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The Sex Education favourite is one of the new cast members to join 'The White Lotus' for it's third season, but don't expect an American accent. Report by Nelsonj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00I'm actually, I'm in The White Lotus. It was so, it was like the maddest experience.
00:04Now people think I can't do an American accent. I can do an American accent.
00:08It's the teeth. Like no Americans have my teeth.
00:11It was like a really weird, dysfunctional family.
00:14You know that you are one of my favourite people to talk to.
00:17You're mine.
00:17So, it's always lovely and I was so excited when I saw that you'd got the part in The White Lotus.
00:23Like so excited, but I imagine no one was more excited than you, right, to get that call up?
00:27Yeah, it was pretty amazing. It was pretty amazing and how it happened was so cool as well.
00:31I'd done my like call back and they said,
00:35oh you did a really good, I got my agents were like you did a really good job,
00:38but it might be a little while before we know because they're seeing other people
00:41and then the next day I was out with my friends and I went to the loo and I checked my phone
00:47and it came up maybe Mike White, you know when it says maybe.
00:50It says maybe Mike White and it was like can't wait to work with you and all these missed calls.
00:56I was like oh my god, I'm actually, I'm in The White Lotus.
00:59It was so, it was like the maddest experience ever.
01:01The best.
01:02But from what I've seen so far, I feel like I'm just watching you on screen.
01:07Does, is she very similar to you?
01:10She is so similar and I was like always watching The White Lotus going how would,
01:14what would be my in?
01:15I don't know where I want to be in this show because I'm such a fan,
01:18but I don't know where I'd fit.
01:20I can't see myself in it and then getting those audition sides through.
01:23And her talking about the astrology and the this and the that
01:26and I was like, okay, this might be my way in,
01:29but it's also like sometimes it's harder playing someone that's really close to you
01:34because it's way more vulnerable.
01:36Oh, yes.
01:37Like because you have to like instead of kind of, yeah,
01:40you've got to shed, basically all you're doing is shedding.
01:43And showing everyone essentially like who you are.
01:48So it's like it was quite a vulnerable experience because she was,
01:51obviously there are differences between us
01:53and I, Helen McCrory used to make like a list of similarities
01:57and differences between her and the character
01:59and then she'd often when she was struggling with the merge,
02:03when it gets a bit too close,
02:04she would go and look at the differences and be like,
02:07so that was quite helpful with Chelsea to be like,
02:08but what's different about me and Chelsea and going there,
02:12but there was so many natural just crossovers
02:16and you always kind of see it's a helpful thing to do when you get a part,
02:19to be like what resonates in me,
02:22but there was so much of her
02:24and I was like this might be quite a vulnerable experience
02:26because I think Mike does that though.
02:27I think Mike casts people that have the same essence as the character.
02:34She's so likable though.
02:35So at least like we know that we're going to like you.
02:38Oh, yeah.
02:39So that's good.
02:40She is, bless her.
02:41She's blessed.
02:43But what was this about the accent?
02:46Like they didn't like your American accent?
02:48Yeah, this is so, it's so funny how words just get twisted
02:51because now people think I can't do an American accent.
02:53I can do an American accent.
02:55I don't doubt you, I don't.
02:56But they might just wanted my Manchester one.
02:58So I did one tape in American and one tape in my own
03:02and he said let's just Manchester and he made it from Manchester.
03:05Exactly, you're bringing the British energy to the White Lotus.
03:08And it works, like it works for her I think,
03:11but yeah, my American accent,
03:13I also, I just don't think I look very American at all.
03:16You don't?
03:16Like at all.
03:17But saying that, I'm sure the time will come
03:20and you will very much disappear into your American role
03:23when the time comes.
03:24It's the teeth, like no Americans have my teeth.
03:27Oh my God, you need to get veneers, don't you?
03:30Because like that's, I think that genuinely is like one of the things,
03:33like I played an American in a play in Chicago.
03:36And this guy after in the bar was like,
03:38he was talking to me and I spoke to him and I spoke like this
03:40and he went, I knew it.
03:43I knew it because he was like your accent was great,
03:45but I knew you weren't American.
03:46Why did he just die?
03:47You just don't look American.
03:48Teeth, everyone always says it, don't they?
03:50It's the teeth that give us away.
03:51I'm like, well, sorry for having on.
03:53Yeah, yes.
