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00:00This is my outfit, this is the before of my hair, and that is enough for me.
00:10That's the nicest compliment ever.
00:11I could hate it, I don't know yet.
00:12An emotional wreck.
00:13I'm just so sick of crying.
00:15I was literally giggling at a man.
00:16I'm embarrassed actually.
00:59feel like I've been in the biggest Finneas phase ever since we went to his concert.
01:02And that was like a few weeks ago, and I feel like after, like post-concert, like a week
01:06maybe, you become obsessed with singing with the artist and that just hasn't stopped.
01:09It's been weeks, and I'm obsessed.
01:10Love it.
01:11Like I'm already thinking about my Spotify route for next year.
01:12Finneas will definitely be in there.
01:13And we love to see it.
01:14But welcome back to another vlog.
01:15I'm about to head into book club, and I'm so excited.
01:18This is our first book club of the year, and the first one in a few months.
01:21Lange had a baby, I was moving house, so for now we're internationally traveling.
01:25It was Christmas, New Year's.
01:27I don't think we've had book club since October maybe?
01:30I can't remember if we had it in November.
01:31We're talking about The Nightingale by Kristen Hena.
01:33I finished this last night, had two hours left, and I was like, I'll just read a little
01:36bit before bed, and then I'll finish the rest in the morning.
01:38And then I got hooked, and I had to finish it right then and there.
01:40There is a hair on it.
01:42So I read for two hours before bed, and I was sobbing the whole two hours.
01:46I ended up going to bed at 1am.
01:47An emotional wreck.
01:48An emotional wreck.
01:50So book clubs were all about five stars for me.
01:52This crushed my soul in every way possible, and I'm so excited to talk about it with the
01:55girls because I have a sneaky feeling that most of us would have rated it really, really
02:00So I'm excited.
02:01I'm excited to see the girls as well.
02:02We're also doing a little bit of craft.
02:03So I've got my scrapbook and all of my supplies.
02:04It's also a beautiful day today.
02:06Not a cloud in the sky.
02:07It is so hot.
02:08So I also brought my swimming suit in case we go for a dip in the pool.
02:09Welcome to the first book club of 2024.
02:10October was like the month.
02:11And then all of a sudden it was like the last few chapters, and I was crying more than I've
02:23ever cried in an actual book in my entire life.
02:25Like so inactive.
02:27I've got a photo on my phone streaming down my face.
02:29And I also feel like I learned so much.
02:30Obviously it's a historical fiction, but I learned so much.
02:33I mean, it's a five star, like without a doubt, potentially a six star.
02:36It just like consumed me and I just thought it was like so well written and the characters
02:40were incredible.
02:41It's not even that crazy of a place to have been, but like, I feel like because I've been
02:44in Paris and they were just like, oh, just a nice little town.
02:46I was like, that's crazy.
02:48And like all the windows boarded up and like, I actually just can't.
02:53You have an idea of what the streets look like and her sleeping around.
02:57You're just like, huh?
02:58It felt so real.
03:01That's why it was like so awkward.
03:02And crazy because we've not experienced anything like that.
03:05What killed me is, you know how it's like you do dates and you know how close they are
03:09to the end of the date.
03:11I was like, why does it keep getting worse?
03:14I know.
03:15Why does this happen?
03:16Loved it.
03:17Loved it.
03:18And you have to keep yourself alive and your family.
03:21And he was just like, if I don't find this guy, I'm dead.
03:25And I can't go home to my family.
03:28Just like you would hope your husband would do.
03:29Tell him back to you.
03:30Good morning.
03:31I'm so bad.
03:32I got a big box of supplements to try.
03:34Oh my God.
03:36I can smell snacks.
03:37Mango, passion fruit, protein water.
03:38Can you put these in the fridge?
03:40Sparkling protein water?
03:41I'm intrigued.
03:42I also repurchased my Michelin.
03:44So right now, fresh new bag.
03:46I'm actually surprised at how quickly this has become such an exciting part of my routine.
03:50I'm so excited to have my mid-morning matcha, especially because I got my strawberry syrup.
03:53I'm actually going to make some pre-workout while I'm here.
03:55Oh, what cup do I use?
03:56My strawberry.
03:57I bought three more of the anthropology cups.
04:01Lane got me the rainbow one for Christmas, and I had to have a full matching set of them
04:05because I love it so much.
