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00:00This is a reporter from Turkey, Alpago.
00:05Hello, everyone.
00:25Hello, my name is Shinasi Alpago.
00:27I'm actually born in Turkey, and then I came to Korea when I was 16.
00:32Actually, my first goal was studying engineering because I already entered Istanbul Technical University.
00:40But when I studied Korean language, I realized myself and then I thought,
00:45okay, my destiny is not on numbers, my destiny is on letters.
00:51So I changed my route and I studied political science.
00:55I was a journalist, I was a correspondent of one of Turkish news agencies.
01:01I changed my route, I became a comedian.
01:05And then that time, my audience changed from Turkish people to Korean people.
01:11When I came to Korea, it was 2004.
01:14And then that time, Korea is not so popular as much as today.
01:18For example, Hyundai cars is not so popular, and then Samsung phone is also not so popular.
01:24That time, Nokia was the best.
01:27You know, in Korea, there are so many kebab houses, Turkish kebab houses.
01:32They always give me good offers because they need somebody who can speak Korean and Turkish language at the same time.
01:38But, you know, I studied political science and then I did my master's degree also.
01:44And then I published two books, history books.
01:47No, I don't want to be like cashier on the Turkish kebab house.
01:52I need some crazy things to change my life pattern.
01:56So I thought, OK, comedy is going to be a good attack to change my bad destiny.
02:06Some of my Korean journalist friends also made some articles about my show.
02:11And then I did three times, it was good.
02:14And then I uploaded some clips of the comedy shows.
02:19And, you know, everything is destiny.
02:21That time, there is two good, how can I say that, highlight points.
02:28The first one is Google manufactured AI, which name is AlphaGo.
02:35But Korean people cannot pronounce it.
02:38Alpha, F pronunciation, they cannot pronounce.
02:41So they call it AlphaGo.
02:43And this is my name.
02:45The comedian also challenged the stand-up comedy.
02:47And then stand-up comedy and AlphaGo became like searching words on the Korean searching engine.
02:54And then I get spotlight.
02:56And then my stand-up comedy career go up.
03:00Actually, during that time when I challenged stand-up comedy,
03:04Asia Journalist Association also gave me good offer after those things.
03:10After like one year, they said, OK, please come to our association and work there.
03:17And then after one year, maybe, I got a new job.
03:21But my stand-up comedy is also going on at the same time.
03:25And then my showcase increased.
03:30And there is a very famous comedy show in Korea.
03:34Its name is Gag Show.
03:35But that show is like sketch comedy, not stand-up comedy.
03:38That show, producer also make contact with me and then say, please join us.
03:43And then, you know, suddenly I became full-time comedian.
03:46There is not just one accident, like so many things.
03:51The first one is, in Korea there is so many foreign press.
03:58But just Chinese and Japanese foreign press can't speak Korean language.
04:03Another foreign press, like almost 95% cannot speak Korean language.
04:09And then, because of that, Korean news channels already discovered me.
04:15And then I already started to do small, small TV shows on Korean newsrooms.
04:21So I think the first one is my uniqueness.
04:24And then second one is stand-up comedy.
04:28Third one is, when I did stand-up comedy, I met one of famous MC, radio MC.
04:35And the radio MC said to me, join us, join them to do international news on his radio show.
04:45In 2022, I came to Dubai for travel show.
04:51But this is like permanent thing, like just one episode, Dubai episode.
04:55And then it was good.
04:57After three months, they asked me about one more time for Romania.
05:03The line-up was so-so.
05:05But after three months again, they asked me about Pakistan.
05:09And then I did travel show in Lahore.
05:11My Lahore travel show was very good, very funny.
05:16And then I introduced really beauty of Lahore and then Pakistan.
05:20And then that show is get really good viewing rate on Korean.
05:24So after that, I started to do Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Kuwait, Greece, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Jordan.
05:36That travel show is very famous in Korea.
05:38And now if somebody recognize me, like 60% because of that TV show.
05:44Oh, I saw your travel shows. Oh, you are so funny, etc.
05:48Actually, my popularity increasing so slowly.
05:52The first one is, I think because of survivor show.
05:56You know, during my correspondent period, I always refused to variety show offers.
06:03At that time, one survivor show invite me to their TV show.
06:10And then I was in prison.
06:12Not me, like Korean celebrities and then some of just ordinary citizen.
06:17We are trying to survive in prison, those concepts.
06:22After that, survivor people, I get little bit popularity on Korean people.
06:28Because that survivor show also quite famous.
06:33And then, you know, I spent more than two weeks with Korean celebrities in prison.
06:39No food, they just give us water and then rice, no any other things.
06:44And then we try to survive at there, like doing bad things, like politics, make small organizations, etc.
06:53This is the first thing.
06:54But just people recognize me, like many of that shows, not all of people.
07:01And then second one is that radio show, the famous radio show.
07:05Oh, I always hear you.
07:07People doesn't know my face, just people know my sound.
07:11You know, my Korean is good, but still I have little bit foreign accent.
07:17So everybody, oh, I know your song.
07:20And then I check your name and I find your picture.
07:23I am fan of you.