Im kroatischen Drama Sandbag Dam wird Markos Welt innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf den Kopf gestellt. Sein Dorf droht, überflutet zu werden. Als sein Vater stirbt, taucht auf der Beerdigung unvermittelt seine alte Flamme Slaven auf. Die beiden verfallen sofort wieder in alte, verbotene Muster. Marko muss bald eine Entscheidung treffen und sich seiner Familie stellen.
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00:00There was a little boy who had the best friend, a rabbit.
00:13Hey, be quiet.
00:16And the boy and the rabbit lived together.
00:24That's with the old man. How is he?
00:28He's fine.
00:30They had a secret hideout.
00:36And what happened to us?
00:38Well, we haven't been in touch for a long time.
00:41And then one day, the boy came to their hideout, but the rabbit wasn't there.
00:52Why didn't you call?
00:54She never did.
00:56Because your old woman was chasing me, right?
00:58The rabbit left without saying goodbye.
01:03You were with her.
01:06Don't play dumb.
01:07I wasn't chasing her.
01:08You're lying. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I can't see?
01:12But then the boy found a new friend.
01:16He even forgot about the rabbit.
01:22But then the rabbit came back.
01:28To be continued...