Ashul Mehrotra, Latam HR Head para México en TCS, nos explica la estrategia mediante la cual, el líder mundial en servicios de TI, consultoría y soluciones empresariales, con más de 55 años de innovación y experiencia, atrae, compromete y retiene al mejor talento en la industria.
00:00Hola, yo soy Víctor Hugo Hernández, trata Consulting Services, obtuvo la certificación
00:08Top Employer 2025 y justo para platicar acerca pues de qué significa esta certificación
00:14tan importante en el área de Talento y de Recursos Humanos, nos acompaña Ashul Mehrotra,
00:20la TAM HR Head de México en TCS. Hi Ashul, how are you?
00:27Hi Víctor, I'm good, how are you doing? I'm fine, thank you. Thank you for your time
00:34too, we know that you have a very busy schedule but we have to, we want to know more about
00:45this certification, all that this means to TCS. Thank you Víctor. So TCS Mexico is the
00:53Top Employer 2025 and this is the 11th continuous year that we have been certified as the Top
01:01Employer in the country and also in the Latin America region. It is a huge honor for TCS
01:10because Top Employer has a very robust process of validation of HR practices, people practices
01:19across the industry and across the country and it revalidates our people practices and
01:27gives us the comfort that yes, we are in the right direction. So it is very, very important
01:33for us, for our people management, for our employee development and for all the investments
01:41that TCS is doing for the development and well-being of our employees. That's great,
01:48you all did a very good job. Why don't you tell us a little something about the strategy,
01:54the agenda that TCS implements that contributes to obtain this certification, all the process?
02:02Okay, so the Top Employer process has various stages. It actually validates and checks the
02:12processes in terms of how TCS attracts the talent, how do we engage and develop our talent
02:19and also our retention, our diversity practices, a lot of processes in the journey of being a Top
02:28Employer. So in order to have our strategy or our investment towards continuously getting the
02:35certification of Top Employer is that we focus on our practices in terms of catching the talent
02:43young, in terms of our various flagship programs where we generate and we attract the young talent
02:51and also our commitment towards business innovation. So there is continuous partnership
02:58with our customers in order to innovate and transform their businesses and hence the
03:04requirement for competent people for the talent to be attracted from the market and this not only
03:11helps us in attracting the talent but also contributing to the economic development
03:17of the country and also doing quality development of the talent across the industry.
03:25There is a lot of role that TCS plays in terms of skill development in various new technologies,
03:32whether it is AI, it is cloud, you know, various, I would say, you know, digital skills
03:43that the workforce need to be prepared for. So TCS focuses on the skilling, reskilling and
03:50upskilling of not only our employees but also the community at large. I think that kind of
03:56focus helps us in year after year becoming the Top Employer. Could you tell me about what
04:03impact has been part of Top Employer 2025 had on talent management? So Victor, I think any impact
04:12is not short term. The impact can be seen over a period of time and what impact that we have seen
04:20in last 10-11 years that we have been applying and certified by this global organization called
04:27Top Employer Institute is that it has significantly strengthened our talent management strategy,
04:36you know, it has also helped us to grow our employee base, it has definitely helped us in
04:43creating our employer branding in the market, in the community and it reinforces our ability to
04:50attract high caliber, high talent professionals and be able to engage them by continuous improvements
04:59and also to improve our own performance in terms of various initiatives and development programs.
05:06TCS gives us quite a lot of data insights in order to not only keep on, you know, building our initiatives
05:13and working towards being the employer of choice but also to keep on improving every year and
05:20learning from our, you know, industry colleagues and other organizations which have been certified
05:28by Top Employer. So it's like, you know, competing against more than 2,000 employers and also in that
05:37process of certification learning from them their best practices and sharing our best practices
05:43with them. 2025 is key to promote the leadership of the new generations. What practices have you
05:50implemented to achieve this goal? You're very right, Victor. It's very important to keep an eye on the
05:57future generations and that is one of the core values of TCS in terms of learning and sharing
06:05and always ensuring that we keep on encouraging young talent to come forward
06:11and this is one of the reasons why our flagship programs of GoIT ignite my future, wherein we
06:19work with young students, university graduates and also the faculties in order to multiply the
06:26impact that can be created with the help of faculties being trained in various STEAM field
06:33and also encouraging STEAM careers amongst the talent. Not only this, we have also an initiative
06:41called the New Gen Leadership, wherein we encourage next generation leaders, the next
06:48youth of tomorrow in terms of being developed, trained and being prepared and exposed to various
06:55functions, areas so that they can be developed for taking on leadership roles in future.
07:02Would you tell me what initiatives does the company plan to implement to continue
07:08distinguish itself as a top-notch employer and maintain its certification in the coming years?
07:15TCS Mexico remains committed to innovation and adapting to evolving new market trends
07:22to attract and retain the top talent. Recently we celebrated 20 years of our existence in Mexico
07:29and we also opened some new offices including the one in Monterrey and we have major plans
07:35to grow in that state along with the different locations that we have in TCS Mexico including
07:42Guadalajara, Mexico City, Querétaro and now Monterrey. So nationally we aim to
07:49create new jobs every year with the target to create more than 2,500 jobs this year too.
