• el mes pasado


00:00The help's needed because we can now confirm 11 fatalities from this event.
00:11That number may still grow.
00:13That's an addition of two since last night.
00:17Those include an adult male in Hardin County, an adult male in Floyd County.
00:28All of Kentucky still has standing water in different areas.
00:32You'll hear in a minute over 300 roads still impacted and closed.
00:36So everyone be careful.
00:43While for parts of Eastern Kentucky, it is an equivalent to the July 2022 floods.
00:50We saw daily record rainfall set in Frankfurt, Paducah, Bowling Green, London, and Jackson.
01:04We have another weather event coming into the Commonwealth.
01:07Unfortunately, right now it is for most all of the Commonwealth, save for parts of Northern
01:15What this means is water that's out there, we still have a lot, can freeze.
01:19We're going to see black ice in different places during both the days and the nights
01:24and how cold it's going to get.
01:26And remember the extra snow we're going to get, if we can go to the next slide, is going
01:32to be a challenge for our transportation crews.
01:34They're out there.
01:35They're working hard.
01:36But remember, they're also trying to clear roads that are currently closed.
01:41They're working on damage that has been done to the roads.
01:45The amount of snow predicted and where it's hit has changed since yesterday.
01:50And unfortunately, the heavier parts now look like they may hit parts of Eastern Kentucky.
02:03Given that at the moment, we've got 14,672 people without power.
02:09So still dealing with this current emergency situation.
02:15Water outages.
02:19We have 17,245 customers without water, 28,070 are under a boil water advisory.
02:28We have one system that's not in operation at all and 28 systems in limited operations.
02:34We have seven wastewater systems, not operational.
02:38What flooding especially can do and just the pressure that it puts on these lines is really
02:45We have 33 wastewater systems under limited operation, nine experiencing bypasses and
02:50six are experiencing discharges from portions of their collective system.
03:00Most fatalities occur in vehicles that have gone into these high water conditions.
