IK Collections have unveiled the new Raymond lister Room after the passing of famous Bradford tailor Raymond Lister.
00:00Verso, when he was getting a, you know, his visa was out of date or something and he wanted
00:08him to stay here and gave him a job and help him out training for tailoring and they rejected
00:14him first but then what Raymond did is he started to get these petitions and signed
00:18them all up and he got the visa and that was because of Raymond and that kind of person
00:22he was. He helped me out. I used to make my suits going back 20 years ago and I'm working
00:28for a car showroom and ever since he has become a father figure, a very close friend, he helped
00:35me out. I mean Alan as well, met him as well. I mean Alan's brother and him had the shop here
00:40and they sold it to Raymond back in the days, in the late 60s and now I really, really want to
00:48just say thank you from my heart that he's done all this for me and thank you all for coming here
00:56and I'm going to get our Lord Mayor to come over and she can say a few words.