• el mes pasado
Hope you guys have been enjoying the content from my aus trip I also have an exciting video coming out next week so make sure to keep any eye out!! 🤍

Thak you again to whitefox super appreciative of this opportunity xx

All my australia looks here: https://bit.ly/4gMiyhI



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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaci.jay/


00:00Hey guys, welcome back to my channel so as you might have seen from my previous video
00:05I have kindly been invited to come to Australia with white box
00:08I'm actually doing this intro at the end of the trip
00:12we're literally getting ready to leave for the airport but I honestly had the most amazing week with the best group of girls and
00:18I honestly think this I'm really hoping this vlog is turn out as
00:21Good as the trip was because I honestly had the most amazing time and I just made sure that I filmed like kind of highlights
00:27of the trip rather than just like
00:29Continuously vlogging throughout so for like yeah, as you can see, I'm very happy
00:33I've had the best trip, but I really hope you guys enjoy this video. We've just woken up for breakfast. It's
00:40Quarter to 10 and I actually woke up about 6 a.m
00:44Obviously on the flight I slept for about 10 hours
00:47So I thought I wasn't gonna sleep at all
00:48But then when it got to I think it must have been like half 12
00:51Me and Ava were trying to watch getting filthy rich and finally bit outward and I was like this nodding off
00:57so I didn't straight sleep it but then I kept waking up throughout the night and
01:01Yes, I fish you woke up about 6 a.m
01:05And then I woke up about half 7 last night
01:07I didn't want to wash my hair because I just didn't and then this morning
01:11I was like I woke up a lot greasier than I imagined
01:14So at least he gave me time to wash and dry my hair breakfast spread. It's coming out. This is so cute
01:20Why she's so hungry
01:21Be not for hours that avocado on toast is calling my name
01:25This is what I've gone for some avocado on toast with tomatoes and then I've got some fruit
01:31I don't know what it is. That was fruit, but it actually looks unreal. I'm so excited to eat this guys
01:36If this you are a whole snack cupboard, which is just unreal. I still actually feel really hungry
01:42I don't know what is wrong with me
01:44I just want more more food, but I think I'm gonna get ready
01:47We still have about two hours till we get picked up and we have coffees coming on the way cuz I should look at this one
01:53Like, you know what? We have really fancy and iced coffee, which recently hasn't been like me
01:58I don't really drink coffee that much anymore, but just someone was holding it is he talking unfortunate
02:02Well, it's bit of me that this is the current set up watching Long Island just got my ice coffee
02:08We're doing our makeup. This is this is number one pack if you go on holiday if you use your they are then I TV works
02:24Really good guys
02:31We are ready to shake our asses on a yacht this is outfit check obviously from white box
02:37I feel so incredibly pale
02:39so my number one goal today is just a tan because that's what I need like everything is better with a tan and
02:47Should have time before I came out here. Yes. Did I ever think that there'd be a time where Ava makes me look pale?
02:52No, but today was that day? So yeah operation get bronze and then it's overview bitches
02:59so it is on the
03:01Moses, although I transfers here. So it is a
03:05Drink in eight seconds kind of vibe
03:13Am so excited I think the best thing about having a boat as well is it's breezy
03:18So you don't feel the heat so you just get the best time if you can't tell ready
03:22I think that's what I've spoken about this majority of this vlog is that I'm
03:26So it's like sad like I'll actually be at a bronze goddess for some I get back mark my words
03:33This is the yacht we're getting on guys
03:37My god
03:52Wow, this is
03:56Unreal what is actually going on? Wow. Wow. Wow. This is actually the most gorgeous thing ever
04:03Not that actually being is that
04:08Yeah, that's what I was thinking warm
04:15This is so nice
04:16Let's think about going right away with other content creators is you know when to keep a camera
04:21You're actually reminded like there's no way I'm missing any content when I have this right in front of me
04:25So I know I have to get my camera out and do the exact same thing
04:28I'm sorry guys if you follow all of us because you probably just see the same thing times 10
04:32But we're going past the Sydney Opera House. I just can't go over this boat like when they said a boat dad
04:37He's not expecting us at all
04:39And I'm going to get some Instagrams
04:42Then I can relax and just enjoy the Sun if I don't get the pictures
04:47I was never there we have been getting Instagrams this whole time and we've got them
04:53We've been on here 20 minutes. I
04:55Wish we'd been on it 20 minutes been on it about two hours and
05:00We've just been getting yeah, we just got pictures just because then we can like settle that we have to Instagrams like now
05:07We can just enjoy
05:09I haven't handled the UV index is now going to draw I need to go and get in the Sun calamari. I
05:16love calamari
05:19I'm not ready for you
05:21Done a bit of tanning and basically they put up like a little netting in the sea so that you can go swim in
05:27Safely, hopefully fingers crossed. Look how cute this is. This is so much fun. What the hell?
