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Toronto plane crash survivor recalls moment Delta plane flipped Source: CNN


00:00The winds were super gusty, the snow had kind of blown over the the runways and so coming in it
00:07just, it was routine but like it was noticeable that the runways were kind of in a weird condition
00:14and when we hit it was just a super hard like I hit the ground and the plane went sideways and I
00:22believe we skidded like on our side and then flipped over on our back where we ended up.
00:29There was like a big fireball out this left side of the plane. It was mass chaos. I was upside down,
00:35the lady next to me was upside down. We kind of let ourselves go and felt I hit the ceiling which
00:42is surreal feeling and then everybody was just like get out, get out, get out. We could smell
00:48like jet fuel. Even now I smell like jet fuel and then we just crawled out the back of the airplane.
00:56The firefighters, the MTs were there right away.
