Pangal.
00:56:43We already have three
00:56:45with two bags
00:56:47on the floating structures.
00:56:49There we are, ladies and gentlemen.
00:56:51There we see this competition.
00:56:5312th individual competition,
00:56:55to win or serve back to the past.
00:56:57Three competitors tied
00:56:59with two bags.
00:57:01There comes Ray once again.
00:57:03Pancho, both try to do it
00:57:05in unison. Pancho already has
00:57:07three bags installed.
00:57:09In the same way, Ray, the circuit
00:57:11tightens and the competition gets intense.
00:57:13Ladies and gentlemen, there are two.
00:57:15Pangal, uh, he dropped the three bags.
00:57:17Pangal has to restart
00:57:19the delivery of this on the structure.
00:57:21We have two who already have
00:57:23three bags installed.
00:57:25It may be the competition for any of them.
00:57:27And Pancho has the first option.
00:57:29He has it quickly. He goes up the barrier.
00:57:31He's there with his red bag.
00:57:33Let's see how it goes. He's accommodating
00:57:35the structure. Ladies and gentlemen,
00:57:37everything can be resolved now.
00:57:39No! He fails in his attempt.
00:57:41He will have to repeat it again.
00:57:43There we will see how it goes.
00:57:45Ladies and gentlemen, new attempt.
00:57:47It is, ladies and gentlemen, Pancho
00:57:49who wins this
00:57:51individual competition.
00:57:53The new immune,
00:57:55ladies and gentlemen, according to the
00:57:57consecutive week that Pancho Rodríguez
00:57:59takes the individual competition
00:58:01men here to win or serve.
00:58:03It is installed once again
00:58:05as one of the strong favorites.
00:58:07Pangal gets the second
00:58:09place, ladies and gentlemen.
00:58:11In addition, he will be able to change
00:58:13position as a servant
00:58:15with one of the gentlemen.
00:58:17There it is. We have the first and second place.
00:58:19It is Pancho, it is Pangal in second
00:58:21location. Pancho the winner.
00:58:23We have then Ray with three
00:58:25bags already installed.
00:58:27There goes Ray who has
00:58:29three bags and goes for the fourth.
00:58:31Ladies and gentlemen, we will see if he gets the fourth
00:58:33light. Oh! Almost! He gets the
00:58:35third place. He drops two out of
00:58:37four. There is Botota.
00:58:39There is Facu trying
00:58:41to do what
00:58:43escapes them all the time of the hands.
00:58:45But there it is. Ray has two.
00:58:47He goes with the third. Let's see how
00:58:49he goes with the fourth. Uh! He escapes
00:58:51the fourth. The second also falls.
00:58:53The third falls. He has to restart.
00:58:55Meanwhile, Pancho
00:58:57and Pangal are already resting.
00:58:59The first place.
00:59:01Comfortably, calm.
00:59:03And there we are. We have
00:59:05Ray with two.
00:59:07The competition does not advance.
00:59:09It does not advance.
00:59:11It stayed fixed. There.
00:59:13Be careful with Botota. Very well Botota.
00:59:15He has two. He goes for his third.
00:59:17Well Botota. There he goes. How agile
00:59:19Botota. Look at the speed.
00:59:21There he goes. Very well.
00:59:23Very fast Botota.
00:59:25Ladies and gentlemen. Look at the technique.
00:59:27Look at the technique.
00:59:29No, it's a technique of Fabio who gave up
00:59:31some time. But here we go.
00:59:33He has two. Botota
00:59:35is taking advantage of the game until the minute.
00:59:37Neither Facundo, nor Luis, nor Ray
00:59:39manage to sit at the same time
00:59:41with Botota in this minute.
00:59:43Will Botota be the third place of this competition?
00:59:45She wants to show
00:59:47that she comes for more.
00:59:49Ladies and gentlemen.
00:59:51Do you remember when Botota cried
00:59:53because he said he could not advance in this type of game?
00:59:55Well, there you have it. Competing
00:59:57in this minute for third place
00:59:59among six very important
01:00:03Botota. Very well Botota.
01:00:05Botota goes for the fourth and last.
01:00:07He smiles. There's a little
01:00:09bit of happiness in Botota
01:00:11who comes back
01:00:13once again. Look at the technique.
01:00:15Observe Botota. Agile, light.