04:06And I use it every day.
04:07It's never in the dishwasher because I wash it, and then I use it later on in the day.
04:09I use it like three times a day.
04:10So I needed four of them.
04:11Let me show you the others, actually.
04:12For the perfect shape and size.
04:14Literally the cutest cups I've ever seen in my life.
04:16This is the rainbow one that I've had for a little while.
04:18I also got the strawberry one as well.
04:19This one, kind of hard to see, but it has blue horseshoes on it, which I think are quite cute.
04:23And then they have heaps of different colors of the bow one, but I got the black one.
04:26And I love it.
04:27Pepsi Max with pebbled ice in this?
04:29You're kidding me.
04:30The strawberry kind of matches my pre-workout.
04:31I've been procrastinating going to the gym all morning.
04:33Not even necessarily in like a, I don't want to go way, just in like a, I know I'll get it done,
04:38but there's no rush.
04:39If I'm not rushing, I'm being so slow.
04:41But I've just been doing a bunch of housework.
04:43I have my bedding sprawled all over my house because I have no clothes hanging space outside.
04:47Obviously drinking my number one.
04:48I think out of my mango pine lime and my moon milk and the creaming soda pre,
04:51the creaming soda still pre is what I drink the most.
04:54Cause I'm just so sensitive to caffeine these days.
04:57Which honestly makes me sad because the mango pine lime definitely tastes better.
04:59Like I would drink it more, but the caffeine really just scares me, unfortunately.
05:03Hot cross buns make my heart burn so bad.
05:05I'm gonna have my yoga ball for breakfast and then a hot breast one for a mid-morning snack.
05:09And I'm paying for it right now.
05:10It's not good.
05:11Not good at all.
05:12I feel a little bit like done up to be going to the gym,
05:14but I've just been doing things and I don't want to take it off to go to the gym.
05:17Also, honestly it would probably make me lift better if I feel like I look a bit better.
05:21Not that I'm lifting crazy weight at all.
05:23Just lifting in general.
05:24I look back at videos of me when I was like hectic, hectic lifting.
05:27And I'm actually just like in awe of my past self.
05:30Like I don't know how I did that.
05:31And it also humbles me so much because could I do it now?
05:35Definitely not.
05:36Also, I've had one laser hair removal session this year.
05:39Had my second one next week, I think.
05:41And I've already noticed the biggest difference in my hair.
05:44Like everywhere.
05:45It's crazy.
05:46My hair's kind of growing back like patchy.
05:48Like absolutely bald in some places.
05:50And then a random patch of hair.
05:52So obviously like the laser has just affected the hair follicles differently.
05:55So I'm obsessed already.
05:56And if this is how good it is after one session,
05:58I can't even imagine how good it's going to be after however many sessions you're meant to do.
06:02I think it's like 12, which is just a big commitment and so expensive.
06:05But so far, worth it.
06:07It's pretty starting to make me itchy.
06:08Where are all of my socks?
06:09This is my outfit.
06:10It is all Muscle Nation.
06:11This tank, I'm really, really obsessive.
06:13I honestly haven't worn anything but a t-shirt to the gym in a long time.
06:17So I honestly feel so exposed wearing a tank.
06:20It just feels out of my comfort zone.
06:22But I really like the black with the white edge.
06:24The white accents.
06:25Should I wear my condoms?
06:26I might actually wear my white asics.
06:28So I can go for a walk after the weather is being so hit and miss today.
06:31It keeps being really gloomy and really sunny.
06:33So I'm hoping that after my session is done,
06:35it'll be sunny enough to go for a walk and a swim.
06:37Like that's the only way I've been able to convince myself to get to the gym recently
06:40is if I reward myself with going for a swim afterwards.
06:43And hey, whatever works, works, you know?
06:45Gonna bring my book.
06:46Need to get a beach towel.
06:47My water bottle.
06:48My headband.
06:49I think it's dead actually.
06:50Need my little AirPods.
06:52I need to finish this and stop procrastinating and actually get out the door.
06:54Last night I made a hustle online account.
06:57Heaps of sessions online.
06:58And I've never really been like a home workout kind of gal.
07:01Apart from in COVID.
07:02And that was just a whole thing.
07:04But I feel like since I have this little space,
07:06it's kind of the perfect space for like at home workout vibes.