03:56You were paired up with Walton Goggins in here though,
03:58who, I love him, he is hilarious.
04:00Was he as hilarious to work with?
04:02He's so, every day is an adventure with him.
04:06He is the most carpe diem person.
04:09I feel like you would also be like that though.
04:11But I'm a bit of a worrier
04:13and I'm a bit like, I can go very not present.
04:16I can space out and he's so present
04:20and everything was an adventure.
04:22Like, it was like, what's today going to be?
04:25It was just so exciting.
04:27Like, he approaches every day like it's the last day.
04:30Love that.
04:31And that is so fun to be around.
04:33It's great to be around people like that.
04:34Yeah, and such a contrast from his character as well.
04:36Like, it's kind of like...
04:38Very down.
04:39Yeah, yeah.
04:41But other than Walton, when you weren't with him,
04:44who were you hanging out with at this cast?
04:46Because it's an amazing cast.
04:47Yeah, everyone.
04:48Everyone is so incredible.
04:51But me and Lesley were like...
04:52Lesley Beard were like sisters
04:54and we spent so much time together
04:56and we did trips together.
04:57And we just...
04:58What did you guys do?
04:59We went to Tokyo,
05:00which was so amazing.
05:02Oh my God.
05:03The best place, because we were like,
05:04well, we're in Asia, so we should go to Japan
05:07because when are we going to be this close to Japan again?
05:10But it's actually still quite far.
05:12But it was the best time
05:14and we just hung out so much,
05:16like listening to music.
05:17Walton was there a lot too.
05:18We were a bit of a three.
05:20But Patrick was so...
05:23He was like...
05:24Honestly, like he brought me down.
05:26Like, it was like I was floating off
05:28and he would just be like,
05:28there you go, you're fine.
05:30Like, he's so steady and comforting
05:34and like...
05:35And then Nick, who plays Zion.
05:37But everyone, to be honest,
05:38the late like Michelle and Natasha and Carrie,
05:40like everyone, everyone.
05:42Charlotte, who plays Chloe.
05:44Because you're all living right at the hotel,
05:46so I imagine it's just a big party.
05:49It was a lot of...
05:51It was like a really weird, dysfunctional family.
05:56So dysfunctional.
05:56The best kind, the best kind.
05:59Did you make the most of being in Thailand?
06:02Like, there's a lot to do, to see, be adventurous.
06:06Did you do all of that?
06:08Yeah, yeah.
06:09I got quite like...
06:10Like, in my little room, it was so nice.
06:12It's like my little room in Koh Samui.
06:14But it was great when we moved to Fisherman's Village,
06:16which is like the main little strip in Koh Samui
06:19of like all the bars and the cafes.
06:20Because then I was like going out and doing normal things,
06:23like getting coffees and speaking to people
06:25that weren't in the cast and crew.
06:26And like, but Bangkok as well.
06:29It's the best city.
06:30I've never been, I'd love to go.
06:31It's the best city.
06:33There is this restaurant called Jua.
06:37And Far, who runs it, is the coolest Aquarius woman ever.
06:40We're good friends.
06:41Well, we made such, and we, like there was a point
06:44where like me, Walton, and Leslie were going like every night
06:46to this place, and they have the best whiskey sours
06:48and the best food that I've ever had in my whole life.
06:52You're doing a great job of selling it to me.
06:54It's the best place on earth.
06:55Like, I actually miss it.
06:56Like, sometimes at night, I'm like,
06:57please take me back to Bangkok.
06:58Oh my God.
06:59Well, we've got this to remember it by.
07:02At least.
07:03Like I said, I'm so happy to see you in here.
07:07To see you just like rising as you have from the very start.
07:10Like, it's so wonderful.
07:12And this is only going to do great things for you.
07:13So, I can't wait to see what comes next from you, Amy.
07:17Hopefully, we get to hear that American accent.
07:19I hope so.
07:20Very soon.
07:20If I can prove it.
07:21I haven't made you do it in here, so.
07:23No, no.
07:23And also, it would be that classic thing
07:25where I just completely mess up if I tried to do it now,
07:27and that would just not help my case at all.
07:29But it's coming, because this is just
07:30going to open even more doors.
07:32They've already seen how talented you are anyway, but.
07:35So, I'll get my fake teeth, and then I can play with you there.
07:37Fake teeth.
07:38There you go.
