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Hollywood romances are notoriously fragile, and sometimes the writing is on the wall long before the official breakup. We're diving into those cringe-worthy moments that signaled the end was near for some of the most talked-about celebrity couples.
00:00We're just two people with kind of different approaches trying to learn to
00:04Compromise welcome to Miss Mojo and today
00:07We're counting down our picks for the bad omens that signaled these famous couples were not long for this world
00:13I just wanted to feel good
00:18Number 10 a star is born feeds the rumor mill the internet was rife with
00:23Speculation about the nature of Bradley Cooper's relationship with Lady Gaga around the release of their award-winning film
00:33The chemistry was just undeniable
00:35So much so that Cooper's marriage to model arena shake was called into question
00:40While the a star is born actors maintains that there was nothing romantic about their connection
00:45The rumor got a lot of play you had such a connection with Bradley that instantly and I guess this is a compliment
00:52People started saying like oh you they must be they must be in love
01:00First of all like like social media quite frankly is the toilet of the Internet
01:06media coverage can put a lot of stress on a celebrity relationship and somewhere in the middle of the noise Bradley Cooper and Irina shakes
01:13Marriage really did come to an end. However, we're pretty sure Lady Gaga had little to do with it. Hey
01:23I just want to take another look at you
01:30Number nine Kim and Kanye fight over a band-aid it seems like the Kardashians never shy away from the cameras
01:37Basically every component of their family and romantic relationships are a matter of public record
01:42So do you and Kanye like fart in front of each other or do you talk about?
01:47Like do you fart in front of him?
01:52This sword to new heights when Kim Kardashian married controversial rap superstar Kanye West whose
01:58Eccentricities marked a lot of their on-screen drama in a 2018 episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians
02:05Kim tells her sister Chloe about an argument the couple had over West's bandage preferences
02:10And then we had a fight cuz I wouldn't get him a band-aid. I said, did you look in the proper place?
02:15There's a band-aid here. He didn't like that one. Although it's clear. The fight is about more than band-aids
02:20It's also evident that if this is the kind of thing they're fighting about it doesn't bode well for the future
02:26Kim and Kanye finalized their divorce in 2022. I realized like no, I don't want a
02:33Husband that lives in a completely different state to me. I thought oh my god, that's when we're getting along the best
02:39But then that is sad to me number eight Pete Davidson's Ariana Grande tattoo
02:46Although it's not clear when exactly the relationship between the comedian and the pop star began
02:51It all seemed to happen very fast too fast. Some might say you just snuck a man
02:57He's on. Yeah, I did. I made a song with his name on it
02:59I didn't know what to call it cuz I was like, I made it just to like send to him, you know
03:04I was just like a nice little
03:07Sentiment, you know, I just like it's like a love letter two weeks after their relationship went public
03:11Davidson was seen getting tattoos supposedly inspired by his new love. He just tattooed her initials on his thumb last week
03:18This wasn't necessarily a bad thing
03:20But given how fresh it was it seemed like asking for trouble it all reeked of too much too soon
03:27You don't really get royalties for that Pete Davidson song
03:30You know like like if we break up and we won't we will but we won't
03:34Between the endless coverage and their seemingly constant and very public declarations of love
03:39It seemed only inevitable that it would end just as quickly less than six months later. The two called off their engagement
03:51Number seven Britney and Kevin's reality show it was the 2000s and everyone was making their own reality show
03:59But seeing as Britney Spears was one of the most famous pop stars of the era. It seems like a step in the wrong direction
04:06Why don't you want to stay Kevin?
04:09Yes, I do
04:10She and new beau Kevin Federline had already raised eyebrows for their fast
04:15Engagement and Federline's recent split with the mother of his child
04:19But Britney and Kevin chaotic didn't shed a positive light on the two
04:23In fact, it revealed Britney's team's general discomfort with kayfed when he came along
04:29It was kind of like what the hell years later Spears would admit
04:33The show was probably the biggest mistake of her career. And so what is the best part about being married?
04:43The baby
04:47Number six
04:49Arguments on newlyweds most married couples bicker, but Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey didn't seem to do anything else
04:56I'm just trying to find an outfit. It's more appropriate for moving
05:01An outfit that's more. We're moving baby. We're packing. I know but I don't like my outfit. I want to be more comfortable
05:06Jessica Simpson were packing clothes. We're not going out anywhere
05:09Newlyweds Nick and Jessica viewers were initially charmed by some aspects of the show
05:14Simpsons confusion about whether tuna was chicken or fish made the reality show an early viral success
05:20Is this chicken what I have or is this fish? I?
