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Aired (February 16, 2025): Ang mga basura, puwede pa pala maging fashionable bags at accessories?! Paano kaya ito ginagawa? Alamin ‘yan sa video na ito.

Hosted by veteran journalists Susan Enriquez, ‘I Juander’ uncovers the truth behind widely-accepted Filipino customs, beliefs, and questions.

Watch 'I Juander' every Sunday, 8:00 PM on GTV. Subscribe to youtube.com/gmapublicaffairs for our full episodes. #iJuanderGTV


00:00Style and Trash!
00:03Wondering if you'll think that these are high quality products from the trash?
00:10It's not our wonderer, Nanny Editha, who makes products from the trash.
00:16The goal of Killos Foundation is to recycle and make the boxes and juice packs that are thrown away even more stylish.
00:24In the beginning, it's really hard because we are introducing that when you throw away a juice pack,
00:29it's a waste, it's money.
00:31No matter who, don't throw it away.
00:33That's why I said, there's money in the trash.
00:3620 cents each.
00:38We are buying this.
00:40In the past, this was just a job for mothers.
00:43But now, everyone is welcome in their production.
00:47Like Tata Juanito, who has been living here for 12 years.
00:53The real member of Killos is my late wife.
00:58And then, she got sick.
01:01I replaced her, of course, so that we can continue to make a living.
01:06At my age, I can't get any other job.
01:11This is my livelihood.
01:15Sometimes, they give us groceries and rice.
01:19That's why I'm a cousin of Killos Foundation.
01:23Tata Efredo didn't just bring bags abroad.
01:26His skills are international.
01:30My name is Mananahe.
01:32I work as a lady's bag.
01:35As a mananahe, I was brought to Manluga, Singapore.
01:41That's a big thing for me.
01:44I experienced that I was brought to Manluga.
01:49I also applied as a mananahe there.
01:52Almost one year.
01:55That's why I came back here.
01:59When Killos was known both inside and outside the country,
02:02they were not prepared for the high demand.
02:05At first, we went to the peony parlors.
02:09Now, the janitors know.
02:11They know when we say,
02:13Hey, there's a lot of juice. Just leave it.
02:15Because the janitors are the ones who collect it.
02:18They're the ones who bring it here.
02:21That's why their solution is cemeteries and mountains of garbage.
02:25The janitors are the ones who buy it.
02:27When I see it, I'm already in Musilayo.
02:30I'll count it.
02:32You'll see all the janitors.
02:34They're the ones I know at that time.
02:38These are the ones in our boxes.
02:40We're preparing this.
02:41This is our shipment for the U.S. and Japan.
02:46To be honest, we buy 20 centavos each.
02:49You know, if you're going to throw it away,
02:51that's why he's making pineapple and mango.
02:54He's sorting it out.
02:56He's fast at sorting it out.
02:58He's good at playing with it.
03:00That's how women are.
03:02This is what happens in the factories.
03:05Instead of throwing it away,
03:07they don't use it.
03:09Maybe it's mis-colored.
03:11Maybe it's a design.
03:13So what happens is, we buy it.
03:15Now, Killos has 60 members.
03:18All of them have their own way of doing things.
03:22You know, women are strict.
03:25That's why we're making different designs.
03:28You have to be very resourceful.
03:30You know, I really salute women.
03:34And because their company is employed,
03:37they can work from home.
03:41Two of them are studying in the Marine Pollution Bulletin of the United Kingdom.
03:45The Philippines is one of the top producers of garbage
03:48or plastic waste in the world.
03:52Killos' advocacy is to find a solution to the problem of pollution.
03:57Of course, we want the environment to be clean.
04:00That's where we started.
04:02The less garbage, the more income.
04:04Don't throw it away.
04:05That's why I said, there's money in the garbage.
04:0820 centavos each.
04:10We buy it.
04:12That's why they have money.
04:15But the garbage, we recycle it.
04:18We make it into beautiful things.
04:23Back to iWONDER!
04:26Today, just chill and relax.
04:29Gina and Victoria.
04:32Bring your colleagues with you.
04:36Because of your hard work,
04:38iWONDER! team has a little surprise for you.
04:43Back to iWONDER!
04:53Due to the rising demand,
04:56the workers in Killos work 24 hours a day.
05:03Although this is good news due to the continued growth of the business,
05:06they still need time to relax.
05:12Take a break from making bags and accessories.
05:17Today, chill and relax with Gina and Victoria.
05:23Bring along your other co-workers.
05:31Because of your hard work, our Wonder Team has a small surprise for you.
05:36Let's go to the salon!
05:54It feels good to massage my face.
05:58It makes me sleepy and relax.
06:00It's new to me because it's my first time.
06:04I'm relaxed and sleepy.
06:10It feels good. Very good.
06:14And because Gina and Victoria were able to relax,
06:19they are ready to go back to work.
06:22Thank you so much, I Wonder Team!
06:27Thank you so much, I Wonder Team!
06:33In a small way, we gave them time to relax.
06:37Because every day, they help a lot to recycle plastic.
06:56Thank you so much, I Wonder Team!