07:09And surely if I'm like following along with a video,
07:11it's gonna be more motivating than just like following instructions.
07:13I don't know.
07:14I haven't tried it yet.
07:15So I could hate it.
07:16I don't know yet.
07:17I'm hoping I love it.
07:18I have no idea what kind of session I want to do.
07:19I think they have strength circuit and Pilates.
07:21And I have weights here.
07:22So I feel like I could do a nice like strength session.
07:25Like Pilates strength kind of vibe.
07:26That kind of sounds incredible to me.
08:40Oh my goodness.
08:41I'm so sleepy.
08:43I'm so shocked that I didn't just fall asleep in that appointment.
08:46I just went and got my lashes lifted and tinted.
08:49Which I used to do consistently every eight weeks.
08:52And then I didn't rebook after Christmas.
08:53And then I just kind of forgot and time got away.
08:55And I remembered that life is so much better when your lashes are curled and tinted.
08:59But that appointment just reiterated how much I love it.
09:01Are you kidding me?
09:02Like those are my natural lashes.
09:04Loki so impressed with myself.
09:05She was like, oh my gosh, your lashes are so long.
09:07I'm so excited to do them.
09:08And I was like, I'm so honored actually.
09:10That's the nicest compliment ever.
09:12And she did that so quickly.
09:13I feel like normally I'm there for longer.
09:14So I'm obsessed with that.
09:15But that was an hour of me lying on that bed trying not to fall asleep.
09:18I was constantly making sure that my mouth was closed.
09:20Because I'm a mouth breather when I sleep.
09:22And constantly just trying to keep my mind active and not fall asleep.
09:25I don't know why I've been so tired the last two days.
09:28I do feel like the last couple of days I've been really, really trying to nail my routine.
09:32I've been trying to not be slack.
09:33And I've been trying to actually do the things I say that I want to do.
09:36Simple things, but it's not my everyday routine at the moment.
09:39And so trying to set that routine from the start is really hard.
09:42And easy and simple stuff.
09:43Feeling hard is so humbling.
09:45It's so awful.
09:46But I've been not going on my phone before bed.
09:48And really trying to set up a really good nighttime routine.
09:51Because my sleep has been awful this year.
09:53When my anxiety is really bad, my sleep I think is the biggest thing that suffers.
09:57I have not been sleeping well recently at all.
10:00So I want to try and set a really good nighttime routine.
10:02So that it's almost foolproof.
10:03I journaled last night for the first time in months and months and months.
10:07I did it before bed and I only stopped because I was so tired I needed to go to bed.
10:10But I wrote five pages and I feel like I still have so much more I want to write.
10:14So I'm so excited to hopefully make journaling a bit more of a habit.
10:18And then in the morning, like not being on my phone first thing.
10:20Actually just getting out of bed when I wake up.
10:22Opening the blinds so I can see the sun long before I look at my phone.
10:26This morning I started my day with movement, which felt really good.
10:29I walked to the grocery store, bought food I needed for breakfast and lunch.
10:32And then walked home, went for a swim, had a shower, ate breakfast.
10:35I didn't go on my phone until I was on my walk.
10:37And just like setting those day little things that are going to make me feel really good.
10:41Like I can't just keep complaining that I'm anxious and I'm tired and I don't feel good.
10:45And I'm not doing anything to actually feel good.
10:47I am really proud of myself for moving my body really well recently.
10:50I don't want to like jinx it and say like I'm back into it.
10:52But I've been going to Pilates, I've been doing my Pilates online sessions.
10:56I've been walking way more and that is feeling really good.
10:59And even just doing like one thing a day that feels like an accomplishment.
11:02Already I'm obsessed with it, I'm loving it.
11:04I'll tell you what, my body is sore.
11:06I actually really wanted to do Pilates today.
11:08Like my brain and my body like wanted to do it.
11:10Which is crazy.
11:11Instead of like dragging myself there I wanted to do it.
11:13Which is like obsessed with that.
11:14But my body is so sore that I knew it would be more beneficial to just rest and walk today.
11:18And then I'm booked in for Pilates tomorrow afternoon.
11:20So fingers crossed I'm a little bit less sore by then.
11:23I think that because I've been trying to do all these tiny little habits.
11:26Because they're not habits yet.
11:27They're taking a lot of like willpower and brainpower.
11:30And I just feel exhausted by it.