05:52It's late
05:53Dinner out. This looks unreal. I'm so excited. I'm actually at the point where I'm starving now
06:00I've just been happy this pasta with them horns. They look so good
06:03Wow, I'm so excited to stuff my face
06:07This food is so good. I've got my pasta, I've had steak, I've had salmon, I've had prawns
06:15It's so good. I didn't realise how hungry I was
06:18I haven't really eaten today because there was that tiki bit going around but I'll still be taking pictures
06:22So I'm so hungry
06:24Day two in Australia today. We have got a iconic tour
06:28So we've got a bus tour and then we've also got I don't actually know exactly what includes I'm guessing like Sydney Opera House
06:34I don't know what else
06:36Harbour Bridge and then we've got the zoo. Me and Ava did actually go to the zoo last year personally
06:41I'm I don't see a hype about a zoo. I actually since I've been young really despised zoos
06:47I don't know. I just don't get the interest but I'm excited to have a day out
06:52Ava loves the zoo. Yeah, I'm excited to have like a full day out though like and just like look around
06:58This is the fit check
06:59We've got these yellow strap shorts matching little coiled piece when I first put it on
07:03I actually wasn't too sure if I liked it, but I accessorized and I stuck with it and I actually really like it now
07:10I've got my yellow travesties on there that literally this is the only outfit I packed for these pair of trainers
07:16So it kind of had to work because I've always I just wasted suitcase space and then also denim Louis bag
07:21I bought ages ago never didn't really wear it that much and I thought I actually need to get my wear out of it
07:27It's quite hard to style with things because just looks a bit weird when you wear it like jeans
07:31So I thought okay, this is my time on holiday
07:34I'm gonna bring it and I'm gonna force myself to include it in my outfits and that's what I've done
07:38Our room is literally just full of drinks like the fact that this is from you see morning like Ava's matcha
07:45It's so grim, it's me to take some of the stuff up. What time is it?
07:50It's not until we get in picked up in about half an hour. So we're all good for time wise
08:07Honestly, I
08:10Have never
08:20This match and I know that I'm a matcha lover, but I just don't trust getting it from anywhere that I don't like
08:28It's like it goes blank streets and that one and that's saying a lot
08:32I do love the Joe and the juice one, but that beats it by a mile guys. My food's come
08:37This is on my own so exact a business is going on about these hash browns and also this match
08:49My god guys, this is our tour bus today. What the fuck is actually going on?
08:55This is the sickest thing ever. I am so so excited
09:16We've come to the zoo the bus is actually so fun, but when I tell you the wind was a different
09:23Something else like tell me why I actually looked like I had been dragged through a bush forwards backwards sideways
09:29Back round again through one more time. I had to re-brush my hair and everything
09:33These glasses everyone knows we wear glasses
09:37Makeup comes off in the nose. I now officially just can't take them off. What is that? Oh
09:42Guys, it's a turkey. I'm a witness to anyone didn't know this
09:48So they rescue animals and then when they're ready to be let back into the world
09:53They either let them into the world in Australia or overseas
09:57Where they came from definitely take that like about to because I know a lot of other zoos aren't like that
10:06They touch you it gives you a disease
10:11At the back there she's actually she was washing her pout
10:17Another one
10:20I'm riddled with chlamydia rumor has it. I'm actually the next David Attenborough guys
10:25I actually can't cope. You can actually see this one's face
10:28Why are they actually really cute?
10:31the guy was just in koalas that just all they do is sleep and
10:35Play about and you heard it if I said I believe that I could have been a koala in my past life or in my future
10:41I do is that pretty much sums him up?
