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Audio Bible. Listen to the full Second Book of Samuel in the King James Version (KJV) with text.

đź“– Chapters
0:00 2 Samuel 1. David Mourns the Death of Saul and Jonathan
4:26 2 Samuel 2. David Becomes King of Judah & War with Ish-bosheth
10:08 2 Samuel 3. Abner Joins David but Is Murdered by Joab
17:22 2 Samuel 4. The Murder of Ish-bosheth
20:01 2 Samuel 5. David Becomes King Over All Israel and Conquers Jerusalem
24:08 Samuel 6. The Ark of the Covenant Brought to Jerusalem
28:33 2 Samuel 7. God's Covenant with David
34:20 2 Samuel 8. David’s Victories Over His Enemies
37:38 2 Samuel 9. David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth
40:29 2 Samuel 10. David Defeats the Ammonites and Syrians
44:26 2 Samuel 11. David and Bathsheba
49:31 2 Samuel 12. Nathan Confronts David & the Death of David’s Son
55:37 2 Samuel 13. Amnon and Tamar & Absalom’s Revenge
1:02:32 2 Samuel 14. Absalom Returns to Jerusalem
1:09:16 2 Samuel 15. Absalom’s Rebellion Against David
1:16:15 2 Samuel 16. David Flees from Jerusalem & Absalom Takes Over
1:20:47 2 Samuel 17. Hushai’s Advice Saves David
1:26:43 2 Samuel 18. The Death of Absalom
1:33:41 2 Samuel 19. David’s Return to Jerusalem
1:42:42 2 Samuel 20. Sheba’s Rebellion Against David


2 Samuel, the tenth book of the Bible, continues the history of Israel’s monarchy, focusing on the reign of King David. It is a story of triumph and tragedy, highlighting God’s covenant with David, his military victories, personal failures, and the consequences of sin within his household.

The book begins with David’s rise to power following the death of Saul. He unites Israel, establishes Jerusalem as the capital, and brings the Ark of the Covenant to the city, symbolizing God's presence among His people. In a pivotal moment, God makes a covenant with David, promising that his dynasty will endure forever, foreshadowing the coming of the Messiah.

However, David’s reign is not without failure. His sin with Bathsheba and the arranged death of her husband, Uriah, bring severe consequences, including turmoil within his own family. The rebellion of his son Absalom and other betrayals reveal the devastating effects of sin, even on a man after God’s own heart.

Despite David’s flaws, 2 Samuel showcases God’s faithfulness and grace, demonstrating that repentance leads to restoration. The book establishes David’s legacy, pointing toward the ultimate King—Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of God’s promise. Through both his victories and failures, David’s story reminds us that true leadership depends not on human strength, but on obedience to God.

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