11:32And I'm not a napper.
11:33But I feel like I genuinely could have fallen asleep in that lash appointment.
11:36I'm so excited to have my lashes done.
11:37I can't wear makeup or get them wet for 24 hours.
11:40I need to remember that because I might forget.
11:42It's 10 to 5pm and I'm getting ready to go to an afternoon Pilates class.
11:46Which honestly I don't know how I'm doing it.
11:48I've had a day and I'm ready for it to be over.
11:50And I just want to like go to bed and sleep.
11:52And I can't do that for at least a few more hours.
11:54So I need to fill in that time.
11:55And like distract myself.
11:56You know?
11:57I started my day with acupuncture this morning.
11:59That was my first acupuncture appointment in a while.
12:01And I mainly, I know that everyone goes to acupuncture for a different reason.
12:05But I mainly go for the mental health side of it.
12:07It just took it out of me this morning.
12:09And that's when you know that that's the session you needed.
12:11And it was worthwhile going.
12:13And like that's the whole point.
12:14But being vulnerable is just so scary.
12:16And it's almost like I fool myself into thinking that I am a very vulnerable person.
12:21Until it comes to something that I really don't want to share.
12:24Or I really don't want to work through.
12:26Or it's just a week where I'm generally really emotional.
12:28Which is this week.
12:29I'm due for my period on Saturday.
12:30So that kind of explains this week.
12:32I've just been non-stop crying.
12:34And I want to say crying and nothing.
12:36But that would be a lie.
12:37Because I've just been crying about like literally everything that's ever happened to me my whole entire life.
12:40So that's really good.
12:42My acupuncturist did cupping on my chest and my back today.
12:45I think my back is bruising.
12:46But cupping was cupping.
12:48It was working.
12:49And I'm feeling a lot better.
12:50I then came home and cried to my girlfriend for another few hours after that.
12:53It's just been a big day of tears.
12:55And I don't feel dry yet.
12:56I still have plenty more where that came from.
12:58So I'm hoping that going to Pilates will like relieve some of that energy in my body.
13:02I'm just so sick of crying.
13:04I truly, truly send all of my love and condolences to all of my fellow empaths.
13:09Highly emotional girls, gays and theys.
13:12It's honestly brutal out here.
13:14I'm going to leave that one bathroom light on.
13:16That light, I'm obsessed with.
13:17It's just a little hanging light.
13:18I feel like that's so bougie for a rental to have.
13:20But it's my favorite.
13:21No big light household.
13:23So that little light on, perfect for when I come home.
13:25I'm also going to leave my bedroom lamp on.
13:27I just closed my bedroom blinds.
13:28Trying to make the house really warm and cozy and inviting for when I come home.
13:32I can shower.
13:33I can eat dinner.
13:34I can watch Sex and the City on the couch.
13:35I can do some journaling.
13:36I can read my book.
13:37And I can finally go to sleep.
13:39That's all I'm looking forward to.
13:40I hate to say it.
13:41I've been listening to a role model most of today.
13:43Because I'm seeing him live tomorrow night.
13:45And I'm really excited.
13:46He honestly isn't one of my top artists.
13:48I don't know a lot of his discovery.
13:50It's like I don't know the book.
13:51But my little brother listens to him a little bit.
13:53And asked me to come along with him.
13:54I don't know why.
13:55It's like I love when I've heard of his.
13:57But I haven't committed to actually listening to his music.
14:00And he's today Emma Chamberlain.
14:01So that's a little subtle flex in and of itself.
14:04Honestly, he looks a bit like a lesbian.
14:06And that is enough for me.
14:07I look at him and I'm like, I want to dress like you.
14:09I want to look like you.
14:10I might wear my slippers.
14:14Slippers are on.
14:15Why does this angle feel so funny?
14:17This is my outfit.
14:18Obviously my black Uniqlo tee.
14:20We've seen it enough times.
14:22I really like my shorts though.
14:23They're from Muscle Nation.
14:24And they have pockets.
14:25And they're really soft.
14:26I actually don't know how to describe this material at all.
14:28But it's really compressive without being like suffocating.
14:31Like I feel sucked in but comfortable.
14:33Which I feel like is rare.
14:35Under here I have a LSKD tank.
14:37And I've got black socks.
14:38Standard method.
14:39And then my slippers to walk to the door.
