In the heart of these hostile lands, one last city stands firm, humanity's final sanctuary: the City of Montescail. Watch the latest Dragonkin: The Banished trailer for a deep dive into Montescail, an evolving city that acts as a hub for players. The new Dragonkin: The Banished trailer for this upcoming hack 'n slash game breaks down merchants you can unlock to aid you and develop your characters.
00:00Built deep in the mountains, safe from the dragons and their voices, lies a vast city,
00:18the last bastion of humanity.
00:21Hello Hunters.
00:22Today, we're going to take a look at one of the most important aspects of Dragonkin
00:26The Banished, the city of Montesquieu.
00:32As soon as you create your first character, Montesquieu becomes your hub, serving as a
00:37base of operations for all the characters you choose to create in the city.
00:42Montesquieu is home to a number of locations where your characters can take advantage of
00:46a whole host of services that will become available as you progress.
00:50When we add the online mode, it will also be the gathering point for living the story
00:54with your friends and enjoying end-of-game content with them.
01:00As you progress through the story and discover end-game content, your town gains in prosperity.
01:06At each prosperity level, you unlock one of the items available to improve your town.
01:12A dedicated interface lets you consult the available upgrades and their unlocking conditions,
01:17giving you a clear overview of your objectives.
01:20You can prioritize certain aspects, but you'll always have the option of unlocking everything
01:25as your adventure progresses.
01:30For example, you'll unlock a wide variety of merchants, each offering unique services.
01:36These are essential for crafting, trading, and above all, improving your characters.
01:41They can be a simple seller of weapons and armor, a jeweler who can craft rings in exchange
01:46for precious resources, an apothecary to concoct special healing potions, a memorialist
01:52to modify your ancestral grid fragments, and many others who will contribute to the game's
01:57crafting and itemization of your characters.
02:00You can also unlock bonuses such as Greater City Storage, an arsenal that lets you quickly
02:05change your equipment fragments, talents, and attributes.
02:09There are also experience, damage, and movement speed bonuses, as well as additional slots
02:14for your ancestral grid.
02:16Each unlock service is then available to all characters in the city, including those of
02:20your friends who will create their character in the same city as you once online mode becomes
02:25available later during early access.
02:31Your city is also evolving visually with each unlocked upgrade, giving rise to a visible
02:38Upgrading a merchant transforms his home.
02:42Upgrading the training camp brings new types of dummies to test your characters, and entire
02:49streets will be transformed after unlocking certain services.
02:54You'll also be able to choose purely cosmetic decorations for your town, and for those taking
02:59part in early access, you'll have access to exclusive customization options for Montesquieu.
03:09Given the town's vast size, we're well aware that moving between buildings can be time-consuming.
03:14That's why we've designed a system for quick access to all the town's key locations and
03:20Whether you're making potions, managing your wyrmlings, or taking on your next quest, this
03:25menu makes it easy to get around the city.
03:28We can't wait to see how you use all these services in your games.
03:32Stay tuned for more updates and revelations about our game.
03:36And remember to add Dragonkin the Banished to your wishlist.