• last month
A pianist recovers his musical passion after a career-ending injury by meeting a mysterious woman with a time-bending secret.
00:00Hello, Malaysian viewers
00:03I'm Do Kyung Soo, playing the role of Yoo Jun,
00:07a genius pianist who falls in love with a magical secret
00:11I'm Won Jin Ah, playing the role of Jung Ah,
00:14who is led by Yoo Jun, but keeps a secret that she can't tell
00:18I'm Shin Hye Eun, playing the role of Lee Mi,
00:22who is curious about Yoo Jun, who keeps looking at her
00:24The movie, The Unspeakable Secret,
00:25is about Yoo Jun and Jung Ah
00:29It's a fantasy romance movie
00:31about the miraculous moment
00:34when Yoo Jun and Jung Ah meet by chance
00:36It's a movie that will captivate your eyes and ears
00:40It's a movie that will give you a heart-warming feeling
00:44not only with the music, but also with the love
00:46Please look forward to it
00:48I hope you can share the special moments
00:51that will unfold in the movie with the audience
00:55Thank you
00:59The Unspeakable Secret