01:00:17Incredible. Meanwhile
01:00:19we have to say
01:00:21Ray, Luis
01:00:23and Facu give up
01:00:25in this competition
01:00:27neither forward.
01:00:29Meanwhile, Botota already has
01:00:31a path traveled with his fourth
01:00:33sack. There comes Botota.
01:00:37But nothing happens.
01:00:39Ray tries to start.
01:00:41Luis only has one sack.
01:00:43Luis Mateucci has two.
01:00:45Now it's Botota's time.
01:00:47Breathe calmly, Botota.
01:00:53Botota was very close to getting
01:00:55the result.
01:00:57She's tied with Luis.
01:00:59She's tied with Luis, Botota.
01:01:01Oh, she falls.
01:01:07It's not an easy game. Luis has three.
01:01:17Luis has three sacks.
01:01:19He could get third place
01:01:21if he manages
01:01:23to do his thing
01:01:27with this sack. He almost throws it
01:01:29from 15 meters.
01:01:31He almost manages to
01:01:33hit the target.
01:01:35Ray goes for his fourth.
01:01:37Ladies and gentlemen,
01:01:39he already has three sacks.
01:01:41Ray could get third place.
01:01:43He competes with Luis. Luis gets third place.
01:01:45Ray gets fourth place.
01:01:47Ladies and gentlemen, the competition
01:01:49now is Facu-Botota.
01:01:51Don't give up, Botota.
01:01:53Don't give up, Botota.
01:02:01has given up the game.
01:02:03Facu is already immune.
01:02:05Botota is right.
01:02:07Facu is immune.
01:02:09There's no turning back.
01:02:11Even if he wins the game,
01:02:13Botota would still be
01:02:15the champion.
01:02:17Even if he wins the game,
01:02:19Botota would still be
01:02:21the champion this week.
01:02:23Let's see how Facu does with this sack.
01:02:25And he does it! Finally,
01:02:27Facu manages to put the four sacks
01:02:29and we conclude
01:02:31this new individual
01:02:33male competition here at Ganar o Cervi.
01:02:37Very good, gentlemen. First, a round of applause
01:02:39for all of you. A test
01:02:41that, of course, is complex.
01:02:43It's nerve-wracking.
01:02:45But, finally, we already know
01:02:47the name of a new winner.
01:02:49We congratulate Pancho Rodríguez
01:02:51who takes the second
01:02:53opportunity of this individual
01:02:55male competition, which, of course,
01:02:57puts you one more week in this competition.
01:02:59A possibility that
01:03:01Facu also has right now
01:03:03and that Gala also enjoys.
01:03:05What do you think, Pancho?
01:03:07Very good. I'm very happy, really.
01:03:09The only thing I wanted and asked of life
01:03:11was not to be sent to the servants' side.
01:03:13Not because I have to wash, I don't have a problem with that,
01:03:15but it's the shower. The temperature changes,
01:03:17showering outside, I'm really screwed
01:03:19with that. If you add to that
01:03:21having to get up, clean,
01:03:23wash the dishes, serve the table,
01:03:25it's difficult, it's difficult.
01:03:27So, nothing, things turned out well.
01:03:29Dedicating the victory also to
01:03:31Gala, even if she's not present,
01:03:33because yesterday she accompanied me
01:03:35to grab a pebble, we started practicing.
01:03:39Fantastic. I'm very happy.
01:03:41You have achieved the goal.
01:03:43You are the winner of this competition.
01:03:45We congratulate Pancho again.
01:03:47Second week in a row that he has this privilege
01:03:49and in the opposite arena, today,
01:03:51chewing a complicated defeat
01:03:53because you were very well expected in the Botota test.
01:03:55How do you feel today,
01:03:57nominated in this game?
01:03:59I feel calm because
01:04:01I never thought I could get
01:04:03to this stage.
01:04:05But going to elimination,
01:04:07if it's my turn, I'm going to do it well.
01:04:09I think here the competition gets tougher
01:04:11with those who are staying.
01:04:13I don't know, it causes me a lot of nerves,
01:04:15it causes me a lot of anxiety, everything.
01:04:17So, nothing, I did it super well.
01:04:19I feel very happy.
01:04:21No, I didn't stay with two,
01:04:23I didn't stay with one, or three, nothing.
01:04:25I went to look for all of them and the last one failed me.
