• el mes pasado
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, afirmó este domingo que podría reunirse "muy pronto" con su par ruso, Vladimir Putin, para discutir el fin de la guerra en Ucrania. En declaraciones a la prensa en West Palm Beach, Florida, Trump aseguró que su gobierno está trabajando "muy duro para lograr la paz" entre Rusia y Ucrania, y subrayó que tanto Putin como el presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelenski, participarán en las negociaciones. Las palabras de Trump llegan en un momento en el que delegaciones de Rusia y EE.UU. se preparan para mantener conversaciones sobre el fin del conflicto en Arabia Saudita, donde podría también celebrarse una eventual cumbre entre Trump y Putin.



00:00No, we had a great call, and it lasted for a long time, over an hour.
00:07This morning, I also had with President Zelensky a very good call after that.
00:13And I think we're on the way to getting peace.
00:16I think President Putin wants peace, and President Zelensky wants peace, and I want peace.
00:22I just want to see people stop getting killed.
00:25We're very far away from that particular war, but that's a vicious war.
00:30Probably a million and a half soldiers killed in a short period of time.
00:33I've never seen anything.
00:34I have pictures that are — you wouldn't believe it.
00:37You wouldn't believe what you have to look at — young, beautiful soldiers that are
00:41just being decimated.
00:43And it would be nice to end it immediately.
00:47But we had a very good talk with — people didn't really know what President Putin's
00:54thoughts were, but I think I can say with great confidence he wants to see it ended
00:59That's good.
01:00And we're going to work toward getting it ended, and as fast as possible.
01:05It's a horrible situation going on.
01:08It's flat land, and the bullet goes off, and the only thing it can hit is a body — a
01:13human body, a young human body.
01:16And they're losing just tremendous numbers of — mostly soldiers.
01:20The cities and towns have been largely demolished.
01:25It's a shame what's happened to that country.
01:27It would have never happened if I were President.
01:29That I can tell you.
01:30It would have never happened.
01:32To look at that — and October 7th would have never happened either, by the way, the
01:36Middle East.
01:39But we'll get it — I think we'll get it — we'll get something done.
01:42We're going to be meeting — actually, tomorrow, they're meeting in Munich, as you know, and
01:47we're going to have some other meetings.
01:48And we'll be — I'll be dealing with President Putin, largely, on the phone, and we ultimately
01:54expect to meet.
01:55In fact, we expect that he'll come here, and I'll go there, and we're going to meet also
02:01probably in Saudi Arabia.
02:02The first time we'll meet in Saudi Arabia, see if we can get something done.
02:06But we want to end that war.
02:07That war is a disaster.
02:08It's a really bloody horrible war.