14:41I'm also thinking if the lifeguard flags are out at the beach.
14:44I'm going to take my shirt off and like swim in my tank and underwear.
14:46And go for a quick ocean dip.
14:47I think I have a hooded towel in the car that I can use.
14:49But it's been really gloomy and rainy today.
14:51So I wouldn't be surprised if the lifeguards aren't out.
14:53And I'm not swimming out of flags because that's terrifying.
14:55I'm terrified of the ocean.
14:57I have dinner prepped which feels great.
14:59My house is clean which also feels phenomenal.
15:01Let's go.
15:14Music playing.
15:30I have a hair appointment at 3.
15:32Like 2.45.
15:33And I'm going straight from my hair appointment into Brisbane.
15:35To go to Royal Model.
15:36So it's 1.
15:37And I need to get ready for my hair appointment and the concert.
15:39So I feel like hey I'm going to go to my hairdresser appointment looking a little bit too done up.
15:43But like just more than I normally would.
15:45I'm really just not sure.
15:46Well I am.
15:47I was about to say I'm not sure what I'm doing with my hair.
15:48I think I know what I'm doing.
15:49But I'm unsure if it's like the right move or not.
15:51But I'm going to do it anyway.
15:52I'm always torn if I like the more natural colouring.
15:55Or if I like it really dark.
15:56Because I see photos and videos of when I had really dark.
15:59And I loved it.
16:00But at the time it felt too dark.
16:01And now it feels too auburn.
16:03It's definitely also too long right now.
16:05I need to trim.
16:06I don't know if I'm going to go as short as I did last time.
16:08Last time going that short meant I didn't have to see my hairdresser again for a really long time.
16:12Like I think I saw him in September.
16:14And now it's February.
16:15So that feels really clean to me.
16:16Because it's only now too long.
16:18But I...
16:19At the time I didn't love how short it was.
16:21But then looking back at photos of it.
16:23I don't think it was that bad.
16:24So I'm torn.
16:25I just feel like an idiot with my headband on.
16:26Don't look.
16:27I need sunscreen.
16:28Okay sunscreen soaking in.
16:31I almost dropped my whole glass of Pepsi Max.
16:33You can't really see it.
16:34But this is the Black Bottle Cup.
16:35And it's actually quickly become one of my favourites.
16:37I got some makeup from Merit.
16:39Which is so exciting because I've heard such good things.
16:42I think that Rach uses a few things from here.
16:44So I have no idea what's in here.
16:46Flush balm.
16:47Cheek colour.
16:48I was hoping there'd be blush in here.
16:49Because I think that's what Rach uses.
16:50Big fan.
16:51Oh my god.
16:52That is a very bright blush colour.
16:55I'm not quite sure I'm going to be able to pull that off.
16:57Tinted lip oil.
16:58And a bronzer.
16:59Wow this feels like Christmas.
17:00I love getting new makeup.
17:02It's so fun.
17:03Look at that packaging.
17:04Again 10 out of 10 packaging.
17:06I've never used a lip oil I don't think.
17:08Oh I love a lip oil.
17:09That feels gorgeous.
17:10I always get a bit nervous when I really want my makeup to look good.
17:13And I try.
17:14Because why is it always the way that it doesn't look good when you really really want it to look good.
17:18I need to put some remodel on.
17:20And get in the vibes.
17:21Get in the zone.
17:41I've never used a lip oil before.
17:44Do you want some?
17:46It's nice huh?
17:47Are we kidding over the hairdresser?
17:49I've got my ID for a prom trip.
17:50That's all I need.
17:51You've got this.
17:52You look great.
17:53I changed my hoops to be silver and gold.
17:54What's that?
17:55I'm silver and gold.
17:56Because I feel like silver looks really good with dark hair.
17:57And my hair is about to be darker.
17:58I feel like really cool people can pull off gold and silver.
18:01And so I'm just cosplaying.
18:02I think you're underestimating how cool you are.
18:05This is the before of my hair.
18:06I'm honestly just most excited for like a really really good scalp scrub.
18:10And my hairdresser is a legend so.
18:11I'm excited.
18:39What song are you most excited to hear?
18:47Deeply in love with you.
18:48With love with you.
18:49A little bit of superglue.
18:50We made it to Australia baby!
18:51It only took about five years to get here my God.
18:52Why do Americans make you wait so fucking long?