10:44And I think I would rather do is an animal to be honest come for lunch
10:51Ava's actually been here before we came last year and I remember the food like not being that great
10:56But I clearly made the wrong section because the food just turned up and got loads of piggy bits and it is unreal
11:01Like I don't want to be full at any time soon because I want to eat every single thing that is here
11:05He's our chips this chicken with sweet cheese sauce on real shouldn't take fries and then also calamari and also
11:12I've got a watermelon
11:17I feel like you just got to do it. There's actually no way
11:24Going to the hot tub, they're like a room that has a hot tub sauna
11:29I think it even has like a little bit of a gym with Pilates
11:36When we're in the pool underneath us we can see the gym
11:43We can go be more
11:44Got the prosecco out. However, I'm not really a prosecco person. So I got this
11:50Peach impression fruit cocktail and then if I don't like it, then I'm also called zero. We got a sauna
11:56Wait, should I check it's on it might not
11:59Know. Oh, how long is that gonna take? How the hell do you do this? Is it like this? Oh here
12:06Let's put a little bit of water on and see if that does anything
12:08Never mind, they're getting hot not the tick-tock
12:19She's got a scroll on Instagram
12:29Scroll stop
12:48The next morning we are going on a walk today from Bondi to
12:56One tailbone
12:58Bronte I feel like it's quite a well-known walk if you you probably see nothing
13:03I don't know
13:03I feel like I've definitely heard it's a full of other people probably have heard of it as well
13:07Me and Ava got into our active wear
13:09This morning. We've gone for a pop of color
13:11So we wanted to get pictures together and I feel like I just look really cute and summary if we're both wearing color
13:16I absolutely love this and also I have actually really been looking forward to this walk because we're getting acai and if you know
13:22You know my absolute obsession with acai fucking love it
13:25That is yeah
13:26it's actually genuinely one of the things that I've been most excited for just to get acai because this is my
13:30Idea of a very nice day out. We're just
13:34On our walk look how stunning this view is I actually can't get over that
13:38This is just some people's life that imagine being able to wake up to this
13:42And just walk and go and get breakfast or like on the beach like honestly, I would never complain again
13:48I just feel like we forget sometimes how rubbish England is because would you mean that I can't wake up to this every single day
13:55And wear this every single day and get acai every single day and I think if Australia was closer
14:01But it's not see this is why I don't risk it with matcha
14:05This is why with places I don't go to I just don't ask for I get a coffee to in the safe side
14:11Because it's so easy to fuck the matcha
14:14exhibit a
14:16It looks like there's like green powder at the bottom this drink like spinach or something
14:21It basically just tastes like milk with cinnamon in it
14:25But the thing is I've drink I've drank so much because I'm so thirsty but we're walking now to get acai
14:32that is the main event like I've really hope that the acai just does not disappoint because
14:37That is what I am longing for
14:43That pool looks so appealing right now because I'm absolutely so sweaty and sticky
14:49But this is just so insane and that loads of surfers
14:54Those people on the beach, it's just so aesthetic
14:56It's actually in such a nice walk and coming back to Australia like last year
15:01I didn't have like a desire to come back but like after this trip
15:04I want to come back here and spend that another three weeks just in Sydney
15:08So I get the hype now like I get it
15:11I don't I think because last time when we came to Sydney one we didn't really know what we were doing and two we were
15:15Still so jet-lagged. So I feel like we didn't really get the full
15:18Experience where I was like now I get why people move here now. I'm gonna move in next year jokes
15:23Oh, I say he has come and it did not disappoint
15:28I got banana
15:30Strawberry passion fruit and guys peanut butter is a game-changer
15:33Like even if you don't really like peanut butter, I'm not a massive fan of peanut butter
15:36But something quite an acai absolute game-changer like it's the texture
15:41Yeah, it just adds a bit more flavor. It's so good. However, the oakberry is still my favorite, but this one does come close
15:48But every time I pick up this camera
15:50I am just doing something different rather than actually showing you know before like getting ready with anything like that bit
15:55It's so hard when I film for a week because I'm like what's actually important means put in like I don't want to be like
16:01Well, we're doing this and then you get a few clips and then it's ain't complete different
16:04Like I don't know still like needs have some sort of structure to these videos