01:04:27And nothing, things happen.
01:04:29And that's it.
01:04:31Anyone could win, anyone could lose.
01:04:33Thank you, Botota.
01:04:35On the other hand, Pangar is still the winner
01:04:37who has had this test in his power
01:04:39more times.
01:04:41This time you get the second place.
01:04:43How do you feel after this game?
01:04:45Like shit, Sergio.
01:04:47I can't believe it, Sergio.
01:04:49I remember I threw the first one
01:04:51and it fell inside.
01:04:53And instead of going to look for the other one
01:04:55to make time, I took it out and threw it
01:04:57until it fell.
01:04:59It was stupid.
01:05:01He finished and I finished.
01:05:03And nothing, I congratulate you all.
01:05:05You will be able to change roles
01:05:07with any of the players
01:05:09from the team Resistencia.
01:05:11Who do you want to stay with
01:05:13in the case of his power?
01:05:15Excepting Pancho, of course.
01:05:17I wanted to throw Pancho, yes or yes.
01:05:19You have two options.
01:05:21I worked my line of coherence,
01:05:23I'm going to throw the most damn of all, Luis.
01:05:25Very good, Luis.
01:05:27So you will be a servant for what is left this week.
01:05:29You will have to leave your role as a sovereign,
01:05:31the privileges.
01:05:33I can't say otherwise.
01:05:35Always with my all-inclusive bracelet,
01:05:37wherever it is.
01:05:41That impetus and that strength
01:05:43that characterizes me until the end,
01:05:45I'm going to give it.
01:05:47And I hope they stay that way,
01:05:49they give me more advantage,
01:05:51and that's why we came.
01:05:53I just want to remind you both
01:05:55that in this case Luis will have to serve
01:05:57Pangal for the next few days.
01:05:59Very good, gentlemen.
01:06:01I'm going to invite the winner,
01:06:03have a good time.
01:06:05Come back to the house, very kind.
01:06:07Thank you very much.
01:06:13It's going to be the same, Katy and Dani.
01:06:15One for me anyway.
01:06:17I lost.
01:06:21Let's go to the sugar.
01:06:25I lost, I lost.
01:06:27I lost.
01:06:29I did everything right.
01:06:31And the last one,
01:06:33everything fell.
01:06:35And there I couldn't.
01:06:37Who was winning?
01:06:39Pancho, Pangal, me, Rai,
01:06:41Facu, who didn't finish,
01:06:43and you, who didn't finish.
01:06:47Again, champion.
01:06:49I have two.
01:06:51I'm going for the third, the fourth and the fifth.
01:06:53In a row.
01:06:55Are you happy?
01:06:57Of nothing.
01:07:01I'm grateful.
01:07:03I also want to thank you for Pangala
01:07:05because she accompanied me to practice last night.
01:07:11You're kidding me.
01:07:13Why did you lie to me?
01:07:15Why did you lie to me?
01:07:17Not only once did you come to Pangala.
01:07:21I told you we didn't know each other.
01:07:23And I said, why?
01:07:25And you said, I don't know, because you lie.
01:07:27Why would I lie?
01:07:29We've seen each other two, three, four times.
01:07:31I don't know, we have a lot in common.
01:07:33And I said, but what do you want?
01:07:35What do you want with this?
01:07:39That's why I was saying,
01:07:41in case I asked you something,
01:07:43so you don't say anything.
01:07:45First, I don't understand
01:07:47the intention of asking.
01:07:49If you can ask me about my life.
01:07:51I feel that it's strange to put her on the wheel.
01:07:53Because I have a certain problem
01:07:55with her being my friend.
01:07:57But don't...
01:07:59No, no, no.
01:08:01Because it would be...
01:08:03It would be unnecessary to create
01:08:05an uncomfortable moment for something so irrelevant.
01:08:07That's what you're telling me,
01:08:09like, by accident.
01:08:11That's why, when everyone can tell you
01:08:13a lot of things,
01:08:15it doesn't matter how you feel about her.
01:08:17The intention, only she knows.
01:08:19I don't know,
01:08:21she talks to me,
01:08:23she smiles at me,
01:08:25nothing else.
01:08:27Because I prefer to have the party at peace.
01:08:29As I know,
01:08:31the torture escapes her.
01:08:33She asks me something like that,
01:08:35and I say, okay,
01:08:37nothing else.
