00:00if you need some extra storage for your pc for like five bucks then go to your thrift store
00:04find one of these cable tv boxes they are made in the last 10 years or so chances are there's
00:08at least a one terabyte hard drive just hiding in there this one is four dollars and 49 cents
00:12let's bring this home and i'll show you how to get that hard drive out of there this assembly
00:16is gonna vary model to model but if you have one just like this you kind of just literally rip it
00:19apart not joking that's actually how easy it is to get inside of one of these and time for the
00:25grand reveal oh wait i i guess it's right there but it's a one terabyte nice these ones also come
00:31with a free sponge all right now it's just a couple more screws and that drive is truly out of there
00:37now we are left with a standard hard drive and you can see that sata connection just like what
00:40your computer uses all right time to test it out on my computer i have this usb dock and we will
00:44need to format it boom came right up i like to use crystal disk info to check the health which is good