• last month
The Tottenham branch of NSW Farmers has trialled a bounty for feral pigs, with the hope it could go statewide as numbers of the pest surge.
00:00Feral pigs are causing havoc right across the state, with men are reporting the numbers
00:06are the highest they've ever seen.
00:08After NSW Farmers passed a resolution in support of a bounty, the Tottenham branch in the centre
00:13of the state decided to put the concept to a trial.
00:15They are hoping the results will help convince the NSW Government to have a bounty be part
00:19of its overall plan.
00:21They're breeding up, we're getting more and more pigs, they're coming through and moving
00:25around a lot.
00:26The only way we seem to be able to do anything with them is to hunt them and to trap them.
00:33And you've just done this bounty, how would you say that the trial has been?
00:37Been extremely successful, we had nine hunters, they got 1,427 pigs in a month, made a huge
00:45difference to the number of pigs that are about, but the big difference between a bounty
00:50and just recreational hunting is they're taking out all the pigs, they're not just taking
00:54out the big ones, so it's been a great reduction in pig numbers.