01:08:41Don't cry, love.
01:08:43I told you not to throw them away.
01:08:45I could have thrown them away.
01:08:47I didn't send Facundo,
01:08:49so he could screw up, not because he's on my side.
01:08:51Yes, so he could be on your side,
01:08:53so you can fix things faster.
01:08:55No, not for that, so he can screw up, like everyone else.
01:08:57Poor thing.
01:08:59Poor thing, what?
01:09:01If he did what he did,
01:09:03why don't I feel sorry for anyone?
01:09:05It's horrible, man.
01:09:07But what if he comes to talk to you?
01:09:09When the person is regretful,
01:09:11the first thing you have to do is apologize.
01:09:13You can't get close, because you...
01:09:17I'm waiting for you to calm down.
01:09:19He's so stupid. I hate him.
01:09:21It's the worst thing you can do to me.
01:09:23If you want to fix things with me,
01:09:25don't make me think.
01:09:27You have to stop thinking so much,
01:09:29and do the same thing I did.
01:09:31Don't think.
01:09:33Now he's going to think.
01:09:35When he should have thought, he didn't.
01:09:37On the contrary.
01:09:39What a bad guy.
01:09:41He's listening to me.
01:09:46I'm the only one who didn't vote.
01:09:48They sent me to school.
01:09:50Mateucci, I include you too.
01:09:52You include me?
01:09:54You're one of the ones I include, but then...
01:09:56No, no, no.
01:09:58I talked to you about that for a minute.
01:10:00I never talked about that with Dani.
01:10:02He said he never talked to me,
01:10:04but it was obvious you wouldn't nominate me.
01:10:06You have to be clear.
01:10:08Didn't you read the little letter?
01:10:10If I don't say it, it means I can.
01:10:12I can't.
01:10:16The little letter, the contract.
01:10:18I gave him the brotherhood contract.
01:10:20She loves me again.
01:10:22No, that's not true.
01:10:24You're so easy.
01:10:26No, no.
01:10:30So you're not forgiven?
01:10:32No, not yet.
01:10:34Can you forgive her?
01:10:36Do you know why she got upset?
01:10:38Because of what I said, not because she nominated me.
01:10:40No, but Briana, one is good, one is good.
01:10:44You pressed the trigger first.
01:10:46So I shouldn't have been so good.
01:10:48You pressed the trigger first.
01:10:52Be careful, Luis.
01:10:54He didn't need to be careful,
01:10:56because I know he's not going to fail me.
01:10:58He's going to do something like this.
01:11:00But if he does it, he's going to have it too.
01:11:02Oh, look, threats.
01:11:04It sounds ugly, I guess.
01:11:06Well, because you can think you're going to be loyal,
01:11:08and look, there it is.
01:11:10But there you have it.
01:11:12When you think there's loyalty,
01:11:14and look, if you had done the same,
01:11:16I wouldn't be surprised,
01:11:18because you were also a piece of shit to me as a boyfriend.
01:11:20Now I love you as a friend,
01:11:22but as a boyfriend, a piece of shit.
01:11:24Yes, really, I admit, I would have acted.
01:11:26I would have acted.
01:11:28I could have said those words unintentionally too.
01:11:34Get up, honey.
01:11:36I don't want to.
01:11:42You finished after Pancho,
01:11:44shot, shot, shot.
01:11:46SK, SQ, Metis, Chato.
01:11:48They all won.
01:12:00I need to be close to everyone.
01:12:02I'm going to change the country then.
01:12:04Oh, that's easy.
01:12:06I'm going to put the orange one here.
01:12:08Okay, but move a little bit,
01:12:10so we have less distance.
01:12:12Run more this way, so the boot can stay in place.
01:12:14And if you're good with the gun,
01:12:16you're going to have to come here.
01:12:18You're with me.
01:12:20I'm going to sleep where the boot is.
01:12:26Who wants a cake?
01:12:28Here's a cake, kid, in case you want it.
01:12:32Get in through the hole.
01:12:34Because you're stupid.
01:12:36Because you're selfish.
01:12:38I don't do it anymore.
01:12:40Because she has certain comments.
01:12:42It's like you're next to Austin.
01:12:44It can't be mine.
01:12:58Good evening, how are you?
01:13:00Hello, hello.
01:13:02Let's meet here on the stairs.
01:13:08How are you?
