• last month


00:00It's in the margin to win in Bernabéu in that position and everybody knows that if you ask
00:05Before the game the person that's to go through. I don't know we arrive one percent
00:10Oh, I know I'll never die. No lo piensa man. You know, I love I a preguntar and as the party
00:15Oh, they were not to piece of it. You know, I'm portion to
00:18Never that piece of it. You know, I say come on. It's who stole
00:23Yes, a nosotros no pensamos que tenemos en novanta nueve por ciento
00:27Pensamos que tenemos una pequeña ventaja que hay que
00:35Aprovechar de esto intentando de plantear el mismo partido que hemos planteado
00:40en la ida donde
00:43ha salido bien
