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‘90 Day Fiancé’_ Shawn Talks Darcey & Stacey’s EXPLOSIVE Fight _ Behind The Drama


00:00I was expecting them to have a nice twinning like oh
00:04We're on at the resort and we're having you know some time before the therapy not we're throwing down the minute you walk
00:12So welcome to behind the drama where we're breaking down everything from last night's episode of 90 day the last resort now
00:18We're gonna be getting into everything with Gino and Jasmine you die for her, but you know die for her to sleep with her
00:27Because I yeah
00:30And easy to somebody easy man Jasmine's potential new man, he's hot
00:37total opposite of Gino and Darcy and Stacy's wild argument
00:42You could call Florent all you want hang out with him my brother-in-law
00:46Your husband actually you guys have a better connection than I have with Florian so well take him no
00:53Thank you Stacy. I'm married, honey
00:57Stacy you need to chill you're coming in way too hot
01:00And this this look isn't good on you
01:03That's okay. I'm speaking my truth, and I will be heard today. We're joined by Sean Sean. How are you doing?
01:09So far so good. Oh my gosh. We have a lot to get into today
01:12So we picked up with Gino revealing to Jasmine what he had been thinking about during hypnotherapy
01:17How did you feel watching that I felt like it was nice seeing Gino open up for one of the first times this season
01:23Of course I felt when they first were talking that he obviously everybody thought oh
01:28he's not actually being very transparent and then when he finally
01:32was and I
01:34Had various thoughts because part of me was like I was glad that he got emotional. It was very heartfelt. I liked that
01:40I'm sure Jasmine was happy to get the apology, but I also remember when that was happening
01:47And he had the bachelor party and had the strippers, but then I was thinking wow
01:53He's apologizing for her for that, but she also had a bachelorette party with strippers, and it was okay for her now
01:59Do you think that there is any hope for them going forward like with their relationship?
02:03It seems like they're pretty broken this season. I love them as a couple and and Jasmine's so great to watch and
02:12Exciting I'm always happy to see her on every iteration of the show so I can never get enough of them
02:19But I guess this you know, this is a big deal right I mean to open the marriage up and
02:26As long as all parties are
02:28Green and happy and can see the benefit of it fine, but I don't feel like Gino has that
02:34I was gonna say that I don't feel like Gino's fully on board with this idea
02:37I feel like Jasmine's trying to come up with something to save the marriage and but Gino seems pretty adamantly against it Florian
02:43He did try to convince Gino to try to be intimate with Jasmine
02:46But he was being really stubborn
02:48Saying that it would he would need weeks or months of no fighting to be able to get to that place with Jasmine to be
02:53Honest, I was thinking more like a month to three months of not fighting and I'm not joking
03:00Because I've done it with other past relationships with ease
03:04My ex-wife I was with her for seven years. We didn't fight at all for seven years
03:10Can you imagine that seven years
03:14I'm confused for it. You know, sir, you never fight with her
03:22No, no like we we might have very small arguments, but they were tiny like we didn't we didn't get in big fights
03:30Not like I do it Jasmine
03:34It's pretty weird man like three months to wait for like to know have arguments
03:41It's like you on the shoes and saying do you think he's being unreasonable
03:47Well part of what you love about Jasmine is her feistiness right and so
03:53He knew that
03:55Going in like that must that's always been part of their dynamics. So how does he I don't know how you feel like
04:02Oh, we're not gonna bump into this for three months
04:05Because to me, it's always seems like it's one of the daily, right? Yeah, so
04:10I think he more needs to take it less personal when she gets upset about something now
04:17Julia revealed that Jasmine had told Brandon
04:20There's a lot of lot going on here that he had no interest in being with Jasmine intimately. Were you shocked in that moment?
04:26Yeah, but what's the context of it and we don't see and we don't hear it. And so did it get somehow?
04:33misconstrued and
04:35So I guess it's also like the game of telephone
04:38Yeah, she was told by Brandon who was told by Gina
04:41So there could have been something that was lost that we don't know exactly
04:44yeah, and just it can even happen in one-on-one communication with the partner because obviously we had the
04:51miscommunication with
04:53Josh about the I don't like to be touched. Mm-hmm, you know, it wasn't like he was saying to Natalie
04:59I don't find you attractive. He's like, oh, I'm just not a night cuddler or night toucher true
05:04And she took that personally true true things can be misconstrued within people's own like perceptions of things
05:10I feel like now later Jasmine revealed who she hopes to open up their marriage with he's hot
05:17total opposite, you know, oh
05:22My god really blue eyes
05:25He's handsome. I
05:27Mean look at how shiny you I mean, I haven't seen you smile like that. Yes, you know since you've been here
05:33What do you want from that relationship do you want something more? Oh, I would love it. I don't love him because
05:42I I loved you. No, I don't want to get divorced and I do care about you. No, I still want things to work
05:49It was her gym friend Matt. What do you make of that whole situation?
