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As universities move towards a blended learning approach, this is what you can expect from your university experience.

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#UAE #education #e-learning


00:00We have an ecosystem that virtually provides the whole experience that the student physically
00:25goes through while they are in campuses. So to support the student well-rounded development
00:34and we believe that post-COVID-19 still blended learning, online learning will not go away.
00:42So we are already registering students into courses where part of that course will be
00:53supported through the online platforms and in other cases the students need to come to the campus.
01:07We have identified courses that does not have an applied element, so theoretical-based courses,
01:21knowledge-based courses are going to be 100% fully
01:31provided through the online, while other courses might require 60 to 80%
01:40to be in the lab and in the workshop as required. So there is no
01:47one formula fits all. We have gone through that exercise of going into a course level
01:57to determine what portion of that course will be online and what portion will be applied.
02:05Before the announcement of the lockdown, we ran two days a pilot program fully online delivery.
02:13This was beginning of March and also we have run a survey analysis, so we have surveyed students
02:24and we have seen that the satisfaction with online was 90%, in fact more than 90%
02:33for that pilot program. We are planning in the fall to run another survey analysis
02:40or a questionnaire to survey and find out and maybe be able to dip more into
02:49different areas, not only the delivery but the infrastructure, the support,
02:57the experience of the online teaching,
03:00assessment, so all that will be will be analyzed.
03:22Not every distance learning is a smart learning, because I might be distance learning but I'm doing
03:29it very conventional. What we had been through in the United Arab Emirates in the COVID-19 era
03:37was a spot on. The Minister of Education called it distance learning. The smart learning actually,
03:45what it does, an online learning, e-learning, whatever that you would like just to choose the
03:50words for, is actually to re-engineer the four pillars of education across schools as well as
04:00When we started at MSU, the faculty were trained actually how to become an online faculty.
04:31And they have been introduced to the concept of pull and push system. But the role of the faculty
04:38is to intrigue their mindset towards certain problems and certain directions.
04:44And it becomes the responsibility of the learner to manage their time for learning. So that is why
04:51the learner at all times, they are responsible for their own pace of learning. That is why smart
04:58learning is all about individualization of learning.
05:07Obsession. We need to be able to crack the obsession. This is what we have been taught
05:11by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He has created Dubai for the first
05:16time after Japan in the Second World War. The name of a country, the name of a city as a brand.
05:22Dubai today is a brand. Why? Because he did not follow other people's obsession towards
05:28the conventionality. So again, in education, this is going to happen. It's the 21st century.
05:34It's a requirement. Shopping is essential, Huda. But shopping malls as brick and mortar,
05:40not anymore. Because now everything is online. Banking is essential. Banks as brick and mortar,
05:50not anymore. Consequently, schooling is essential. Schools are not. Learning is essential.
06:01Universities are not. We are re-engineering the higher education system, not only in the United
06:07Arab Emirates, but across the world. We are honored and we have a tough challenge in front of us
06:13to be overcoming such barriers towards people having access to knowledge.
06:20A smart learning is about not to leave any human being behind education. It goes beyond religion,
06:29beyond borders, beyond gender, beyond colors. It goes for the well-being of a humankind.
06:37Education is something that we believe in and we believe in its influence on the mindset of people.
06:44And that is why where instability is in the region, education is the key. That is why we
06:50are serving this geography right now and serving also other geographies during COVID-19. HBMSU is
06:57very proud that it could participate in educating teachers and educators around the world through
07:06COVID-19 on how they can design a course in 24 hours.
