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How about an #NBA All-Star Game in Boston? Celtics insider
Meghan Ottolini joins! What are her thoughts on Jaylen Brown's ASG comments?
00:00we talked a little bit about all-star stuff yesterday but I did enjoy Jalen
00:06Brown practically demanding an all-star game here in our city. It was really nice
00:13because Jalen is like a Bay Area guy because he went to Cal and he's very
00:18proud of that and he does a lot of stuff out there off the court and so he was
00:23saying a lot of nice things about the Bay and then when they asked him about
00:27where would you want the all-star game and about getting it to Boston he said
00:32something along the lines I'm gonna paraphrase of like yeah I think it
00:35would be like there wouldn't be empty seats here kind of it's you know it's a
00:39bit of an elbow. It's been 61 years since there was an NBA all-star game in
00:45Boston which seems kind of ridiculous. Well so there are rules I believe around
00:49the all-star game because it's not just the game itself as we know it's the
00:53whole weekend and these rules are so esoteric they're so random it's like
00:58you have to have an Expo Center that's a certain square footage and the Expo
01:03Centers that currently exist in Boston are just a little bit short of that
01:06including the one in the seaport to which I'd say okay there's like four
01:09hotels across the street from that Expo Center because it's an Expo Center. Can't we get a waiver or something?
01:14Overflow into one of the ballrooms like these should not be the if you want to
01:19get more attention on All-Star Weekend put it in a city that is one of the
01:25tentpoles of the league which is Boston. Also add a little bit more space like
01:29there's plenty of room off the back of that Expo Center you and I live very
01:32close to it and just add more if they're just short it's like and I'm with you
01:37because Jalen Brown love him but everybody is always like he hates Boston
01:41hates Boston hates Boston for him to say that it was a it was a clear indicator
01:45that he does not hate it here. He knows that the city has juice when it comes to
01:49basketball and that they would come out for an All-Star game if the city does
01:53love basketball. Hopefully by that time it'll be Team USA versus the world that'll be
01:57pretty cool. If there's such a demand for basketball here what do you feel about
02:01Donnie Wahlberg bringing a WNBA team? I love it I think they're striking at
02:05exactly the right time I know that there's a similar proposal in St. Louis
02:09and Jason Tatum talked about that being a St. Louis guy at the All-Star game I
02:13think it would just be so cool you see the Connecticut Sun attracting a lot of
02:19fan attention and define a lot okay I know I know it's a growing league is the
02:25point and they're gonna play in our I think at fan wise at our court at
02:31Echelon. I understand it's growing growing in a different way with the
02:44Katelyn Clark phenomenon is but you feel like there's been comments Katelyn
02:48Clark's never gonna make enough money than what she's worth like she's such a
02:51good basketball player the WNBA can't afford her. The league always loses money
02:54so that's the biggest issue right the league the WNBA lost what 40 or 50
03:01million last season so it's hard for you to say somebody needs to be paid more
03:08when your league is losing money. Right but she I agree with that but she's also
03:13let's not pretend like she's not the catalyst as to why it's not just the
03:17WNBA the attention on women's college basketball has just exploded in recent
03:23years if they can keep that momentum going and it's on the league and it's on
03:27the college game to keep that momentum going and support the stars that fans
03:32feel compelled to watch like the interest in women's in women's NCAA
03:41basketball does not translate to the pros and I watch unrivaled and rival
03:45does not doing anything even the NCAA women's basketball yeah fans still like
03:50it but they don't have the drama there's no drama there you know Juju Watkins is
03:54a tremendous player for USC and there's no real drama there with with the
04:00players the biggest drama that we heard about was South Carolina playing the
04:06girl what's her name from LSU I mean we're not even a March Madness no I know
04:12going on with a double amen no college men's basketball I agree with you is I
04:17just feel like it's gonna be very difficult because you want to like you
04:22said sustain some of that it might have been cool I was hoping that she played
04:25an unrivaled maybe to to play and kind of keep some of that momentum going but
04:30now it's like all right we got to wait till the next season of the WNBA I'm not
04:34gonna pretend like there's not major challenges to women's basketball I just
04:38think that it's cool that you get a high-profile person locally like Donnie
04:43Wahlberg and a group that's trying to push for that to have a place in Boston
04:48like that that's awesome to me but the biggest issue for women's sports is that
04:52women by and large don't support it yeah like Wiggy's probably the biggest
04:56supporter I know like Wiggy watches a decent amount of women's basketball and
04:59then that's out of the drama and the W no no I don't I actually like I actually
05:04like watching women's college I wouldn't I wouldn't paint with such a
05:10broad brush I mean I think that Serena Williams has generations of fans at this
05:16point my friends who are into tennis male and female a single like just so
05:22it's she's the best you know it's not even a conversation
05:26complete non sequitur just for a minute because you brought up only fans did you
05:32see the you see what the average creator on only fans makes no and I
05:38don't want to know because it just you do want to know enticing every time you
05:42do yeah like I wouldn't be having sex but it's the whole thing is for except
05:48for like five people it's a it's an absolute joke
05:52oh it's a scam variety did this whole thing uh-huh they got all the data the
05:57average creator on only fans any guesses I'll guess yeah $630 I bet now
06:08if you if you present it like that I bet we're looking at like a hundred and
06:10twenty three bucks $2,500 $1,300 a year $108 a month wait Wiggy you were a
06:16little too close because he said that it isn't as much as we thought it was so I
06:22mean you go there you got to be able to at least make a hundred bucks a month I
06:26made ten bucks in my four days on there a little bit of good news Celtics wise I
06:32guess Brad Stephens is not interested said this week he's not interested in
06:36going anywhere so whoever the new ownership group is they will I guess
06:41have the luxury of having the services of redstone here Brad Stephens I was not
06:45really concerned about that for people who weren't following there was some
06:47speculation maybe go back to the sidelines at Indiana get back into the
06:51coaching game but why would you do that now why would you I and unless you had a
06:55sense that whoever is gonna emerge as the new owner would come in and say we
07:00don't really like the way Brad's doing things which nobody will say because
07:03everyone kind of unanimously agrees that right now he's the best GM in basketball
07:11right like this doesn't mean he might have that itch where he misses the
07:15passion didn't Pat Riley do that though yeah he's also got he's also got kids
07:19here though who are playing and you know he's kind of a parent where he I think
07:24he wants to have his I think he probably likes it do you think Sam
07:28Cassell is out I'm really nervous about that because his alma mater FSU is
07:33talking to him about going and being the head coach there he hasn't totally ruled
07:38it out but last I checked he said that it wasn't um and if according to steeple
07:42pet said that it wasn't any official communication yet he would be a huge
07:47loss because he does a lot to support that team to support Joe Missoula I
07:52would not like to see Sam Cassell leave midseason at least make it back to the
07:56finals and then after that go take your opportunities