01:13:12I have to tell you
01:13:14that right now,
01:13:16everything is going to change.
01:13:18We need it.
01:13:20Just for a few hours.
01:13:22The gentlemen are not going to exist,
01:13:24and the servants are not going to exist either.
01:13:26They're not going to exist,
01:13:28neither the resistance,
01:13:30nor the sovereigns.
01:13:34Because right now,
01:13:36the teams of men and women
01:13:38are starting.
01:13:40Today begins the war of the sexes.
01:13:44It's going to be unfair.
01:13:46Why is it going to be unfair?
01:13:48Because the women's team is very weak.
01:13:50I saw that you arrived late,
01:13:52but the women did this reality show.
01:13:54What team do you want to be?
01:13:56I'm always going to throw to both sides.
01:13:58We're going to have a sex war,
01:14:00so we're going to have games.
01:14:02But before that,
01:14:04you're going to have to do a musical.
01:14:06The women, as a team,
01:14:08are going to dance
01:14:10with costumes, choreography, and everything.
01:14:12And the men's team
01:14:14are going to become gangsters
01:14:16and they're going to do a musical
01:14:18in the purest style of Magic Mike.
01:14:20No, no, no.
01:14:22Just what you asked for.
01:14:24Are we ready?
01:14:26Let's start with the rehearsals.
01:14:28And there's a big prize for the winning team.
01:14:30Boys and girls, here begins
01:14:32the war of the sexes.
01:14:34Let's go!
01:14:36See you later.
01:14:42Hello, how are you?
01:14:46I'm going to dance alone.
01:14:52We're going to stand like a triangle.
01:14:54Just in the center.
01:14:56And you a little further back.
01:14:58Just a little.
01:15:00Start the song.
01:15:02We're here.
01:15:04And start with the right.
01:15:06My impulse to go out.
01:15:12They're going to stop.
01:15:16Not you.
01:15:18Not you.
01:15:20There, there.
01:15:241, 2, look.
01:15:26Separate the first ones.
01:15:301, 2,
01:15:323, 4,
01:15:345, 6, 7,
01:15:38You turn to the right when you're here.
01:15:40And to the left when you're there.
01:15:42And when you hear the song,
01:15:46Because this dance is very cheerful.
01:15:481, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
01:15:50That's it.
01:15:52Let's go!
01:15:56Dude, shut up.
01:15:58They just hit that girl.
01:16:00It's the wind.
01:16:02It's not the wind.
01:16:04Look, look.
01:16:06They were all dying.
01:16:08And he's the one who has the symbol of peace.
01:16:10Let's go.
01:16:12Look, he's next to her.
01:16:14Don't move.
01:16:16Let's go.
01:16:22It's not the wind.
01:16:24Let's go, guys. We have time.
01:16:26How many are there?
01:16:28There are two eights.
01:16:30Now, I'm going.
01:16:32That's it.
01:16:38One more.
01:16:42Until there.
01:16:48Knees up.
01:16:50Next to her.
01:16:52Knees up.
01:16:54And I go pelvis, pelvis.
01:17:04Well done.
01:17:06But that move is hard for me.
01:17:08I look like an idiot.
01:17:10That's it.
01:17:12Just jump.
01:17:14Don't worry about the skirt.
01:17:16I'm going to a different side.
01:17:18It's just the skirt.
01:17:20Don't worry about the skirt.
01:17:22It's the leg.
01:17:24One, two, three,
01:17:26four, five, six,
01:17:28seven, eight.
01:17:30Don't worry about the skirt.
01:17:32Just worry about the step.
01:17:34Don't worry about the steps.
01:17:38Then, it's all individual.
01:17:40Everyone will have a line.
01:17:42There are ideas.
01:17:44You have to use your imagination.
01:17:46Yes, man.
01:17:48Put yourself with the king.
01:17:50Who will you choose?
01:17:52I'll use my abilities.
01:17:54And also, with those abilities.
01:18:00We start like this.
01:18:02I mean, I don't know, like this?
01:18:04Yes, it's perfect.
01:18:05What's up?
01:18:06You always have to do it like this, right?
01:18:08Always on the right.
01:18:10Because if we do...
01:18:12If we do...
01:18:13No, neither.
01:18:14Now pay attention.
01:18:15Let's go.
01:18:16Starting position.