16:07But I feel like they do always work out in the end. Anyways, we're going to the gifting suite to get
16:13My hair guys this holiday has just been so fluffy and frizzy and it's really ruining every
16:20Outfit and I look like a five-year-old brilliant
16:23And it is we're going to a gifting suit because we've got the white fox event tomorrow
16:27So we can outfit what's really cute little polka dot but little purple skirt on brown slides
16:33I mean a little pink bag
16:34It's really cute, but the hair is just not giving and I'm trying to not wear sunglasses
16:38Every single picture everything I'm doing I have some glasses on
16:47We've got so many clothes options, I have no
16:52Obviously a
17:05Might even run the corner while I eat my food because I picked up this and it was just given messy
17:09And I don't want it. I don't want anyone to see me
17:13In the back it is corn and avocado
17:16No guacamole
17:18Same thing on a tortilla chip. I if I saw that I'm Russian, I'd never order but actually I'm real
17:25Camera, and then I've got a piece of bread
17:27But I did one piece of salami on it because I wanted that salami for one bite and then I just wanted bread
17:32but yeah, this is
17:35So good. Oh, I've got my outfits as well
17:37I'll give you guys a home when I get back because it's just too hectic and there's like too many things going on like with
18:09Just got a drink already two seconds in
18:54Trying it
20:05Morning guys
20:06Ordered and that's a evil this morning where we had it yesterday
20:10I'm craving it since and I couldn't find a good place. I wasn't just Ian and I ordered liver
20:14I went I've downloaded liver and found this place and they do ones like biscoff brownie ones
20:20I got peanut butter and chocolate flakes and then strawberry banana and granola, of course peanut butter jelly time
20:28This actually looks so good. I say I really wanted oakberry, but it was a 10-minute walk away and I couldn't bothered
20:38Bear crunchy, that's so nice. Oh, is it spot that we're going to the beach today?
20:43And I'm so excited because she's been dying to sizzle myself in the Sun and that is exactly what I'm gonna do today
20:50I haven't want any makeup because I just want to be in the Sun all day and
20:54I just couldn't think of anything worse than having make my skin
20:56But my skin has actually really cleared up obviously a mixture of the Sun
21:00But also I stopped using that La Roche pose a set of film
21:03moisturiser thing that I was using because someone said that it clogs your pores and I was getting loads a little tiny spots and
21:09since I've stopped using it and my skin's cleared up so much and all I use is the Tatcha moisturizer and like a serum and
21:16Problematic skin lotion thing. But anyways, basically the main thing is if using that moisturizer so far you can I've got this cute blue bikini on
21:23And it's white crochet skirt iced coffee in hand and we are ready to go
21:27The only annoying thing is this bikini is not the best for tan lines
21:32But I just really wanted the pop of color and the blue actually
21:36I just realized when I'm turning I'll literally just take the straps down. Why did I not think that we've got to the beach
21:42Me and my twin in them go
21:46We do need a pick. This is the cutest set up. Oh
21:52This is so cute
21:54There's this like pretty cute little store that has like fresh oranges hung up like a little juice stand
22:02So cute and I was taking pictures there guys
22:05Australians are so nice best for you if that was in England and you was taking pictures in front of somewhere like you was in
22:11The way there is no way that they would even think twice to like push past you or get in the way of whatever like
22:16Everyone was just like wait and even if their coffee was being called like they would wait for you and be like
22:21Oh, is it okay if I can get my coffee like I've honestly they were so nice
22:24But I also got this fresh orange juice and it's so refreshing. It was so nice
22:30I mainly wanted it for a prop for the picture. I'm not gonna lie, but I love Australian life
22:34I want to move here the shit we do
22:41Getting ready because tonight is the white box summer party. They've invited about 200 people
22:48Majority is of course Australian influencers, which I actually don't really know any Australian influence like personally
22:55But we're getting ready
22:56We've got an hour and a half left until we need to be ready
22:58but I had to wash my hair and everything and I was so scared that I just wouldn't have any time because my hair just
23:04Takes so long to dry with extensions. Anyways, I did actually burn a little bit at the beach like on my shoulder
23:10But I've got tan lines
23:12So I don't mind and it's not like a painful but the only place it does hurt is I burnt my scalp the other day
23:17And that is just like one of those pains, but I feel like my legs look a little bit red
23:21But it's not like a bad burn
23:23Also my hair on this trip for some reason. It's just felt so light. She's been really frizzy
23:29like I