05:24Know it's tuna, but it says chicken by the sea
05:31So stupid
05:37But the couple's constant fights over the littlest things became increasingly troubling in the very last episode
05:45Lachey seems completely over being around his wife altogether. I have a question
05:50Why didn't we just go to the grocery store? I have an answer
05:54Shut it
05:54It was no surprise then that the couple filed for divorce less than a year after their show ended
06:00Lachey would later say that the parts they played up on their reality show helped cause their split the only thing
06:06Is that you'll make the sports room a nursery one day?
06:10Like we'll have to take all that one day soon or one day
06:15Number five Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Coachella spat to be fair this supernova couple seemed to
06:23Constantly break things off only to get back together
06:26How many songs would you say I'd like three three so now everyone's gonna be listening is this one bustling is this one about
06:32Selena in
06:332014 they were on again until an argument the two allegedly had after the popular music festival went public
06:40rumors of infidelity and bad behavior flew and
06:43Everyone seems to have an opinion
06:49Trying to compromise, but I can't win
06:52They got back together after this but hope for their future had taken a major hit I saw the signs and I ignored it
07:02Rose-colored glasses are distorted things were more rocky for a few more years
07:07They broke up again in 2018 and Bieber married Haley Baldwin the same year. What is your relationship like now with Justin? I?
07:16Support him I
07:17Think I always will number four Jada Pinkett Smith's entanglement in
07:222020 the internet was captivated and confused when Jada Pinkett Smith confessed to a relationship with musician August Alcina
07:30And I feel like it's a situation that I
07:34Consider private you just feel like it ain't really nobody
07:37The story of her so-called entanglement with Alcina inspired all kinds of speculation about the Smiths marriage
07:44Plenty were convinced this spelled doom for the couple started a friendship with August
07:52We actually became really really good friends apparently they were right just not in the way anyone expected
07:59Despite their years of keeping up the pretense that they were still together
08:02Apparently the two had split in 2016 in
08:062016 you and
08:09Will decided that you were going to live completely separate lives
08:14it was not a divorce on paper right, but it was a
08:19Divorce this was around the time the entanglement allegedly took place however
08:23They did not get divorced Jada was quoted in 2023 saying she would never leave will ride together
08:31We got together bad marriage for life
08:36Number three Tiger Woods multiple indiscretions in
08:402009 and 2010
08:42Scandal rocked the world of professional golf obviously we chose to ask him the questions that we did
08:48And we don't want to suggest at all that he's answered all the questions trophy nabbing pro Tiger Woods is
08:53Destined to go down in history as a titan of the sport
08:56But he earned another less savory reputation when his infidelity was revealed
09:01I owe a lot of people an apology. I heard a lot of people not just my wife
09:06my friends my colleagues
09:09Stories about his encounters outside of his marriage to Elin Nordegrin
09:13Eventually ballooned into a full-on scandal that included several alleged affairs a car accident and plenty of tabloid headlines
09:21Issuing apology after apology the whole thing spelled doom for his relationship as a result
09:27What's not only lost his marriage, but a number of lucrative sponsorships as well. I asked you
09:34to find room in your heart and
09:38to one day
09:41Believe in me again number two Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's public breakup
09:48Millions of Twilight fans were rapturous about its star's decision to carry their romance into real life
09:54Beautiful kiss
10:02Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart became a Hollywood it couple almost immediately then in 2012
10:09Suggestive photos leaked of Stewart and Rupert Sanders who was directing her in Snow White and the Huntsman if you return without me, you're dead
10:17If you leave me
10:19I'm dead
10:24Just for argument's sake
10:26How much reward the public fallout was swift and merciless?
10:30Sanders was married and Stewart was destroyed by the press
10:33It would be a hard thing for any relationship to survive, but the intense public scrutiny turned it into a full-on crisis
10:40It was pretty clear. The relationship was over Stewart and Pattinson called it quits for good in 2013
10:47Nobody's ever loved anybody as much as I love you. There's one exception
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11:15Number one the documentary we were all rooting for them. So you are dating, huh?
11:25We've been found out it seems Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's love was a sensation
11:30But the postponement of their 2003 wedding had lots of people raising their eyebrows
11:35They split soon after but in 2021 the very public rekindling of their romance had fans
11:42Everywhere believing in love and reveling in the early 2000s nostalgia of it all just when it seems like they were destined to be together
11:49The greatest love story never told documentary painted a pretty bleak picture for a lot of viewers
12:00Affleck's evidence on happiness was pointed out throughout the film even by Lopez's monster-in-law co-star Jane Fonda
12:07I get real scared, you know, though when all that shit about the Grammys and he looked on it. It's like, oh my god
12:14Affleck and Lopez divorced less than a year after the film's release. I think that's all you need
12:25Did your favorite ill-fated celebrity couple make the list tell us in the comment I wasted everyone's time
12:32You know, I wasted everyone's money. I wasted everyone's everything and I feel bad
12:36You don't think I feel bad
12:37Do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms
12:41Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