07:56We are looking at encouraging the youth, the university graduates and to bridge the gap
08:04between what is taught in the university and what are the expectations from them when they join
08:11the corporate world. So TCS Mexico plays a very important part over here in terms of bridging
08:17this gap, in terms of providing mentors to these young bright students on various technologies,
08:26platforms, data analytics, cloud, business intelligence, AI, machine learning, just to name a few.
08:35But our philosophy emphasizes that technology should serve as a vehicle in enhancing the
08:41business processes and by integrating automation and intelligence. So by combining technical
08:47innovation with critical creative computational thinking, we empower not only our associates
08:54but also the community at large in terms of serving the global customers in an exceptional way.
09:02What are the main trends to consider in 2025 in relationship to good talent management?
09:08So in terms of I would say the initiatives or practices or the trends that would continue
09:18in terms of good talent management practices or processes, Victor, I would say it is very
09:24important to have that good balance between technology and human skills. So as an employee
09:33grows in the organization, the part of technology keeps on reducing and the human part
09:40of stakeholder management, business customer management, the soft skills as we call,
09:47they keep on increasing. So in order to grow in an organization, any individual or employee should
09:54have that good balance between technology and human skills. That is something which is very
10:01important. Secondly, I would say a continuous learning approach. Many times we see that as
10:10employees grow in the organization, they forget to keep their own continuous learning programs
10:17running. So it's extremely important to keep yourself relevant and updated and keep on learning
10:24on the new technologies, the new trends which are coming, right? So it's going to be very,
10:32very relevant to keep yourself relevant and updated. And of course, the knowledge of the
10:39various industry practices and trends which are there. These days we talk a lot about AI.
10:46One of the aims of TCS is to have 100% of our employees trained on AI and certified on AI.
10:53And I'm very happy to see that we are progressing pretty well in this area. And
11:00the initiatives to bridge the skill gap are shaping pretty well. And we are being recognized
11:08by institutes like Top Employer in revalidation of our investments in talent and in the community
11:16at large. Okay, another important topic is about creating a safe and inclusive workplace.
11:25What do you think is the key in this subject where all employees have equal opportunities?
11:34Absolutely. So we hear a lot these days on diversity, on diversity, equity and inclusion.
11:41In line, of course, with the industry and the trend, TCS is also very focused on the diversity,
11:50equity and inclusion. And it is one of our key drivers and parameters in terms of innovation
11:56and creativity. TCS being the employer of equal opportunity, we do aim to provide
12:06safe working conditions for all our employees, a place where any employee from any nationality,
12:13any gender, any preferences could actually feel very comfortable in coming to the workplace,
12:22bringing their own authentic self to the organization. And this really helps us because
12:28diversity brings a different perspective, a different viewpoint, right? And it also
12:36enriches our decision making capabilities, because it gives you a very different perspective.
12:43If there is a homogeneous workforce, we may continue to do what we have been doing in the
12:48past, and maybe with similar results. But in order to grow and have a transformational journey and
12:55grow exponentially, we need to have various perspectives.
12:59Finally, Ashul, what message would you like to share with other companies seeking to
13:06strengthen their good practices? Could you tell us a little secret about TCS? How do you do it?
13:14Okay, a little secret about how TCS works. Yes, I think it's very important. One of the TCS values,
13:23as I mentioned earlier, is learning and sharing. And for sure, I would like to share the secret of
13:30TCS is that TCS is a very people-centric organization. While we are into technology,
13:39while we are into delivering and partnering with our customers for transformational results,
13:46our focus or our core has always been people. Certifications like Top Employer reinforces and
13:53revalidates that we are doing the right things in the right direction. And it gives us a lot of
14:00pride in order to be certified by top organizations like Top Employer in order to ensure that we
14:07continue this journey and develop our people. Also, by creating a positive, inclusive work
14:15environment and prioritizing employee well-being, growth and development, I think organizations can
14:22attract and retain the best of talent while driving innovation and achieving sustainable
14:28business success. And at TCS, I have personally seen that empowering employees through this
14:36continuous learning program, diversity initiatives, ensuring inclusion in the workplace,
14:44providing career development opportunities, they lead to much better results than any other,
14:51you know, practices that people may have. So, I would say that not just for the workforce, but for
14:57the organization as a whole, we should create a very people-centric organization. And a commitment
15:05to people is a commitment to progress, is what I would like to say. And that is something which
15:12has definitely been useful for TCS as an organization. And sticking to our value system.
15:19And as I mentioned, giving back to the society wherever possible. Because finally, we are
15:23operating in a community where it is also our responsibility to build that community
15:29for the future of tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you, Ashul. That was Ashul Malhotra,
15:35the TAM HR Head in Mexico, TCS. And also thanks to the auditorium of The Economist. Until next time.