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八点最热报 | 早前涉嫌在雪州实达阿南购物中心开枪的男嫌犯,在逃逸9天后,今天凌晨3点遭警方当场被歼灭。雪州总警长胡申说,嫌犯在潜逃期间,竟然还跨州犯下5宗案件。 (主播:梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hot Spot website.
00:30Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hot Spot website.
01:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hot Spot website.
01:31Earlier this month, a gunman who was suspected of robbing a shopping mall in Xuezhou was killed by the police on Jidan Island.
01:39The suspect's body was sent to the central hospital in Basheng.
01:42When Xuezhou's chief police officer Hu Shen held a press conference at the port of Basheng,
01:46he described the suspect as an extremely dangerous person.
01:49During his escape, he also committed many crimes across the state.
01:52After the incident at the shopping mall, he committed five more crimes,
01:57such as robbing a shopping mall, showing a firearm, and breaking into a house.
02:01He didn't have his own vehicle. He was driving a van.
02:07Hu Shen said that as the suspect, who was threatening the public with a gun,
02:10was killed by the police, the public can rest assured.
02:13The police managed to solve this case.
02:16He was shot dead.
02:18So people don't have to worry about this man's involvement in drug trafficking.
