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This Robot is the AI-Powered Seeing Eye Dog of the Future
00:00You've probably seen a robot that looks quite similar to this one before.
00:07However this one isn't helping police or rescue workers in dangerous areas.
00:11This is the new prototype from the University of Glasgow and it's being developed to help
00:15the blind.
00:16The robot is equipped with myriad sensors which effectively let it map any area in real
00:21It can then relay that information to a human, allowing them to navigate any terrain without
00:25the use of their eyes.
00:27This is a huge step from conventional bots you may have seen already, as the researchers
00:31say some often rely on GPS tracking, which is good outdoors but incomplete inside, and
00:36others rely on cameras.
00:37However those are limited by line of sight, meaning they have trouble helping the blind
00:41around objects and corners.
00:43This robo-seeing eye dog however uses a series of sensors coupled with its sophisticated
00:47artificial intelligence to both see the world around it and interpret that information.
00:52This is a whole lot like what a biological seeing eye dog might do.
00:55However this AI powered robo-dog can provide more detailed and easily understandable data
01:00for its user, providing verbal communication rather than barks or trained responses.
01:05Its developers say this could revolutionize the way blind individuals move around the
01:09world, bringing support to the 2.2 billion people around the globe with vision loss.
