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A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 7 Completo HD
00:00You don't understand that when a woman tells you no, it's no!
00:05Damn woman.
00:07And damn the time she got here.
00:14You're stupid.
00:16You don't know what's waiting for you, do you?
00:18If there's something my sister has taught me, it's not to be afraid.
00:21Especially to cowards like you.
00:23Try to hurt me again.
00:26And I swear I won't keep quiet this time.
00:29I'll report you, you disgusting bastard.
00:32Get out of town. Get out and don't ever come back.
00:36Because if you do, you'll not only lose your job,
00:39but I'll also put you in jail.
00:46And at that moment, everything is chained
00:49and he goes after the penguin pirates, who can't take him anymore.
00:54And he attacks his boat and everything, as if it were paper, but no.
00:59It looks like they had a great time.
01:01Yes, Dad. Azul was also with us.
01:03Oh yeah?
01:04We dropped her off at her house before we came here.
01:07That's great. I love seeing you like that. Smiling.
01:10Oh, it's just that these two and Azul made me have an incredible afternoon, right?
01:15And that I haven't explained all my attributes.
01:18It's just a matter of you telling me and I'll take you wherever you want.
01:23The sky is the limit.
01:25Oh, Valentín. Thank you very much.
01:29Hey, I'm a little tired. I'm going to go to bed.
01:32I'll go with you. And I'll read you another story about mermaids.
01:37See you later.
01:39Get some rest.
01:40See you later, Dad.
01:41Go ahead, champ. See you later.
01:43Take care. Get some rest.
01:45Quiet, quiet.
01:47Did you notice the connection?
01:50It must be by the sea.
01:52A mermaid and a harpooner like me.
01:55Valentín, listen to me.
01:57The girl has gone through a lot.
01:59Stop being so gallant with her.
02:01Didn't you see how I make her smile?
02:04When someone falls in love with Valentín Ríos,
02:07it's impossible for me to escape.
02:09I'm telling you not to mess with her.
02:13Let's see, Mermaid.
02:15How's the dizziness?
02:17Are you getting jealous of me?
02:20Don't say nonsense.
02:21I wish. I wish it were nonsense.
02:24Because I don't like friends
02:26who act like the dog of the stallion.
02:28They don't eat or let anyone eat.
02:30Besides, you already have dizziness.
02:33I'm telling you because the girl has gone through a lot.
02:36Just because of that.
02:40I'd better go.
02:41See you later.
02:46Mermaid, mermaid.
03:03Thank you, dear.
03:07What were you saying about the union?
03:10I spoke to Captain Rojas.
03:13He told me we needed to belong to the union
03:16to be able to go fishing.
03:18But since Fabián is the president,
03:21I'm sure he'll tire him out.
03:23Don't worry about that, sister.
03:25I'm sure Fabián won't say no.
03:27Why do you say that?
03:29You talk to him and you'll see.
03:32What did you do to yourself, daughter?
03:34Do you see yourself?
03:36Do you see yourself as different?
03:38Oh, no, nothing, nothing.
03:40Well, I'm very happy that we went out to fish all together.
03:44I'm very tired, like everyone else.
03:46Well, rest.
03:48Because tomorrow we have to go out to collect the nets, huh?
03:51No, don't count on me, I'm dead.
03:53We're all the same, Brisa.
03:55But we have to work very hard
03:57to pay the debt that my dad left us.
03:59No, I'm not going to go,
04:01I'm not going to get on a boat again,
04:03all my life, I don't care!
04:05Azul, come.
04:07Come, little one.
04:09Go to your room, please.
04:13We have to talk seriously with your aunt.
04:16Look, Estrella, you left here ten years ago.
04:19Ten years.
04:20And now you come back and you want to give us orders?
04:22Why do we have to listen to you, huh?
04:24Because you don't realize that I'm doing it for you.
04:27For the family.
04:28Oh, yes, now it turns out that it's for the poor family.
04:31I don't need you to do anything for me.
04:33If my dad were here, none of this would be happening.
04:36But your father is no longer here.
04:41Now I'm the bait.
04:43Do you understand?
04:45And while you live in this house,
04:47the one who doesn't work, doesn't eat.
04:51And don't raise your voice in this house.
04:58Oh, what am I going to do with my parents?
05:17Is that the photo that Brisa took of me?
05:21Yes, she uploaded it to social media.
05:25Social media?
05:27You have no idea what that is.
05:31Well, social media is a virtual place
05:34where they put your photo and everyone sees it.
05:37And they can recognize you.
05:43And has anyone recognized me?
05:47But don't worry.
05:49We're just getting started.
05:50This is not going to be solved overnight.
05:55Maybe we'll have to go back to the goddess Aramara
05:58to ask her to release the social media.
06:02Well, I do believe that goddess did something to you
06:04because you're...
06:10It's just that I realized something.
06:12I don't know.
06:13Life wanted this to happen to me.
06:17For some reason, it wanted you to rescue me.
06:21For some reason, it wanted me to end up on this coast
06:24and meet Iker.
06:27And you.
06:31Well, I don't know if things happen for a reason.
06:36All I want is for you to get your life back.
06:39And your memory.
06:40I would also like to remember, but...
06:43I don't know, maybe that never happens.
06:49You gave me a second chance to live.
06:52And I have to take advantage of it.
06:55This is my life now, Gabriel.
06:59I'm Marina.
07:02I love it.
07:04I really like hearing you talk like that.
07:06I'm so happy.
07:07My son and I are happy that you're here.
07:10And to be able to help you.
07:19Fabian, I hate to bother you,
07:21but we're in deep shit.
07:23And if we don't work together,
07:25the captain of the port won't let us go out
07:27to pick up the nets we threw away today.
07:30I don't know what to do.
07:32I don't know what to do.
07:34I don't know what to do.
07:35I don't know what to do.
07:37If a miracle happens,
07:39and you have a little heart,
07:41come talk to me
07:42and help me with the affiliation, okay?
07:45Let me know, please.
07:55Let's see, Mojarrita.
07:57I'm here to get my job back
07:58because Fabian fired me because of you.
08:01No, no, Shark.
08:02You broke the nets.
08:04So now don't come
08:06to give me your responsibilities, okay?
08:09Oh, yeah?
08:10Where are you going?
08:11I'm done.
08:13Come here.
08:14Come here.
08:15Let me go.
08:16Calm down.
08:17I just came to help you.
08:20And to give you a little of my love.
08:22Let me go.
08:25Calm down.
08:26What I need
08:28is a man.
08:29A man in charge of fishing.
08:31A man like me.
08:32Come here.
08:33Let me go.
08:39Don't you understand
08:40that when a woman says no, it's no?
09:02I'm done.
09:03I'm done.
09:04I'm done.
09:05I'm done.
09:06I'm done.
09:07I'm done.
09:08I'm done.
09:09I'm done.
09:10I'm done.
09:11I'm done.
09:12I'm done.
09:13I'm done.
09:14I'm done.
09:15I'm done.
09:16I'm done.
09:17I'm done.
09:18I'm done.
09:19I'm done.
09:20I'm done.
09:21I'm done.
09:22I'm done.
09:23I'm done.
09:24I'm done.
09:25I'm done.
09:26I'm done.
09:27I'm done.
09:28I'm done.
09:29I'm done.
09:30I'm done.