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▌百秒AI报 ▌网传视频显示,1家位于雪邦的摊位,居然张贴着1张不卖玉米给“吉灵人”的“道歉告示”。大批网民抨击,小贩的行为涉及种族歧视。对此,掌管宗教事务的首相署部长纳因回应称…...

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#纳因 #小贩 #种族歧视 #玉米
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

🔴 更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Welcome to A.I. News. I'm Dai Yilin, your A.I. anchor.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news.
00:18A street vendor is selling roasted corn to people in Jilin.
00:21A video on the Internet shows that a stall in Xuebang
00:24actually posted an apology notice for not selling corn to people in Jilin.
00:28Many netizens criticized the vendor for racial discrimination.
00:32When the Minister of Religious Affairs, Na Ying, was interviewed,
00:36he again urged people to be cautious
00:39and not to instigate the anger of other races.
00:41People need to be careful.
00:44We don't want anything we say or do
00:48to anger other people.
00:52Respect is very much needed.
00:56The director of the Road Traffic Administration issued a notice today
00:59that the holder of a driver's license,
01:03can apply for a new driver's license
01:07through the Road Traffic Administration's official mobile app tomorrow.
01:10The notice pointed out that this new feature is for the convenience of the public,
01:13so that they don't have to go to the counter of the Road Traffic Administration in person.
01:16It is expected to attract 2.38 million people.
01:19The Indian capital, Sindhli Railway Station,
01:22was hit by an accident last night,
01:24killing at least 18 people.
01:26The scene at the time of the incident showed
01:28that the train station was crowded with people.
01:30A large number of passengers rushed onto the train,
01:33ready to participate in the world's largest religious celebration.
01:36After the incident, the scene was a mess.
01:39Some injured people were lying on the ground waiting for help.
01:42Indian Prime Minister Modi also expressed his pain for this matter through X platform.
01:46He emphasized that the authorities will do their best to help everyone.
01:49This is Weisheng.
01:51For more information,
01:53stay tuned for the latest news at 8pm tonight.