05:52She did seem really excited. It's always the gym friend. That's always a personal trainer now
06:02I don't know. I don't you know, it's such a difficult
06:06Thing I mean, I I was glad to see him on the show
06:09I was glad to you know, kind of because I think you first are like, oh
06:15You're you're supporting Gino and why would this even happen?
06:18And then you're seeing somehow they're a little bit more of their relationship
06:22And of course they have a lot of things in common like the gym and working out and Jasmine's really into that
06:28So and you do have to applaud Jasmine for being so willing to share so much of her life like not holding anything back
06:34I feel like I feel like I would be scared to share these types of things especially like on a show
06:38So it is nice that she's willing to share the side of her life and like be so open with cameras
06:43Especially as a viewer it makes for a very interesting TV. It's great watching. I love the show
06:48I always have and I love watching them. Like I said before and she's somebody that I would call a
06:53straight shooter she
06:55Calls it like she sees it whether you agree with it or not. At least she just lays it out there now
07:01I know we both love Jasmine and Gino. We love watching them on the show. But another person I am obsessed with is Stacy
07:07I love Stacy and I love Stacy too. Oh my gosh. So we saw Stacy's twin Darcy. She arrived. I was so excited
07:14Um, what were you thinking as she arrived? I was like, yes, this is what I'm excited to see
07:18Well, they're both looking amazing
07:20And I'm always surprised the twinning keeps twinning because I keep thinking they change their look a lot and that you know
07:28What's the possibility that they're gonna start not looking the same?
07:33But I think their personalities are kind of different to me at least
07:36Yeah, I think Stacy always kind of appears to me a little bit more relaxed a little less alpha than Darcy
07:44But now I feel like Stacy's
07:47Coming forward with being a little bit more aggressive, especially in this definitely in this episode
07:52That's what I was gonna bring up
07:53They had definitely had some sibling rivalry that came up during the dinner actually when they first met he slid in my DMs, too
08:02But I was like
08:12It was so long ago
08:16No, I'm thinking
08:19He thought we were the same person
08:21Yeah, we're the same person. So he was hitting on both of you wasn't like hitting it
08:26But he was just like liking pictures and stuff and I don't remember he sent a message
08:31But but you weren't like sexually attracted to her, right?
08:35You talking to
08:38You're a little sassy. You're you're very sassy tonight. You're very sassy Stacy tonight
08:42I am
08:43Stacy ended up storming off after they were bickering for a while
08:47Were you surprised when you were watching all that drama go down at the table? I
08:51Was expecting them to have a nice
08:54Twinning like oh, we're on at the resort and we're having you know
08:58Some time before the therapy not we're throwing down the minute you walked
09:03Yeah, I was hoping that yeah, I was like
09:07Hoping that all the whole group would be partying with Darcy and getting to know her a little bit
09:12Are you crazy?
09:15I've never ever in a million years would even have that thing or that thought that you're
09:21That's disgusting
09:22Married to you. He's my brother-in-law. I'm allowed to have a relationship Lauren. You're better off single
09:27How dare you how dare you you don't want me to be maybe you don't look happy either. I am happy when you're not around
09:35Then I'm out good my deal with it, right mark those words
09:47Deal with it and do you think Stacy and Darcy can fix things?
09:50I feel like I am not very worried about them being able to fix things
09:53They seem like they have a strong sister bond. But like how do you think this is gonna work out for them?
09:58I think they'll be because these things are going to work out for them
10:01I think they'll be because Steve's always throughout all time. I don't think anything will come between them
10:06I just feel like watching Stacy and Florian together
10:09They're one of the couples that I feel like has the best chance of making it out of the resort
10:13Do you agree with that? Which couples do you think have the best chance so far this season? I think Brandon
10:20Their relationship will do okay, and I know they're
10:25Doing their bump in the road right now
10:27But yeah, and Stacy will be fine too. Yeah. Yeah, probably my top two couples. I agree
10:34Now, I know we didn't see a ton of them this episode. But what do you think about Josh and Natalie?
10:38They've had a really they've been really hot and cold this season a really divisive couple
10:44God I'm not even gonna comment about them
10:49I love Natalie. I've watched every iteration. She's been on
10:53I know she wants love so badly and I hope she finds it. Okay. Okay
10:58Now, what is your favorite part about watching the last resort for me?
11:01I really love watching like the group dinners nights out. It seems like those are pretty juicy when things go down with the group
11:08Yeah, and you never it seems
11:10Interesting that they all you think oh this person doesn't like this person because of that night and then the next night
11:17They're got their arm around them and guiding them and helping them
11:20So I'm interested always fascinated by the dynamic with all of them and how it keeps
11:25Switching like a chessboard like wait. I thought you didn't like her or him and now you're giving them counseling
11:31Thank you so much for tuning in to behind the drama
11:33make sure to check back every week for more with your reality TV faves and make sure to tune in every Monday for
11:3990 day the last resort and check out the new season of 90 day faves
11:43Every Monday for 90 day the last resort and check out the new season of 90 day fiance's which is going to be airing on Sunday