18:54I feel it's coming around.
18:55As I'm walking out the door.
18:56I feel it's coming around.
18:57I feel it's coming around.
18:58I feel it's coming around.
18:59I feel it's coming around.
19:00I feel it's coming around.
19:01I feel it's coming around.
19:02I feel it's coming around.
19:03I feel it's coming around.
19:04I feel it's coming around.
19:05I feel it's coming around.
19:06I feel it's coming around.
19:07I feel it's coming around.
19:08I feel it's coming around.
19:09I feel it's coming around.
19:10I feel it's coming around.
19:11I feel it's coming around.
19:12I feel it's coming around.
19:13I feel it's coming around.
19:14I feel it's coming around.
19:15I feel it's coming around.
19:16I feel it's coming around.
19:17I feel it's coming around.
19:19That calm music.
19:22As I'm walking out the door.
19:24Now you're gonna take me home.
19:28I don't know why.
19:30Still can't get it right.
19:34That's alright.
19:35It's bound to feel better.
19:37Nothing like me.
19:38We still in love.
19:42In love with you.
19:44I just left that concert being so much more obsessed with him.
19:47Why is he so funny?
19:48He was cracking jokes all night. He's so unserious. It was I was literally giggling at a man
19:54I'm embarrassed actually and he sounded so good live like that was so good my hair
19:59I think cuz it's so short has just started flicking out. I don't know how I feel about I tried to straighten it this morning
20:04But it's really I think just because it hits my shoulder funny. It just flicks up and I
20:08We're going for a little early Valentine's Day date
20:12We booked an experience through red balloon and it's making your own sterling silver ring workshop
20:17Which I'm honestly so intrigued about. I love rings. We all know this. She's very hands-on loves building things
20:25Yeah, this is like a woodwork like class in school I made all the boys do my work in woodwork
20:30Yeah, my best friends like can you finish my bad house?
20:32I'm like, yeah
20:33I think that there are so many different types of rings we can make and like little stamps and stuff you put on them
20:37I'm very excited to see how it turns out. I'm scared
20:39I'm not gonna be very good at it
20:40But surely it's like foolproof if they're there helping you and I love like doing things as a fun date idea or like a Valentine's
20:46Gift and I love that you get to do an activity and then get to take home a present
20:49That's probably one of my favorite things
20:50Yeah, and I'm trying to wear more silver as we can see so you have to make some silver rings
20:54I can wear more often very excited
21:18Went to the 838 place class this morning
21:48Went straight into the ocean for a swim afterwards, which I think I need to start doing honestly every time
21:52I'm at Pilates like we all know how good ocean swims are
21:55But I don't know why for me I find it so hard to convince myself to actually just go and I'm at Pilates
21:59I'm already at the beach. I'm already hot and sweaty
22:02So all I want to do is jump into the ocean afterwards recently, which I don't know is if this is kind of weird
22:07It probably is but I've been wearing either a bikini or a one-piece any of my swimmers under my activewear
22:12So I walk out of Pilates. I go to my car. I strip off my activewear. I get my towel
22:15I'm in the ocean like three minutes after and it's just so ideal this morning
22:19The waves were so big
22:20It wasn't a relaxing swim
22:21But I still felt refreshed after the water's just been such a good temp recently and I need to swim more before it gets too
22:27Cold because I know in winter I'll be like I miss swimming in the ocean when I didn't even make the most of it in summer
22:32I feel like I've been so slack with it
22:33I feel like when I moved to the Gold Coast
22:35Originally because I was so used to living an hour away from the beach
22:38I was so excited when I was at the beach honestly almost every other day
22:42So fun and so good for my mental health
22:44I've been doing everything in my power recently to help my mental health because I've been in the trenches and I don't want to sound
22:51Like a broken record and I also don't want to bring the mood down or make anyone else feel awful
22:55I feel like in the last few months like since
22:57November maybe kind of since moving house like that whole debacle my anxiety has just been
23:02Through the roof and because I'm getting physical symptoms from my anxiety
23:06It's making my anxiety worse, which is obvious
23:09But it is also just like so infuriating because I'm anxious and then my chest hurts and then because my chest hurts
23:15I'm anxious that there's actually something wrong with my health and I have never been to so many doctors appointments in such a short amount of
23:21Time in my whole life. I look like a Simpson with this bathroom lining. I'm so sorry
23:25It's been kind of challenging as well because during all of this change and all of my health anxiety issues
23:30My regular doctor has been away, which obviously is fine
23:33But really just killed me and a lot of the other doctors I saw made my anxiety so much worse
23:38But I had a doctor's appointment this week and I saw my regular doctor and she was so good and she put me at ease
23:43So much. I'm feeling a little bit better since then
23:46I also if I'm being completely honest like a ghost of my therapist for a hot second there
23:51I don't know if this is too much information
23:53But in my last session with my therapist
23:55She told me something about myself that I just like didn't like and I didn't want to hear which is silly because that is her
