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Kate McKinnon Says She's Been EMOTIONAL Over 'SNL' Turning 50


00:00Oh my gosh.
00:01Hi, how are you?
00:03Oh my gosh.
00:04Very excited to see you.
00:05So happy to see you as well.
00:07You look wonderful.
00:08Look at us tux twins.
00:12You actually inspired this look tonight.
00:13No, I didn't.
00:14Yes, you did.
00:15Because you rock a suit so freaking well.
00:18I didn't think I could do it, but.
00:19No, you are doing it.
00:21You are doing it.
00:22I feel that you should do this moving forward.
00:25When you feel like it.
00:26When the spirit moves.
00:27Because you can really, you're really doing it.
00:29I love when the spirit comes.
00:31I am so happy to be seeing you.
00:34It's very exciting.
00:35Isn't this a night?
00:40It's absolutely buck wild and I feel nervous.
00:43I feel excited.
00:44It's so emo.
00:45I've been crying off and on all weekend.
00:49For different reasons.
00:50No, I'm kidding.
00:51No, I'm kidding.
00:52It's, no, it's, it's very, it's very emotional.
00:55It's very like, you know, because I like, I started watching SNL when I was 11 and I,
01:01it's just been like such a part of my whole existence and like, to be here for this and
01:07to be a part of it, it's just like, I don't even know what to say.
01:11It's amazing.
01:12Who are some people you have run into that has been really exciting for you?
01:16We had Jane Curtin just walked by, which is insane.
01:18I know.
01:19Every single person, like, just walk, we've been like rehearsing this weekend and walking
01:23through the halls.
01:25It's just like, what kind of fever dream is this?
01:29What is happening?
01:30It's just, it's amazing.
01:31What do you think young Kate would say about this moment?
01:34Would she just completely go bananas?
01:38Young Kate would have run away by now.
01:42I think, you know, I am a shy person, always have been, and this is, this is overwhelming.
01:47I mean, it's just like, look at the people here.
01:51It's next level.
01:52I don't, I don't belong either.
01:54You belong.
01:55You belong.
01:56You belong.
01:57No, you belong.
01:58No, you're worth it.
01:59You're worth it.
02:00You're worth it.
02:01You're worth it.
02:02You're worth it.
02:03Favorite sketch of all time.
02:04It could be yours.
02:05Favorite sketch of all time.
02:06There are too many to count.
02:09God, I don't know.
02:12I'll say, you know, where that one with like, Will Ferrell used to do this one where he
02:18was a nude art model.
02:24Thank you so much.
02:26So good to see you.
02:27Can you give us a live from New York at Saturday night?
02:28Could do it as Justin Bieber if you'd like, but you don't have to.
02:32I'll just do it as myself.
02:35Live from New York.
02:36It's Saturday night.
