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This sculpture by Mári Júcítilová was created in their memory. On June 10, 1942, the SS surrounded Lidice; all males over 16 (172 people) were shot. The women of Lidice (172 people) were sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp (of which 60 died in the camp). Of the children (105 people), only those under one year old and those suitable for Germanization were left.

by Mári Júcítilová,
life-size monument , the 82 murdered children,
This sculpture by Mári Júcítilová, created in their memory, On June 10 1942, the SS surrounded Lidice, males over 16, The women of Lidice, the Ravensbrück concentration camp, suitable for Germanization,

00:00This is a life-size monument to the 82 murdered children.
00:06This sculpture by Mary Jusitilova was created in their memory.
00:11On June 10, 1942, the SS surrounded Lydis.
00:16All males over 16, 172 people, were shot.
00:22The women of Lydis, 172 people, were sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, of
00:29which 60 died in the camp.
00:32Of the children, 105 people.
00:36Only those under one year old and those suitable for Germanization were left.
00:41The rest, 82 people, were exterminated in the death camp near Helmnoe, another six children
00:50All the buildings of the village were burned and razed to the ground.
00:54By the morning of June 11, the village of Lydis was nothing but a bare heap of ashes.
01:00The children died, but their memory will remain in the form of a monument near the village
01:06of Lydis.
01:0782 bronze statues, 40 boys and 42 girls, look at us and remind us of the massacre committed
01:15by the Nazis.