24:01Job, it affected me too much. It shouldn't have I was being so dramatic
24:04I am being so dramatic
24:05But I just got like kind of angry and then just didn't book in a session with her for months
24:09And then there was a point where my anxiety was really bad
24:11So I emailed her to book an appointment and she was on holidays for ages, which again so fun
24:16If anyone deserves a holiday, it's therapists. So I haven't been able to see her for a while and booked in very soon
24:22I'm dreading it but equally very excited
24:25but there's been so much change and so many new emotions that I've never experienced before and
24:31I've just been in so many situations where I have to feel my feelings and you've probably heard me out about this before but
24:37I'm so bad at feeling my emotions. I'm very very good at being like, oh, I feel anxious
24:42Oh, well, I'm gonna distract myself and avoid it until it goes away and that just doesn't work very well for very long at all
24:48And lately, I just haven't been able to use my regular coping mechanisms
24:52I'm just ignoring everything and I've had to deal with everything head-on which I know
24:56Sounds really simple and to a lot of people that's really easy
24:59But it's something that I just find so incredibly hard. Hello. Have you said hi in this vlog yet? Say hi everyone
25:05My lips look blue this merit lip oil. Yeah tinted lip oil in pink beat. I've been wearing non-stop
25:11I'd love to get in another color. I think like a more brownie nude color
25:14Anyway, I don't even know why I'm going on this big rant
25:16but my thoughts and my feelings my brain just feels so scrambled like there's just so much going on in there all the time and
25:21Like sometimes I just like want to like completely get out of my head
25:24Like I just like take off my like skin and get out for a second
25:28It's so exhausting and it's been like quite a long amount of time of it
25:32I've also like never been so supported in my life
25:34And so that's a whole nother thing to experience as well, which obviously is a good thing
25:39But it's also so new and it's like kind of healing me in some ways, but that healing kind of hurts in a weird way
25:45I just know that I haven't been working to my best ability and being so hard on myself and being so
25:50Disappointed in myself because my work is not as good as I would want it to be
25:53I can feel myself being a bad friend because I have no energy to give to anyone because I'm just like trying to keep myself
25:59Afloat and it's frustrating. It's really frustrating. Anyway, I don't even know why I'm going on this big chat
26:04But it's just where I'm at right now. So thanks for listening. I feel weird
26:08I feel like I've overshared. Winston really said this is my show now. At least three times a day
26:12I look at Winston and I just feel so sorry that I handed down my anxiety to him
26:17Like he could have been such a fun happy dog and he is happy
26:20But God, he's anxious and who is there to blame but me?
26:24I am currently sitting on my mattress in my lounge room because I'm working with pillow talk for Valentine's Day
26:29So I hosted like a little Galentine's scrapbooking moment
26:32I thought it would be fun to put my mattress in the lounge room because that's just like the ultimate sleepover move and haven't been
26:37Able to do it in years because the last place I lived in was double-story
26:40But since I filmed that brand work, I've just left the mattress in the lounge room because I've been loving having it here
26:44But it started overstimulating me. It started making me feel really messy
26:48My voice is breaking making me feel really messy like everything is out of place and it's overwhelming me
26:52I also think I just want to like change the bed sheets when I move the mattress back in there
26:55It's actually really exciting
26:56I bought these
26:57sheets think I'm like a Boxing Day sale from pillow talk and I've been loving them and then they came to me to work with
27:03Me and I was like, um, yeah
27:04I love pillow talk and in the selects to choose for things to promote this bedding was in it and I was like well
27:09I'll show the bedding I already have in my content and so I got to choose a different color
27:13So I have this exact same bedding in green that I think I want to put on and just go to bed tonight
27:17With some fresh sheets. I think that'll just be phenomenal. I want the mattress back. I want new bedding on
27:21I want to give the house a big vacuum and I have heaps of computer work to do because I've been procrastinating and leaving everything to
27:27last minute which is really
27:29Typical me but I'm gonna make myself a matcha and then just like get a bunch of shit done and try and make my head
27:34Feel less busy will it work time will tell and then if I can get all of that done
27:38I would love to just sit down and do some reading or scrapbooking
27:40I'm behind in my scrapbooking and I'm so close to finishing the book. I'm reading
27:44I'd love to have time to do that today
27:45But it also depends if I get my work done and that's my own fault
27:48You don't get a reward if you're not doing the work, but I've been looking forward to my matcha all morning
27:51I did recently buy decaf coffee grind so I can start making decaf coffees at home because my girlfriend uses the coffee beans that are
27:58In there, but I missed making coffees at home and I didn't even think of buying decaf grind
28:01Like why did I not think about that like a year ago?