23:31Am so stupid. Oh
23:35My god as I was saying, it's just felt like really frizzy and
23:40Almost feels like a product in it like a bit dry
23:43So I'm so excited to go home and put a hair mask in although it does actually feel a bit better today
23:47When I tell you I need she drenched my hair and like blow-dry spray
23:52Material bought some from beat works and then also this color one
23:54So I feel like that's definitely helped a bit but also my Dyson's not working properly
24:00I haven't got any of the stuff to clean the filter. So I haven't actually been able to properly
24:07Use the attachment that I normally use. Okay, this is looking a lot better
24:11I just prefer to use a Dyson because it has no damage. So trying to take care of my hair
24:16But anyways, I'm actually so excited tonight because it's just my kind of event like it finishes at 11 p.m
24:21But obviously maybe probably some people will go out after and I might I don't know
24:26Like debating it, I'll see what like how I'm feeling and stuff, but also I need something that's more farewell
24:33But I do not want to be hung over on the planet. You shot my worst
24:39When you're doing your makeup get one of these
24:43Selfie light things and put it up because ever since I started doing this my makeup looks so much more flawless
24:49Because it's such a harsh light and if you do your makeup according to this light when you just like the pictures
24:54Tickles, whatever it honestly looks so good. I'm like, it's just it's such good light in also I have
25:01Learned well, I've actually said this before but I even told me before you're not bad at doing your makeup
25:07You just don't use it enough and I've never agreed with something more like the amount of foundation
25:12I put on today before I do my makeup makes me feel a bit sick actually because I need to put so much on
25:18Go over a brush and then like blend it in with a blend
25:22Blender a beauty blender and it just makes your face looks much more like flawless and then your makeup this is on it's so
25:30Much better and then whenever I'm doing anything like I just add more like if I think I'm done
25:35I just add a little bit more because I don't know it just all comes together
25:38And then it all blends well and also a lot of powder as well and how we make up look more full
25:44However, I feel like my hair is gonna be the thing that lets it down today because I tried to do flicks in air
25:50Straight no, and it's just still just a little bit frizzy
25:54Right hair is looking decent. Okay. Oh my god. I'm literally so stupid. This was like a
26:01Proper blonde moment my hair dryer wasn't on the full power setting
26:06So that's really why it wasn't like the color wasn't sucking up my hair
26:09It's pretty white took so long to dry and if she had it on a really bad setting what the hell is wrong with me
26:15I'm all ready. I've got this yellow sparkly dress on which is like so not something
26:20I'd put on but I saw it and I thought you know what?
26:25And I've got a pink bag to match the vibe very summery and also tan lines are
26:32Ruining the dress a little bit girls already
26:34on our way to
26:36the summer
26:49Guys we're in the Uber home. Eating my fish and chips. Yeah, same. We're so tired. So we are delirious. Going home. Yeah, Ava's a little bit delirious.
26:51Casey thought the Uber driver was running away from us. No, I didn't. When I tell you the driver was running away from us.
27:21I've just come back from our last dinner of the trip and we're going home tomorrow. I literally I'm so sad
27:40It's like I thought it would be like a bit of sweet feeling because I like I like going home and getting into routine
27:45But I'm actually so sad to be leaving just cuz I think I always think of things that are never be like on a trip
27:51again with the same girls like
27:54Yeah, Ava's pitch the idea of a reunion but I just feel like sometimes the trips like it'll never be like the exact same people
28:00But I don't know fingers crossed white fox. If you're watching, please bring us all back
28:04I vlogged dinner in my video that is coming out next week as I didn't eat in
28:10Video throughout the day. So that part of dinner will be in the vlog, but I really hope you guys enjoyed this video
28:17I just want to say a massive
28:19Thank you to you guys for watching as if this none of this would even be possible about you guys
28:24Supporting me and following me and just so grateful to have incredible opportunities like this
28:28I also obviously want to say a massive
28:31Thank you to white fox for having me because I actually had the most incredible time if you guys watched my last
28:35video and did the pack and prep like I literally for some reason was so
28:38anxious about coming and as soon as I've been here like I haven't had one ounce of anxiety I literally had the most amazing time and
28:45Yeah, I'm just being very very grateful
28:48But make sure you guys like subscribe and comment and I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye
