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From terrifying power-ups to grotesque mutations, witness some of the most unforgettable villain transformations in anime history!
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the best scenes in anime
00:15where an antagonist reveals a new form.
00:28Number 10, Toguro's 100% Power, Yu Yu Hakusho.
00:33The younger Toguro brother's powers have a particular gimmick.
00:37He releases a certain percentage of his demonic energy to increase his muscle mass and power.
00:45Naturally, it's only a matter of time before he releases 100%, and he does so in the
00:58dark tournament against Yusuke.
01:01He begins by unleashing a column of purple energy as he starts transforming.
01:17Just touching the waves that come from him causes audience members to crumble into nothing.
01:23Then Toguro's body contorts grotesquely as his muscles and body increase in size.
01:30Built like a monstrous American football player, including the shoulder pads, Toguro's 100%
01:36form is 1000% terrifying.
01:49Number 9, Boros unleashes his full power, One Punch Man.
01:53After the hero Saitama busts his way through alien conqueror Boros' ship, he's greeted
01:59by the cyclopean villain himself.
02:02Boros explains that much like Saitama himself, he hungers for a challenging opponent that
02:08can make him feel alive again.
02:14However, Saitama is unimpressed with Boros attacking Earth, calling him lower than telemarketers.
02:26Surprisingly, Boros survives one of Saitama's punches, and it only broke the armor holding
02:31in his power.
02:40A nonplussed Saitama watches as Boros glows and transforms into his true form.
02:46The stellar animation and epic background choir, contrasted with Saitama's thoroughly
02:51unimpressed reactions, help make this scene one that both parodies and celebrates the
02:57typical transformation scene.
03:04Number 8, Father ascends to godhood, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
03:10In the culmination of his centuries-long plan, Father the Homunculus uses a gigantic
03:15alchemical circle to sacrifice the 50 million souls of Amestris.
03:21And what he uses those souls as fuel for is truly wild.
03:36Using an enormous metaphysical gate on the surface of the world, a gigantic father bursts
03:42out of it and reaches for a gate formed on the moon, which contains truth, aka God.
03:55He then proceeds to devour and absorb God.
03:59This titanic event is punctuated by the reveal of Father's new, youthful human form.
04:05In addition to being young forever, Father can now turn all of alchemy on and off and
04:10form a mini-sun in his hand.
04:20It's a mind-bending scene with a truly epic scale.
04:24Number 7, Cars, The Ultimate Life Form, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
04:29Joseph Joestar thinks he's cornered Cars the Pillar Man at last.
04:33However, after his, ahem, German allies use their ultraviolet lights at the ancient vampiric
04:39villain, Cars reveals that their illumination has powered up the Red Stone of Azshar embedded
04:46in his stone mask.
04:53The resulting transformation exudes a brilliant rainbow of light and turns his skin transparent
04:59among other psychedelic effects.
05:08When the mask breaks away, all looks bleak for the world.
05:12Cars is the ultimate being, no longer weak to Haman, capable of, ah, squirrel generation?
05:27Haman basks in the sunlight and displays his fabulous mane of hair.
05:31Life truly reaches its peak with Cars.
05:33Number 6, Madara's Tentails Form, Naruto Shippuden.
05:38Madara is among the most overpowered anime villains out there.
05:42The guy takes down many of the strongest ninjas in the world during the final war, including
05:47protagonists like Naruto and Sasuke.
05:57Leaving the latter stabbed and seemingly dead on the ground, Madara walks away and
06:01casually absorbs the chakra of all nine-tailed beasts.
06:10And somehow his power goes from broken to something further beyond that.
06:15Now the Jinchuriki of the Tentails, Madara obtains a form as powerful as it is pale.
06:26Along with white hair and a coat that's as much of a flex as he is.
06:30The Uchiha clan founder is surrounded by shape-shifting chakra balls that act as weapons and an ultimate
06:38Oh, and he can fly too.
06:40Number 5, Ukiyura Shows Ichigo True Despair, Bleach.
06:49In their final battle, Ukiyura proves far stronger than Ichigo to begin with.
06:55The Espada may be only numero cuatro, but Ichigo remains on the back foot.
07:00However, the deadpan villain is irked that Ichigo still believes he can win.
07:05To rid his foe of this illusion, Ukiyura reveals an unprecedented second release for his resurrection.
07:17The overwhelming spiritual pressure he exudes terrifies everyone who feels it.
07:23The demonic bat-like transformation proves so formidable that Ichigo's continued resistance
07:29earns the hero a hole in the chest.
07:35It's certainly hard to have hope when your chest cavity has a new cavity.
07:46Number 4, Griffith's Rebirth, Berserk.
07:50The entire Eclipse sequence is infamous among anime circles.
07:54Griffith and the Band of the Falcon are transported to a nightmarish dimension.
08:02There, demons known as the God Hand declare that Griffith is destined to become one of
08:10them with a sacrifice.
08:12Griffith offers up his comrades.
08:16As all but Guts and Casca are killed in various horrific ways, Griffith's body is remade
08:23as he witnesses their suffering from afar.
08:25Eventually, he emerges as Femto.
08:36Resembling a sort of purple hybrid between a knight and a bat, Femto immediately proves
08:41how evil he is to Guts.
08:44Committing unspeakable acts on Casca and forcing his former friend to watch.
08:50We'll never forget this transformation, nor will Guts.
08:57Number 3, The Colossal and Armored Titan Reveal Themselves, Attack on Titan.
09:03There are many Titan transformations in this incredible series, but this moment looms large.
09:21While atop one of the massive walls surrounding the protagonist's home, Reiner casually reveals
09:26to Eren that he and Bertholdt are the Armored and Colossal Titans, respectively.
09:32As he moves to capture Eren, Mikasa attacks both of them, prompting them to transform,
09:38with both Titans forming rapidly atop the wall.
09:48As they seize captives, Eren transforms as well, stung by their betrayal.
09:54The gradual build-up of the scene is a masterclass, shifting from quiet tension to glorious bombast.
10:01And it's all underscored by some truly epic visuals and music.
10:13Eren may be furious, but we absolutely adore this scene.
10:18Number 2, Kaido Enters the Dragon, One Piece.
10:21As one of the four emperors, Kaido's strength is a given.
10:25However, his devil fruit powers are only revealed when he decides to pay his subordinates a
10:31visit, hoping that they'll bring that annoying brat Straw Hat Luffy to him.
10:35And he does so in style, transforming into his enormous eastern dragon form and descending
10:52from the clouds above like a living natural disaster.
11:04As if that wasn't intimidating enough, Kaido follows up his debut by obliterating an entire
11:09castle with his blast breath.
11:12He has certainly earned his reputation as the world's strongest creature.
11:39Number 1, Cell Becomes Perfect, Dragon Ball Z.
11:43The Dragon Ball franchise has transformations both heroic and villainous throughout.
11:48Yet, if we had to pick the best of the bad guys, it's gotta be Perfect Cell.
11:59The semi-perfect Cell at last corners and absorbs Android 18.
12:04Light beams out from every pore in Cell's body.
12:07A shield of light and lightning surrounds him.
12:10His eyes flash and sharpen.
12:12The power he releases is so tremendous that it can be seen from space.
12:17The green glow finally fades to reveal the handsome winged bug man within.
12:29We really couldn't have chosen any other villain transformation.
12:33Much like the fighters who immediately attempt to fight Cell, no one else stands a chance.
12:39After all, he's perfect.
12:49Is there an anime antagonist form debut we forgot?
12:53Tell your favorites in those comments below.
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