• el mes pasado


00:00Where should your tire pressure be for drifting?
00:01What do you think?
00:02What do you think we run in the rear and what do you think we run in the front?
00:04So if you want to slide, I'm assuming you'd run a higher pressure?
00:07Do we want to slide though?
00:10See, this is the misconception.
00:11In FD, we're regulated to a 200 treadwear tire.
00:13We're running 100 treadwear tire that's like stickier than an R888
00:17with as much grip as we can get.
00:18Like as an example, in Europe, there's no tire regulation.
00:20Now over there, we can't even make enough power to activate the tires.
00:23But like here, we're running like seven, eight pounds of tire pressure
00:25just to get the maximum grip that we can out of the rear.
00:27Literally as low as we can go without de-beating.
00:30Most of my cars, I run 60 psi or more in the front.
00:33It's backwards compared to what you'd think.