01:18:173, 2, 1.
01:18:19Let's do it again.
01:18:217, 8.
01:18:22I turn.
01:18:23I turn.
01:18:25In the opposite direction.
01:18:27Let's go back to the position.
01:18:33No, to the other side, man.
01:18:35Go, go, go.
01:18:36Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
01:18:43What are you doing, man?
01:18:46Let's see, Pancho.
01:18:48After the 1, follow the 2.
01:18:49After the 3.
01:18:53You're kidding, you're kidding.
01:18:54Pancho is too slow.
01:18:59The last part wasn't clear to me.
01:19:01The final pose.
01:19:02No doubt.
01:19:03We just do the tail.
01:19:04This here.
01:19:05I stay.
01:19:061, 2, 3, 4.
01:19:07And I join with my partner.
01:19:08I put them together.
01:19:09I stay in the center.
01:19:10I do the wheel.
01:19:11And the final pose.
01:19:12And the final pose we did.
01:19:13That's it.
01:19:14That's it.
01:19:15You leave me behind because I got lost.
01:19:17Let's go!
01:19:20We did it.
01:19:21Thank you very much.
01:19:24It's super difficult.
01:19:25You can imagine Gala and I dancing.
01:19:28We are more lost.
01:19:31Let's go.
01:19:46Oh, what?
01:19:47We were rehearsing outside.
01:19:49There's a little thing hanging.
01:19:51Don't do this to me again in this room.
01:19:53Because I shit myself.
01:19:54No, because Weona, I just remembered what happened outside.
01:19:57Don't scare me.
01:19:58Weona, and she moved like this.
01:20:01With her pants down.
01:20:02Did you see what I did?
01:20:05Here, look.
01:20:06She's walking.
01:20:31Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:20:37I can't believe it.
01:20:48With Sergio, we wanted to propose that you leave the house with a title.
01:20:52Your partners will be the ones who will put this label on you.
01:20:56Let's start with Oriana.
01:21:02With Dani, Botota.
01:21:05I find her funny.
01:21:07Toxic, too.
01:21:10I think she can be liberal, too.
01:21:11I don't know.
01:21:12We'll see outside.
01:21:13What would be the liberal concept for you?
01:21:14I mean, do you want to have an open relationship or something like that?
01:21:16If I go to a club and I meet someone for three words and I start following him, what's the problem?
01:21:20Why are you jealous?
01:21:21Because I said chubby to Pancho.
01:21:23Luis, that I find him chubby doesn't mean I like him.
01:21:26Because you know the guy I like.
01:21:28You followed him because you think he's handsome.
01:21:30Not because you met him at a club and you had three words.
01:21:33And what do you have to do with something I did when I was single?
01:21:38You have nothing to do with it, first of all.
01:21:40I'm telling you right now.
01:21:41How much did you add that night?
01:21:43You're kidding me, right?
01:21:44I'm asking you.
01:21:45Do you want to know?
01:21:46Don't overdo it.
01:21:47Do you want to know the people I'm with?
01:21:49I'm a very good friend.
01:21:50And more at night.
01:21:51You don't know.
01:21:52No, you don't know what I am.
01:21:54Yes, it seems we don't know what this is, really.
01:21:57You're right.
01:22:08Excuse me.
01:22:09I'm going to talk to you.
01:22:10No, I'm sorry.
01:22:11I wanted to tell you something else.
01:22:13I'm not going to talk to you.
01:22:14I know I was wrong.
01:22:15I don't know if you know, really.
01:22:17But listen to me.
01:22:18Would you like me to be with my ex?
01:22:23I mean, behind my back, holding hands.
01:22:26And while I'm at it, I'll tell you.
01:22:28So you remember.
01:22:29So you remember what?
01:22:30What did you have to remember?
01:22:32Tell me.
01:22:33I'm telling you that you're wrong.
01:22:35That you're an asshole.
01:22:36That I didn't do it to hurt you.
01:22:38Because I love you.
01:22:41Because I fell in love with you.
01:22:42And I told you a thousand times in your face.
01:22:43Like I'm going to keep telling you.
01:22:44And I'm going to keep telling you until you get out of here.
01:22:46And you don't even know if you're with me or not.
01:22:47I would tell you.
01:22:48And I'm going to tell you always.
01:23:23Peso! Peso! Peso! Peso! Peso! Peso!