28:04Anyway, so I don't have my matcha every day. Sometimes I'm having my decaf coffee. But most of the time I'm craving a strawberry matcha
28:09It's just so good. I'm on to my second bag of matcha lane and I'm obsessed
29:08Am so unbelievably glad that I changed my bedsheets today because getting into fresh sheets tonight is actually exactly what I needed and the green
29:14I think is so fun. I ended up having a really productive day and then a really relaxing night
29:18Which is kind of exactly what I needed. I just use the word kinder and exactly in the same sentence
29:23So that makes no sense
29:24It was exactly what I needed like I was stressed because of the things I needed to get done and then I got them done
29:28And then I was able to relax for a little bit, which felt really good
29:30I am feeling a little bit better than I was I ended up leaving the house and going and sitting by some water if you're
29:36A water sign would highly recommend. I mean, I'm sure it's not just water signs
29:39But I can't explain how much better I feel when I am near a body of water
29:43I sat by some water and I wrote like eight pages in my journal
29:46Like I wrote and wrote and wrote I would write like two pages and then my hand would get sore
29:50So I would just sit there my phone actually updated at like 6 30 p.m
29:54I don't know if it had very much charge literally while I was walking
29:57My phone just turned off and then all of a sudden the Apple symbol came up and it just restarted and updated to the new
30:02iOS which I was avoiding doing for so long because I saw everyone
30:06Posting about the new layout of the photos app and I hated the look of it
30:10I hate changes it is so I tend to avoid upgrading my iOS very often
30:13Anyway, it did that this afternoon so I couldn't be on my phone which is really good because I plan to not be on my
30:18Phone but that's so much easier to do when you literally can't go on it
30:20But yeah
30:21I would write some pages my hand would get sore and then I would just like stare at the water and like let my brain
30:25Just think and be still with like minimal to no distractions
30:29Then I came home and kept journaling and now I've ran down for the night
30:32I'm we should have been a better little while ago because I have an early morning Pilates class booked in even some you lose
30:37Some I actually finished the book. I was reading this afternoon
30:40I read it just for the summer, which is the last book in the I don't know what the series is called actually
30:44But I read part of your world yours truly and just for the summer. I really liked him
30:48I feel like yours truly was probably my favorite
30:51But I really enjoyed just for the summer and I loved how all three of the books came together
30:55In the last one like how intertwined it was. I loved that the next book. I need to start is book club book
31:01We're reading intimate so by Sally Rooney. I'm scared
31:04I'm gonna leave book club to the last minute and I hate when I do that because it also affects how I feel about the
31:08Book, I feel like that's unfair and annoying. I want to start this ASAP
31:12However, I don't have the brain capacity to start this right now before bed. I don't know why I'm like scared to read this
31:17I feel like it's gonna be hard. I don't know
31:19So I just picked a random romance off my bookshelf that I haven't read yet. I'm just gonna start this before bed
31:24This is meeting Millie by Claire Ashton meeting Millie is a sapphic romance about the nature of friendship
31:29How do people change over the years and how they see themselves and each other?
31:32I feel like that sounds so fun and I love lesbians
31:35I'm gonna start this and head to bed and fingers crossed to have a really good night's sleep
31:38But I'm gonna end off this vlog here. Thank you so much for coming along with me for this week
31:41I really really appreciate all of your love and support an extra extra amount recently
31:46I love you so much, and I will see you next week
